He sighed helplessly, then subconsciously opened the candy packaging bag, put it in his mouth without even looking at it, and said, "Qiongku... hiss... ha..."

The next moment, Aizen's entire expression was distorted, completely destroying his elegant and gentle temperament.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha—"

Lin Qiong, who had already taken out his mobile phone, took a series of continuous shots of Ai Ran, perfectly capturing Ai Ran's expression at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong looked at the ugly photos on the phone, and couldn't help but let out a hearty barbell laugh, which made Aizen, who had recovered, cover his face speechlessly.

"Qianjun, are you a child?"

Lan Ran rubbed her cheeks to relieve muscle soreness, and said dumbfoundedly: "I really didn't expect that you would play such a prank."

"Is this a manifestation of good feelings?"

Lin Qiong smiled, and then turned into another candy, looked at Irene with malicious intentions, and said: "Dear Irene, do you want to try one too?"

"I don't want I don't want it!"

Irene, who had witnessed Aizen's broken expression with her own eyes, shook her head vigorously, and said very resistingly: "I, I'm not very good at eating sour food!"

"Don't eat sour ones?"

Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then like magic, he took out a small box from his arms and said, "Then I also have the spiciest gummy bears in the world."

Erin: "???"

"Don't you like spicy food too?"

Lin Qiong put the fudge on the table, then took out a black box, and said, "Ecuador's 100% pure chocolate has the title of 'the bitterest chocolate in the world', try it?"

"No no no!"

Irene shook her head desperately, and she hurriedly said: "I, that, I, I only like sweet things!"

"Sweet? You told me earlier——"

Lin Qiong pulled out a jar of honey with a smile on his face, put it on the table like a treasure, and introduced: "Indian honey! It is said that it is so sweet that people will not want to eat sweets for three days!"

Erin: "..."

She stared blankly at the four "sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy" instruments of torture placed in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a tense expression, "Master, where did you get so many weird things!?"

Chapter 0585 The Clown Is Actually Myself

"Why are these things there? Hey, good question!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and said happily: "When I used to go to the toilet, I liked to use my mobile phone to watch short videos, and occasionally I would watch bloggers who were reviewing these strange foods, and I bought some because I thought it was fun—look , don’t use it now?”

Of course, the essence of Lin Qiong's short videos is to watch the young lady who is on the edge—although it is a product of the beauty algorithm, but if it looks good, it's over?

"It can only be said that this is something that Lord Qiong can do."

Lan Ran recalled Lin Qiong's every move in the past, couldn't help but took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and asked, "Also, I'm a little curious, Lord Qiong, how much of this kind of thing did you buy?"

"There are so many!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then counted with his fingers: "Only the spicy ones, I bought Reaper's Spicy Sticks, Reaper's Potato Chips, Reaper's Cheese Balls, Satan's Toes, and Ghost Pepper Noodles. Spicy Turkey Noodles, Skull Fire Instant Noodles, Prison Spicy Noodles..."

Aizen: "..."

Erin: "..."

The Jeffs who just came over from the door: "..."

They looked at each other, stood at the door and asked a little timidly: "Well, what are you discussing? Why do I feel that the atmosphere is a little dignified?"

"We are discussing whether tofu is sweet or salty."

Lin Qiong casually fooled Jeff, then picked up the Ecuadorian 100% pure chocolate, which is known as the bitterest in the world, on the table, threw it to Jeff, and said, "Okay, come in."


Zeref caught the chocolate and then pulled Mavis towards the sofa. Under the gaze of Aizen and Irene, he casually put the chocolate into his mouth and said, "Such sensitive words... Ah... vomit..."

"Crack clap clap-"

Lin Qiong, Irene, and Lan Ran raised their phones at the same time, and took a burst of high-speed continuous shooting to record Jeff's expression at this time.

Mebis was in a mess in the wind.

"Hahahaha, another fool-"

Lin Qiong slapped his thigh with a smile. He looked at Jeff who was pouring water vigorously and said, "How does it taste like the bitterest chocolate in the world?"

"You, you said it is the bitterest chocolate in the world, so what else can it taste like?"

After drinking more than half of the bottle of water in one go, Zeref finally felt that the bitter taste in his mouth dissipated, "I can't feel anything except bitterness - the bitterness went directly to my forehead, and almost lifted the Tianling Cap." ”

"Then would you like to try something else?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes at Jeff with malicious intent, and said, "In addition to the bitter ones, I also have sour, sweet and spicy ones here, I guarantee you to taste all the flavors in the world!"

Jeff waved his hand: "No, no, these hurt your body."

"As the most powerful black mage in history, you are afraid of the challenge. I am very disappointed!"

Lin Qiong sighed, then tidied up the things on the table, and said, "Forget it, anyway, I have already got the emoticons of Alan and Jeff today, so I am satisfied."

Aizen & Jeff: "..."

Qiongjun (young master), can you please be a human being?

Mebis hesitated for a few seconds, and said in a low voice, "Master, can you send me the part of Jeff?"

Jeff: "!?!"

He turned his head in astonishment, and looked at Mebis, who was sitting beside him, holding a mobile phone dedicated to Sky City employees in both hands, and looking at Lin Qiong with a reddish face—people who didn’t know thought she was Ask for the handsome guy's WeChat account.


Lin Qiong moved very quickly, and before Jeff could stop him, he opened the chat box with Mebis with a snap, and then sent a picture - select the picture - click OK, and a dozen black history photos appeared immediately On the screen of Mebis' mobile phone.

Jeff: "..."

I'll just take a look, just a look.

He glanced at Mavis's screen tremblingly, and after witnessing the ugliness of the photo, he immediately fell on the sofa with his hands covering his chest.

Why, there will be, such ugly, photos! ! !

Seeing Zeref's miserable expression, Lin Qiong burst into a gloating and extremely wicked laugh: "Hahahaha! That's the expression. I just want to see your miserable expression~~~"

Know-it-all cat: "..."

Although we are a distorted chef, we have to admit that it is really a miracle that Aqiong has not been beaten to death until now!

"Master, just let me go—"

Jeff clasped his hands together and begged for mercy, dumbfounding: "The purpose of our gathering this time shouldn't be specifically for doing this kind of thing, right?"

"Ahem, that's true!"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, then patted his face to restore his seriousness: "Okay, okay, stop joking, let's talk about business!"

Irene, Jeff, and Mebis immediately sat up straight, then set their eyes on Lin Qiong, waiting for his speech.


Lin Qiong clasped his right hand, put it in front of his mouth, cleared his throat, and said, "It's about going and staying—Irene, what's your answer?"

With a slight smile on her face, Irene looked at Lin Qiong unswervingly, and said: "I have followed the Sky City from 400 years ago to modern times, so I will naturally leave with the Sky City This world—there is nothing left to commemorate me.”

Lin Qiong nodded, looked at Zeref and Mebis again, and asked, "What about your plan?"

Mavis looked at Zeref, reached out his right hand to hold his left hand, and nodded towards him.


Jeff took a breath, then held Mebis's hand with his backhand, and said, "We hope to stay in this world 'temporarily'."

Lin Qiong: "Temporarily?"

"Yes, for the time being—I hope to see Natsu for the rest of his life."

Jeff nodded lightly, lowered his eyelids, and said, "He should be the person I can't let go of except Mebis."

In Jeff's heart, Mebis is of course ranked first, Naz must be ranked second, and his son Olgast can only barely rank No.3.

Racked: And me!

"Okay, I see what you mean."

Lin Qiong nodded, and said with a smile: "Then when we leave with the dragons, you can stay in this world with Mebis, Olgast, and Lakaide first."

"Thank you sir."

Jeff showed a grateful smile, and he patted his chest and promised: "Even if I stay in this world, I will definitely complete the task assigned by the young master!"

"Me too and I-"

Mebis also raised his right hand, and said seriously with a small face: "I will also work hard with Jeff, and finish the task assigned by the young master beautifully!"

"To be honest, what you just said..."

Lin Qiong thought about the wording for a while, and said, "It's like a primary school student who is promising the teacher that he will finish his homework during the holiday!"

Jeff & Mavis: "..."

Young master, do you have to complain about us at this time? ?

"Don't worry, I have no conscience."

Looking at the helpless expressions of the two, Lin Qiong couldn't help but waved his hands with a smile, and said, "When I need you, I will squeeze you hard!"

The two smiled and nodded, and said in unison: "Got it!!"

"Okay, the last topic is over, let's move on to the next topic -"

Lin Qiong leaned back on the chair lazily, and said, "The next topic is about..."


Discussions on various matters lasted for about an hour and a half.

"...The above is over!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands suddenly, then lay down on the sofa, straightened his body and stretched, and said: "Well~~It's finally over!"

"Thank you~"

The know-it-all cat jumped on Lin Qiong's back, then stepped on his shoulder with his little jiojio, and said with a smile: "This is our special service, are you moved?"

"Moving, super touching!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up, and lazily hummed: "It's on the left side, on the side of the shoulder blade, yes, yes, oh, it's comfortable, it's so comfortable!!"

"Okay, my lord—"

The Know-It-All Cat was like an old couple who had been together for decades. He smiled and pressed Lin Qiong's shoulders with his soft meat balls, and made a cute "hey hey hey" sound in his mouth. It seems to be emphasizing that he is working very hard.

Seeing this scene, Mebis blinked, and then, in the astonished expression of Jeff, smiled and pressed him on the sofa, imitating the way of a know-it-all cat, pressing his shoulders, and asked playfully : "We can't lose to them!"

Zeref didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Where did you get the fighting spirit?

Ai Ran, a lonely family: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Irene, and comforted him: "Ms. Irene, although we are all alone..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Eileen using additional magic to give vitality to a bear doll on the sofa, making it jump on her back and beat her with her soft little hands. Holding shoulders.

Aizen: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong and Maomao, the know-it-all.

He looked at Zeref and Mavis.

He looked at Irene and the doll bear.


Lan Ran lowered her head and pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose with her fingers. The cold light shone on the lenses, reflecting strange light.

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