Dark Dragon: "..."


Wrathful Wyrm Valusina raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked at the stiff-faced Dark Dragon with teasing eyes, and said, "Someone made Barbara cry!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! That's too much——"

The Golden Scaled Dragon gently played with the gold jewelry in his hand, and said with emotion: "Little Barbara is so cute? How could someone make her cry?"

"Man and God share the wrath."

Yulong Jasper shook his head with emotion, and said, "Anyone with a bit of conscience can't do such an excessive thing."

Some dark dragons sitting on wax: "..."


He coughed lightly, and then added blankly: "What I said just now only includes combatants! It doesn't include logisticians."

"Suck, really, really?"

Barbara looked at the dark dragon with teary eyes, and said, "Aren't you scolding me?"


The dark dragon glanced at the silver dragon Algeta, who was laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes, and cursed for being careless in making friends, "I didn't mean that!"

"Then, that's fine."

Barbara breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the other dragons timidly, and said, "Well, if I quit, everyone won't laugh at me, right?"

Everyone didn't dare to speak for fear of irritating the dark dragon if they couldn't help but laugh, so they could only shake their heads in unison.

"Wow wow wow!"

Barbara hurriedly stood up from her chair, bowed to the others, and said, "Well, I'll leave first!"

She made an appointment with Yoyo to read comics together!


When the door was closed by Barbara, the dragons looked at each other and resumed the discussion.

"Since everyone is unwilling to give in, let's use the most primitive method——"

Purgatory Dragon stood up from his seat with a domineering face, exuding a turbulent aura of burning everything, raised his right fist, and grinned, "The loser has no complaints, how about it?"

"Exactly what I want!"

The red dragon stood up with his arms folded, exuding the aura of a tyrant, "Others?"

Dark Dragon: "No problem!"

Silver Dragon: "Come on!"

Star Dragon: "There is really no way."

Storm Dragon: "Let the horse come here!"

Under the trembling eyes of the dragon slayer wizards, the menacing group of dragons gathered together, and then...

"Scissors, paper, rock--"


"Whoa, whoa—"

Lin Qiong got into the laboratory, limp on the sofa as if he had no bones, and said, "I fell down, I need a know-it-all cat to get up!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

The know-it-all cat came out from the depths of the laboratory, then jumped onto the armrest of the sofa where Lin Qiong lay prone, rubbed his face with a smile, and said, "Are you ready? Our young master— —”

"Okay okay~"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then raised the cat in his arms, and said happily: "Healed by our Miss Wanshitong!"

"Okay, okay, Miss Passionate is here to heal you~"

The know-it-all cat pressed Lin Qiong's forehead with a meat ball, and said, "Is everything informed?"


Lin Qiong closed his eyes and nodded his head, yawned and said: "After the Golden Dragon is settled, the Northern Continent will be in our pocket——Igunya, let's keep Naz, after three years The covenant cannot be broken."


Maomao, the know-it-all, rubbed his head against Lin Qiong's head, and then joked, "Are you sleepy? Then, do you want us to change back into a human form, so that you can enjoy the knee pillow service of Miss Know-it-all?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He was slightly taken aback, then raised his head, and said solemnly: "If you want to talk about this, I won't be sleepy... Ah bah, I'm even more sleepy!"

Don't be sleepy!If you are not sleepy, how can you enjoy Maomao’s lap pillow service?Right!

"Miss Know-It-All, cute energy filling, transformation~"

The know-it-all cat leaped into the air, performed a light front flip, and transformed back into a human form in a burst of silver-white light, "Qing, tang, cute Miss Know-it-all, come on stage!"

Lin Qiong didn't say anything, but covered his chest with both hands, showing a peaceful expression.

That's so cute.

Chapter 0592 Do you understand?

"...Next...develop...you can..."

Lin Qiong heard Irene's voice while half asleep and half awake, and couldn't help raising his head in a daze, and asked, "Development? What development?"

How to smell experience in small toilets and people around the pillars of Qin Wang?Or how to fill the tower knife?

You ask me, I'm good at this!

I was beaten by Riven when I played Nuoshou and could only make up damage under the tower, and I was also beaten by Nuoshou when I played Riven!

Do you understand the value of seven-year silver? (Tactical Backward.jpg.

"Master, are you awake?"

Seeing Lin Qiong wake up, Irene quickly stopped reporting and said, "Well, I mean, Wendy's figure may not grow anymore!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He woke up in a jerk, then looked at Irene with a strange expression, and said, "No, you usually study this?"

Erin: "..."

She wished she could strangle herself to death. What did I just say? ?


The words have already been said, and it would be too stiff to change her words, so she could only bite the bullet and say: "Uh, it's because Wendy is very concerned about her figure, so she turned to me for help—"


Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a small, tangled expression, and muttered: "This kind of thing, it feels like, maybe, maybe, Wendy did it?"

In the original work, the little girl seems to be particularly concerned about her figure?

Erin: "!"

Hey, he hit the right one?Shocked Erin for a whole year.

"So, so I helped her research it!"

Irene quickly chased after the victory, and said: "The conclusion is that it is difficult for her body to develop into what she imagined."

Erin: 'I didn't say what she imagined she looked like anyway, did I? '

Lin Qiong: "What does Wendy imagine?Protruding and warping?That's really unlikely—'

So, the two looked at each other and reached an agreement.

The know-it-all who witnessed all this: "..."

'The guy's luck has subtly improved for once. '

She glanced at Irene with a strange expression, and thought: "However, it doesn't matter if you tell A Qiong the plan, he should actively help you... Forget it, it's okay to cook raw rice and cooked rice." '

After all, what bad thoughts could a cat have?Cats just want to watch the fun meow~

Oh no, I'm in human form now... Forget it, it's all right!

"Poor Wendy."

Lin Qiong sat up straight, then stretched out on the sofa without any image, and said, "Huh, what time is it?"

"03:30 PM, you slept for about two hours."

Ms. Wanshitong leaned on the back of the sofa, propped up her chin gracefully, looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Do you want to continue to sleep? Or are you going to assist us in our work?"

Erin: "!"

Heart, lift up.

"No, two hours is enough."

Lin Qiong jumped up from the sofa, then gave a thumbs up to Miss Pass, and said, "Since you still have work, I won't bother you!"

Erin: "."

Heart, fell back.

"go Go."

Miss Wanshitong waved her hands grandly, and said with a smile: "Remember to complete the main task as soon as possible—"

The main task refers to world conquest.

"Yes, yes, keep it on me."

Lin Qiong patted himself on the chest, then waved his right hand towards Ms. Wanshitong, and said, "You just wait here for me to help you get the magic book from the door!"

Miss Know-it-All let out a "Hey—" laugh.


After dinner, back garden.


Lin Qiong leaned on the chair, Chocolate was shaking his ears happily, and put a piece of cut fruit into his mouth, "Your list is a bit, uh, beyond calculation, how did you come up with it? of?"

High emotional intelligence: beyond calculation

Low EQ: no plan

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hong proudly stretched out his right hand and said domineeringly: "Of course it is my most powerful fist!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

fist?Nest, you guys had a fight, right?

"Damn it, I'm not reconciled!"

The storm dragon bit his fingernails, and said indignantly: "Why did I have to produce scissors at the end? Hey, how angry!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

fist?Scissors?Gan, how old are you, and you still play rock-paper-scissors here?Don't be ashamed! ?

If it were me, I would have to play Gwent!

"Master, is there anything wrong with this list?"

Yinlong looked at Lin Qiong with a strange expression, thinking that he had some opinions on the list, so he said, "Do you need to modify it?"

"No, no! I trust you."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, glanced at the group of dragons in front of him with a smile, and said, "Let's fight according to the people on this list."

"Yes! Master——" x11

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