"This is the Devil-Riser, the core component of the Magic Device."

Lin Qiong stuffed a magic device with a silver interior and a purple exterior into Milaj's hand, and said, "Stretch out your left hand and hold this place, right—"

Under Lin Qiong's guidance, Miraj squeezed the demon sublimator in his hand, then inserted a card with her photo printed on the surface into the sublimator, and whispered: "Demon sublimator, SetUp!"

With the pull of the trigger, Mebis' voice came from the demon sublimator: "Miraj, allow access—"

"This is the Devil-Madal, which contains the power of the devil!"

Lin Qiong handed the twelve medals to Mirajane and said with a smile: "Put the corresponding three medals into the sublimator, and they can evolve into the corresponding forms. They are the Alpha form that is good at speed, and the one that is good at strength. The beta form, the gamma form that is good at spells, and the delta form that consumes the most but is the strongest."

"Speed, strength, spells..."

After feeling the power contained in the twelve demon medals, Milaj couldn't help but took a deep breath, bent down seriously, and said, "Mr. Lin Qiong, thank you."

"Hey, don't talk about these ang--"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "This sublimator itself is an experimental product. I asked you to test its stability for me. Do you understand?"

Milaj couldn't help laughing, and said, "Yes, I know!"

"Uh huh, next is Lucy—"

Lin Qiong opened the second ammunition box, then waved to Lucy who couldn't wait, and said, "This is your magic weapon."

"I'm coming!!"

If Lucy is a dog girl, the tail behind her is definitely wagging very fast at this time, "Lin Qionggege! What have you prepared for me!"

Happy: "Lucy's voice, it's disgusting."

Naz: "Indeed."

Gray: "Indeed."

Gerald: "Cough cough cough."

"This is the core of your magic tool, called the Celestial-Spirit-Ring, and these thirteen cards are the Celestial-Spirit-Fusion-Card."

Lin Qiong handed the ring and card in his hand to Lucy, and said with a smile: "By combining the cards in two, you can add the power of the stars to yourself."

"Oh oh oh! It sounds so powerful—"

Lucy took the magic tool with bright eyes, then flipped through the cards in her hand impatiently, and said, "Leo, Akuya, Alyes... Eh? No. 13 is actually a star king card." !?"

"If Milaj's delta form is her strongest form, then the form using the Protoss King card is your strongest form—"

Lin Qiong smiled and patted Lucy on the shoulder and said: "I call it Celestial-Spirit-Origin. In this state, you can use the Celestial Holy Sword that contains the power of the stars. Celestial-Spirit-Calibur).”

Listening to Lin Qiong's description, Lucy opened her mouth wide in shock, and said, "This is too amazing⑧!? It's just the sound of nature!!"

Let's transform together, how about we become Protoss Ai Shalu together!

Chapter 0570 Lucy’s great victory

"Lucy, do you want to try the power of the Protoss Circle?"

Lin Qiong winked at Lucy, and said with a look of fear that the world would not be chaotic: "According to common sense, new powers will have a novice protection period, and using this power during this period is generally It won't be deflated!"

Lucy blinked her peas-eyed eyes, looked down at the protoss circle in her hand, and said, "Uh, this, this still counts..."

"Okay! Lucy, let's have a showdown!"

Before Lucy could express her stance, Natsu, who had long been unable to hold himself back, jumped out first.While moving his shoulders, he walked carelessly to the center of the arena with Lucy's expressionless expression on his face, and said with a fiery palm, "I won't show mercy!"

Lucy: "???"

May I ask you to show mercy? ? ?

She sighed helplessly, then raised the protoss ring in her left hand, and said, "Then I will do my best!"

"Oh, let the horse come here!"

Natsu crossed his hands in front of him, and shouted excitedly, "I'm on fire!"

Fuck you horse, it's on fire! !

"The magic that Natsu is good at is fire dragon-slaying magic, so I will have to——"

Lucy took a deep breath, then held up two Protoss cards.



"Lend me the power of water flow and physical skills!"


"Star Child Lucy Flowing Rock (Stellaris Lucy Aquarius Capricorn)!"

As Lucy sang, blue and brown light wrapped around Lucy's body, forming a set of handsome women's light armor, which made her figure extremely handsome.


Kana on the side saw this scene, and her saliva almost flowed out, "Isn't this too, too, too, too handsome!?"

Wendy on the side also nodded vigorously, looking at the heroic Lucy with fluttering eyes: "Yeah! Miss Lucy, so handsome!"

Even Kana and Wendy, who are girls, sighed like this, let alone Gajeel, Gray, and Sting, who are boys—even Laxus and Gerald Showed an envious expression.

Please, that boy can resist this transformation! ?

"Okay, so handsome!!"

Naz also couldn't resist, he couldn't help but rushed in front of Lucy, then touched the price on Lucy with bright eyes, and said: "What is this!? What is this!! This is too handsome! !!!”

Lucy: "!!"

She punched out almost instinctively, and screamed: "Don't touch people casually!!"


Naz only had time to let out a muffled groan before being punched in the face by Lucy, and then, amidst the stunned expressions of everyone, flew out in a whirl and fell to the ground.

Wendy: "Na, Nazgo, was, was punched flying?"

Gray: "And by Lucy?"

Lucy is a protoss mage, a type who doesn't have much combat power and mainly relies on the summoned protoss to fight - but now, the summoner punched Naz, the fire dragon slayer, with a punch! ?

I am a tortoise!

"Okay, amazing!"

Even Lucy showed a shocked expression. She lowered her head and looked at her hands wearing alloy gauntlets, and said with fluttering eyes, "I was able to beat Natsu away!"

"It doesn't count, the one just now doesn't count!! I was careless just now, I didn't flash—"

At this time, Naz jumped up from the ground with a carp, rubbed his side face, and said, "Lucy, I won't be hit so easily by you again!"

"Hey, let me set a small goal first—"

Probably the punch just now gave Lucy a sliver of confidence. After she assumed a fighting stance, she said with a sassy smile, "Punch Naz again!"

"It's not that simple. Take the move——"

Natsu took a deep breath, then clenched his fists in front of his mouth and growled, "The roar of the fire dragon!!"

"Then I'll--"

Lucy put her hands in the shape of calyx in front of her body, and said in a low voice, "Water fluctuations!"

The rippling water ball shot out from the palm of the hand, and then collided with Natsu's roar in mid-air, stirring up water vapor all over the sky!

"Oh! Lucy, it's amazing—"

Seeing his snarl being blocked by Lucy, Natsu shouted happily: "However, it won't be so easy in the future—"

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, turned into an arrow that left the string and rushed towards Lucy on the opposite side - his attitude of ignoring the hot water vapor made people feel that the dragon slayer is Pishi.

"Accept the move—!!"

Natsu raised his right fist angrily, and roared, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"

'There's no need to confront him head on -'

Lucy's eyes were firmly fixed on Natsu. At this time, not only did she not panic at all, but she had a strange calmness, "Just..."

The next moment, Lucy moved.

She stretched out her left hand first, and grabbed Naz's right wrist precisely, then turned around on the spot, and while shedding Naz's strength, she grabbed his collar with her right hand.



With a muffled sound, Natsu was thrown to the floor by Lucy with his eyes straightened.

Hubby's frightened eyeballs almost popped out: "Nah, Natsu was thrown to the ground by Lucy!?"

Gray said with a look of disbelief on his face: "Hang yourself, you're not letting yourself go, are you?"

"I didn't turn on the water—"

Naz rubbed his back and got up from the ground, then clenched his fist with a look of displeasure, and muttered, "It's strange, why can't the strength come out?"


Lucy let out a breath slowly, then looked at her hands with a little excitement, and murmured: "Could it be that I am stronger than Natsu in this state!?"

Natsu: "?!"

He can bear this wronged! ?

"If you don't understand, do it again!!"

Natsu stepped on the ground again, charged towards Lucy brazenly, and shouted: "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"

Facing Natsu's attack, Lucy first raised her left hand to block his right fist, and then struck him in the abdomen with an elbow. Then she turned her right hand upward and hit Natsu's chin with her palm. Once, he pushed it into the air. Finally, he reached out and grabbed his ankle, spun it around in place for more than ten times, and threw it out with all his strength.

A set of combos can be described as smooth and flowing, so that Natsu couldn't even find the north.

"Puff puff--"

Natsu's body hit the ground of the training ground more than a dozen times before it landed, making everyone else's jaws almost drop to the ground.

Happy: "Natsu, Natsu is down again!?"

Gray: "What's going on!?"

Gajeel: "Fire Dragon, you haven't eaten, have you?"

"You guys are so noisy—!!"

Natsu rubbed his chin and sat up from the ground, then looked at Lucy angrily, and shouted, "Lucy! I won't be careless again!!"

"Come on, Natsu-"

Successive gains gave Lucy confidence. She waved to Naz and said, "Don't be easily beaten by me again!"

"It's not that simple!!"

Natsu roared, and the blazing flames wrapped around his right foot, and he rushed towards Lucy like a discharged cannonball: "Fire Dragon's Hook!!"

Facing Naz's menacing attack, Naz still did not choose to confront head-on, but gracefully sideways avoided Naz's attack, and with the help of turning around, a powerful roundabout kick hit Naz's face .


Natsu covered his face with his hands and rolled on the ground, grinning and said, "Why, why can't I hit Lucy at all!?"

"Because Naz's movements are so straightforward, there is no change at all."

Lucy's face was still flushed with excitement, and she said happily: "Maybe I can really beat Natsu??"

"What a joke!"

Naz was a master who refused to admit defeat at all. He got up from the ground again, and then launched another attack on Lucy, saying: "I am not defeated so easily!!"

So, in the next 15 minutes, Lucy staged a complete physical crushing exercise. She directly beat Natsu from all angles and in the form of forehand and backhand education. forgotten.


Natsu fell to the ground again, then looked at the blue sky with confused eyes, and murmured doubtfully: "Why, why is this happening? For the first time, Lucy has new power. For once, I can have a showdown with Lucy. The two pleasant things are intertwined and should bring even greater happiness——"

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