Selene stretched out her white fingers and slid them on the map on the wall, muttering: "Then the next target is you."

She saw that her finger stopped on a maze pattern, and in the middle of the maze pattern, there was a word "earth" written in carved artistic fonts.

"Earth Dragon Dogulamag—"

Under the dim moonlight, Selene's eyes were full of sinister and spicy words: "For my plan, I have no choice but to ask you to disappear from this world."


Dragon Eater Guild Diabolos.

"Ask, what's going on here?"

When the fine sand dissipated and saw the scene in front of him, Suzaku, like a neon warrior, subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife at his waist, looked at Lin Qiong with vigilant eyes and said, "Ask again, why do you sit In the position of president?"

"Simply put, I'm here to recruit Diablos."

Lin Qiong supported his chin with his hands, and looked at the three dragon slayers in front of him with a smile: "As for why I am sitting here - because he is being hung there."

"!" x3

The three of them turned their heads in unison, and immediately saw Qiao Ge, who was hanging from the ceiling like a caterpillar and being beaten around like a rubber racket by the cats of Sifengyuan squatting aside.


Suzaku's expression changed, and he subconsciously stepped in the direction of Qiao Ge, but the next moment, he instinctively drew out the sword from his waist and blocked the slash from the side.

"You just ate the flesh and blood of the Juggernaut and became the Suzaku of the Juggernaut Dragon Slayer, right?"

The eldest lady casually held the handle of the knife in her hand, looked at Suzaku with a scrutiny, and said, "Then let me see if you have the qualifications to inherit Kurnuki's power."

Suzaku stared at the eldest lady: "I have a question, what is your relationship with Sword Saint Dragon?"

"They are probably sympathetic rivals!"

The corners of the eldest lady's lips raised slightly, and she said softly: "Are you ready? Mr. Suzaku, I'm about to make a move——"

The next moment, the sword light flashed.

Chapter 0584 the object of my envy......

"Ding ding ding-"

The continuous, crisp and melodious sound of iron hammering sounded in Diabolos' guild castle.

In just a few seconds, the eldest lady (who released the sea) fought Suzaku more than ten times, and the two sides fought all the way from the center of the castle to the outside of the castle.

"Oh, I can't see it."

Lin Qiong looked at Suzaku who was suppressed all the way outside by the eldest lady, couldn't help scratching his head, and said to Cang Mie Sansaki and Lei Mie Qilin, "Should we go out and have a look?"

Two people: "..."

"This gentleman, strictly speaking..."

There was a subtle smile on Misaki's face, she raised her right hand, and the blue magic power flowed between her, "Should we be enemies?"

"No, no, strictly speaking, the only one who has a hostile relationship with me—"

Lin Qiong pointed to Georg who passed out, and continued: "——It's just one person! You and I don't have a direct conflict, right?"


Misaki raised her eyebrows lightly, flicked her long hair behind her with her hand, and said gracefully: "You are so confident, will we not be your enemy?"

"Because, the four people here have all chosen to follow me——"

Lin Qiong pointed to the four people around him: Kai, Blade, Bones and White Tiger, shrugged his shoulders and said: "It can be seen that this guy (referring to Qiao Ge) is not popular at all, and he relies entirely on force to rule, isn't it?"

Well, makes sense.

"Oh? Even that Ji Liya chose to betray... No, it can't be called betrayal."

Misaki glanced at the guilty and embarrassed Ji Liya in surprise, continued to smile, and said, "Although what you said makes sense, it seems impossible to ask me to just raise my hands and surrender without doing anything. "

"I see, I understand what you mean."

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, he clapped his hands lightly, and said, "Mavis, can I hand her over to you?"

"Oh! Leave it to me——"

Mebis showed a 0v0 expression, then patted his humble face with pride and said, "I will definitely complete the mission successfully!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He leaned close to Jeff's ear and whispered, "Why do I feel like she's a little over-excited?"

"Probably because Makarov is here?"

Jeff scratched his face subtly, and explained, "She feels that as the president of the first generation, she needs to show her strength and let the younger generation look up to her."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but clapped his hands and said, "Good guy, you have the burden of being an idol!"

"Ah ha ha--"

Jeff smiled, then set his sights on Qilin, and said with a smile: "Master, the last dragon slayer, leave it to me."

Kirin: "?"

He pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Is there a possibility? After seeing Misaki and Suzaku defeated, I will take the initiative to join you?"

"It seems that Mr. Qilin is a person who knows the current affairs."

Lin Qiong showed a gratified smile, and then asked: "But, have you heard a sentence?"

Qilin: "Huh?"

"The family is to be neat and tidy."

Lin Qiong showed him a kind smile, and said, "Everyone else in Diabolos has been beaten, how can you be spared?"

Kai Mie, Blade Mie, Zu Mie and Bai Hu Mie nodded in unison.

Qilin: "..."

Gan, you old sixes!


"It seems that everyone has made a decision?"

Lin Qiong looked at the trio with plasters and bandages on their bodies, and said with a smile: "Then may I say, welcome to Sky City?"


Suzaku nodded, with a serious look on his face, and said, "I greatly admire the eldest lady's martial arts!"

He is a simple warrior, but the eldest lady defeated him with absolute strength, which made him convinced and chose to follow.

"I'm convinced too."

Misaki rubbed his face, showed a wry smile, and said, "I didn't expect that this senior is so small (and in other aspects), but so powerful."

Her dragon slaying magic was easily deciphered by Mebis, and then the senior beat her mercilessly, telling her not to slap her face.

"Hey, it's a big loss."

While applying an ice pack to his face, Qilin said helplessly, "My beating is really useless."

"Now that you have made your choice, let's start the next task."

Lin Qiong stood up from the chair, glanced at Georg hanging from the ceiling, and said softly, "Luna Dragon Selene!"

Big fluffy fox, goddamn is here!


Castle in the Sky.


"It's nice to be a cat—"

Lin Qiong lay on the sofa, buried his face in the arms of the know-it-all cat, sucked the cat unscrupulously, and said, "I really want to be a carefree kitten, eating cats all day long." Sleep and eat..."

The know-it-all cat said quietly: "Then she was sterilized?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He shrank his neck, then laughed twice, and said, "Ahem, forget it."

"The relationship between Lord Qiong and Ms. Wanshitong is still as good as ever."

Lan Ran, who hadn't appeared on stage for a long time, pushed the glasses on the tip of her nose, and said with a smile, "It's really enviable."

"Hmph, it's useless even if you envy me?"

Lin Qiong showed a smug smile towards Lan Ran, and said, "Miss Wan Shi Tong is my only cat and cat pinch!"

Know-it-all cat: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong, and said with a strange expression: "Host, I think you may not know Ai Ran very well."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"Qianjun, you misunderstood! The object of my envy is Ms. Know everything."

Lan Ran showed a gentle smile towards Lin Qiong, and explained: "I also hope to establish such a relationship with Lord Qiong."

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °)! ?

He shivered, then took a few steps back with his hands folded on his chest, and said, "Alan, I, am I not from that world?"

Aizen: "..."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose in silence and said, "Qiongjun, I think you should be able to understand what I mean."

"I know."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Lan Ran, you are a good person!"

Erin: "Pfft haha——"

"Think about it from another angle——"

Aizen smiled gently, and said: "Qianjun can make such a joke with me, isn't it a proof of a good relationship?"

"Hey, what you said, if I refute you again, wouldn't it appear that I am very rude?"

Lin Qiong threw a chocolate candy over and said, "Change the subject, change the subject—Alan, how is the research on magic going?"

"I can only say that I have benefited a lot."

Lanran sat on the sofa opposite Lin Qiong, picked up the hot water pot on the table, made himself a cup of ○ nest's three-in-one instant coffee, took a sip, and said: "Now Ms. Irene, May With the help of Ms. Biss and Mr. Jeff, the Ghost Dao in the Soul World has been fully optimized."

"Good guy, your project is big enough."

Lin Qiong threw a Wangzai toffee into his mouth, and then said with a delicate expression; "I feel like I can already see the death gods in the world of souls shouting the roar of the fire dragon."

"No way, no way."

Lan Ran waved his hand lightly, and said: "The compatibility of dragon slayer magic is relatively poor, and I am not going to join the ghost system."

"Huo Huo, he said that the dragon slaying magic you created is relatively poor in compatibility?"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene with a grin, and said frantically, "You can't fight him? It proves the gold content of the mother of dragon slayer magic, right?"

Erin: "..."

She twitched the corner of her mouth, and said helplessly, "Master, I can't solve Mr. Lanran's illusion."

"That's a problem. Alan's Flowers in the Mirror is a bit too shameless."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "We have to find a way to get rid of Ah Lan's beauty!"

Aizen: "..."

He pushed his glasses silently and said, "Qianjun, have you forgotten that the devil's armed forces cannot be damaged."

"Hiss, so I'm the only one who can check and balance Ah Lan in the entire sky city?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then casually threw a Polish crazy sour candy to Lan Ran, and said, "Suddenly I feel that I am under the pressure that I shouldn't have at this age!"

Aizen: "..."

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