Chapter 0587 you oil the road

"It looks like it's faster on our side."

Standing at the entrance of the Dogula Great Labyrinth, Lin Qiong looked at the huge building in front of him, touched his chin and said, "However, the Great Underground Labyrinth? Just hearing the name makes people want to explore! Yes Bar?"


Yoyo looked eagerly at the big maze in front of her, and said, "I feel like the spirit of an adventurer in my body is burning!"

"Miss Yoyo Wants to Explore-The Labyrinth Exploration Battle of the Powerful-"

"If you want to play a real-life RPG, you should go down and explore before the Moon Dragon comes."

The eldest lady rubbed the muscles on her shoulders and said casually: "It's just that there should be no rewards for clearing this dungeon - oh, if the heart of the dragon is also counted, then pretend I didn't say it."

"No reward? Forget it—"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said with a disappointed look on his face: "A dungeon without clearance rewards is like a computer host without ARGB lights, an existence without a soul."

Miss: "..."

She shook her head helplessly, and said, "Since you are not going to explore the dungeon, then let's start the preparations for meeting the Luna Dragon?"

"Good advice~"

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth showed a malicious expression. He turned his head to look in the direction where the Luna Dragon was flying, and murmured: "It's time to give the great Luna Dragon a little group fight to shock you!"

Miss: "..."

Are you thinking about your group fight?

Forget it, I thought so too.



Luna Dragon Selene.

Her main body is a big raccoon with wings and nine tails. The magic attribute she is good at is "moon", which can convert the power of the moon into various powers.

She has a secret that she doesn't want to tell others, that is, she looks like a dragon on the outside, but her mind is high... Oh no, that is her ideal, in fact, it is to become Yangko... It's not right either!

She has a secret that she doesn't want to tell others, that is, her ideal is to eliminate all dragons in the world except her.

Although at first glance, her ideals are exactly the same as Akunologia's, but the goals of the two parties are actually very different——

Acnologia destroyed all the dragons because he felt that the world belonged to him and he did not allow other dragons to share the world with him. He wanted to be the strongest and the supreme ruler.

Selene eliminated all dragons because she wanted to end the age of dragons, and then live in this world as a human to experience the warmth, joy, and beauty of humans.

"Dogula Marge is just a brainless brat, nothing to be afraid of—"

The Luna Dragon flew towards the entrance of Dogula's Great Labyrinth, and said to himself: "The problem lies in Igonia and Biernis—"

Fire Dragon Igunia - As the biological son of Fire Dragon King Igunir, he undoubtedly inherited his father's talent and is the undisputed strongest of the Six Dragons.

Golden Divine Dragon Biernis - As the most mysterious of the Six Divine Dragons, so far, no one/dragon has been able to discover where he is hiding and what abilities he possesses, except for his active appearance.

"In order to defeat Igonia, I have prepared for a long time in advance..."

Moon God Dragon narrowed his slender fox eyes, and murmured: "But, only Biernis, I can't see through."

With a sigh, the Luna Dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the destination of the trip.


"Hey, are you ready?"

Lin Qiong looked at the group of dragons behind him, and couldn't help saying, "She's almost here!"

"Already, almost ready!"

Barbara, who was doing this for the first time, nodded nervously and said, "Is this really okay?"

"What's the problem? Can she still flip the table?"

Lin Qiong curled his lips in disapproval, then said with a bad smile: "I just like to see her look unhappy but not afraid to be angry, Jie Jie Jie!"

Barbara: "..."

Young master, the young master is so bad, you have to use your eyes... ugh!I didn’t stare, I didn’t stare!


After waiting for about 5 minutes, Luna Dragon Selene arrived at the entrance of Dogula's Great Labyrinth.


Accompanied by a breeze, the Luna Dragon turned into a human figure and landed on the ground, then raised his head and looked at the dungeon exuding an ominous atmosphere in front of him, he couldn't help but snorted softly, and said, "Dogula Marge, today is..."

"Bang bang bang-"

At this moment, accompanied by noisy and dense explosions, a large number of colorful ribbons fell on her body with Moon God Dragon's astonished expression.

'Fa, what happened? '

Moon God Dragon subconsciously showed a wary expression. Just when she was about to use her magic power to launch a large-scale attack, an excited voice sounded beside her: "Let us congratulate Moon God Dragon Selene, President Se, for joining us." After 400 years of micro-business, I bought the Dogula Underground Labyrinth with a total of RMB 100 trillion!!"

Luna Dragon: "?"

No, why do I know every word this person said, but I can't understand all the words together? ?

Lin Qiong, who was wearing a mask to cover up his true appearance, shouted loudly: "Pull-horizon--"

Natsu, Gray, Sting, and Rogge ran to the entrance of the dungeon holding two banners, and then pulled them apart one by one.


Warmly celebrate President Se’s victory in winning the Dogola Underground Maze with full payment!


President Sei!A good role model for all micro-businessmen!

Selene: "??"

No, what the hell is going on! ?

Lin Qiong continued to say loudly: "Play the music! Put the flower basket!"

Barbara picked up the microphone at a loss, and then sang shyly: "I congratulate you on getting rich, I congratulate you on being wonderful, the best ones come here, the bad ones go away—"

At the same time, Gajeel and Laxus walked to both sides of the gate of the dungeon with a floor-standing flower basket, and placed them under the banner.

Selene: "???"

She felt that her PUA was about to burn, what the hell was she doing? ?

Looking at the set scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, then waved to Lucy, and said, "The last link, take pictures!!"

Lucy, with a magic camera hanging around her neck, rushed over, pointed the camera at Selene, and said, "Well, please take a look at the camera, Eggplant—"

Selene: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and then said with a cold expression: "What kind of tricks are you playing?"

"Isn't this to see Mr. Sai preparing to launch the underground city of Tidugula, so I came here to commemorate it?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand to signal everyone to remove their things, and then said in a pity tone: "It's a pity that Mr. Sai doesn't give face, and he is unwilling to cooperate."


Selene narrowed her eyes, and said in a bad tone: "Why should I give you face?"

"Well, if you're going to ask why—"

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then raised his right hand and took off the mask on his face, and asked, "Maybe it's because of this?"

Selene: "!!"

Looking at this face that had appeared in her nightmares several times in the past 400 years, Selene suddenly showed a shaken expression: "You, it's you!? You're back again—?!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands, patted his side lightly, and said, "Then, Luna Dragon Selene—"

"Ang - ho -"

Accompanied by Lin Qiong's movements, dragon roars sounded from midair one after another.Luna Dragon raised his head with a dull expression, and what caught his eye was the picture of dragons circling in the air.

Here comes the nightmare from 400 years ago!


One after another, dragons fell behind Lin Qiong, highlighting the status of the leader of the dragons.

"—Do you give this face, or not?"

Lin Qiong teased Feng Wang who was squatting on his left index finger and asked without raising his head: "Of course, if you are ready to prove your progress in the past 400 years like Igunya, you can give it a try."

'I'm still wondering why Ignatius hibernates suddenly, is it deflated by his hands? '

Cold sweat slid down Moon God Dragon's forehead. She looked at Lin Qiong warily and asked, "What is your purpose of appearing on this land again?"

"My purpose? It's simple—"

Lin Qiong raised his head, smiled at Luna Dragon, and said, "I want to rule this land and create a world where humans and dragons live in harmony!"

Luna Dragon was silent for a few seconds: "Then why did you come to me?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards Luna Dragon: "Join Sky City, Selene."

Luna Dragon looked at Lin Qiong: "Do I have the strength to refuse?"

"Of course there is, but..."

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a smile: "You have to ask the guys behind me if they agree with your refusal."

Selene Three: "..."

She looked up at the group of dragons behind Lin Qiong who were staring at her with malicious eyes, couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and said, "If I refuse, they will beat me up—just Like 400 years ago—is it?"

Lin Qiong nodded reservedly, and said, "It should be so."


Selene took a deep breath, then mobilized the magic power in her body, and said in a deep voice: "If you think that I am still the same as I was 400 years ago, you are completely wrong!"

"In other words, you chose to refuse?"

Seeing Selene's movements, Lin Qiong couldn't help looking at the dragons behind him, and said with a smile: "It seems that your wishes can be fulfilled!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

The Purgatory Dragon suddenly let out a laugh that is very genetically villainous. He looked at the Luna Dragon in front of him with malicious intentions, and said, "Selene, are you doing well... Karma!?"

Selene, who looked like she was going to die together just now, has already entered a portal and waved at them: "See you next time——"

Luna Dragon: You cheer for the road!

Chapter 0588 Why do you assume our strength

Purgatory Dragon: "???"

I, I fucking...

He hastily sprinted towards the Luna Dragon's position, but the portal had already been closed by the Luna Dragon with quick eyesight and quick hands, causing him to miss.


The impotent and furious Purgatory Dragon raised its paws angrily and patted the ground below him, cursing and saying: "Damn it, this bitch doesn't talk about martial arts—you don't run away if you have the guts, fight me for [-] rounds!!"

Lin Qiong came over and said: "A friendly reminder, she is a strong person who can fight Igunya. Are you sure you want to fight her for [-] rounds?"

"Ah this..."

Purgatory Dragon shrunk his neck, but felt that he couldn't uplift others' ambitions, so he straightened his neck and said, "Master, didn't I severely dampen that Igonia's prestige?"

Lin Qiong squinted at the fool and complained, "People who don't know think you are the one who defeated Igunia with your own strength."

"It's just—"

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