"Lively is a good thing, but too lively can also be a headache."

Purgatory Dragon shook his head slightly, and said helplessly: "These little guys make such a fuss almost every day."

The water dragon was shocked: "Every day?"

Purgatory Dragon nodded: "Every day!"

Water Shenlong couldn't help but sigh: "That is indeed a bit too lively."

"Whenever they make a fuss, they have to fight for at least a few hours!"

Purgatory Dragon threw a squid whisker into his mouth, chewed it, and said, "Take it as a daily pastime—look, isn't it different to watch them fight while eating snacks like this?" Flavor?"

Following the example of the Purgatory Dragon, the Water God Dragon pinched a squid tentacle and put it in his mouth, then squinted his eyes and said, "It feels a little bit."

Calamir: "Look!!"

"But one thing to say, you are really lucky!"

The Purgatory Dragon shook his head and sighed, "You are the first dragon to join the Sky City of Kiruti."

Water Dragon: "???"

"I'm supposed to be unlucky, right?"

He looked at the Purgatory Dragon dumbfounded, and complained: "After the young master came to Kirutina, the first target was me."

"No, no, no, this is luck."

The Purgatory Dragon patted the Water God Dragon on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Let the senior who has come here teach you some life experience!"

Water Dragon: "..."

He rolled the corners of his eyes, and said a little bit dumbfoundingly: "Just talking, let me hear what life experience you have."

"400 years ago, I was the second dragon to join the Sky Castle after Berserion."

The Purgatory Dragon showed a meaningful smile at the Water God Dragon, and said, "That is to say, all the dragons who joined after me have been beaten by me—although it was in a group fight."

Water Dragon: "!!!"

He slowly opened his mouth wide and said, "I think, I probably understand what you mean."

"Hey, it's good to understand."

The Purgatory Dragon nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smirk, "Did you start looking forward to it all of a sudden?"

"It's a little bit."

The water god dragon coughed lightly, and then said with a reserved face: "But I just hope that the young master can conquer the Kirutina continent as soon as possible."

Absolutely not wanting to gang up on the other dragons, absolutely not!

Calamir: "Watch!!!"

"Calamil, why have you been using—


——Looking at me like this? "

Water Shenlong glanced at Karamir beside him, imitated the other person's eyes, and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Can you answer my doubts?"

"Lord Melcophorbia——"

Calamiel looked at the squid whiskers in the left hand of the water dragon and the beer mug in his right hand, and couldn't help wiping the tears from the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said, "It's fun to become a strange alcoholic uncle."


The Purgatory Dragon on the side burst out laughing at that time, "Hahahaha, alcoholic, alcoholic uncle! Hahaha, and, and also a strange alcoholic uncle, hahaha——"

"You don't have to laugh like that, do you?"

The Water God Dragon glanced at Purgatory Dragon speechlessly, then shook the cup towards Calamir, and said, "There's still half a cup left, so don't drink it after finishing it, is that okay?"

Kara Milton nodded happily and said, "Yeah! My lord, what else do you want to eat? I'll get you some more!!"

Water God Dragon smiled softly: "The dishes here are all good, you can take some of what you like."

Karamil stood up: "Then let me get you some meat and seafood!"

Water God Dragon nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

After Calamir left, the Purgatory Dragon approached the Water God Dragon with a strange expression on his face, and said, "You guy, are you being controlled to death by a human?"

The Water God Dragon smiled and said, "She is also kind to me."

The purgatory dragon wrinkled its nose, then stood up, shaking its head and walked towards the other dragons.

In addition-

Standing aside, Habi was looking in the direction of the Water Dragon with a wicked smile on his face, curling his tongue and saying, "One leg~~"

Water Dragon: "..."

What's up with this cat! ?



"Master Water God, be careful on the road—"

"Wuuuuuu, water, Lord Water God, you must come back—"

"We will miss you, Lord Water God!!"

Listening to the shouts from the residents of Elumina behind him, Lin Qiong looked at the Water Dragon beside him with a teasing look, and joked: "You are quite popular with them."

"Perhaps it is because of their attitude towards me..."

The Water God Dragon turned his head, glanced at the city behind him, and said softly: "I will change."

"It's good, they changed you, and you protected them."

Lin Qiong patted Shui Shenlong on the shoulder, then raised his right hand and said loudly: "Next, Central Metropolis Delasi Road!!"


Accompanied by the cheers of the dragons and Fairy Tails, the Sky City slowly lifted off and flew towards the center of the Northern Continent.

"Ah! By the way, Natsu, I've been meaning to ask you a question, but keep forgetting—"

Suddenly, Lucy tapped her palm, turned her head, looked at Natsu who was spitting flames with suspicious eyes, and said, "You dragon slayers, shouldn't you faint the vehicle? Why have you never seen you faint in the Sky City?"

Natsu: "!?"

Wendy: "!?"

Sting: "!?"

Several dragon slayer wizards on the training ground showed shocked and puzzled expressions at that time. They looked at each other neatly, jumped up neatly on the spot, tilted their heads neatly, and said neatly: "Yes! Oh! Why don't you faint—"

Lucy complained: "Is it necessary for you to be so tidy? Is it an appointment?"

Happy held his little hand in his mouth and asked strangely: "But why doesn't Natsu faint? It's so strange."

"That's because the magic circle running inside the Sky City has been optimized for dragon slayers."

At this time, Irene, who was holding a staff, walked over gracefully, then poked the staff in her hand on the ground, thrust her left hand into her waist, and said with a reserved and proud expression: "By the way, this Optimization is what I came up with."

Lucy: "Ah..."

Speaking of which, the ancestor of the dragon slayer seems to be the red-haired big sister in front of him?That is to say...

Lucy said subconsciously: "Eileen Sang, did you vomit a lot back then?"

Erin: "!?"

Her face turned red and she stammered: "Pucking, who vomited? When the Dragon Slayer Mage fainted on a vehicle, can that be called vomiting?"

Then came the difficult words, such as "the influence of the power of the dragon on the body", "mature dragon slayers should learn to faint in vehicles" and so on, which caused everyone to laugh, and the training ground was full of joy. air.



the other side.

Dragon Eater Guild Diablos.

"Crunch, crunch—"

The creepy chewing sound echoed in the dark, empty hall.

The person who made this sound was the guild leader [Dragon Slayer of the Four Beast Dragons] Georg Layson!He has an extraordinary food intake, physical fitness and amazing wildness, which can be called a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

Lin Qiong's comment: One look at Ding Zhen, he is a standard brainless muscular villain!


The president stopped chewing, looked down at the slender man wearing a bone armor, grinned and asked, "How is your collection of the information I asked you to collect?"

Scario Radar, the dragon slayer of the skeletal dragon, can turn himself or his companions into flying ash for long-distance rapid movement, and can also break down enemies and their attacks into fine ash.

Lin Qiong’s comment: It’s an easy-to-use mobile tool, but it’s not as good as Palkia.

"According to the latest information, Vulcan Dragon appeared on the coast not long ago, but disappeared again—"

Kai Mie bowed slightly, and reported his work seriously: "The Water God Dragon clashed with an unknown dragon on the coast of El Mina, and finally disappeared."

"Unknown dragon?"

The president who was lying sideways on the main seat sat up straight, then showed an interested expression, and asked, "Is it an unrecorded dragon?"

Li Mie nodded lightly and said, "Exactly."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, interesting, so interesting!"

The president suddenly showed a ferocious smile, and drops of saliva dripped down his sharp teeth onto the ground, "An unknown, brand new dragon that can fight the water dragon—hahaha! Doesn't this mean Now, can we have more new companions?"

"that is really good--"

A "serious and solemn" man who looked like the solemn Buddha in the temple nodded solemnly and said, "The guild can become stronger again."

He is the dragon slayer of the armored dragon, Madmore, who possesses amazing defensive power, and can withstand the attacks of Natsu during the century-old mission without changing his face.

Lin Qiong's comment: It is a strong sandbag!

"it is good!"

The president slammed the table in front of him, causing the steaks on it to fly up, and then fell back onto the plate with a bang, "Gilia, Madmore, Scarlio! The hunting of new dragons, just Leave it to the three of you!"

Ji Liya, the dragon slayer of the blade dragon, can cut off various substantive or even conceptual "things"-for example, cut off your "strength" or "belief".

Lin Qiong's comment: She can make you not have that kind of worldly desire, she is the natural enemy of lsp (sure)

In addition, it is a character who cannot pass the trial, so there is no picture of her

"Yes!" x3

Kai Mie, Kai Mie, and Ren Mie knelt on the ground at the same time, and replied loudly.

"Also, don't mess up the mission—"

The president stared at the three people below with wild eyes, and said in a suffocating voice: "Otherwise, I will be very disappointed."

"...Yes!!" x3

After a brief silence, the three of them responded with louder voices than before, and then turned into fly ash under the ability of the skeleton, and disappeared into the guild.

The Dragon Eater Guild is officially dispatched!

Chapter 0574 Is it?I do not believe

"Central Metropolis De La Si Road!"

"It is the largest and most prosperous city in Kirutina—"

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