Hai Long: "!"

She was startled when she felt the change in her eyes, then interrupted her roar without hesitation, rushed towards the ice dragon and the storm dragon, then held one in each hand, and rushed towards the sky city without looking back .

"You, you, what are you doing!?"

Because Hai Long is a friendly army, Storm Dragon did not resist her behavior, but said in a daze, "Why are you running?"

"Water, the water dragon can suppress me and Guy to join forces under the circumstances of similar strength, just, because he has been assimilating the sea area near the city with magic power all these years! In other words, the sea water near this place is his. arms--"

The sea is very fast, but fortunately, the enunciation is still clear, so that people can't understand, "And just now, he mobilized all the seawater under his control in one breath-the big one is coming!"

After listening to Hai Long's words, Storm Dragon couldn't help but turned his head, and looked in the direction of Water God Dragon, his scales opened in fright—

At this moment, the seawater was covering the water dragon's body, forming an extremely thick water shell, which made the water dragon, which was originally only a dozen meters long, look hundreds of meters in size.

"Is he crazy?"

The Storm Dragon watched his furious thunder strike on the head of the Water Dragon, but couldn't even penetrate the water shell. He couldn't help but said: "Even if the sea water has been infected by his magic power, it can't mobilize such power in one breath." There are so many ocean currents, can his body bear it?"

'Is that, blood? '

After the ice dragon saw traces of red blood escaping from the gaps in the scales of the water dragon, he said softly: "I can't stand it, it's already bleeding."

"So he is planning to risk his life with us?"

The storm dragon couldn't help complaining, and said, "Is it necessary? We are obviously just going to beat him up, okay?"

Ice Dragon:"……"

He glanced at the storm dragon and thought: "If you hadn't become angry from embarrassment, you would not have irritated the other party if you charged up and used a big move. '

At this moment, the storm dragon suddenly patted Hai Long's body hard, and said in a panic: "Safintra, speed up! Speed ​​up!! That kid is going to kill us—"

Hai Long took the time to look back, and was so frightened that he almost flew out of his guts—after the water god dragon barely adapted to the current state, it launched a self-destructive charge towards the sky city without hesitation.

Unfortunately, the sea, the ice and the storm dragon happened to be on his way.

"It has reached its limit—"

Xiao Hailong's tone was almost crying, "I, I'm not a dragon good at flying."

"I come--"

The storm dragon's mind moved, and the storm immediately formed a streamlined shell around Hai Long, causing her flying speed to increase a lot, "Safintra, work harder—!"

"I, I see—"

Hai Long really used all her energy this time, but she was not good at flying, so she was a bit slower in the face of the water dragon's suicide attack.

"Ice Dragon's—"

Looking at the Water God Dragon dump truck getting closer and closer, Ice Dragon took a deep breath, then opened his mouth wide: "Frozen Beam——"

"Storm Dragon's—"

The storm dragon opened its mouth almost at the same time, and spit out a whirlwind mixed with thunder: "Roar——"


Seeing this, the Water God Dragon let out a roar, and the sea water under him surged into the air immediately, blocking the roar of the Ice Dragon and the Storm Dragon, and the Water God Dragon himself took this opportunity to sprint, and further drew closer to him. The distance of the city in the sky.

"To suffer, to suffer, to suffer—"

The storm dragon felt that she could feel the water vapor on the giant water god dragon, she didn't care to continue to be graceful, she hurriedly turned around, and shouted: "Master, master, save me!!"

"I'm coming--"

Lin Qiong appeared behind the three dragons, dumbfounded. He raised his right hand towards the water dragon and said, "Actually, according to your speed, you can arrive at Sky City first about a second earlier. It doesn't matter if you don't shout." of."

The next moment, the water dragon, which was launching a suicide charge towards the sky city with all its strength, stagnated in mid-air without warning—as if someone had pressed the pause button on the movie screen.


After seeing Lin Qiong's actions, Baofeng's long eyes almost popped out, "How did the young master do it?"

If it is said that Lin Qiong resisted directly, then the storm dragon would at most smack his tongue and lament his physical fitness, but this gesture directly made the water dragon stop in midair, is it a bit...


"It's just a very simple trick."

Lin Qiong turned his head, smiled at Storm Dragon, and said, "I stopped the time of this space around him, that's all."

Storm Dragon: "..."

She glanced at the mighty water dragon, then at Lin Qiong who had completed the partial time pause within a tenth of a second, and couldn't help being silent for a few seconds before saying, "Master, you are the brother of the God of Time, right?" ?”

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He raised his left hand and rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "What you said seems to be okay!"

To be reasonable, with the current relationship between Lin Qiong and Kunolos, he can suspend the time of his offspring—the war concubine Timaria—in front of Kunolos, and then take out the big baby, in the Her face is painted bastard.

Lin Qiong shifted his gaze to the Water Divine Dragon, coughed slightly, and said, "Well, it's better to stop your moves first - this move puts too much strain on your body."

The next moment, an abyss-like magical power gushed out from Lin Qiong's body, enveloping the water dragon in front of him.

"I'm gonna start now--"



The Water God Dragon suddenly opened his eyes, and sat up from the bed with a "shua".

"I, I am..."

He clutched his forehead, and then tried his best to recall what happened just now, "I... Shouldn't I be using the ultimate shock to try to die with them?"

Why did I lie in this strange room in the blink of an eye! ?And what about my magic?What about the magic in me?How come there is only so little left? ?

The water dragon was as confused as a child who was hundreds of years old.

Chapter 0569 Lucy and Miraj Greatly Strengthened

Just when the Water God Dragon was doubting his life, worried that he would be beaten with a sap stick and his waist stabbed, a snow-white cat walked in through the door at a leisurely pace.

If the dormitory supervisor of Eden Academy saw the cat's steps, he would put his hands on the window sill and shout: "Elegant, so elegant!"

"It looks like you're awake?"

The know-it-all cat jumped onto the table, then lightly licked its paws, glanced at the water dragon lightly, and said, "Your suicide attack was blocked by A Qiong."

'Strange, so strange!My eyes tell me it's just an ordinary cat with nothing to hold back—'

The water dragon looked at the cat sitting on the table with suspicious eyes, full of confusion in his heart: "But my sixth sense is crazily warning me, as if this cat can tear me apart. '

Weird!He's a water dragon, right?How can one be afraid of a cat?

He shook his head, put these messy thoughts behind him, looked at the know-it-all cat and asked, "Who is A Qiong?"

"The master of the city in the sky."

The know-it-all cat stopped what he was doing, then looked at the water dragon with an angry look and killing intent, and said, "Can you stop showing such a scary expression? Otherwise, I can't help but teach you a lesson."

Water Dragon: "..."

The corners of his eyes twitched, and then he took a few deep breaths with some frustration, looked at Miss Know-it-all in front of him, and asked: "What on earth do you want to do?"

From the perspective of the water dragon, Sky City is really a bit of a bully.

"We're just here to see, 400 years later, how are you dragons who migrated to the Northern Continent doing—"

The know-it-all cat yawned softly, then tilted its head to look at the water god dragon, and said lazily: "Besides, what is wrong with you? Aren't you also a dragon who believes in the law of the jungle? After a few years of Shanlong, do you feel that you are really a good person?"

Which of the Six Divine Dragons of the Northern Continent did not rely on one battle after another to take this position?Everyone has been a thousand-year-old fox, so don't leave it here for chatting.

"You're right! The Melcophobia of the past was a man with blood on his hands."

The Water God Dragon sighed, then moved down from the bed, and said, "But now, I just want to live a peaceful life, so can you please stop bothering me?"

"You're so naive! You think you opened your mouth and said 'I want to live a peaceful life'—"

Miss Know-It-All shook her head. She chuckled and said, "Would the other dragons really smile at you and nod to you, and then present cakes and flowers, wishing you happiness and happiness for the rest of your life?"

Water Dragon: "..."


Thinking about that kind of scene makes his scalp numb!

"You're right! People can't help themselves in this world."

The water dragon took a deep breath, then stood up, walked to the bed, looked at Naz and the others who were training in the backyard, and said, "But what can I do? I can only bite the bullet and go on." .”

Other dragons will not stop encroaching on his territory because of his ideas, and it is impossible for him to let other dragons kill him because he does not want to fight.

"Well, what you said is quite reasonable! However, to solve this problem, there is actually a very simple way——"

Maomao, who knows everything, nodded his head, then looked at the water dragon with a smile, and asked, "Do you want to know?"

Water Dragon: "..."

He hesitated for two seconds, then nodded and said seriously: "Please enlighten me."

The know-it-all cat narrowed his eyes and said, "As long as all creatures in the entire Northern Continent are under the rule of Sky City, there will naturally be no more struggles, will there be?"

The water dragon stared wide-eyed: "!!"

"On the south side, there is a continent called Alakidasia! About 100 years ago, the black mage Jeref integrated all the more than 700 mage guilds on that continent, and established Alvarez, the super magic military empire spanning the entire continent."

The know-it-all cat shook its tail and said softly: "Because the entire continent is under the notice of the same force, the residents of the Alakidasia continent no longer have large-scale conflicts, and the continent has basically achieved peace." .”

The Water God Dragon couldn't help but pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I think I understand what you mean."

"Then, think about it carefully."

Miss Know-It-All took a look at the water dragon caught in the battle between heaven and man, and then gracefully jumped off the table and walked towards the outside of the house, but when she was about to walk out the door, she paused, turned her head, and blinked her eyes Said: "But as a friendly reminder, the only choices you can make are to agree readily, to agree after being beaten up, or to agree after being beaten up a lot."

Water Dragon: "..."

I really appreciate your reminder!


"What did you do?"

Lin Qiong reached out and hugged the know-it-all cat, and asked curiously, "Why did you come out now?"

"Do something else."

Know-it-all Maomao stretched out its pink tongue and licked Lin Qiong's side face, then said with a smile: "Compared to this, what you asked me to make has already been made."


Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and he raised the know-it-all cat with surprise on his face, and said, "Good guy! As expected of my Miss Know-it-all, can you even make that stuff?"

The Know-It-All Maomao didn't show any proud expression, but shook his head gently and said: "It's not genuine, it's just a shell! In essence, it still belongs to the category of magic weapon."

"It's not a big problem, just make it!"

Lin Qiong smiled and rubbed the know-it-all cat and cat, then walked out of the laboratory impatiently, and said, "Elbow! Let Miraj and Lucy try their new ship equipment!"

Just try it for 3 minutes and you'll love this gear just like I did!

Conquer the sand city, I am the only one!


Castle in the Sky.

Training Course.

"Hmm, good afternoon everyone—"

Lin Qiong held two "ammunition boxes" in his left hand, and there was a trace of expectation on his face, "I specially called everyone here today to show off. Miss Know-It-All, Miss Irene, Jeref and Mrs. Mebis The magical device created by joint efforts!"

Everyone clapped their hands unknowingly: "Papapa——"

Lin Qiong placed the firebox on the ground, then opened one of them and said, "First of all, please invite the owner of the magic device, Miss Milaje, to come forward -"

"Eh? Me?"

Milaj came forward with some embarrassment, then waved to everyone, and said, "Hey hey, then I'm not welcome."

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