Naz was unconvinced, he looked at Gajeel beside him, and said, "Iron player, do you think there is someone here?"

Gajeel nodded: "There is someone."

Wendy also nodded: "There are indeed people."

Laxus: "There are indeed people."

Lucy, Kana, and Habi suddenly lost their composure. What's going on?

"Okay, okay! Stop fussing."

Lin Qiong felt as if he was looking closer to science, and he couldn't help but interrupted: "The fifth person is quite special, only dragon slayers can see him—his name is Lacey, and he used to be a goblin. A wizard with a tail..."


About 50 years ago, a mage named Reis was seriously injured during a mission, and was dying when he was sent back to the guild, and finally died in Makarov's arms.

By chance, Reis's soul stayed in this world and became a ghost that had lost all memory and could not be seen by anyone except the Dragon Slayer. In order to find out the cause of his death, Reis Start wandering this land.

In the end, he came to the Northern Continent, and at the invitation of the Dragon Slayer of the Four Beasts, he joined Diablos and became the Dragon Slayer of the fifth generation.


"...That's probably what happened."

After Lin Qiong briefly told what happened to Leith, he naturally received the shocked eyes of the five Dragon Eaters.

Ling Mie looked at Lin Qiong excitedly, and asked eagerly, "Is what you just said true? Me, I used to be the wizard of Fairy Tail?"

"If you have any doubts, why don't you ask Maklove and Polyuska to answer your questions in person?"

Lin Qiong smiled at Ling Mie, then pressed his left index finger against his temple, and said, "Palkia, please run Fairy Tail and bring Makarov and Polyuska over here."

Palkia, who was so free in Sky City that he ate, slept, and ate, gained ten pounds in half a year: "Understood—"

"Before they come over, let's continue what we were talking about."

Lin Qiong refocused his attention on the other four dragon eaters, and said with a smile: "You don't want to die here, do you?"

Four people: "..."

Why did this topic come back?

"Your Excellency, please give up."

Kai Mie closed his eyes, and said firmly, "We will not betray the guild or our comrades."

"This guy is right!"

Ren Mie also had a generous expression on her face, she raised her head and said with a face of reluctance: "We will not betray our companions!"

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Jorge, the president of Diablos, could actually make you so loyal that you would rather die than betray—”

Lin Qiong leaned back in the chair, showing a thoughtful expression, and said with admiration: "Presumably, he must be a kind, gentle and friendly president, like an old father, right?"

Blade Mie: "Huh?"

Kai Mie: "Huh?"

Destroyed: "Hiss?"

Bai Hu Mie: "Huh?"

In a word, the CPU was dry-burned for four people.

With stiff expressions, they recalled the words and deeds of their president all the time——

"Jie Jie Jie, don't let me down!"

"You can't handle such small things well, are you trash?"

"If I didn't feed you dragon meat, would you guys be where you are today?"

"Work hard and repay me, do you understand?"

Like, like, maybe, maybe, maybe...

Isn't our president a good thing?

"No, no, just wait."

Ke Mie raised his hand a little unsteadily, and asked, "Sir, can you wait for a while? Can we discuss it first?"

"of course can."

Lin Qiong smiled slightly, raised his right hand and said, "Please discuss slowly!"

other people:"??"

"Master, what's the matter?"

Kana came over and asked doubtfully while drinking a small wine: "Why did their attitude soften all of a sudden?"

"This--" Zhan

Lin Qiong glanced at Sting and Rogge and said: "To put it simply, the president of the Dragon Eater Guild and Germaine of the Sword-Bite Tiger are almost the same thing."

German, the former president of Sword Biting Tiger, and also the father of Minerva - he is a devil president who completely admires power. He once forced Yukino who lost the game to kneel naked on the ground and sit on the ground, and expelled him out of the guild.

In a nutshell, it's trash.


Several people present immediately understood.

"Under the leadership of that kind of scum, it's just another scum."

Gajeel crossed his arms and hummed softly: "A truly good guild is a place where members can grow and maintain it unconsciously."

He used to be a member of the Dominator of Specters, and he was a violent, eccentric villain!In a certain operation against Fairy Tail, he even did something too much to the members of Fairy Tail—but that is all in the past, and now Gajeel has already been influenced by the big family of Fairy Tail Next, I know "gentleness", "love", "tolerance" and "protection".

Perhaps, this is the "growth" in his mouth.

Chapter 0582 tentatively set a small goal, world conquest

After about 10 minutes.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs, put his hands on his knees, and looked at the four affectionate and complicated dragon eaters in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Before answering your question, I have a little question I would like to ask."

Zhu Mie raised his head and looked at Lin Qiong, and said in a tentative tone: "Presumably, the great Lord of the Sky City wouldn't mind answering the questions of a little magician like me, right?"


Lin Qiong laughed for a long time before he stopped. Then he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his fingers and said, "Since you said so, it would be rude not to answer - just say it!"

"What is your purpose?"

Kai Mie looked at Lin Qiong, and asked seriously, "In my memory, this is the first time your Excellency has appeared on this land, right? However, the first time you appeared, you came into contact with one of the five dragons. The water dragon, now trying to recruit us..."

So suspicious.

"Point out your two mistakes - first, this is not the first time I appeared in Kirutina, but the second time; second, the first time I came into contact with the fire god dragon Igunia, and then It’s Mel, the water dragon.”

Lin Qiong raised two fingers and said with a smile: "As for my purpose? It's very simple - I plan to establish a country on the Kirutina continent to rule the entire continent!"


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, not only the four dragon eaters in front of them, but even the Fairy Tail crowd behind them showed expressions of astonishment—what, what's going on?Why did the plot suddenly break into the mainland hegemony chapter! ?

"Wait, wait, wait! Eldest young master——"

Lucy squeezed to the front of the crowd, then looked at Lin Qiong with an uneasy face, and said, "Why, why did you suddenly decide to conquer the mainland?"

"Eh? If you want to ask why..."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and gave a very irresponsible statement, "Maybe it was a whim?"

"Heart, on a whim?"

Lucy put her head in her hands, "Did such an important thing start on a whim?"


"Hey what the hell!"

"Miss Lucy, please calm down and listen to me—because of the raging six dragons, the magic council in the Kirutina continent has very little control over the mage guilds, so there are many people who do not obey the rules, A guild of wizards with wanton activities."

The secretary stood up, looked at Lucy—and the others behind her—with a smile on her face, and said, “Under such circumstances, if the city of the sky is allowed to rule this land, it will definitely make Kiruti Ordinary people there have a better life, don't they?"


Hearing the secretary's words, Lucy, who was still a little nervous just now, was stunned—why do I feel that what she said made sense? ?

"Now, although there is order on the surface in Cherutina, it is actually in chaos."

Shui Shenlong sighed with a complex expression and said: "If there really is an absolutely powerful force that can unify this land and formulate a brand new system, then ordinary people will only raise their hands in approval."

"In my hometown, there is a saying, 'I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times'! I think it is very suitable for this kind of place."

Lin Qiong gently tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, looked at the four Dragon Eaters in front of him, and said, "What advice do you have for my purpose?"

"I'm convinced, but I have one last request... no, it's a request."

Kai Mie sighed, then lowered his head first, and said: "I hope that you can keep the Diablos Guild——Although President Georg is not a good man, Diabolos is our home .”

"Don't worry, I won't ban the Wizards Guild~"

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then stood up from the chair, said with a chuckle, "Then, let's deal with this big guy under our feet first."


After being reminded by Lin Qiong, everyone suddenly realized that they seemed to be still standing on the head of Mu Shenlong!

"By the way, why is this guy so quiet now?"

Gajeel looked at the wooden dragon under his feet and couldn't help but scream and stamp the ground, causing a huge 0 points of damage to the wooden dragon. "Wasn't it very noisy just now?"

"If he wants to make trouble, he must have the courage -"

Lin Qiong chuckled and stretched out his hand to scratch the chin of the cat in Sifengyuan, and said: "Not every dragon has the courage to continue fighting surrounded by 22 dragons."

Two, 22 dragons?

The four members of the Dragon Devourer's Guild looked at each other, and then couldn't help swallowing.

Yes, we must have heard wrong, right?

How could there be 22 dragons in one breath in this era?Ha ha ha ha!


After a few minutes.

Led by Palkia, Makarov and Polyucica arrived in the courtyard of the Sky City.

"Meet you again, Sandai, no, I remember you should be..."

Mavis looked at Makarov in front of him and blinked, then showed a teasing smile and said: "Sixth generation, right?"

Makarov showed a dumbfounding smile, and said, "Master First Daime, don't make fun of me."

Makarov was originally the third generation of Fairy Tail, but because he and the main force of Fairy Tail were frozen on Tenrou Island for seven years, the title of fourth generation fell on Makao Kongnami.

Later, when the main character of Fairy Tail returned to the guild, everyone discussed to make Gildas the fifth generation, but they thought that their character was not the same as Gildas who was the chairman, so they turned around and gave the identity of the chairman to him again. Makarov.

Therefore, it is really gratifying and congratulatory for the third generation president Marklov to be crowned the sixth generation president.

——By the way, according to the development of the original story, Fairy Tail was reorganized a year after its dissolution, and Erza served as the chairman of the seventh generation, and turned around and recognized Makarov as the eighth generation.

[System prompt: Player Mark Love has achieved the achievement and scored three goals. ]

[Scorers scored three times: [-]rd, [-]th, and [-]th generations, why are you the only one? ]

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Mebis covered his mouth and let out a chuckle, "Okay, you'd better go find the young master~"

Watching the back of Makarov leaving, the first generation rested his head on Zeref's shoulder, and said with relief: "Under the leadership of the third generation, Fairy Tail has become a very warm guild."

"Isn't this fulfilling your wish?"

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