Metro: "?"

Listen to me! !



"Phew! Deal with it--"

Lucy wiped away the sweat that didn't appear on her forehead, then gestured a "V" to Kana with a smile on her face, and said, "Lucy-chan is a big victory!"

"It's really... amazing."

Kana looked around, then couldn't help giving Lucy a thumbs up, and said, "It's just... Lucy! Don't do anything in the guild in the future, otherwise the president will definitely have high blood pressure. "

At this time, the street next to the two of them was almost in ruins, and a large number of "corpses" of "Gildas (mass-produced soldiers)" were hanging on the ruins of the building.

High EQ: Killing the Quartet Valkyrie

Low EQ: Hell Picture Scroll God of Destruction

"Ahaha, ahahaha——"

Lucy looked at the tragic situation around her and couldn't help showing an awkward but polite smile, and said: "This, this, if I said this was just an accident, would you believe it?"

Kana was silent for a few seconds before asking back, "If I said I believe it, would you believe it?"


Lucy groaned, then lowered her head in frustration, and said, "Well, if it were me, I wouldn't... be careful!"

Before Zhan finished speaking, Lucy's expression changed, and then she turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Kana, hugged her tightly in her arms, and then jumped to the wall beside her.

Karna: "Fah, what happened?"

Lucy stared at the ground and whispered: "It's a new enemy."

"A new enemy?"

Kana followed Lucy's gaze, and soon discovered the strangeness—a hand was coming out of the ground at the place where she was standing just now, at her feet!

If Lucy hadn't carried her away just now, then she had already been grabbed by the ankle by that hand.


This supernatural phenomenon made Kana couldn't help shivering, then rubbed her arms with her hands uncomfortably, and said, "Then, what is that?"

"Ah, have you been discovered?"

At this time, accompanied by a childlike voice, the hand stretched out on the ground, and it crawled out from the "underground" completely—this is a "children-shaped tree man" who looks less than ten years old, "Thank you!" I also want to solve an enemy in advance."

"Judging from your appearance, you should be a soldier made by Alderon, right?"

Lucy put Kana on the ground, then looked at the other party vigilantly, and said, "In other words, it's the enemy!"

"I am the Seed of God Doom."

The tree man in the form of a child bowed happily to Lucy, and said, "Nice to meet you! So please let me kill you!"

"This line—"

Lucy's figure came to Dum's back in an instant, and then a roundabout kick was drawn towards his neck, "——It's up to me!!"


Accompanied by the shock wave visible to the naked eye, Doom was kicked out by Lucy like a football, smashing through more than a dozen buildings before stopping.


Lucy let out a breath, then suddenly crouched on the ground with some emo, and said, "By the way, I am obviously a protoss mage, why are all the battles now close to me?"


Astral world.

Leo, who was watching the battle: "Let's just say, is there a possibility—Lucy hasn't realized until now that she can summon the protoss and use the power of the protoss ring at the same time?"

Caplico on the side: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Lady Lucy is Lady Layla's daughter, she will definitely not be an idiot!!"

Akuiya: "Hahaha, when you say this, she is already an idiot!"


"You, attacked me -"

At this time, with the sound of corrugated being pushed away, Dum, whose neck was obviously twisted, stood up from the ground, then looked at Lucy who was squatting on the ground, and said, "What a pity, you are going to die soon."


Lucy looked at Doom, who was twisted to the right, with a puzzled expression, and asked, "What are you talking about...huh?"

Noticing the strangeness, Lucy lowered her head, and was shocked to find that on the surface of her right foot—where Doom was kicked just now—a layer of white fluff-like material visible to the naked eye appeared, and this layer of fluff was still there. spreading at a slow pace.

"Oh, you are very strong."

Dum stretched out his hands to straighten his head, then looked at the white substance that had spread to Lucy's knees, and said in a pleasant voice: "But it's useless! When it fills your body, your life will be destroyed." The countdown has begun——"

"A curse-type ability?"

Lucy glanced at the white fluff on her legs, snorted softly, and then took out a new Protoss card from her bosom.



"Lend me the power of clone and holy light!"

"Starchild Lucy Double Phantom (GeminiLeonis)!"

The next moment, Lucy's body split into two, and the fluffy white substance remained on Lucy's right leg.

"On your body?"

Left Lucy looked at Right Lucy's legs, and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Wrap it on me."

Lucy on the right gave her thumbs up, and then quickly rushed towards Dum, shouting: "Art is an explosion, huh!"

Doom: "You don't come over—"

The next moment, with the golden light blooming, the explosion that followed made Zuo Lucy and Kanna cover their ears.

"Hiss, me, my ears."

Kanna, who came to Lucy's side, grinned and pulled her ears, and said to Lucy, "Is it a brand new form again? By the way, what was that just now!?"

"The ultimate invincible golden light explosion."

Lucy grinned at Kanna, and said, "The power isn't bad, is it?"

"It's more than good..."

Kanna looked at the town that had been razed to the ground, and said with a look of fear: "Lucy! You must, remember, absolutely, absolutely, never use this trick in the guild!!"

Lucy: "Huh—?"

"Lucy, your violent demolition mode just now is already terrible, and the current demolition mode is even more terrifying!"

Kana persuaded her earnestly, "Our guild can't stand the trouble, so you must calm down when you go back—not to mention, the residents of Magnolia are also friendly to us, right?"

"Did you misunderstand me more or less!"

Lucy protested to Kana with black lines all over her head: "I am not in the form of demolition!"

Kana pointed to the ruins around her and said, "Look around you, can you say it again?"

"It was an accident, it was an accident!!"

Lucy immediately explained with sweat profusely, "This, it's just because I'm not familiar with the power after transformation! Wait for me to practice for a while—"

Kana interrupted Lucy's speech with a blank expression: "After you practice for a while, you will find that there is nothing left that can be dismantled."

Lucy: "I'm not a Husky and Ala!!"



Alderon: "???"

What, what's the situation?

Where is my Doom?I'm so freshman Doom! ?How did it disappear within 1 minute of its debut? ?

How the hell did you do that! ?

Chapter 0577 Gear Magic

Alderon didn't understand, but Alderon was shocked.

Of the five [God's Seed Guardians] he created, except for Wolfen, who has a large number of mass-produced models, the other four God's Seeds are elite guardians with only one body.

And now, the elite guardian he had high hopes for actually stopped in just one minute after waking up and launching an attack?

Are you fucking making me laugh with your life?

If yes, then you succeeded.


"The subject is angry——"

Kiaz, the most human-like God Seed, raised his right hand and grabbed the green leaf that was the same as his hair, then looked helplessly at Sting and Rogge in front of him, and said, "It looks like I have to hurry up We've solved you."

"Oh, what a great look—"

Sting, who has entered the Dragon Power·White Dragon mode, stood back to back with Rogge, who has entered the Dragon Power·Shadow Dragon mode, and said, "I'll let you see the two dragons that Sword Biting Tiger is proud of. power!"

"Next, it's time for the tiger bitten by the sword—"

Rogge's body was covered with black shadows, and he said in a cold tone: "Let's see the power of the dragon slayer!"

"If it was normal, I would still be in the mood to play with you, but it's a pity, now I have to deal with you as soon as possible."

Kiaz showed a playful smile. He raised his right hand, which was holding a virtual grasp, and then turned it around as if twisting something, and said, "Okay, the game is over! Are you ready to face death? ?”

"Huh?" x2

The two dragons looked at each other.

Sting: "Are you kidding me?"

Roger: "What did you do?"

Facing the doubts of the two, Kiaz shook his head in disappointment and said, "Look down at your bodies! You have already lost."

"Huh??" x2

The two lowered their heads, looking at the gear-like imprints on their chests and shoulders with greatly changed expressions—these imprints seemed to be projected on them, and they were still rotating vividly.

"What have you done to us?"

Sting reached out and touched the gears on his body. After finding that the touch was invalid, he looked at Kiaz nervously, and Rogge on the side also showed the same expression.

"This is the gear that represents your life—"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Kiaz's mouth. He raised his finger with a wicked smile, pointed at the two of them lightly, and said, "And I will pass through them and stop your lives."


Sting showed an angry expression, he raised his right hand, and shouted angrily: "Holy Nova of the White Dragon!"

The holy white light was released from Sting's fist along with Sting's fist swing, submerging Kiaz in front of him, and destroying the street in front of him.

——Such a picture flashed through Sting's mind like a phantom, but his body remained in the motion of preparing to punch, and froze in place.

Roger: "?!"

He looked at Sting who stood there dumbfounded after calling out the name of the move, and couldn't help asking worriedly, "Sting, what's wrong with you?"

"He just forgot about his magic, that's all."

Kiaz kept a mocking smile on his face, and frivolously circled his fingers in the air, saying, "Gears are a very precise instrument. Once a link goes wrong, the failure will spread to the entire instrument!"

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