She looked at the secretary at the side, and said, "Fei Shazi, why do I think he's trying to convey something?"

The secretary coughed twice and said, "Miss, I think you are right."

Lin Qiong straightened up and said confidently: "Apologizing is part of the spirit of craftsmanship. Don't play with it if you don't like it!"

The eldest lady rolled her lovely eyes, then poked Lin Qiong's waist fiercely with her fingers, and said, "You bastard, did you do it on purpose or by accident?"

Lin Qiong raised his head and said with a little pride: "It was intentional!"

"Hi! Secretary, come and help me press Qiong's wrist—"

The eldest lady yelled at the secretary and Youyou very simply: "Yuyou, you are responsible for pressing his ankle!!"


The secretary rushed over with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to hold Lin Qiong's arm very skillfully, and said, "Miss, please go ahead!"

While apologizing, Yoyo nimbly pinned Lin Qiong's ankle: "Oh, Qiongnijiang, yes, I'm sorry—"

Lin Qiong was shocked, and he said sharply: "Fei Shazi, Yoyo! Are you worthy of my cultivation of you like this!"

The secretary raised his head slightly, and said loudly with confidence, "Young master, the red bean paste private race!"

Yoyo turned her gaze away, and said in a low voice, "Nijiang, red bean puree, nasai!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He froze for a moment, then said with an uneasy face: Grass (Chinese-Japanese bilingual)!Who the hell turned the two of you into what you are today? "

The eldest lady & secretary: "?"

The two looked at each other, then looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, as if they were asking...

"No, don't you know it yourself?"

King Feng flew in from the window, then looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly and complained: "If you think about it carefully, who among us is the most shameless and who is the most unscrupulous?"

The eldest lady and the secretary nodded silently.

"Who is the most shameless, who is the most unscrupulous..."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then showed a dazed expression, and said, "I understand! It's Feng Wang, you—"

"That's right... damn it!"

Feng Wang, who nodded subconsciously, reacted, and immediately became furious, screaming and rushed towards Lin Qiong, angrily angrily said: "Today we must show off the male and female!!"


Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to stop Feng Wang's attack with a serious face, and then said seriously: "Our genders are different, even if we don't have a showdown, we can tell the difference, right?"

Phoenix King: "Huh?"

She froze for a moment, then blinked her peasy eyes in a daze, and said, "You, you seem to be right... No! Why do you assume my gender?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?!"

He exaggeratedly widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "I know! I'm afraid that even Arceus can't catch your punch!"

At this time, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo laughed together and couldn't breathe.

"No road race! Don't think that I will be very happy if you say that!"

Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong in front of him with wide eyes, and chirped, "I, Feng Wang, am now a killer with no emotions!"

Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "Since he is a killer, why should he be given a nickname?"

Feng Wang thought for a while and said, "It seems to make sense?"

Then she happily discussed her title with Lin Qiong, completely forgetting about the showdown with Lin Qiong.

The three people who regained their strength: "..."

Damn it, Phoenix King!



Yuelong sat by the window sill, looked at the bright moon in the sky, took a sip of the sake in the cup, and murmured: "You know? I feel like I'm dreaming now."


After a brief silence, Suzaku slowly walked in from the door and said, "My question, when did you find out?"


Yuelong played with the exquisite ceramic wine glass in his hand, and said softly: "Before 15 minutes?"

Suzaku: "..."

Doesn't that mean she found out as soon as I got to the door? ?

Suzaku felt ashamed at the thought of hesitating at the door for half an hour, and having performed several drills during the period.

Suzaku sighed and said, "I'm ashamed."

"There is no need to say such things."

Yuelong raised his head, leaned the back of his head against the window frame, then turned his head to look at Suzaku, and said, "You want to apologize to me? Why?"

'Sure enough, it was seen--'

Suzaku hung his head resignedly, and said, "Answer, I found out that the dragon meat I ate was..."

"Stop, I know what you mean."

Before Suzaku finished speaking, Yuelong raised his hand to interrupt his speech, then waved his left hand, and said indifferently: "You didn't kill my useless child, you have something to do with it." what relationship?"

What's more, the sword saint dragon has been resurrected by the eldest lady with the resurrection scepter, so Yuelong is even more indifferent!

"Question, do you really not care?"

Suzaku looked at Yuelong in front of him, showed a somewhat hesitant expression, and said, "I have a question, is there anything I can do for Your Excellency?"

Although Yuelong said that he didn't need to care, but according to the suggestion of his companion (referring to Ji Liya), he decided to do something to ease the relationship between the two parties, so as not to affect the subsequent cooperation.

"Do what? Oh~ are you trying to make it up to me?"

When Yuelong heard what Suzaku said, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. A hint of joking flashed in his eyes and said, "Let's do this - since you have eaten my son's flesh and blood and inherited his power, then you Like him, how about calling me 'Mother'?"

Suzaku: Σ( ° △ °|||)

This, this, this, what should I do? ?

Chapter 0591 Cute and Dead

Castle in the Sky.

meeting room.


Lin Qiong stood on the podium with his hands on his hips, looked at the densely packed people below, and said, "Everyone, today's "Beating the Golden Dragon until His Eyes See Stars"—referred to as "Ou Jinjin"—the content of the meeting is to discuss Some information about Jin Shenlong obtained so far!"

People below: "..."

We understand what you're saying, but why such a weird title?

Live in Bengbu!

"Well, first of all..."

Lin Qiong looked at Yuelong who was sitting in front of Sword Saint Dragon and Suzaku, and said, "Let Selene share the information she has collected so far about the Golden Dragon."

"In the past hundred years, in order to achieve my goal, I have been collecting information on several other dragons, but there is very little information on Ernis."

Selene stood up and said with a slightly gloomy look: "I only know now that he is a dragon that exists in concepts, cannot be knocked down with fists, exists and does not exist."

other people:"?"

"No, what does this sentence mean?"

Purgatory Dragon wiped his head blankly, and said in a daze: "What is a dragon in the concept of existence?"

"Concept? That is to say, non-entity?"

Zeref leaned his chin thoughtfully and murmured: "In other words, Biernis should be similar to a 'soul body', a special life that cannot be harmed by ordinary means."

"Isn't that..."

Hearing Zeref's words, everyone couldn't help looking at Lace, who was sitting beside Misaki in an orderly manner, looking harmless to humans and animals, "Is it the same as Lace?"

"Well, that's the case in terms of form, but there should be a difference in essence."

Zeref rubbed his head in distress and said, "But because of the lack of information on Biernis, I can't conduct deeper research."

Even if it is Jeff, there is no way to complete the research on a certain living body out of thin air.

"Ah, it feels so troublesome——"

Mangzi Purgatory Dragon raised his hands, grabbed his head a little violently, and said, "Why is there such a troublesome dragon??"

Yuelong shook his head helplessly, and said, "If I knew, I wouldn't be helpless against him."

The storm dragon on the side glanced at the water dragon and asked, "I said Mel, you are also a water dragon after all, don't you have any news about Biernis?"

Hearing the question, the water dragon smiled and touched the back of his head, and said, "Hahaha, let alone Biernis, I don't even know any other dragons!"

other people:'……'

How on earth could this guy say something like this with such pride?

"Everyone, please don't make things difficult for Mel."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands dumbfounded, attracted everyone's attention, and said with a smile: "It's too late for him to fall in love, how can he have time to collect information about other dragons?"


As soon as Lin Qiong finished speaking, everyone let out gloating noises, and turned their meaningful eyes to Shuilong and his little follower who was blushing and lowered his head, Calamir.

Seeing the funny reactions of these two people, Qunlong suddenly showed an auntie smile, and let out a "hehehehe—" laugh.


The little follower let out a mournful cry, and then buried her face in the arms of the water dragon, turning into a little ostrich, while the water dragon covered her head with clothes with a wry smile, and begged for mercy: "Brothers and sisters, please let us go!" no?"

"Everyone, let's talk about the business first, and after we finish the business, you can bully them slowly, okay?"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a smile and said, "Selene has shared her information just now, so it's my turn next."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the members in the conference room immediately sorted out their emotions, and turned their fiery gazes to Lin Qiong—after all, the dragons and dragon slayers sitting here are all militants, and they are more Apart from molesting the newcomers, they must be more interested in Jin Shenlong's information.

Lin Qiong held the podium with both hands and said with a serious face: "First of all, there are specific matters regarding the information that Selene said that 'Biernis is a dragon in a conceptual sense'..."


"...Finally, regarding my final proposal, you all go back and think about it carefully, and then hand over the list to me before dinner."

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he threw the pointer in his hand on the podium, then jumped on the window sill and said loudly: "The meeting is dismissed! Just do whatever you need to do! Bye!"

Qunlong: "..."

After they watched Lin Qiong jump off the window sill, they couldn't help but glanced at each other.

"It seems like no one left early."

The storm dragon gently brushed back the hair hanging on its chest with its hands, then chuckled lightly and said, "It looks like everyone feels the same as me, right?"

"Hey, if such an important matter is not discussed in advance, I'm afraid I won't even be able to sleep tonight."

The Purgatory Dragon chuckled, then glanced at the others, and said, "I think it's not just me, other dragons think the same way, right?"


Red Dragon Peda grinned, tapped his arm with his fingers, and said, "Let me ask in advance, is there anyone who is planning to quit early?"

"Peda, there's no need to ask such meaningless questions, right?"

Dark Dragon Beth Kede glanced at the Red Dragon, a slightly disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Only a fool with a purity of [-]% will quit at this time, right?"

Barbara who was about to raise her hand: "..."

The little crying bag pursed his mouth, then whimpered and sniffed, and said, "I, I, I, I, I'm not an idiot, woo woo woo..."

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