That kind of photo just acknowledges the dark history that has accompanied me all my life, okay?

"Tsk, I'm really uncooperative."

Lin Qiong curled his lips, then moved his shoulders while walking towards the entrance of the maze, muttering, "Let me see what stage Dogula Margo's resurrection is at now."

The group of dragons behind Lin Qiong hurriedly followed, and Yuelong, who was walking in the front, asked, "It seems that you are also behind its plan?"

"Mu Shenlong turned the human beings parasitic on him into nourishment for his growth—"

Lin Qiong seemed to be back in his living room, walking skillfully in the underground labyrinth, and said: "The Earth Shenlong faked his death on the surface, and then used the power of Falong's heart to re-consolidate his body."

"As I thought."

Yuelong pursed his lips, looked at Lin Qiong with slightly surprised eyes, and said, "I just found out this information during this period of time. You have only come to this land not long ago, right? Why do you know so much?" clear?"

"Because Sky City has the best intelligence collector in the world."

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows at Yuelong, and said with a little pride: "In this world, there is only information that I am not interested in, and there is no information that she cannot collect."

Moon Dragon: "Oh—?"

'Question him, question him -'

In the team behind the two, Shuilong clenched his fists, looked at Yuelong's back expectantly, and prayed in his heart: "Say you don't believe it, say you don't believe it—"

Yuelong nodded lightly and said, "That's really remarkable."

Water Dragon: "..."

His expression at this time is like a guy who, in order to celebrate the success of his hemorrhoid operation, happily ordered Miss JK on the flyer to come to fill the corner, only to open the door only to find that it was a heavy tank with a high P monster, and he was unlovable The same middle-aged bald man.

Tired, tired, destroy!


Under the guidance of Lin Qiong, a group of more than 20 people soon came to the deepest part of the Dogula underground labyrinth.

What appeared in front of everyone was an empty room.In the very center of the room, an altar enshrining the heart of Falong is connected to the ceiling through a beam of light.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the progress of this stone block is quite good——"

Lin Qiong looked at the magic engravings all over the room that had been lit up by more than 90.00%, and said, "If there is no accident, he will be able to complete the resurrection in at most two years."

"However, he has no such opportunity."

Yuelong raised her right hand coldly when she saw it. As a new moon rose in the room, the power of the silver moonlight wrapped around her palm, "Die before dawn, Dogula Mag." ——”

"Who allowed you to act without authorization?"

At this time, the secretary stretched out his left hand and grabbed Yue Long's right hand, and said with a cold face: "In the City in the Sky, only the young master can make a choice - this is the first and last time."

Moon Dragon: "..."

She twitched the corners of her eyes, feeling that her wrist bones were about to be crushed by the secretary.

"I understand."

She slowly dissipated her moon power, then lowered her eyelids and said, "I made my own decision, I'm sorry."

The secretary smiled slightly, then let go of Yuelong's hand, and slowly retreated behind Lin Qiong, and Yuelong also walked back into the group of dragons.


 Jianjian Shenglong looked at Yuelong beside him with some worry, and whispered: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Yuelong moved his wrist lightly, and said, "She's showing mercy."


"Although, it is very interesting to let him fail in the foreplay of success and die in regret—"

Lin Qiong put his right hand on the altar with a smile on his face, and said maliciously: "However, I am more inclined to let him complete the condensing of his body first, and then let him fall into the abyss when he is full of joy. "

How do you say that?Oh yes, it seems to be...

Give the ego a proper dose of despair.

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong helplessly, and thought: "In a sense, Qiong is really full of evil things. '

The next moment, a heavy magical power like an abyss emanated from Lin Qiong's body, causing the dragons behind him to show shocked expressions.

Moon Dragon: 'What a terrifying magic power, is he really human? '

Shui Long: 'With this level of magic power, I only need three seconds to make the young master kneel on the ground and beg me not to die. '

Purgatory Dragon: 'Damn it, is it my illusion?Why do I feel that the young master has become stronger again? ? '

"Earth Dragon Dogulamag—"

Lin Qiong poured the magic power in his body into the altar, grinned and said, "Get up and pee!"

With the injection of magic power, the entire underground maze shook violently, and rubble fell from the sky above everyone's heads, looking like it was about to collapse.

But no one cares about such things.

Suddenly, the eldest lady whispered: "Here it comes -"


The next moment, a huge monster made of black shiny rocks broke through. It overturned the ceiling of the room and the ground above it, enjoying the warm sunshine to its fullest.

"Hehehahaha! After 100 years, my uncle has finally come back to life!"

Tu Shenlong let out a burst of hearty laughter, then lowered his head and looked at Lin Qiong and others at his feet, grinning and said: "Is it you who woke me up?"

Lin Qiong saluted slightly, and said with a smile: "Exactly, the great earth dragon."

"Huo? Didn't expect that after 100 years, I have believers?"

The earth god dragon touched his chin with his right hand, then raised his eyebrows, leaned in front of Lin Qiong, squinted his eyes and said, "Since you are my believers, you must mind making contributions to the dragon you believe in." ?Honestly I haven't eaten in 100 years and I'm starving to-"

"I understand--"

Lin Qiong bent down pretending to be serious and said sincerely: "We will prepare enough food for you right now."

"Hahahahaha, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

Tu Shenlong showed a joking smile, and then said word by word: "I don't even bother eating human food. My food is human beings themselves! Hahahaha——"

Then, the laughing Tu Shenlong heard the little man in front of him raise his right hand and pick out his ears, and made an extremely impatient voice: "Ah ah ah, it's so noisy -"

Earth Dragon: "Haha... Karma?"

Him, what did he say?Um?Is there something wrong with my ears? ?

"Looks like another hopeless idiot, fortunately I'm still going to play with you."

Lin Qiong blew on the dirt in the crevice of his little finger, hooked his finger behind him impatiently, and said, "Kill him directly, no nonsense."

Anger ignited.

"Human, you..."

Before the earth dragon finished speaking, Bian saw that the little people who were standing behind this human suddenly swelled into one after another of the same kind.

Anger, extinguished.

"No, why are there so many dragons?"

Earth Shenlong looked around suspiciously, and after seeing two familiar figures, his eyes narrowed to the size of a pinhole: "Melkovbia and Selene!? Why do you meeting……"

"Sorry, the young master has ordered us to kill him directly, don't talk nonsense—"

The water dragon hovered in the air, looked at the earth dragon below with merciless eyes, and said without emotion: "So, Dogulamag, please go to die."

Who made you make the wrong choice and step into Bad End after resurrection?


Chapter 0590 Suzaku's Apology

15 minute later.


Yuelong stood on the ground, panting slightly, looked at the earth god dragon who had completely lost its vitality, and murmured: "Win, win?"

Just, that's how you win?

The victory came too easily, which even made Yuelong feel unreal—in the past, in the battles between dragons and dragons, unless the difference in strength was too great, it would take several hours to decide the winner.

"How about it?"

Purgatory Dragon walked up to Yuelong carelessly, and said with a proud face, "Have you felt the charm of gang fights?"

Moon Dragon: "The charm of gang fights?"

"That's right! Group fights are the best!"

The Purgatory Dragon clenched his fists seriously, and said: "If you let me face Dogula Marge alone, I must not be an opponent, but with everyone's assistance, I killed it very easily. He—this is the charm of gang fights!"

Moon Dragon: "..."

She was silent for a moment and said: "Dogula Mag is just a target with a slightly stronger defense! Compared with him, Bielnis is the real troublesome guy."

In order to achieve her own goals, Luna Dragon has been collecting the information and weaknesses of other dragons on this land for hundreds of years, and then destroys them one by one-in fact, she has already mastered the weaknesses of Earth Dragon.

The Earth Dragon did two things with the Falong's Heart.

The first thing is to constantly condense his own dragon body to increase the strength and hardness of the body - after all, the fighting style of the earth god dragon is a single type on the meat shield, so the higher the defense power, the better for him.

The second thing is to increase the scope of its power and maximize the size of the underground labyrinth—this behavior is the same as when the water dragon used magic power to infect the sea area around the city.

In order to increase his control over the Great Labyrinth and the sphere of power, Dogula Margo created 72 "Dogula Cores" and placed them in various places in the maze, but these "cores" also became his weakness—— Destroy a "Dogula Core", and Dogula Margo will be weaker.

In the original book, even if the Dogula Margo who first appeared in peak form stood still and opened the middle door for Suzaku and Natsu to attack, they would not be able to break through his defense at all, but when the 72 "Dogula Cores" "After being completely destroyed by Natsu's companions, Natsu's attack easily broke through the defense of Dogula Margo.

"...In other words, as long as I prepare in advance and smash these 'nuclei', I can defeat Dogula Marg by myself."

Moon Dragon described Earth Dragon's weaknesses, and then sighed: "But Biernis is different, and I haven't been able to gather much information about him so far—it's as if he doesn't exist at all. It's the same in the world."

"so what?"

Purgatory Dragon waved his hands indifferently, and said carelessly: "Did you forget what the young master said? He has the most powerful intelligence collectors in the world!"

The subtext is that the young master will definitely be able to collect information that you cannot collect.

Moon Dragon: "..."

Damn reckless man, wasting my emotions.

Water Dragon: "!"

He clenched his fists secretly again, and shouted in his heart: "Doubt the young master, question the young master, question the young master!" '

"hope so."

Yuelong exhaled, then moved his neck, lazily flew into the air, and said, "I'm going to take a rest first."

There is one thing to say, no blows, no blacks.

After joining Sky City, Yuelong feels that the biggest benefit he has gained is that his diet has been completely improved-the grade of the canteen in Sky City is really too high! !

Sword Saint Dragon: No, what about me?You didn't say a word about them resurrecting me!

Water Dragon: "..."

He was like a middle-aged man who checked hemorrhoids and found out that the female doctor who checked him was the goddess he had a crush on, so he fell silent.


"The fourth of the six divine dragons has gone!"

Lin Qiong sat on the seat in satisfaction, holding a goblet, gently shaking the scarlet liquid in the cup, and said gracefully: "Next, you only need to... bah bah bah, this tomato juice is also It's so sour."

"I told you to sprinkle some sugar in it—"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "You insist on saying something like 'a real man should drink pure natural raw tomato juice', and then you just pinch the tomatoes with your hands, and you get all over the stove. pulp."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong poured the tomato juice into Feng Wang's bowl in a hurry, then put the goblet on the table, walked quickly to the front of the eldest lady, bowed and bent over and said in one go, "Red bean paste private race!"

Miss: "..."

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