"But in fact, it is a city built on the right hand of the wood god dragon Alderon!"

"And there are four more cities like this, built on Alderon's left hand, shoulders, and back!"

"There is a church in the center of every city, and a crystal ball is enshrined in each."

"If you destroy all five crystal balls in total, the seal on the wood dragon will touch, and Alderon will recover on this land."

Lin Qiong stood on the podium in the conference room with his left hand on his hips, and with his right hand, he tapped the center of the five cities with the tip of the pointer.

"In other words, the purpose of our operation this time is to destroy these five crystal balls, resurrect this big guy early, and kill him!"

"Master, I have a question—"

At this moment, Forest Dragon raised his hand suspiciously and asked, "I want to know what Alderon did to let you directly sentence him to death."

Based on what the dragons knew about Lin Qiong, unless a certain dragon was an incurable evil dragon, he would not give a dragon a "death sentence" casually.


Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his hair, and said helplessly: "That guy invited homeless humans to build five cities on him about a few hundred years ago, and then used his own The might of the dragon deters the surrounding monsters and protects the humans on it..."

"wait wait wait!?"

Jinlong Geraint widened his eyes, hurriedly stood up from his seat, and said in disbelief: "In this way, isn't Alderon a good dragon!?"

"I haven't finished yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Lin Qiong took out a white rabbit toffee, threw it at Geraint, and said, "His kindness is only superficial."


Silver Dragon Argenta stretched out his hand, cut off the toffee thrown by Lin Qiong, unwrapped it and stuffed it into his mouth, then put the wrapping paper aside in the hands of Jinlong who stretched out his hands to catch the toffee, Asked curiously: "Then what is the real situation?"

Geraint: "..."

Are you polite?It's fine if you cut off the candy that the young master gave me, but you still threw the wrapping paper in my palm! ?Algerta, you have no heart!

"The truth is that Alderon silently parasitized the plant spores he secreted on the humans living on his back, and when the spores matured, they turned back into his body together with the parasitized humans."

Lin Qiong looked at the aggrieved Geraint who was about to cry, and helplessly threw him another toffee, and then continued: "In other words, he regards the humans living on his back as leeks. Raise it, and when it matures, it will be harvested."

"According to the young master, over the past few hundred years, a large number of humans must have been recovered by Alderon, right?"

The silver dragon Algeta frowned, and said with a puzzled look on his face, "Don't the humans living on his back feel abnormal?"

"Because the spores secreted by Alderon will subtly change the cognition of the parasite—"

The eldest lady sitting in the first row turned around, looked at the silver dragon sitting in the back, and explained softly: "Human beings parasitized by spores will feel from the bottom of their hearts that it is a blessing to be recovered by Alderon. , an honor."


Hearing Missy's explanation, everyone present - especially the members of Fairy Tail - all showed uncontrollable scowls!Because of Alderon's behavior, it can be said that he completely treats human beings as meat pigs.

"This kind of behavior is really bad—"

Zeref clenched his fists and said with a gloomy face: "What does he think of life?"

Lin Qiong: Are you Ji Guoyuan's husband?

"Probably nourishment."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Natsu who was yelling "Damn it, I must defeat Alderon", and complained: "Natsu, you have to challenge the boss Lucy first, and then you can challenge Miraj on the second side, and then the final boss Alderon."

Naz immediately lost his dream, lying on the table pale all over.

Lucy: "So I'm the weakest among the bosses?"

"Then have you beaten Alderon, or Miraj?"

Lin Qiong's understatement caused Lucy to lose his fighting power and stepped into Naz's footsteps. Then he raised his head in satisfaction and said, "Okay! Regarding this wood dragon crusade, do you have any questions?" Any questions?"

"Master, I have a question that has nothing to do with this matter."

At this time, the Water God Dragon raised his hand and asked with a strange face: "I'm a little curious, how did the young master know these relatively secret information? To be honest, I have lived in the Kirutina continent for 400 years. Alderon's whereabouts are unknown."

"Hmph, of course it's thanks to my family's intelligence expert, Violet!"

Lin Qiong raised his head proudly, and said in a tone like showing off his own daughter: "My Violet's intelligence gathering ability is the best in the world! This world only has information that I am not interested in, without her Information that cannot be collected!"

This is a lie, but it's not shameful to praise your daughter.

"Is it that great?"

Provoked by the Purgatory Dragon, the Water God Dragon immediately turned into Lu Yu and said, "Really? I don't believe it."

Lin Qiong: "?"

"Very well, you actually dare to question my Violet, don't you?"

A question mark popped up in his head. While contacting Violet with communication magic, he pointed to the water dragon and said, "Wait for me, I will kill you from the social level within 3 minutes, and your ashes will be gone." I'll raise it for you!"

Water Dragon: "..."

What do you mean by social level sharking me?

After waiting for dozens of seconds, Lin Qiong put down his left hand that was resting on his temple, and looked at the water dragon and let out a sneer.

"After you took a shower last night, you stood in front of the mirror naked and groomed your nose hair for half an hour!"

Water Dragon:?

Little follower Karamil:!

"After that, you tossed about your hair for another half an hour, and finally changed back to the original hairstyle, and sighed, 'As expected, I am the most handsome in this way'."

Water Dragon:! ?

Little follower:? !

"In the end, you winked at yourself in the mirror and showed love, and then danced the little swan all the way from the bathroom to the bed."

Water Dragon:! ! ?

Little follower:? ? !

"By the way, you are wearing red underwear today, with a golden heart embroidered on it."

Water Dragon:! ! ? ?

Little Secretary Karamil: /(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/

Lin Qiong suddenly realized: Oh, so she sewed it.

Water Dragon: "..."

He turned his face in despair and helplessness, and he felt that his companions around him were looking at him with strange eyes and pointing at him——

"Oh, Mrs. Argenta, have you heard? Mr. Mel next door can dance little swans~"

"Oh really? I heard he wears red underwear!"

"Really or not? Then the rumor that he was electric and caring to himself is also true?"

——Dead, I really want to be killed from the social level, heheheahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !

'and many more--'

Suddenly, the Water God Dragon thought of a certain purgatory dragon who did not want to be named, but when he turned his head around, he found that the chicken thief's purgatory dragon had already left the room stooping.


At this time, the Water God Dragon felt [-] or even [-] percent regret.


 That afternoon, at three o'clock.

With Lin Qiong's order, the magic crystals located on Alderon's hands, shoulders, and back were respectively smashed by the five-headed dragon.


The conflict between dragons and dragons is on the verge of breaking out, and the breath of battle awakens the king of the dragons who have been sleeping for hundreds of years, the wood god Alderon!

"This is really, a sad scene—"

Jeff watched with complex eyes that all the residents in the five cities were absorbed into Alderon's body, and couldn't help but whispered, "How many people died in the five cities?"

"Don't think too much! In fact, after the first batch of residents were parasitized, their descendants have become 'alderon's special feed with only a human form'."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and patted Jeff on the shoulder, and said softly: "If you dissected a resident just now, you will find that although they have a human appearance, their internal organs have been transformed into plant-like creatures. structure."

"Master, I know you want to comfort me, but I can't use this reason to convince myself—"

Jeff took a deep breath to calm himself, and said in a low voice, "Without Alderon's intervention, these people should be able to live a good life."

Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress, and said, "Maybe it's really what you said."


At this moment, with an earth-shattering loud noise, Alderon's body suddenly stood up from the ground, and then let out a dull roar of "Woo ~~ Roar~~~".

"It seems that our Lord Wood God Dragon has fully awakened—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the wood dragon, then looked at Irene, Jeff and Mebis beside him, and said with a chuckle: "By the way, do you know? Alderon can create five [God Seeds] Guardian], the mass-produced soldier [God Seed Wolfen] has the ability to read and incarnate the strongest person in the target's heart."

"There is such a cunning ability!?"

Mebis widened his eyes and said, "If the young master is the strongest person in my heart, wouldn't I have to face dozens of young masters?"

"Hey, it's almost true."

Lin Qiong showed a smirk, then looked at the magicians around him, and said secretly: "Aren't you curious? Who are the strongest people in their hearts (referring to the combatants)?"

Erin: "!"

Jeff: "!"

Mavis: "!"

They swallowed at the same time, and then looked in the direction of the battlefield in unison.

'I, I'm curious! ! ! 'x3

Chapter 0575 Was it photographed?

"Ah, why are there so many dads——"

Accompanied by Kanna's screams, Lucy, who was running wildly with her in her arms, complained: "Our side is not bad, but there are more than 20 Uncle Astrafremes on Naz's side."

Because Natsu has been undergoing "purgatory-like special training (Purgatory Dragon Language)" under the Infernal Dragon during this period, in Natsu's heart, the Infernal Dragon briefly sat on the strongest throne.

Karna: "..."

She who was screaming stopped, and after thinking for a few seconds, she happily patted Lucy on the shoulder and said loudly, "Suddenly I don't feel miserable, hahahaha!"

Lucy: "..."

Kanna is so realistic!But so do I!Hey--

"Lucy, I was thinking about something!"

Kana turned her head to look at the crowded crowd of Gildas, and said with an uncomfortable expression: "Tell me, do these counterfeit Gildas really restore his power?"

Lucy: "!"

Right!Just now she and Kana suddenly saw so many Gildas rushing over, they turned around and ran away in fright, but now after calming down a little, think carefully...

Please, this is Gildas?

He is well-deserved as the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail. If he could really be copied in batches so easily, how could the Wood God Dragon be sealed here?

"it is good!"

She braked suddenly, put Kana on the ground, raised the star ring with fighting spirit, and said: "You must never sit still and wait for death when something happens!"

Karna: "Lucy!? What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to try it!"

Lucy summoned two protoss cards and said loudly: "Try to see how much of Gildas' power it can restore!"



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