Is Lennon out of his mind?Why do you think about killing people all day long!

"Oh, yes! Almost forgot—"

Ji Liya reacted, then looked at Naz and the others angrily, and said, "Are you guys trying to divert my attention on purpose!!"

Everyone: "?"

Even Naz couldn't hold back, and asked, "Is she not very good at thinking?"

Habi was shocked: "This sentence actually came out of Natsu's mouth one day!? Unbelievable——"

Laxus also looked at Ji Liya in disbelief, and said, "You are really amazing! You have been approved by Naz—"

"Eh? Yes, is it?"

Ji Liya, who was suddenly praised, raised her head with a swollen face, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, yes, I am so amazing!!"

Destruction: "..."

Damn, are they complimenting you?Can you fuck your tits... your brain! ?

What a dog!


the other side.

"Discovery, target—"

With two scratches like scars on his face, the man who looked very slippery was lying on all fours on the wall, staring at Milaj below with curious eyes, and said with a smile: "She didn't, she found me!"

He is Nebalu, a dragon eater who swallowed the flesh and blood of a sticky dragon and obtained the sticky dragon-slaying magic - he is good at slime magic, and can use different concentrations of slime to speed himself up, slide, stick to walls, or It is to restrain the enemy.

"Hee hee, next, attack—"

Nianmi covered her mouth and snickered, like a child about to play a prank, "Use mucus to stick her to the ground, hehehe——"

He looked at Miraj who seemed to be ignorant of his existence, slowly opened his mouth, and said softly, "Cuanlong's sticky... huh?"

What about people?

The woman who was still in his sight one second, seemed to have been cut out of the picture the next second, disappearing suddenly.

"where is the guy!"

Nian Mi hurriedly adjusted her left and right sides, and looked around at the position where she was standing just now, as if she wanted to use this method to find Miraj who had disappeared.

"Well, this Mr. Magician——"

At this moment, accompanied by a suspicious voice, a hand patted Nian Mie's shoulder from behind and said, "Are you looking for me?"

'behind me?when--'

Nian Mie's eyes were full of panic, he didn't care to look back, he jumped forward hastily, and then took advantage of the opportunity when his body was in the air, he turned his head and looked behind...

Still nothing.

"Eh? Why did you jump away?"

The voice sounded behind Nian Mie again, further amplifying the fear in his heart, "The sticky dragon's swirling slime——"

Driven by fear, Nian Mie opened his hands and spun in mid-air like a top. As he spun, a large amount of viscous liquid spewed out from between his fingers towards the surroundings. Attacking indiscriminately - his idea is simple, that is to hit the opponent through range attacks.

One lap, two laps, three laps, four laps...

Nian Mie turned around dozens of times in one breath, sprinkled the surrounding streets with mucus thick enough to make Shushu cry, and then stopped panting, and said to himself: "Again, hide for me again!" -"

"By the way, were you showing off your ability to turn in circles just now? Although it's really amazing to be able to turn dozens of times in one breath without getting dizzy—"

Mirajane's figure sounded behind him again, and said with a hint of trouble: "But I learned from the young master that there was once a person who kept spinning for four hours! You still need to keep working hard!"

Sticky Dragon: "??"

Are you fucking sick?I'm fucking attacking you, who the hell has nothing to do to perform twirl?Free? ?

"Get me out!!"

Nianmi waved his hands to the side, and shouted: "Xianlong's super big explosion!!"


The overwhelming slime was like a water balloon exploding, splashing in all directions, making the already messy streets even more troublesome.


"Oh, the move just now was really dangerous——"

Mirajane's voice sounded behind Nian Mie, with a hint of surprise, "You are so powerful! You must be a very strong magician, right?"

Sticky off: "???"

i fuck...

He was so angry that his expression was distorted, and traces of purple-black shadows shrouded his body surface, causing his body to swell in an instant - it felt like being parasitized by venom.

"Dragon Power—"

After activating the power of the dragon and entering the violent mode, Nian Mie suddenly turned around and swung his sharp claws hard behind him, easily tearing the air behind him into pieces.

"It's scary—"

Milaj's fearful voice sounded behind him, "We had such a good chat, why did you suddenly attack me?"


Anger, fear and panic enveloped Xian Mie's brain. He was like a mad beast, waving his claws around randomly and roaring: "Get out, get out of here!" —”

Chapter 0579 She is my incompetent disciple.

"Ah la la—"

Silently flapping the wings behind him, Miraj, who was in the "Alpha Blade" mode, held his side face with his hands in some distress, and muttered in his heart: "This person has a bad temper!"We had a good chat, but suddenly lost our temper! '

snort!I'm not happy!

A trace of unhappiness flashed in Milaj's eyes. She aimed at the gap in the sticky attack, and a dodge appeared behind him, and then twisted her slender waist...

"Demon Impact!"

Milaj's sharp and swift right hook hit Nianmi's right waist viciously, and the purple shock wave visible to the naked eye penetrated his body, causing the net formed of mucus in front of him to fly into the air .


Sticky · Venom version let out a scream, sticky saliva (probably gastric juice) sprayed out from his weird big mouth, sprinkled on the ground, and immediately made a "sizzling" sound, and let The white mist where people frown endlessly.

Yes, kimo.

"It feels like the touch is a little subtle——"

Milaj looked at his right fist with a frown, and muttered, "Is it because of the dragon slaying magic? It feels like his body is too soft."

It's like attacking a mollusk with a blunt weapon, and the damage caused is obviously not as great as cutting with a sharp weapon.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Nian Mie clutched his waist, got up from the ground with a distorted face, then wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, stared at Miraj floating in the air with resentful eyes, and roared: "Finally, finally see Until... ahem... I saw you!"

"Wow, your speech is so scary——"

Mirajane was like a little girl who had encountered a stalker. She took two steps back in fright and said, "Are you a reader of "Weekly Sorcerer"?"

Hot knowledge, Milaj is a model of "Weekly Sorcerer", and is a very popular and top-notch model.

Guan Mie: "?"

What kumba stuff?

While rubbing his waist with his hands to relieve the pain, he opened his mouth full of fangs ferociously, and roared: "The sticky roar of the sticky dragon!!"

Facing the sticky attack, Milaj raised his right hand calmly and said, "Hell stab!"

Deep purple spikes emerged from Milaj's palm, and with her impenetrable swing, she easily isolated the sticky roar at a position several meters away from her body.

"Is this the only level? I thought the fifth-generation dragon slayers from the Northern Continent would be so great. It's really disappointing——"

It was clear that the afterimage was swung out with her right hand, but Mirajane showed no effort at all. Instead, she sighed with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Do you have any hidden trump cards? If not... the wave of evil! "

Circles of purple-black ripples emerged from Milaj's palm, broke through the roar of Nianmi without hindrance, and knocked his body down to the ground.


Lian Mie twisted his body on the ground like a leech sprinkled with salt, and raised his hands in a panic to block himself, trying to resist Milaj's attack in this way, but the evil The fluctuations still kept getting into his body, making him feel like he'd rather die.

"The finishing move is coming——"

Mirajane slowly raised her left hand and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Vicious pursuit!"

The next moment, the wave of evil that was poured into Nianmi's body before, like the eight eggs on Conan's film set, produced a series of explosions in Nianmi's body.

"Guoooooh puff-"

Lian Mie, who was twisted beyond human form, let out an indistinct, inarticulate cry of grief. He felt like a sealed container with firecrackers inside, and there was a risk of bursting at any time.

"Friendly reminder, malicious pursuit will accumulate damage~"

Miraj looked at the twitching hands and feet, showed an innocent and naive smile, and said: "With your physical fitness, if you last for 12 seconds at most, it will boom and explode into pieces~"

So, what cards do you have, hurry up and use them to please me~~

Milaj is well deserved, Devil.


"Ah, what's wrong with you? Why are you showing a defensive look?"

Bai Hu Mie Po put his hands on his chest, looked pitifully at the vigilant Wendy in front of him, and said, "Don't be like this! Let's get along well and be friends, shall we?"


While secretly accumulating strength, Wendy stared at Bai Humie in front of her and asked, "Then tell me first, who are you!"

"Yeah, I'm White Tiger Dragon Po—"

Baihu Mie suddenly showed a pure and friendly smile, and said gently and intimately: "It's one of Diabolos Black Dragon Cavalry Squad—"

Wendy: "..."

For example, if her memory is correct, "Diabolos" should be the guild belonging to the Dragon Eater that she learned from Grandpa Falong in the Dragon Guild of the Magic Array back then, right?

'Also, that is to say...'

Wendy's expression suddenly became serious, 'She is the enemy! ! '

"Ah, ah, ah!?"

Bai Humie looked at Wendy who was becoming more hostile and asked strangely: "Why have you become more vigilant?"

"The Diabolos Guild is the enemy!"

Wendy opened her hands, magic power flowing through her body, "I am Wendy, the Sky Dragon Slayer, the wizard of Fairy Tail!"

"We are Xia Lulu—"

The little white cat flew behind Wendy, looked at Po warily, and said, "It's Wendy's partner!"

"Is it Ni?"

Bai Humie's voice sounded behind Wendy and Xia Lulu, "But it seems like you are no match for me? So can you admit defeat?"

'So fast--! ! 'x2

Wendy and Xia Lulu hurriedly turned around, looking at Bai Humie standing behind them with hairs all over.

"Wendy sauce, you are so cute——"

Bai Humi looked at Wendy, as if he saw a little panda that was showing its teeth and claws, its eyes were shining brightly, and said: "I have decided, I must make you into my collection!"

"Who wants to be your collection—"

Wendy clasped her hands together and said loudly, "Tianlong's Roar——"

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