The eleven dragons on the list shouted with a little excitement, and their eyes were burning with high fighting spirit—see, this is the young master's trust in us!

At the same time, Lin Qiong, who trusted them, thought, "Well, just to be on the safe side, let Palkia follow them to guarantee the bottom line." '


Northern Continent.

On the east side, Qiongtu Mountain.

"Yo, we meet again—"

Lin Qiong squatted at the crater, looked at Igonia who had emerged from the magma, and said with a smile, "Have you eaten?"


Igunya snorted coldly, flew out of the magma, turned into a human form and landed in front of Lin Qiong, saying, "What are you doing here again?"

In human form, Igunya has a very unorthodox feeling. He has red hair that soars to the sky, and the position of the hair gradually turns into a burnt black. There are red tattoos printed on his face, chest and even his left arm—— —Of course, the most conspicuous thing is the big gold chain hanging around his neck.

"Don't be so cold—"

Lin Qiong took out a pack of Weilong from his pocket, threw it to Igonia, and said, "Astrafram and I are on the same level, and he is your old brother's brother. Round up, you Is it okay to call me uncle?"

Ignatius: "..."

Hard, my fucking fist is hard.

With a gloomy expression, he grabbed Wei Long, astonishing heat gushed out from his palm, burning this bag of high-quality spicy sticks to ashes, "Are you here to amuse me on purpose?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at the residue at Igunya's feet, remained silent for a few seconds, then rolled up his sleeves silently, and said, "Today, I, as an uncle, will teach you what it means to respect an adult."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you!?"

Igunya raised his right hand with a ferocious face, and roared, "Vulcan Dragon's..."

"Vientiane Tianyin—"

Lin Qiong aimed his palm at Igna, and an extremely exaggerated gravitational force gushed out from his palm, attracting Igna, who was accumulating energy, towards him.

A trace of surprise flashed in Igunya's eyes, but he did not panic, but continued to accumulate strength, preparing to use the suction power of Lin Qiong's move and convert it into his own, but...

"Shen Luo Tianzheng—"

The next moment, with the mockery flashing in Lin Qiong's eyes, a terrifying repulsion surged forward, flying the solidified magma under his feet, and slammed into Igonia's body.


Igunya, who had bumped into the repulsive force head-on, felt his eyes go dark, and his body flew up high like a rag, and then fell into the magma with the muffled sound of "Boom--".

"How, Igonia, who is in the period of resistance—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and walked to the edge of the magma. He looked at the red mucus under his feet that bubbled up from time to time, grinned, and said, "Now do you know how to treat uncle?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


The next moment, with the splash of magma, a huge red dragon wrapped in flames rushed into the sky, roaring: "I will not be defeated so easily, the roar of the Vulcan dragon!!"

'If Ace's flame can reach this level, then the one who fell would be Akainu. '

Lin Qiong shook his head slightly, then spread his fingers, pointed his palm at Igunia in the air, and gently held it, "Binding Dao 61·Six Thousand Zhang Light Prison."

Kuchiki Byakuya:?

Byakuya Kuchiki: 6

Six thousand beams of light formed in mid-air, and with the sound of "aggressiveness", they all pierced Igonia's body, allowing him to successfully evolve from a Vulcan dragon to a Vulcan hedgehog.


Igunya, who had lost the ability to move, fell into the magma again, only half of his body was exposed outside, struggling desperately to no avail.

Lin Qiong yawned, then threw a piece of purple candy into his mouth, chewing it and said, "Okay, just rest for a while."

Ignatius ignored him and continued to struggle.

Lin Qiong: "?"

Niang Xipi's!

He raised his eyebrows and said, "You bastard, try to struggle a little longer? Believe it or not, I will find a tree and stab it into your swallow, and then I will carry you around the city?"

Ignatius: "..."

He dared not move.

"It's just a pinch. If you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined, right?"

Lin Qiong hooked his fingers, dispersed the six-thousand-foot light prison that imprisoned him, and said, "Come up and talk, don't force me to deal with you!"

'You've packed—'

While slandering in his mind, Ignatius turned into a human form, looked towards the open space with a slumped face, and said, "Isn't it three years after we all agreed? Why are you looking for me now?"

"Just to tell you, don't run around during this time."

Lin Qiong unpacked a pack of Nanjing salted duck, threw a few pieces into his mouth, and said, "I'm going to conquer the world, so don't run around and make trouble for me."



Ignatius widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "You, you, do you know what you are talking about!?"

Lin Qiong threw the packaging bag in his hand into the magma, then patted the condiment powder on his hands, and said very naturally: "Didn't you hear me clearly? Then let me say it again - I am going to conquer this world easily, so You just stay in this volcano honestly during this period of time, don't run around and make trouble for me, do you understand?"

Chapter 0593 You Bully Me

"Wood, earth, and metal are dead, and water and moon have surrendered to me. That means you are the only one left among the wild six divine dragons——"

Lin Qiong lay sideways on a stone protruding from the ground, looked lazily at Igonia who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and continued: "So I would trouble you to stay here honestly until the three-year agreement comes. In a volcano, OK?"

Ignatius was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Really? Has Dogulamag been killed by you?"

"No way, I wanted to give that guy a chance at first—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, then told what happened that day, and said, "No way, since he chose to seek death, I have no choice but to send him a ride."

"Ha, what an unlucky fellow."

Ignatius sneered, then put his hands on the ground behind him, leaned back, and murmured: "After his fake death, I thought there was no need to visit the graves of people who didn't die, so I didn't do it once." Go see him in the maze."

Unexpectedly, that guy was resurrected quietly like this, and then died quietly.

"Then you can go and see him now."

Lin Qiong smiled kindly at Igna, and said, "We specially erected a tombstone for Dogula at the entrance of the Great Underground Labyrinth, so that you can find a place to worship him!"

Ignatius: "..."

He tugged at the corners of his eyes, and then said with a speechless face: "Do I have to thank you?"

"No need to thank you, just be obedient."

Lin Qiong lowered his head and unpacked a pack of Langweixian, and said, "Anyway, it's only three years. For you dragons, it should be a very short time, right?"

"Ha! Even if I listen to you and stay in this volcano without going out, do you think you can really conquer the world?"

Ignatius couldn't help showing a sneer, and said: "In this world, there is still a big guy!"

Black Dragon King Acnologia.

"I know who you mean."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand calmly, then grabbed a handful of Langweixian and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing while saying, "Don't worry, I didn't pay attention to it from the beginning."

"Huh? Do you know what you're talking about?"

Hearing this sentence, even Igunya couldn't hold back anymore: "You don't think that the gang fight tactics you used to deal with our six dragons can also have an effect on the black dragon, right?"

"You forgot, I, like you, have experienced the ravages of black dragons 400 years ago!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, looked at Igna and said, "Of course I know, in front of the black dragon, 'number' is just meaningless."

If the Longhai tactics were useful, the six-figure dragon group 400 years ago would not die, only three or two kittens are left.

Ignatius looked at Lin Qiong who was smiling, and asked expressionlessly: "Since you know the power of the black dragon, where do you have the confidence to say what you just said?"

"It's not your turn to worry about this kind of thing."

Lin Qiong lazily stood up from the stone, then showed a teasing expression towards Igonia, and said, "Or, you are actually a tsundere, who hates me on the surface, but actually cares about me Safety?"

Ignatius: "..."

His expression froze, and then he raised his right hand with a livid face, swung a flame vigorously, and said angrily: "Get out!!!"

He was disgusted.

"Ouch, I'm so scared to death~"

Lin Qiong dodged Igonia's flames with a backflip, then patted his chest lightly, and said, "Could it be that you've become angry from embarrassment? Hahaha——"

Ignatius waved his hands frantically, throwing pillars of fire one after another towards Lin Qiong: "Get lost!!"

"I'm angry, I'm angry~"

Lin Qiong flew into the air with a smile, then waved his right hand towards Igonia, and said, "Remember to be an otaku! Bye~~~"


Panting, Igunya looked at Lin Qiong's leaving figure and said through gritted teeth: "If I can't beat this guy... damn it!!"


After a day and a half.

Standing by the back garden, Lin Qiong looked at the dozen or so dragons that descended from the sky and took human form, and said with a light smile, "Welcome home, everyone—"


All the dragons knelt down in front of Lin Qiong in unison, and said loudly, "Young master! Fortunately, we have completed the crusade against Biernis!"

"Thank you for your hard work! Erina has already prepared a feast for everyone—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands lightly, and said, "How about eating a full stomach, taking a bath, and sleeping in the dark?"


The group of dragons cheered in unison, and then impatiently followed Lin Qiong, swaggering towards the restaurant.

The Storm Dragon who was not able to participate in the battle said sourly: "Cut, I don't know what I'm doing!"

"Hey, someone is sour."

The Purgatory Dragon looked at the Storm Dragon and smiled, and said, "What? We won't be allowed to win the battle?"

Shadow Dragon: "That's quite true."

Magic mirror dragon: "If you have to play, you will have to play!"

Rune Dragon: "What's the harm in being frightened?"

'Hey, I'm so angry—'

The storm dragon is envious and jealous... Ah bah, his teeth are itching with anger, "Hmph, it's just a victory achieved by relying on gang fight tactics!"

"Tch, you know a hammer—"

Purgatory Dragon curled his lips with disdain, and said: "The young master has already said that in the face of that kind of treacherous and evil people, there is no need to talk about the morals of the world, and we will finish the matter shoulder to shoulder - this is called justice." Ultra gang fight!"

The other dragons participating in the battle nodded in unison and said, "Yes!"

Storm Dragon: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong mournfully, then gave the Purgatory Dragon a vicious look, and walked towards the room like a defeated dog.

Purgatory Dragon thought of a movie that Lin Qiong showed them before, and couldn't help saying: "Look, she looks like a dog!"

Then he was directly hit in the head by a spiral storm fired by the angry Storm Dragon, and rolled backwards for more than 20 times.

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