

"Cough cough cough-"

The Water God Dragon clutched his throat and coughed embarrassingly. He looked at Lin Qiong who was smirking speechlessly, couldn't help covering his forehead, and said, "You really know how to do this." matter."

If you think about it carefully, the dragons in the Northern Continent will be gang-beaten in 400 years. Isn't it the young man with a smirk sitting in front of him who is the instigator? ?

"I always feel that you have some misunderstandings about me."

Lin Qiong frowned, and then said seriously: "Actually, I am a fresh, upright, sassy, ​​innocent, simple, and good-natured young man!"

Water Dragon: "..."

He opened his mouth, then nodded his head with difficulty, and said word by word, in pain: "I—— believe—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and then covered his face under the eyes of the know-it-all cat who couldn't help laughing: "You look like you've been beaten into a trick, it's better to just say you don't believe it." '

Chapter 0572 world conquest plan? !

"What do you think about what I told you?"

After the know-it-all cat and cat ate up Lin Qiong's remaining half of the chicken jerky, he used his cat's claws to groom his soft hair, and asked lazily: "Mr. Water God Dragon, you don't want the humans under your command to Was it attacked by other dragons?"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

He stared wide-eyed at Miss Know-it-all beside him, and couldn't help asking: "My dear Miss Know-it-all, have you watched anything strange recently?"

"A person with a strange mind sees everything strange!"

Know-it-all Maomao pushed Lin Qiong's face with a meat ball angrily, and said, "My dear Mr. host, I am just a very normal negotiation term-you are a serious person from the Celestial Dynasty, don't be full of brains!" It's all Japanese thinking!"

"I call it learning international advanced ideas, okay?"

Lin Qiong tidied up his clothes solemnly, and said righteously: "This is called mastering the skills of barbarians to control barbarians!"

A question mark popped out of the know-it-all Maomao's head, and she complained, "I don't want to talk about you whether you are Yi or Yi!"

"This, only children make choices——"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then stretched out his right hand, grabbed it hard, and said, "And I want it!"

The know-it-all cat glanced at Lin Qiong and sneered: "You're weird!"

"Hey, what are you talking about—"

Lin Qiong was in a hurry at the time. He patted the table and cursed and said something incomprehensible, such as "Speaking harshly is not a joke", "Playing tricks... Can you call talking tricks?" Li was suddenly full of joy.

Water Dragon: "..."

He, are they chatting with some mysterious spell from ancient times?Why do I know every word separately, but when they are put together, I can't understand a word?


"Ahem, okay, okay—"

Lin Qiong, who realized that he couldn't tell a know-it-all cat, coughed twice decisively, and then blatantly changed the subject, "Mr. Mel Cofobia, what did my cat tell you?"

Water Dragon: "?"

'Now cats will take the initiative to recruit subordinates for the owner without knowing it? '

He sighed inwardly, and then said calmly: "She told me that if I really want to live a peaceful life, the best way is to join you and wait until the Sky City conquers the entire Kirutina Continental, the peace I expect will come."


Lin Qiong turned his head suddenly and sprayed the Wangzai milk in his mouth onto the wall next to him. Then, with questions on his head, he moved his eyes back and forth on the bodies of Know-It-All Maomao and Water Shenlong: "No, when did I say that I How about conquering the continent of Cherutina?”

"You didn't say it, I said it."

The know-it-all cat blinked her eyes, flicked her tail innocently, and said, "I just feel that the efficiency of collecting magic is a bit low now! Just imagine, if we conquered the world, wouldn't all Will all the magic of the world be placed in front of me, allowing me to choose?"

Water Dragon: "..."

Just, for such a simple reason, are you going to persuade your city lord to conquer the world? ?No, in your eyes, conquering the world is just a joke! ?

Lin Qiong: "..."

He opened his mouth hesitantly, and then said with admiration: "To be able to think of such a simple and quick way to collect magic, you are indeed a jack-of-all-trades!"

How to sit and enjoy the top luxury car?Just conquer the world...

How to marry your own goddess?Just conquer the world...

If you live in a luxury villa?Just conquer the world...


"Hmph, as expected of me!"

The know-it-all cat raised his head proudly, then tilted his head to look at Lin Qiong, and said, "So, my dear Mr. Host, you will support my decision, right?"

"Since it is my dear Miss Know-It-All's decision—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said, "Then I'll just conquer the world."

"Well, don't you two think it's too easy to conquer the world?"

Water Shenlong twitched the corner of his mouth. He felt that he couldn't hold it any longer. "Let's not talk about other issues. Do you have the confidence to withstand the black dragon's attack after conquering the world? Don't forget, you have so many people under your hands. dragon--"

"Actually, when Sky City first arrived at Kirutina, Igonia took the initiative to attack us and told us that after 400 years of training, the strength of the six dragons has surpassed that of Akunologia .”

Lin Qiong propped his chin with his hands, looked at the Water God Dragon with a puzzled face, and pretended to be dazed and said: "So, if we really conquer the world, wouldn't it be good to just send the Six God Dragons to deal with the Black Dragon?"

"Mr. City Lord, please stop teasing me - Tempest has already told me about your meeting with Igunia. She also told me that you have already beaten Igunia."

The Water God Dragon glanced at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "So, you have long understood that the strength of our Six God Dragons is only greater than that of the Black Dragon 400 years ago, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, you are much more sober than that idiot Igunya."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, and muttered regretfully: "Termpest's big mouth, I thought I could scare you, making you think that I was going to let the six dragons deal with the black dragon."

Water Dragon: "..."

He didn't understand, how could someone be so bad?

"Don't worry! If the black dragon strikes, I will take action—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the Water Divine Dragon lightly, then used his fingers to tease Feng Wang, who jumped from his head to the table, and said: "A mere black dragon is not worth mentioning in front of me, just raise your hand... Ouch! Let go!" , please let go of me——"

Lin Qiong frantically swung his right hand, trying to throw Feng Wang who was biting his finger precisely, but he really underestimated Feng Wang's bite force.

Water Dragon: "..."

He twitched the corners of his eyes, then looked at the know-it-all cat and cat squatting next to him with desperate eyes, and said, "Can I really trust him?"

"Do you have a second choice?"

The know-it-all cat gave him a strange look, and said, "Have you forgotten, what are the three choices I gave you?"

Water Dragon: "..."

How could he forget that outrageous choice? ?

He just felt that the number of times he was speechless in the past few minutes was more than the sum of his entire life! !

"By the way, I personally suggest you choose the second or third option——"

Know-it-all Maomao looked at Water Dragon with malicious eyes, and said: "Because some members of Sky City are about to mold and grow mushrooms in their idle time, so if you let them move around, they will definitely thank you. "

"Forget it, I don't like being beaten."

The Water God Dragon smiled wryly, stood up, bent towards Lin Qiong, and said softly, "I hope you can really bring peace to this land."


"Everyone, let's welcome the Water God Dragon Melcophobia—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and said, "Applause! Clap, clap, clap—"

"Oh oh oh-"

The other members sitting below cheered out of face, and warmly welcomed the new companion.

"Lord Melkoverbia, what is going on!?"

The beautiful girl standing beside the water dragon couldn't help but put her hands on the glasses on her face, and asked with a hint of panic, "Why did you suddenly join such an organization!?"

"Okay, Calamir, calm down."

Water God Dragon showed a gentle smile towards his little secretary, and said: "The most important thing now is to enjoy the banquet, and I will explain it to you after everything is over."


Calamiel puffed up his mouth and said, "Okay, okay, then I'll..."

"I say--"

At this moment, a young man with cherry-colored short hair approached the Water God Dragon with a smile on his face, and asked curiously, "Who is stronger, you or Igonia?"

"So rude!"

Calamir glared at Natsu aggressively, and said, "When facing Lord Water Dragon, remember to..."

"Well, well, Calamir, he meant no harm—"

The water dragon comforted his excited little girl, and after she calmed down, she looked at Naz and said, "Igonia should be stronger."

"It really is like this! After all, he is Ignilu's child——"

Naz looked very excited, he leaned in front of the water dragon, and said with bright eyes: "Then can you fight with me!?"

Water Dragon: "!?"

How is the child's thinking circuit connected?Why is the topic of jumping so strong? ?

"Natsu, don't trouble others!!"

At this time, Lucy grabbed Natsu by the collar, dragged him towards the table of Fairy Tail, and said angrily: "You should defeat me first before you think about challenging the dragon!"

"it is good--"

When Naz heard this, he immediately jumped up from the ground, then rushed towards Lucy, and said, "Let's decide the outcome, Lucy! The iron fist of the fire dragon—"

"Hey! Wait, wait! Wait for me to transform... Wow!"

Lucy, who was hit by Natsu's punch, screamed, then rolled and flew towards Fairy Tail, like a big bowling ball, knocking Gray, Milaj, Juvia, Kanna and others all over the place.

"Wow ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing this scene, Naz suddenly let out a wild laugh with his hands on his hips: "It's my victory!"


Gray gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, then rushed towards Naz and said, "If you want to fight, I will accompany you!!"

"Master Gray, Juvia will help you—"

Juvia followed closely behind and rushed towards Natsu.

“Count me in too!!”

Lucy also raised the protoss circle, and without hesitation evolved into the form of flowing water and rocks, and said, "How dare you attack me, accept the move—"

Kana also rolled up her sleeves, shouted and rushed over, saying, "And me! Fairy's brilliance—"

All of a sudden, the whole backyard became lively.

Chapter 0573 Dragon Devourer Guild

"How about it, are they startled by Natsu's movement?"

The Purgatory Dragon sat down beside the Water God Dragon carelessly, then handed over a glass of beer under Calamir's dissatisfied eyes, and said, "That group of kids have always been like this, just get used to it, hahaha!"

The water dragon reached out to take the wine glass, took a sip, and said softly, "They are a group of very lively children."

Calamir: "Watch!"

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