'The clown was myself. '


10 minute later.

"In other words, it's not an option for us to lie on our stomachs like this..."

Erin's voice broke the silence of the room, "How about talking about something lighter?"


Lin Qiong raised his head with squinted eyes and asked, "What topic?"

"For example—"

Irene thought for a while and said, "Haven't the young master been to many worlds? How about just talking about two experiences?"

"That's fine too."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, nodded, and said: "Well, the most developed thing in this world is magic, so let me talk about another world related to magic..."

Chapter 0586 Who hasn't been beaten?

"...It was too late and then too soon, facing the rainbow light cannon fired by Asla, this young master resolutely rushed out, opened his hands, and shouted——Zhendian · Noble Phantasm Unfolding · ATField!"

Lin Qiong stepped on the coffee table, then raised his right hand high, and said passionately: "In an instant, a wall of millions of hexagonal lights appeared in front of the star-killing Rainbow Cannon!!"

"Chew, chew—"

Mebis ate the Shaqima in his hand, nodded his head in a serious manner, and said, "Yeah, and then what? Is the defense down?"

"My young master makes a move, how can there be a situation where he can't defend? It must be blocked!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers: "I saw the rainbow cannon bombarding the wall of sighs..."

Zeref hurriedly swallowed the planet cup in his mouth, then raised his hand and asked: "Young Master! Wasn't it from AT Field just now?"

Lin Qiong: "Oh yes! It's the bombardment on the God Exterminator AT..."

Lan Ran raised her hand and said, "Qiong Jun, it's a true treasure treasure."

"Should I say it or you say it? Just shut up and listen—"

Lin Qiong threw a handful of purple candies into Lan Ran's arms in anger, and said, "After the rainbow cannon hit the treasure A.Tield, it easily broke through tens of thousands of layers of shields. When I couldn't stop, with the teleportation light, my companions appeared behind me one by one..."

Next, the companions put their hands behind Lin Qiong and shouted, "Don't admit defeat!", "We are with you" and "Stop and let them see your backbone". Finally, Everyone's hearts became one, and the strongest defensive magic in history was born, and the king's way to block the race burning and rainbow cannon was launched.

"Papa papa papa—"

When the story came to an end, Mabis, who had enjoyed listening to it, obediently gave his own applause and said with emotion: "Young Master is really talented in telling stories! Have you ever been engaged in a related profession before?"

"Hmph, you guessed it right—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "To tell you the truth, I was an Internet author before? I wrote more than six books with a million words!"

Everyone: "?"

"Is there such a thing? I've never heard of—"

Aizen pushed up his slipped glasses and said curiously: "Qiongjun, I wonder if I can read your work?"

"Me too and I-"

Mebis couldn't wait to raise his right hand, and dangled his white and tender fingers in front of Lin Qiong's eyes, "I also want to read the story written by the young master, it must be very interesting!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He put his right hand against his chin, then briefly recalled his crazy quotes in the book, and said without hesitation: "I'm sorry, please forgive me for refusing!"

Mebis looked at Lin Qiong unwillingly, puffed his mouth and said, "Eh? Why——"

"It's about my innocence!"

Lin Qiong pinched his neck and said: "The so-called don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces, you must keep your innocence in the world!"

Damn it, if you read the novel I wrote, wouldn’t all my XP be exposed?No, absolutely not!

"Qianjun, if I remember correctly, what you said just now is—your novel was published on the Internet, right?"

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong and persuaded him, "In this case, there should be many people who have read Qiongjun's novels! But you don't want to show us?"

Do not understand!

Generally speaking, when a writer writes a new work, shouldn’t he happily read it to his friends?

"You know a hammer! The novels I write are different from ordinary novels!"

Lin Qiong blushed, and he poked his neck and said: "Unless you are willing to exchange with me the black history diary that recorded your second-year middle school, don't even think about it!!"

Read my novel first, and then get to know me, that is, I am a like-minded LSP in XP. Everyone is the same, so don’t laugh at anyone!

If people know me first and then read my novels, it is equivalent to exposing my XP to other people, and I will never accept it!

Several others: "..."

Although, um, although they don't know what shocking remarks Lin Qiong wrote in the novel, they can probably infer one or two from the fact that Lord Qiong asked them to exchange the history of the two blacks...

So, you are really brave!

Lin Qiong: "..."

Feeling the complex emotions contained in everyone's eyes, even with Lin Qiong's face, he felt so at a loss.

"Ahem, what's that-"

Lin Qiong stood up, and said solemnly: "It's getting late, I'm going to accompany Erina to catch up with the drama! You can do what you want—"

After saying that, he turned around and left the research room as if fleeing, leaving behind a few people with subtle expressions and dumbfounding.

"Everyone, since the Lord has also left, let's leave too—"

Zeref looked at the clock on the wall, chuckled and said, "I'm going to watch Natsu's training."

Aizen: 'You little brother! '


Aizen nodded and said with a smile: "I should also continue to optimize the ghost path."

Jeff: 'You research freak—'

"As for me—"

Eileen recalled a certain detail in the story Lin Qiong just told, then looked at the know-it-all cat who was eating dried fish and said, "I have some things I want to consult with you, is that okay?"


Wan Shitong blinked his eyes, then nodded slightly, and said, "Yes!"



"Tsk tsk, as I expected—"

Lin Qiong leaned on Feng Speed ​​Dog's soft belly, looked at the progress route of Luna Dragon on the tablet, and said, "This guy really went to find trouble with Earth God Dragon."

After all, there are only six divine dragons in total. The wooden divine dragon is dead, and she can't find anyone for the water, fire, and golden divine dragons. What else can she do except cause trouble for the earth divine dragon?

Clean the glass?Crouching in disguise?Or sing the oh-huh tune?

"I remember that the current situation of the Earth Dragon is to complete its own evolution and resurrection by absorbing the heart of the magic dragon, right?"

The eldest lady came over, put her chin on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "What are you going to do? Do you just press him to death in the spring water, or wait for him to be resurrected, and then give him the despair of failure? "

"If the target was just Earth Dragon, I would choose the former, but this time the target is also the big fox, Moon Dragon——"

Lin Qiong rubbed his face against the eldest lady's face, and said helplessly: "You also know that the easiest way to make these dragons bow their heads is to show their strength."

"So, the Earth Dragon is your tool to show your strength?"

The eldest lady looked at the "Sealed Land of Earth Divine Dragon" marked on the map with a look of "pity" and sighed: "Poor Earth Divine Dragon, he will be beaten by the society just after he wakes up~"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then showed a funny expression, and said, "How do you say that sentence? Being beaten by a group is part of the life of a dragon. Please remake if you feel uncomfortable!"

"Being beaten by a group..."

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then she poked Lin Qiong's abdominal muscles dumbfoundingly, and said, "You really carried the gang fight to the end!"

"Master, Miss!"

At this time, the secretary on the side said with a delicate expression: "Think about it carefully, it seems that except for Atlas Flam who was defeated by Reshiram single-handedly, the other dragons have more or less experienced a A nice gang fight, right?"

Lin Qiong & Missy: "!?"

In order to protect Irene's country, the number one dragon leg, Berserion, has to enjoy group fights with evil dragons every now and then, so I don't mention it; and the dragon who joined the sky city after the purgatory dragon...

Do you still remember that Purgatory Dragon once said to Water God Dragon: "Thief hahaha, I participated in every gang fight, Jie Jie!"

Good guy, really good guy!

"Hiss, that guy——"

Lin Qiong also reacted. He smacked his teeth and muttered, "Is that guy a bit of a thief?"

"No, no, no, Aqiong, Fei Shasha, you can't say that -"

After thinking for a while, the eldest lady retorted: "Although he hasn't experienced gang fights, he has experienced severe beatings!"

Lin Qiong & Secretary: "!!"


Although the guy had never been beaten by a group, his initial stubbornness caused him to enjoy a beating after another, so it was difficult to figure out whether he had made a profit or a loss.

This is also a kind of balance.

"Um, Qioni-chan, Erina-chan——"

At this moment, Yoyo on the side weakly raised her hand, and said softly: "Barbara has never been beaten badly, nor has she been beaten by gangs!"

Lin Qiong & Missy & Secretary: “!!”

It seems like this is really the case! ?

"Hey, if you say that -"

Lin Qiong stroked his chin thoughtfully, and said, "Emotion, is Barbara the real daughter of Sky City?"

The eldest lady thought for a while and said, "From the number of times you've been beaten, maybe it's like this?"

"In Women Zhongguo, there is a saying, called Xixiwu, Wei Junjie!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his arms and hugged the eldest lady's slender waist. Feeling the smooth and creamy touch from his palm, he couldn't help but sigh: "Barbara, you are smart and work hard!"

Miss: "..."

She angrily poked Lin Qiong's waist with her hand and said, "My dear boyfriend, who are you talking about with this fluent and powerful accent?"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, raised the eldest lady's chin with a big face, and said happily: "You, Hua Guliang, work!"


The secretary at the side couldn't hold back any longer, and the young lady who was molested opened her mouth and bit Lin Qiong's finger lightly, wrinkled her nose and said, "Idiot!"


Lin Qiong felt that his chest had been pierced by the eldest lady's cute expression just now.


Lin Qiong said expressionlessly, "You should take Youyou for a walk first."

Secretary: "..."

She stood up silently, walked out of the room holding the red-faced Yoyo by the hand, and closed the door behind her.


Lin Qiong walked towards the eldest lady eagerly, and said, "Hua Guliang, here I come~"

Then have a blast.

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