The secretary at the side raised his right hand and slapped the dust in front of him, complaining: "You obviously turned defeat into victory by relying on Lord Fengwang's flame?"

"Ahem, what, now is not the time to discuss this, is it?"

Purgatory Dragon shrunk his neck, then laughed twice, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Selene has run away, what should we do?"

"Run? Can she run?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then raised his right hand with a smile on his face, and said, "Please, Space Dragon Palkia!"


Palkia fell from the sky and landed slowly beside Lin Qiong—she did not use teleportation but took a direct flight method, because she was worried about interfering with the space traces left by Selene.

She really, I cried to death.

"Come on, show—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards the position where Selene left, and said maliciously: "Show her the shock of the space dragon—"


Palkia let out a soft growl, and a wicked smile flashed across those scarlet eyes.She raised her right hand lingering with pink energy, stretched it towards the position where the Luna Dragon opened the portal, and then grabbed it hard.


Accompanied by a sound as if 80D black threads were being torn, a portal door with a diameter of about ten meters appeared in front of Lin Qiong, and strands of magic power visible to the naked eye in the form of white mist flowed from the other side of the portal. Flowed this way.

"Huo, such high-quality magic—"

The purgatory dragon in human form leaned over to feel it, then couldn't help but smacked its lips, and said, "What's the situation on the other side of the portal? Could it be an ancient secret realm? Or a high-quality magic crystal mine?"

"On the opposite side of the door is a parallel world called 'Elientia'."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and grabbed a wisp of white fog-like magic power, and said softly: "The quality of the magic power over there is much higher than that of this side—if it wasn't for Palkia's intentional control, I'm afraid the moment the door opened , the magic power of Alentia will pour into this world like a violent wind and tsunami."

"Ping, parallel world!?"

Sting, who heard about this kind of thing for the first time, moved to the edge of the portal excitedly, carefully observed the scenery on the other side of the portal, and said, "It's amazing! There really is such a thing——"

"There is more than one parallel world."

Lin Qiong glanced at the Fairy Tail crowd next to him with a smile on his face, and said: "In addition to the world called 'Ellentia' opposite the door, there is another world called 'Edras'. "


After hearing these four words, everyone in Fairy Tail who had been to that world suddenly exclaimed: "Ai, Edras!!!"

Laxus & Karna & Miraj: "?"

No, your reaction makes the three of us like outsiders, right?

"Nani Nani? Nazgo, do you know about the world called Edras?"

Sting opened his mouth wide and asked hurriedly, "Nene, what is that world like? Tell me--"

"Well, I can only tell you some basic information—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said: "Edras is a world with very poor magic power, while Aslante we are in is a world with moderate magic power, and Elentia, which is opposite this gate, is a world with very little magic power. An overinflated world."

"Isn't it, young master, that's all?"

Seeing that Lin Qiong said this and shut up, Sting immediately said with a face of reluctance: "Speak a little longer!!"

"Haha, want to know about Edras? Go and ask your Natsu brother later—"

Lin Qiong pointed in Naz's direction with a smile, and said with a smile: "Now, let's go after that big raccoon that escaped~"



"Damn! Those guys have survived until now?!"

The Luna Dragon stood on the top of a certain mountain with a gloomy face, and said through gritted teeth: "Akunologia, weren't you very brave when you killed the dragon in Ishgar 400 years ago? Are you such a waste now?"

For the first time, she hated that the black dragon was not strong enough to kill the dragon, otherwise, where would she see Lin Qiong and the others jumping in front of her?

"Hey, hey, he's so pitiful when you say that about him—"

At this moment, Lin Qiong's helpless voice sounded behind Luna Dragon, "Akunologia also has difficulties, right?"


Luna Dragon's hair stood up in fright.

She hurriedly turned around, looked at Lin Qiong with three points of astonishment, three points of astonishment, three points of astonishment, and one point of shock, and said, "You, why are you here?"

"Of course I came here so openly—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, looked at Luna Dragon with a strange face, and asked, "You don't think that you are the only one who has the ability to travel through parallel worlds, do you? No, no! Why do you assume Our capabilities? Leaving the facts aside, do we have no advantage at all?"

Luna Dragon: "?"

Here it is again, this kind of situation where she knows every word, but she can't understand the combination at all, here it is again!

She gritted her teeth, glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "Do you really want to linger?"

"Under my rule, there can only be two kinds of dragons in this world—the first kind, the living dragons in the sky city; the second kind, the dead dragons staying in the cemetery."

Lin Qiong raised his fingers calmly, and said, "Since we met once 400 years ago, I will give you another chance to choose—life or death."

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became more serious. Even the small animals beside him seemed to feel the pressure, and left here without a word.

"Really, don't put so much pressure on them—"

At this moment, the eldest lady walked to Lin Qiong's side with a face full of resentment, raised her hand and slapped Lin Qiong on the shoulder angrily, and said, "How can you threaten others as soon as you come up? You have to show her our sincerity?"

Luna Dragon: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, then asked, "Sincere?"

"We have prepared a lot of sincerity to come to you!"

The eldest lady smiled and raised her hands to pat her side, then said softly, "Bring him up."


Accompanied by the rustling sound, a burst of fine sand turned into two figures between the eldest lady and the Moon God Dragon.

"Miss, people have brought—"

Kuai Mie stroked his chest with his right hand, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said respectfully: "This subordinate will take my leave first."


The eldest lady took out an amulet and threw it to Ke Mie, and then said softly with his puzzled expression: "This amulet can get a layer of charge every twelve hours. Three layers, each charge can be used to deploy a shield that lasts for 10 minutes or can absorb the full blows of Vulcan Dragon."

Nest, there is a croak!

"Thank you, Miss, for your gift!"

Kui Mie was overjoyed and put away the amulet, then turned into flying sand and disappeared in front of the three of them.

"The sincerity in your mouth is this human being?"

Luna Dragon glanced at Sishoumie who was tied like a tempura, and said indifferently, "What does he have to do with me?"

"Then let me introduce him!"

The eldest lady introduced the four beasts on the ground as if introducing her own cuisine, and said: "His name is Georg Laysen, he is the president of the Dragon Eater Guild Diablos, and he is also the Dragon Slayer of the Four Beasts. Mentor."

"Dragon Eater? Ah~"

There was a flash of surprise in Luna Dragon's eyes, but she glanced at Georg who looked like a maggot, and said disdainfully: "So what if he is a dragon eater? Don't you think that I will avenge the four beast dragons?"

"Of course you won't avenge the Four Beast Dragons, but if I tell you..."

The eldest lady showed a smile and said, "He also killed Thunder Dragon King Alexon and Sword Saint Dragon Kurnuki at the same time?"

Luna Dragon: "..."

When she heard the name of the Thunder Dragon King, she could still maintain a relaxed and happy mood, but when she heard the name of the Sword Saint Dragon, the expression on her face suddenly froze.


My son was smashed and died? ?

She looked at the eldest lady with a sullen face, and said, "This joke is not funny at all."

The eldest lady said without changing her face: "Need us to eat the flesh and blood of the Juggernaut Dragon, so please come up and show you his sword skills?"

Silence is the Luna Dragon at this time.

"Although he is just my ineffective son, but..."

The anger visible to the naked eye shrouded Luna Dragon's face, making her expression extremely terrifying, "He is also one of the people I love deeply!"

'Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable! ! '

Driven by anger, the Luna Dragon, which had turned into a dragon shape, raised its palm high, and then slapped it heavily under Sishoumie's terrified eyes.

Jorg Laysen, confirmed dead.

0589 - BadEnd

The eldest lady smiled and looked at the moon dragon that had turned back into a human form, and was patting the blood-stained moon dragon with a gloomy face, and asked, "I wonder if Ms. Selene is satisfied with the gift we gave you?"

Moon God Dragon was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Although I am very grateful to you for sending him to me, even if you don't do anything, with the behavior of the Dragon Eater Guild, they will confront me sooner or later."

Indeed, the purpose of the Dragon Eaters Guild is to hunt dragons, which naturally includes one of the six dragons, the Luna Dragon Selene.

"If one Georg Leysen is not enough..."

The eldest lady lowered her head, and took out a scepter engraved with profound runes from her handbag, and said, "Then how about we add a Sword Saint Dragon?"

Luna Dragon's eyes narrowed slightly, she stared at the eldest lady in front of her, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This is the [Resurrection Rod], as the name suggests, it can bring the dead back to life."

The eldest lady played with the scepter in her hand, looked at the Luna Dragon and smiled, and said: "If you are willing to join Sky City, we will use it to revive the Sword Saint Dragon Kurnuki."

Luna Dragon: "..."

She closed her eyes and said, "You won, I'll join."


"Come on, everyone—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a smile on his face and said, "Let us welcome Moon Dragon Selene and Sword Saint Dragon Kurnuki to join our big family!!"

"Papa papa papa—"

Sitting in front of Lin Qiong, the group of dragons in human form clapped their hands in a very respectful manner, and the uniform movements made Yuelong twitch his mouth.

A group of throwing dragon stuff!

"Except for the water that joined us, the moon dragon and the dead wood dragon, the six dragons have gone to the third."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said loudly: "Next, go and get rid of the Earth God Dragon first, then kill the Gold God Dragon, and finally beat the Vulcan God Dragon fiercely!"

Luna Dragon: "Huh?"

She froze for a moment, then stroked her chin with a thoughtful expression.

Gang beat up Igna?

Hey, if you tell me this, I won’t feel sleepy anymore!


Aslant world.

Dogola's underground labyrinth.

"Hey, I'm back to be hot again!"

Lin Qiong looked at the entrance of the maze in front of him, and couldn't help showing a regretful expression, and said to Luna Dragon: "Do you want to take another photo? I think it must be very memorable!"

Luna Dragon: "..."

She shook her head without hesitation and said, "I don't think so!"

Remember the hammer!

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