
The next moment, with a soft sound, Xia Lulu's terrified body turned into a cute doll and fell into Bai Hu Mie's hands.

"Hee hee~"

Bai Humi looked at Wendy (doll version) in his hand, showing the excited expression that an otaku had when he got his wife's handicraft, and rubbed his face on Wendy doll, saying: "Wendy, cute!"

"Wen, Wendy..."

Xia Lulu turned into the form of a cute cat girl loli with a face full of anger, then straightened her right foot wearing a small black silk boot, kicked towards Bai Humie's head, and said, "Return Wendy—"


The next moment, Xia Lulu, who had turned into a doll, fell to the ground.

"Hee hee, you're cute too!"

Bai Humie reached out and picked up the Xia Lulu doll, then rubbed his cheeks, and said happily: "I got two super cute dolls at once today, it's great! I'm very satisfied——"

Bai Humi happily circled around on the spot, then lifted them above his head with a doll in each hand, as if admiring their appearance.

"Let go, let me go—"

At this moment, the doll that Wendy turned into suddenly raised its hands, and patted Bai Hu Mie's wrists harmlessly with their limp hands.

No, it can't be said that it has no lethality at all - at least in terms of cute killing, it has already made Bai Humie's nose bleed.

"Oh, are you able to control your body so quickly? You really are amazing—"

Bai Humi raised Xia Lulu's hand, wiped his nosebleed with the back of his hand, and said with emotion: "This cat can't control the doll's body at all."

Xia Lulu in the doll's body: 'Oh, damn, I'm so angry! '

"Hee hee hee, you can't resist me~"

Bai Humi squatted on the ground with a smile, then let go of his right hand, and put the Wendy doll on the ground, "If you don't believe me, look——"


The next moment, the Wendy doll seemed to have no bones and fell limply to the ground.

"Eh? Eh!?"

Wendy was like a patient who was weak after catching a bad cold but wanted to sit up from the bed, shaking her limbs weakly on the ground, but couldn't get up at all.

"Look, look—"

Bai Humi poked Wendy's soft belly with his fingers, and said, "You can't even stand up, so how can you resist me?"

Wendy was desperate.

"Okay! This is the end of the play!"

Bai Humi grabbed the Wendy doll from the ground again, then carefully patted the dirt on her body with his hands, and said with a smile: "We should go back!"

'Back, go back! ? '

Wendy asked in a panic: "You, you, where do you want to take me and Xia Lulu?"

"Eh? Of course I'm going back to my companions!"

Bai Humi looked at Wendy innocently, and said, "Hey hey, I'm going to introduce you to my companions, and after the mission is over, I'll take you home!"

'it is as expected--'

Upon hearing this sentence, Wendy shouted anxiously in her heart, 'It's not good, it's not good, it's not good!Who can help me? ? ? '


Bai Humi let out a cute cry, then jumped up from the ground, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go!"

The moment Bai Hu Mie raised his right foot to leave, a crimson beam of light fell from the sky and landed in front of her, causing her to pause.

"Can you put down the toy you're holding?"

Wearing a uniform with a white background and golden patterns, and holding a staff, Irene looked down at the little ghost in front of her, and said in a bad tone: "Although that child is not perfect, he is also a disciple I recognize--I can't just let you That took her away."

Wendy: QwQ

'Ai, Master Irene...'

'I'm glad you came to save me, but, but...'

'It's useless, woo woo woo—'

Chapter 0580 hit the small one, then it's time for the old one to debut

"The incompetent disciple? Are you referring to the cutie?"

Bai Humi looked at the big lady who suddenly appeared in front of him, showed a vigilant expression, and said, "Who are you?"

"Me? Castle in the Sky·Sacred Shield·Magical Squad, Irene Berserion!"

Irene raised her chin slightly, looked at Baihumie in front of her with condescending eyes, and said arrogantly and politely: "For the sake of being a dragon slayer, I can forgive you for letting Wendy go now." did what-"

"Hey! What, it looks amazing—"

Baihu Mie puffed up his mouth, his fleshy cheeks looked like a soft dumpling, whetted his appetite, "I want to turn you into a toy!"

As she spoke, she raised her right hand like a child coquettishly, pointed her index finger at Irene, and shouted coquettishly, "Hey!"

However nothing happened.


Baihu Mie was stunned for a moment, then raised his right hand again and pointed at Irene as if he didn't believe in evil, and said: "I want to turn you into a toy!"

Still nothing happened.

"Hey, little girl, don't try."

Irene couldn't help showing a mocking expression, she opened her hands slightly, and said softly: "My magic power is much stronger than yours, so it is impossible for your magic to work on me."

What's more, Irene is not a slow-moving reckless player like Naz - the first time she appeared on the stage, she deployed a layer of magic shield to prevent Baihu Mie from making sneak attacks.

'Great, great! '

Seeing Baihu Mie deflated and turned into a doll, Wendy waved her hands happily and cheered, "Master, master, come on!"

Erin: "?"

She squinted at Wendy and said, "My dear disciple, don't you have anything to say?"

Wendy: 0v0

Her voice suddenly became weaker: "Master, master, come on, come on?"

"Isn't that what you said?"

Irene turned her head and looked at Wendy out of the corner of her eye, and said, "My dear disciple, I should have taught you the various applications of the magic shield? But why did you still get tricked?"


Wendy let out a lovely cry, and she said pitifully, "Yes, I'm sorry, master."

"Not only that--"

The education with the master is not over yet, she tilted her head slightly, and said: "I remember that you should have already started the separation and additional magic? Why don't you separate the magic that the other party casts on you?"

Wendy: "!?"

She opened her mouth in shock and blurted out: "Is it still possible to do this!?"

Erin: "?"

A big question mark appeared on her head, followed by a vein on her forehead: "Oh? So that's what happened, my dear disciple!"


Wendy, who realized that she had said something wrong, let out a groan, then turned her head weakly, pointing the back of her head at Irene.

Only, as long as I don't look, I, I can't feel the master's gaze! !

'Whoa, I'm sorry, I lied! '

"The master's eyes are so stinging—"

"In the next battle, I will only use attachment and separation magic——"

Irene lightly tapped the ground with her wand, lowered her eyelids and said, "Wendy, attachment and detachment magic are magic that can create infinite miracles!"

Extra · Lava Giant!

Additional Storm Giant!

Additional Frost Giants!

Attach the puppet soul to special elements, and the created three-headed elemental giant stands behind Irene.


Additional attack!

Additional Defense!

The additional magic of the three auxiliary systems wrapped around the giant.

"Little Dragon Slayer Mage, are you ready?"

Irene's expression was slightly horrified, "Get ready for the wrath of a teacher!"

Wendy: (';ω;`)

She said weakly: "Master Irene, you, are you angry because I was bullied?"

Erin smiled meaningfully.

Wendy: QAQ

Her voice trembled even more: "Yes, yes?"

Erin smiled brighter.

Wendy: "..."

Grandpa Robin Lu from Lue Paradise, Wendy is very peaceful now——



"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!"

"The claws of the fire dragon!"

"The Wing Strike of the Fire Dragon!"

"The horn of the fire dragon!"

Accompanied by the explosive flames, Natsu's attacks hit Kai Mie's body one after another, but...

"It's useless."

Kai Mie maintained the Buddha's posture as immovable as a mountain, and said expressionlessly: "To me, your attack is like a breeze blowing on my face. It poses no threat at all."


Natsu gritted his teeth, and then roared: "If you can't hit it, increase the firepower!!"


The blazing flames were burning on Naz's body, and he rushed towards Kai Mie with a slightly ferocious face: "Dragon Mie Profound Truth Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!!"


The fiery flame vortex enveloped Kai Mie's body, but Kai Mie, who was standing in the flames, still said unhurriedly: "Mr. Sorcerer, your flame is really too gentle."

like water off a duck's back!

I'm such a tough macho!Are you in love?

"Don't be complacent—"

Gray on the side made a move and said to Juvia beside him: "Juvia, let's give him a big one!"

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