"Forget your own magic!? Are you kidding me!"

Rogge put his hands to his sides, and said with a gloomy face, "I'll let you taste my power—Shadow Dragon's slash!"

Rogge's body turned into a shadow, flashed in front of Kiaz in an instant, and then cut Kiaz's body with his right hand that turned into a shadow blade.

——Such a picture flashed through Rogge's mind like a phantom, but his body remained in the motion of preparing to sprint, and froze in place.

'Magic is really useless—'

There was a flash of surprise in Rogge's eyes, and he turned to look at the gears on Sting's chest, thinking: 'Is it because of this? '

He found that the gears that were running very smoothly just now seemed to have a slight jerky feeling as if something had broken down.

"That's right! A small problem will make the gears run jerky, so if..."

Kiaz's mouth showed a smug smile: "If I continue to magnify the problem, what will happen?"

Under Rogge's astonished gaze, a visible crack appeared in the gears on Sting's chest—the next moment, Sting's movements suddenly came to a standstill as if the pause button had been pressed.

Roger: "!?"

He stretched out his hand in a panic and shook Sting's body, and said hurriedly: "Sting! Sting, are you okay? Sting—"


'what happened? '

Sting looked at the world around him in astonishment, "My body...is so heavy..."

He wanted to move his body, but it felt like his joints were filled with cement, and he couldn't even move a single finger.


"It's useless! I've already destroyed his gear and stopped its rotation—this means that his individual activities have also stopped synchronously."

Watching Rogge's movements, Kiaz's mouth evoked a joyful smile that is unique to playing with prey, "And next, I will destroy your gears together—this battle is over!"


An undetectable cracking sound came from Rogge's chest. He lowered his head in astonishment, and found that a crack had appeared in the gear in his chest, causing it to stop completely.

The next moment, the world seemed to be at a standstill, and Rogge felt that his body and mind seemed to be in chaos, and he was in a daze and didn't know what to do.

"It's over, the sinner who disturbed the great Lord Alderon—"

Kiaz walked up to Sting and Rogge who were standing in place like stone statues, looked at the two people in front of them contemptuously, and said, "End your life again!"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and grabbed Rogge's throat.


The next moment, a left hand glowing with holy white light grabbed his wrist.

Kiaz: "!"

He was startled, and then looked to his left side in astonishment - he saw that Sting, who was unable to move just now, was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Kiaz looked astonished. He looked at Sting's chest and said, "My gear..."

I saw that the gears that were originally printed on Sting's chest were fading at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just one or two seconds, they completely disappeared on Sting's body.

"What a coincidence, the principle of your gear magic is very similar to one of my moves, and my move was once deciphered by Nazgo."

Sting grabbed Kiaz's hand, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Just now I tried to use the same method as Nazgo, and I broke your magic!"

Sting refers to the skill called "Holy White Judgment" he used on Natsu in the Damo Dou Yanwu, and Natsu directly used his own flame to give Sting the stigmata left on him. It was completely burnt.

Kiaz's face suddenly became gloomy.

"The next thing is the exact contest—"

Sting raised his right fist and shouted angrily: "This time, I must let you try this move——Dragon Slayer Profound Art, Holy Nova!"


The roar resounded in the street.


"It's big, it's really big!!"

Looking at the huge wooden dragon in front of her, the little loli, who was short in stature, wearing a fur coat with a tiger skin pattern, and a huge bell hanging around her neck, exclaimed, "It's amazing, is this the wooden dragon!?"

Her name is Po, and she is a white tiger dragon slayer magician who obtained the dragon slaying magic by eating the flesh and blood of the white tiger dragon. She often plays with the enemy in applause at absolute speed.

Blade off: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and couldn't help thinking: "Is this guy who looks like a kid out for an outing really a member of the most mysterious black dragon riding group in the guild?" '

If the president hadn't told her the news, she would definitely not have believed such a thing, okay?

"Yes, my lord."

Kai Mie was much more docile. He knelt in front of Po on one knee and said, "He is our target this time—if there is no accident, the water dragon that has lost its trace should also be here."

"Wow! Then let's go—"

Po smiled like a child looking forward to a spring outing. She couldn't wait to point to the wood dragon in front of her, and said to Ke Mie: "Use your ability to take us there."

Destruction: "..."

He opened his mouth. He was going to persuade Po "there are members of other forces on the wood god dragon. Is it better to wait until they are both defeated?" , and don’t want to make mistakes.”

"Yes, Master Pu—"

He nodded, activated his ability, and turned everyone present into flying ashes, "I'll be there soon!"


"Did even Metro and Kiaz fail?"

A hint of disappointment flashed in Alderon's eyes. He raised his head and looked at the small castle floating in front of him—compared to his size, the castle in the sky is indeed small—said in a low voice : "It's time to stretch your muscles."


The huge dragon body climbed up from the ground, causing Natsu and the others standing on it to stagger, and fell to the ground one after another.

"What, what happened!?"

Lucy sat up from the ground rubbing her little butt, and asked with a blank face: "An earthquake? A tsunami? A volcano erupted? Is the planetary engine ignited? Or is the Trisolaran coming?"

Chapter 0578

Karna: "??"

She looked at Lucy who was leaning against the wall in a daze, her legs were too weak, and said, "Lucy, have you drank?"

And it seems that the drink is not a star and a half, so you have to... have to...

Kana figured it out based on her drinking capacity, then stretched out her right hand finger and stroked it, thinking: "At least fifteen barrels!" '

Lucy: If you want to drink me to death, just say so!

"I don't drink, okay?"

As soon as Lucy finished speaking, she felt an earth-shattering vibration coming again. She fell to the ground and cried, "My ass is about to fall flat——Kana, you can't feel it Is this vibration? This is too abnormal, this is a mutation, it is a mutation!"

Needless to say, this change in the iron earth was presumably caused by those guys from the Earth Spirit Hall!

Karna: "?"

She pointed to the huge dragon head behind Lucy, and said, "Lucy, let's just say is there a possibility that the city under us is built on Alderon's body, and at this time Alderon active."


Lucy turned her head, looked at Alderon's head that was several times bigger than the city, showed a dazed expression, and said, "Yes, I forgot that there is such a thing—"

Kanna sighed: "Could it be that the price for Lucy to become stronger is wisdom?" '


Naz stared dumbfounded at the dragon head that covered the sky, couldn't help opening his mouth, and said, "Okay, okay, what a big head!!"

"Although I have known the size of the Wood God Dragon for a long time, I still feel deeply shocked when I see it with my own eyes."

Gerald couldn't help expressing shocking emotion, "However, such a big body also brings another problem..."

"Terrifying defense, isn't it?"

Laxus at the side glanced at the dragon's head, then lowered his head and clenched his fist, muttering: "If nothing else happens, in his eyes, our size is probably about the same size as a mosquito in the eyes of humans."

"That's right! Although the huge size means that it is easier to be hit by attacks, but..."

Gerald raised his right foot and stepped on the ground, he couldn't help but said, "But on the other hand, it also brings a terrifying defensive power! I'm afraid we will go all out..."

"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!!"

Before he finished speaking, Natsu shouted and hit the ground below him with an iron fist.

"Iron Dragon Sword—"

Not to be outdone, Gajeel raised his right hand, which turned into a chain sword, and slashed at the ground beneath him.

"Damn it, it's so hard!"

"It can't be cut at all—"

In the next second, the two dragon slayer wizards squatted on the ground clutching their hands—not to mention their attacks did not cause effective damage to the wood dragon, they even failed to break through the defense.

Gerald and Laxus looked at each other, then shrugged helplessly.

"Let's go back!"

Gerald scratched his head helplessly, and then said to his companions: "The next battle is beyond our ability to meddle."

"But, before that..."

Laxus turned his head abruptly, a lightning halberd condensed in his right hand, twisted his waist and threw it towards the roof beside him, shouting angrily, "Who is there!"


A flash of sword light flashed, and Laxus' Thunder Dragon Fang Tianhalberd was cut into two pieces in the shocked eyes of his companions and dissipated in the air.

"Just kidding!?"

Gray on the side opened his mouth wide in surprise, and said, "Laxus' lightning has actually been cut open!?"

Thunderbolt was cut open, can you believe it?Really Khumpa outrageous!

"It's just cutting off the thunder and lightning. What's the big deal?"

Ji Liya stepped on the roof, looked down at the Fairy Tail people below, grinned and said, "In this world, there is no thing that I can't stop chopping!"

Gerald: "I don't believe you can cut off Master Lin Qiong's clothes."

Laxus: "Lin Qiong, please—"

Natsu: "Eh? Can you cut off Uncle Lin Qiong?"

Gray: "The owner of Sky City, why don't you try hacking one?"

The four said in their hearts: "As long as you dare to make a move, the guardians of Sky City will hold you to the ground and beat you." '

Kelia: "..."

Damn it, can these four eat pancakes?Who is using the aggressive method?I don't like this naive move at all...

"Wait, I'm going to kill him now!"

Ji Liya rolled up her sleeves, and said cursingly, "Come on, tell me where that dome is!"

... the law refuses.

Gerald: "Seriously?"

Laxus: "Are you sure?"

Natsu: "She's so brave!"

Gray: "It's a hunk... oh no, a hunk!"

Just when the four of them marveled at Ji Liya's ferocity, Huan Mie appeared beside her and said with a speechless expression: "Ji Liya, our task is not to kill people."

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