"Lend me the power of speed and physical skills!"

"Fusion upgrade!"

"Star Child Lucy Whirlwind Iron Slash (Cancer Capricorn)!"

The next moment, cyan and brown rays of light flew out of the protoss circle, and then quickly wrapped around Lucy's body, turning into a rather slim leather jacket.

Lucy: "Okay, next..."

"Wow! Lucy, you are so bold to wear such dirty clothes!"

At this moment, Kana on the side looked up and down at Lucy's service, and then commented: "But it looks like your figure is really good? This chest, this waist, this butt, these legs—— "

"You you you you, what are you talking about!!"

Lucy blocked her body in a hurry, and then said with a flushed face: "Don't look! Don't talk! Don't comment!"

"Eh? What's the matter!"

Kana showed a dissatisfied expression, she put her hands on her hips, and said righteously: "They are all girls, why are you shy..."


Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Lucy let out a yell, then twisted her waist and punched Gildas who was running in the front—the next moment, that Gildas turned into a star The shells in the chamber generally flew towards the rear, and the terrifying impact knocked off the other Gildas, the floor tiles on the street, and the buildings behind, forming a "canyon" in the city.

Kanna: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Well, so scary, super scary!Is Lucy's current strength so scary? ?

"Kana, what were you going to say just now?"

Lucy turned her head, looked at Karna blankly, and said, "There was too much movement just now, I didn't hear what you said."

"Well, I mean..."

Kana hesitated for half a second, then gave Lucy a thumbs up, and said, "Come on!"

"Okay! Leave it to me—"

Lucy responded with a thumbs up from Kanna, and then rushed towards the crowd of Gildas without looking back, and said loudly: "Look at the move! Lucy's iron fist!!"


The next moment, Lucy's fist hit the ground viciously, forming a spider web-shaped crack visible to the naked eye on the city's floor tiles. Karna who was watching behind her smacked her tongue: "Since I got the Protoss Circle, Lucy has also turned into a monster like Natsu..."

It seems that you can't bully Lucy casually in the future!If I accidentally pushed her into a panic and Bangbang gave me two punches, I'm afraid I wouldn't die on the spot——

'However, I'm not going to throw in the towel—'

Kana clenched her fists with a face full of fighting spirit, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and murmured: "It's decided, after I go back today, I have to work harder to lick Lord Mamun! Try to get her approval as soon as possible, and learn how to kill runes." Dragon magic!"

Lick the dog until the end has everything!


"Tsk tsk, it really is just a show—"

Lin Qiong was sitting on the top of a building, looking at Gildas (the replica humanoid) who was abused by Lucy like mowing the grass below, and couldn't help complaining: "If Gildas himself saw this scene, I'm afraid it would be Kneel on the ground and cry—”

The majestic Fairy Tail's strongest mage is now reduced to a miscellaneous soldier who has been mowed by others—how should I put it, there is a sense of desolation that the boss in the early stage of the mobile game has been reduced to a mob in the late stage.


"Aqiong, can I go and play?"

At this time, Feng Wang, who was squatting on Lin Qiong's head, couldn't wait to peck his head, and chirped, "Can that ugly God Seed be copied by anything?"

"Well, in theory, as long as it is the 'strongest person' that comes to your mind, it can be copied."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then showed a stunned expression, and said, "Oh, I understand! Do you want the Seed of God to copy a large number of Lugia, and then play mowing? Hahaha!"

"Huh? What are you thinking? I've already beaten Rogia, how can I imagine him as the strongest person?"

He flew up from Lin Qiong's head, then glanced at him inexplicably, and said, "Of course I'm going to imitate Arceus! Please, but cutting grass Arceus, isn't that cool?!"

Lin Qiong; "!??"

With a question mark on his face, Feng Wang took off from Wuhu with a "wow", and then went directly into the encirclement of the God Seed - she even wanted to increase the contact area with the God Seed, so that more God Seeds This kind of change, deliberately and painstakingly changed back to his own body!

"You're a fucking genius!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but came up with a clap.gif, then raised his left hand, connected to Violet using communication magic, and said, "Violet, have you filmed everything just now? Very good! Edit it for me and save it, I will use it when I go back to the Pokémon world next time—”

Violet: "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, who surrounded more than 100 Arceus and issued the same style of Tom Cat as "Hey Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha", and murmured: "I don't know, Feng Wang's Are the chicken wings made of wings delicious?"



Alderon: "..."

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

According to his calculations, after he used Wolfen, the ecstasy seed, the intruder bugs on his body should be easily cleaned up, but now why...

'Why, it was my God Seed that was easily cleaned up like a bug! ? '

Alderon slowly opened his eyes, with a steadfast look in his eyes, and murmured in his heart: "Volvo is so useless. After all these intruders are eliminated, we have to reset a new one." Guardians—'

Although Volvo has the ability to become the strongest person in the target's heart, this transformation ability is essentially the same as that of Dittoman - I can imitate your appearance, skills and even characteristics, but my hardware is still my own. my own.

'Then, dispatch the remaining Guardians—'

'God Seed Metro——'

"God Seed Kiaz—"

'God Seed Doom—'

' and the strongest—'

'God Seed Alderon! '

'My guardian, kill all the invaders! '



the other side.


Looking at the giant wooden dragon that couldn't be seen at a glance, Ren Mie Ji Liya opened her mouth wide and said, "How long will it take to eat such a big dragon?"

Kaimie Madmore pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Wooden dragon must be very hard to eat, right?"

"It makes sense!"

Ren Mie showed a dazed expression, and then said gloatingly: "Hahaha, I really feel sorry for the rookie who is about to eat this guy - one bite will definitely be full of stubble, just thinking about it makes me sick."

Kai Mie nodded with a serious face, and said, "Indeed."

Destruction: "..."

He looked at his two unreliable companions with a speechless face, and said: "I said, what you need to pay attention to now is not the taste of the wood dragon, right?"

"I know I know--"

Ren Mie, who was half squatting, stood up, moved his shoulders, and said with a grin: "Let's go! Kill the water god dragon and the wood god dragon in one go! Great harvest, great harvest——"

"Don't act rashly now—"

Kai Mie activated his own ability, and the bodies of him, Yan Mie, and Kai Mie turned into fine ashes immediately, "Go back to the guild headquarters first, and then look for helpers, and make a long-term plan!"


Blade Mie looked at Mie Mie angrily, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are too timid, aren't you?"

"It's not timid."

Kai Mie said solemnly, "This is prudence! Only prudence will allow you to survive!"

The voices of the three people gradually disappeared in place, only a puddle of water beside the small tree on the side of the road proved that the three people had stayed here once.


the other side.

"Tsk, you actually went back? I thought they would come over rashly!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the forest in the distance, raised his eyebrows and said, "But it's okay to go back and find helpers, just grab a nest, hehe!"

Dragon eaters, come and play!

Chapter 0576 Art is Explosion

"Look at the move!! The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon——"

"Iron Dragon Sword!"

"Roar of Thunder Dragon!"

"Sword of Starlight!"

Under the vigorous attack of the Fairy Tail crowd, the Purgatory Dragons (miscellaneous fish version) transformed from the God Seed Wolfen were knocked down one by one, turned into withered seeds and recovered into the body of the Wood God Dragon!


After the last Purgatory Dragon was defeated, Natsu put his hands on his hips and laughed arrogantly: "What! These fake uncles are no big deal!"

"It seems that although they can copy the magic of the target, they can't copy the physical fitness and magic power."

Gerald scattered the Starlight Sword in his hand, and said softly: "Otherwise we will suffer a lot."

"Hee hee! If these seeds can really copy the target perfectly, then this guy—"

Gajeel stomped the ground with his foot, grinned and said, "It won't be sealed here, will it?"

"makes sense."

Laxus, who was wearing a coat, came over and said with a sneer: "It's just a group of trash fish with nothing but appearance."

"Beat the lowest level of the God Seed, did you make you talk nonsense?"

At this time, accompanied by an abnormality like water lines, a wooden figure that looked much stronger came out from the ground, "I am the Seed of God, Metro! I will take over the next battle." .”

"Tch, what a great look—"

Gajeel narrowed his eyes, glared at Metro in front of him with a super villain expression, and said, "If you have any tricks, just use them!"

"Tricks? No, I don't know any fancy skills."

With his hands in front of him, Metro said in a calm and indifferent voice: "I believe in only absolute power!"


Accompanied by the shaking of the ground, wooden giants with a height of more than five meters emerged from the ground one after another, staring at the Fairy Tail people on the ground.

"I will use this absolute power to hold you to death here——"

Metro crossed his arms and said in a deep voice: "Are you ready? Welcome..."

"The roar of the fire dragon——!!"

"The Thunder Dragon's Roar——!"

"The Roar of the Iron Dragon——!"

Natsu, Laxus, and Gajeel completely ignored Metro's intentions, and the three of them attacked at the same time—three roars passed over Metro's head, hitting a tree man behind him.

"Tch, it's so hard!"

Seeing the damaged treant appearing on the surface, Gajeel couldn't help muttering.

"However, it's good to fight!"

Laxus moved his fingers and said eagerly.

"Then, everyone, let's go!"

Natsu raised his right hand and shouted loudly.

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