The little wife Juvia nodded decisively: "Yes—"

"Merge Magic Frozen World——" x2

"Crack clap clap-"

The ice spread towards Kai Mie in an instant, and then collided with Natsu's flames, stirring up water mist all over the sky.

Natsu: "..."

Kai Mie: "..."

Gray: "..."

He looked at Natsu with a broken face, and cursed: "Hanging your eyes, will you cooperate!? Seeing my magic spread, don't you know how to undo your own magic first!?"

"No Lu Sai, you drooping eyes, you undressing maniac—"

Natsu said angrily: "Don't you know how to use your magic after my magic is over!?"

Gray: "What did you say!?"

Natsu: "What do you want!?"

Gray: "Want to fight?"

Naz: "Just hit me, I'm afraid of you?"

Juvia: "Ah, ah, ah!?"

She looked at the two people in front of her at a loss, and stammered: "This, this, you two, calm down, the enemy is facing you!!"

Don't fight with your own people! !


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong looked at Natsu and Gray whose foreheads were pressed against their foreheads, as if they were in a "bullfight", and couldn't help laughing, "These two are simply talented, hahahaha!"

Jeff: "..."

Wu Lu: "..."

Natsu's brother and Gray's master looked at each other, and they couldn't bear to look directly at each other and covered their faces.

Shame, shame!Why can my younger brother (disciple) be so ashamed?No, when he comes back this time, I will give him special training!The kind of training to death if you can't train it to death!

"The dragon eaters sent by the Dragon Eater Guild this time are..."

The eldest lady counted with her fingers on the side: "Blade, skeleton, armor, sticky, white tiger, plus an invisible spirit dragon, a total of six?"

"Tsk tsk, these are some old friends——I remember that big cat named Bai Hulong was quite cute."

Lin Qiong propped his chin, looked at the white tiger dragon struggling to support under Irene's attack in the picture, and said with emotion: "Unfortunately, those who are already dead can't die anymore."

"Why, are you going to avenge it?"

The eldest lady lay on Lin Qiong's back, put her chin on his shoulder, and asked with a smile: "Then you have to move faster? The White Tiger Dragon and the Sticky Dragon seem to be almost defeated—"

Sticky Dragon's opponent is Milaj, who possesses a brand-new magic device and has stepped into the Fairy Tail T0 echelon in one breath—even if he entered the second stage of Dragon Force, he was still beaten to nowhere.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in these small roles."

Lin Qiong lazily held the young lady's jade hand, raised it to his lips and kissed it lightly, and said, "Jerph, Mebis and Xiao Ba, you should also go out—remember, I want Live."

Otherwise?With Lin Qiong's current strength, he doesn't even need to take action against these dragon-slayer wizards. He only needs to glance at them and then let go of his momentum.

It's boring for adults to bully children!It's not as good as Miss prpr's legs.

"Yes—" x3

Wu Lu: "..."

I'm just a member of the Guardian Shield, the Magical Squad, and the Silver Streak. I'm so sorry! !



"Garrah, holler—"

After entering the second stage of Dragon Force, Nian Mi's body became more inflated, and his body shape changed from Venom to Hulk——his head became a dragon head, and a grown-up appeared behind him. slices of spikes.

"Going completely berserk, have you lost your mind?"

Mirajane frowned, looked at Guan Mie below with a hint of disgust, and said, "He was a boring man before, but now he has become even more boring."

That being the case, let me send you the last ride!


The next moment, Nianmi leaped from the wall and rushed towards Miraj in the air like a cannonball. Seeing the big mouth getting closer and the white teeth in it, Miraj Raj unhurriedly raised his right hand.

"Transfer evolution—"

"Beta smash!"

After switching the state, Milaj showed a mad smile, then quickly crossed his hands in front of him, and shouted: "Dark Blast!"

The next moment, a purple-black beam of light blasted from Miraj's hand.


Losing his mind, only the bestial Nianmi looked at the beam of light in front of him, instinctively aware of the fatal danger, but he couldn't fly, he could only helplessly wave his limbs, and then...


After a loud bang, three entire streets disappeared into the town.

Chapter 0581 Your president must be very kind, right?

"Too spicy! We are too spicy!"

Looking at Ren Mie, Kai Mie, Kun Mie, and Bai Hu Mie who were kneeling on the ground with the magic ring handcuffed on their wrists, Natsu put his arms around Zeref's shoulders excitedly, and said happily: "Let's A few quacks killed indiscriminately!"

Gray put his hands on his chest, nodded his head seriously, and said, "Naqueshi! We are the strongest team!"

Karna nodded cheerfully: "Me too!"

Happy had his little hands in his mouth: "Naz is in charge of the first Ga, Gray is in charge of the second Ga, Kanna is in charge of chaos, and Zeref and the first generation are in charge of killing?"

Three people: "..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong laughed like a barbell on the spot when he heard Habi's sharp complaint, and then announced in a confident voice: "Habi's words are very good! Very good! I hereby bestow upon you [Under Lucy] , the title of the second strongest Tucao slave in history!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Habi's eyes lit up a little bit of starlight: "Although, although I don't understand what it is, it feels so powerful!"

Lucy who was suddenly cue: "Wait, why does this mention me?"

I don't agree, I don't accept wow!

"Lucy, manly man, don't care about these trivial problems!"

Lin Qiong patted Lucy on the shoulder, then swaggered to the front of the Dragon Eater Guild, and said, "This should be the first meeting, right? Everyone in Dragon Eater Diabolos—"

Lucy: "???"

She looked at the others in disbelief, and said, "No, what is a manly man? I'm a woman, I'm a woman!!"


Karna patted her on the shoulder: "Give up, Lucy! Now everyone's attention is on them, and no one cares about you."

Happy also patted on the shoulder, comforting: "Lucy, a man, be strong."

Lucy: "?"

This hatred, I remember it!


"Are you the boss of the enemy?"

Ren Mie looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Do you know who we are?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Kai Mie and Kai Mie who couldn't bear to look at him, and said, "Is she not very smart?"

No, didn't I call out your guild name in the first sentence I just met?


Kuai Mie sighed, and then whispered, "As Your Excellency said."


Kai Mie also sighed, and then said devoutly: "As Your Excellency said."


Ren Mie looked at Huan Mie and Kai Mie angrily, and said, "Are you my companions after all!? Why are you scolding me for helping others?"

"Hey—" x2

Angry and indisputable, Qiqi sighed.

"I am sorry for your loss."

Lin Qiong patted the shoulders of the two of them, and then sat towards the empty back—at the moment he leaned back behind him, the two cat maids had already handed over a seemingly valuable The chair was placed behind him, catching him firmly.


This operation directly made Kai Mie, Kai Mie, and Ren Mie look stupid—no, how did this person think of this action of pretending to be 13?I'm so, so handsome, right?

Jian Mie thought to himself: "When I go out, I want to play like this!"It just so happens that Xun Mie is good at moving, let him pass me the chair! '

Kui Mie thought to himself: "Jian Mie is a Harper." '

Kai Mie thought to himself: "Kai Mie was right. '

"Five, let's talk."

Lin Qiong looked at the dragon eaters in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "You don't want to die here, do you?"

Blade, Armor, Bones and White Tiger fell silent.

"wait wait wait--"

At this time, Lucy tremblingly raised her right hand and pointed at the dragon eaters in front of her.

Pointing at Ren Mie: "One!"

Pointing at Kai Mie: "Two!"

Pointing at Kai Mie: "Three!"

Pointing at the white tiger: "Four!"

After repeating it again, Lucy looked at Lin Qiong with a nervous expression, and said, "Master, young master, you just, just said, how many people are here?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, he stretched out his palm towards Lucy, and said, "Five!"

Lucy trembled all over, and Happy hugged Natsu's thigh nervously.

"No, no, there can't be a ghost, right?"

"Nah, Natsu, I, I'm afraid!"

Kana, Juvia, and Gerald on the side also showed solemn expressions, but Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy and others showed blank expressions.

"What ghost!? Can't you see him?"

Natsu dragged Happy and jumped to the side of the Dragon Eater team, pointed to an open space in front of everyone's eyes and said, "He's kneeling right here! He looks very tired and weak! Right here—"

Lucy shook her head stiffly: "No, I didn't see it."

Hubby was about to cry: "Naz, stop joking, I'm scared!"

"What, I'm not kidding, there is really a person here——"

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