However, Natsu, who was in a state of being beaten the whole time without hitting Lucy, couldn't be happier.

"Just here."

Lin Qiong walked over, looked at Naz with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said, "It seems that in a normal sparring situation, Naz is not Lucy's opponent."

It's a different matter if it's a life-and-death battle - because you never know when he will shout "Because I am a wizard from Fairy Tail", and then under the background of the BGM, the explosion will directly kill you Fell to the ground.

Idealism can't be hurt by magic, it really can't be hurt.

What?Lucy is also the wizard of Fairy Tail?

That's fine.

"It seems to say, this time is my victory!?"

Lucy pointed her face with her fingers excitedly. After getting Lin Qiong's affirmation, she immediately jumped up excitedly and said, "I defeated Natsu! I defeated Natsu—"

"Lucy! Let's have a showdown with me—"

Gray rushed in front of Lucy and said excitedly, "Lucy defeated Natsu, and if I beat Lucy again, rounding it up, wouldn't it be that I am stronger than Natsu?"

"Hee hee, if you want to fight, fight me first!"

Gajeel pushed Gray away, then looked at Lucy excitedly, and said, "I want to prove that an iron dragon is a hundred times stronger than a fire dragon!!"

"No, no, you should fight me—"

Sting squeezed in front of Gajeel, then looked at Lucy expectantly, and said, "Senior Lucy, please fight me to win!!"

Lucy: ヽ(Д)ノ

Thanks to the confidence brought by defeating Naz, Lucy made a pair of fists in front of her, and then with a smile on her face, she said loudly: "Okay! Let's go!!"

Chapter 0571 I am a fresh and good young man

"Stop it, friend, stop it—"

Looking at the enthusiastic crowd, Lin Qiong couldn't help pouring cold water on him and said, "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry!"


All of a sudden, it was like stabbing Chubby's nest, and six or seven pairs of big eyes looked at him sadly, sadly and tactfully, as if they were blaming him for interrupting the nature of their discussion.

Lin Qiong: "?"

Hey, I have a bad temper, I can spoil you! ?

He raised his hand and knocked over one by one.

"Watch me, huh?"

"Look at me, right?"

"Look at me, right?"

"It's a showdown, right?"

"Let the horse come over, shall we?"

Lin Qiong looked at the people squatting on the ground holding their foreheads, grinning and gasping for breath, and said angrily: "Lucy is not the only one who has obtained the magic device. You can't just look at her, right?" wrong?"

Everyone: "!"

After getting the reminder, everyone immediately set their sights on a receptionist of the Fairy Tail Union who did not want to reveal his name.

"That's right! Miraj also got the same magic device..."

"Idiot, it's different!"

"That's right, Lucy's is a ring, and Miraj's is a sublimator!"

"Roadless race! Anyway, that's it—"

After a few words of quarrel, they put eyes full of curiosity and expectation on Miraj.

"Eh? Are you looking forward to my magic device?"

Miraj raised the sublimator in his hand, smiled softly and dotingly, and said, "Okay, then I'll try it out for a little while."

Everyone immediately cheered: "Oh oh oh!"


Mirajane looked at the demon medal in his hand. After thinking for a few seconds, he made a decision. He put the three demon medals into the grooves one after another and whispered: "Transform! Demon Mirajane... Devil-Mirajane Alpha-Edge!"

The next moment, three purple-black beams emerged from the sublimator, and then penetrated into Miraj's body, forming a set of slim-fitting light armor.

"It's amazing, it's another transformation!"


"Although I don't know if it's strong or not, it's really handsome!"

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Miraj, who had completed his transformation, jumped on the spot a few times, then punched and kicked, adapting to the strength of the Alpha Blade.

"How, Miraj—"

At this time, Laxus unbuttoned his clothes, then walked forward with faint excitement, and said, "Do you want to have a long-lost sparring with me?"

Gray: "Oops, got preempted!"

Gajeel: "Too cunning!"

Kana: "Forget it, you two! Laxus and Miraj are both S-level mages, so of course it's up to them to compete!"

"I have nothing to say."

Milaj clenched his fist lightly, and then said with some trouble: "However, the increase in the ability of this form is very exaggerated. I haven't been able to control it well yet, and I am a little worried that it will hurt you."

"Hey, why do you look down on me so much that you say such things?"

Laxus showed a surprised expression, he glanced at Miraj with a strange expression, and said, "If you can do it, just try it!"


Milaj smiled softly, then put his hands up and down in a fighting posture, and said, "Then, please give me your advice, Laxus!"

"Let the horses come!"

Laxus opened his hands and said loudly: "Let me see your power in this form!!"

"Then, come on—"

Milaj kicked his right foot on the ground, and his body turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Laxus. Then, he tapped the ground with his toes and rose into the air. A powerful whip leg was accompanied by a "pop" air burst With a sound, he pulled towards Laxus' head.

Laxus' eyes narrowed suddenly, and he exclaimed in his heart: "What a fast speed——"

In a hurry, he raised his right hand without hesitation, trying to block Milaj's whip leg with the outside of his arm.


Accompanied by Milaj's low shout, she slammed Laxus' arm with her right foot, and her force was so great that it directly moved Laxus' body several meters horizontally.

"Hiss! Mirajane, is your form really focused on speed?"

Laxus shook his numb left hand from the kick, looked at Miraj in front of him with a grin, and said, "Why do I think it is more like a form that focuses on strength?"

"However, it's really an alpha form with increased speed."

Milaj waved his hand in embarrassment, and guessed: "Maybe it's because its foundation enhancement is very high, so even the speed form has good power?"

"Hiss, this magic weapon is a bit powerful."

Laxus moved his wrist in surprise, and then showed a combative expression, and said: "It seems that I can fight as much as I want!"




Lin Qiong stood next to the training ground, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and said helplessly, "Sure enough, civil war is a part of Fairy Tail. Don't play if you're unhappy."

"But I see you are enjoying it~"

The know-it-all cat squatted on Lin Qiong's shoulder, glanced at him gently, and joked: "It's a pity that it didn't go as you wished."

Lin Qiong: "!?"

He stammered and said, "What, what do you want? You, don't slander me!"


Know-it-all Mao Mao frowned slightly, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to see beautiful girls fight!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

'Goo, no, as expected of the know-it-all cat who knows me best—'

Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead due to guilty conscience, then sneered, and said, "Hmph, I, I am a fresh, upright, and full of integrity Master Lin Qiong! Why would you want to see beautiful girls fighting?" ?”

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded perfunctorily, then yawned lazily, and said, "It seems that this battle will take a long time—"

"This one……"

Lin Qiong glanced at Milaj and Laxus who were fighting fiercely, then at Geral who was beside him, and Gajiru and others who were eager to try, couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, and said : "Indeed, you are right."

If nothing else happens, Milaj and Lucy will spend the rest of the time with challengers one after another—but they should enjoy it, right?

After all, this is the new power jaw of the ship!

"So, do you want to meet the Water Divine Dragon?"

The know-it-all cat lightly swept Lin Qiong's cheeks with its tail, and said with a smile, "You don't want to miss a new dragon, this city lord, do you?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at the know-it-all cat on his shoulder with question marks all over his head, and said, "When did you go to study in Japan?"


"Hey what is it!!"


Water Dragon's room.

"Yo, it looks like you're recovering pretty well—"

Lin Qiong leaned against the door frame, knocked lightly on the door, and said to the water dragon sitting by the bed, "Can you come in?"

The Water God Dragon smiled wryly and said, "This is your territory, there is no need to ask me."

"You can't say that, we value privacy here, so you can hide the photo of the beautiful young lady under the bed, on the top of the bookcase or under the drawer—"

Lin Qiong shook his head, then walked into the room, sat on the edge of the table, and said with a smile: "Also, have you eaten? Do you want some snacks?"

Know-it-all cat: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong who took out a piece of dried chicken from his arms, and couldn't help complaining: "First, why are you so skilled at hiding little Liu Bei? Second, why are you so poor at hiding little Liu Bei? Finally, You didn't ask me if I wanted to eat snacks before you ate them? Did you lose your feelings? Did you lose me in your heart? "

Lin Qiong: "???"

He froze for a moment, then took out the half-gnawed chicken jerky from his mouth with a blank expression, and handed it to Maomao, the know-it-all, and said, "Then, do you want to eat it?"

Know-it-all Maomao glanced at the chicken jerky stained with crystal clear saliva, was silent for a few seconds, then looked away, and said, "Well, since you have treated me so kindly, then I will not be polite."

Water Dragon: "..."

He hesitated to speak, and looked at the know-it-all cat Maomao, and then silently closed his mouth under the threatening eyes of the other party.

Forget it, I don't know anything.


At this time, a wafer biscuit and a Snickers bar were handed in front of the water dragon.He raised his head and saw Lin Qiong's smiling face: "It's still early for dinner, so eat something to fill your stomach, don't be hungry."


The Water God Dragon smiled wryly, then took the snacks that Lin Qiong handed over, tore open the packaging bag, took a deep breath, and said, "Thank you—"

"It's okay, it's poisoned inside."

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