In this regard, everyone’s evaluation is——



"So far, the obstacles on the Kirutina continent have been removed—"

Lin Qiong looked at the world map in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "With the current force value of Sky City, this land can be conquered in about a week."

This piece of land (1/1)... Oh, this is not porridge fan, that's okay.

"Over the Western Continent, if Olgast and I are dispatched, the conquest can be completed in about a minute—"

Standing beside Lin Qiong, Jeff pointed to the Ishgal Continent and said, "The rest is the Ishgal Continent."

Then Lin Qiong and him fell silent together.

"Hey, it's a bit troublesome——"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "There are no acquaintances in the Northern Continent, and there is no psychological burden to conquer."

"The western continent was originally my territory."

Jeff rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "This time I'm just going back to reclaim my own things."


Lin Qiong and Zeref turned their heads in unison and looked at the Fairy Tail members who were undergoing special training at the training ground, and couldn't help but scratch their heads at the same time.

"There are acquaintances here, so I'm quite embarrassed to do it, right?"

"Goodbye, young master!"

"So, I have a bold idea."

"Master, please tell me."

"I'm going to hand over the task of conquering the continent of Ishgar to Mebis!"

"Goodbye, young master!"

Lin Qiong and Zeref looked at each other and smiled, and the scene between the masters and ministers was full of harmony and friendship.

Mebis on the side: "..."

She stared at the two of them: "When you guys are going to cheat me, can you carry me a little bit?"

How can anyone discuss cheating others in front of others?

Lin Qiong and Jeff glanced at each other, and they turned around secretly, with their backs to Mebis.

"So, I have a bold idea."

"Master, please tell me."

"I'm ready to conquer..."

Mavis: "???"

She clenched her fists and said angrily, "I'm not talking about this behind my back!!"

Lin Qiong and Jeff looked at each other again, and Jeff raised his thumb, and then carried Mebis on his back.

"So, I have a bold idea."

"Master, please tell me."

"I'm ready to conquer..."

Mavis: "..."

I'm not talking about carrying it on your back!

Woohoo, you bully me! !



Mebis took the ten dragons to Ishgar with a sad face (Reshiram followed quietly).

Zeref took Olgast and Rakaide to the Western Continent (Kyurem followed quietly).

Moon Dragon and Water Dragon led the remaining dragons to start the conquest plan of the Northern Continent.

Lin Qiong...

Lin Qiong fished in the dragon of the magic circle.


Lin Qiong leaned on the edge of the table, looked at the magic guide map in the Dragon Guild of the Magic Array, and said, "I should have completed the century-old mission you issued, right?"

Falong nodded with a serious face, and said with emotion: "I never imagined that this seemingly impossible task would be completed so easily by you! You are indeed the master of Sky City, and you are truly a hero in this world." .”

Lin Qiong took a sip of Sprite, and then took another sip of the spicy slice, and said with satisfaction: "If you can talk, talk more."

Faron: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds and said: "When I first saw Mr. Lin Qiong, I felt that you exuded a kind of divine light, and you must be the best among men!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Let me tell you more, you really started, right?Honest man?

"Okay, okay, I'm joking, don't be awkward."

Lin Qiong waved his hand. He took out the heart sealed in the magic crystal from the box behind him, put it on the table, and said, "What price are you going to buy back for this heart?"

Faron: "..."

He thought for a while, and suggested: "Shall I praise you in a different way for a month?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Chapter 0594 Falong’s choice

Lin Qiong looked at Falong, and a question mark visible to the naked eye slowly appeared on his head.

"You don't—"

Falong looked at the question mark condensed by magic power above Lin Qiong's head. He couldn't help but sneered and explained, "Don't I think you like being praised by me?"

"That's why you want to prostitute me for nothing?"

Under Falong's terrified gaze, Lin Qiong tossed the magic crystal that sealed his heart, and said lazily, "How about I give it to Yuelong? She should be very interested in this thing."

"No, no, no, brother, we have something to discuss, brother -"

Falong hurriedly held Lin Qiong's hand and said flatteringly: "Don't be like this, let's talk carefully if we have something to say -"

"Okay, let's talk about it."

Lin Qiong put the magic crystal on the table again, then pressed it with his hand, and said, "You still have one more chance to bid."

Faron: "..."

He held his head with some headaches, and murmured: "Mr. Lin Qiong, you are too cunning—"

Lin Qiong's "commodity", he is bound to get it, and Lin Qiong only gave him one chance to bid, so in order to increase the success rate as much as possible, Falong can only bite the bullet and increase his quotation.

For example...

"You have three chances a year to borrow the wisdom of Faron!"

Falong stared at Lin Qiong, and said seriously: "Falong's 'fa' is the 'magic' 'fa', which means endless knowledge, as long as..."

"Wait a minute! You stop!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to stop Falong from speaking, and said, "Let me guess, are you going to tell me that no matter what knowledge I want to know, you can give the answer?"

Falong smiled and nodded, and said, "Of course! Don't underestimate Falong's wisdom."


Lin Qiong pondered for a while, and said, "How about this? I will ask you a question now. If you can give the answer, I will agree with your plan. How about it?"

"no problem."

Falong nodded, he stretched out his right hand confidently, and said, "Please feel free to ask questions!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers with ten or even nine points and said: "Please tell me the penultimate digit of pi."

Falong nodded: "Okay, then I will... eh?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "Huh?"

Falong hesitated: "No, that, pi..."

He thought: '...what is pi! ? '

Lin Qiong was puzzled: "You don't know what pi is, do you?"

Falong stared: "Keep open, what are you kidding!? I am the omniscient Falong, how could I not know what pi is!"

Lin Qiong admired: "It's amazing, then please tell me the answer."

Faron: "..."

Contemplating, sinking, pondering.

"This question is a bit too simple."

Even if he died and was cremated, there was still a Falong with one mouth left: "It's such a waste to use the precious opportunity of asking an answer like Falong here! Let's change the question."

"fair enough."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Can you tell me the expansion curvature of the universe?"

Faron: "?"

Lin Qiong continued: "Or tell me, what is your girlfriend thinking when she is angry."

Falon: "??"

Lin Qiong said again: "If it really doesn't work, tell me whether the tofu nao should be eaten salty or sweet."

Faron: "???"

He hesitated to speak, stopped speaking and wanted to, pondered for a moment, lay peacefully on the ground, thinking: 'Where did he come up with these strange questions? '

No, if a normal person gets this kind of opportunity, wouldn't they generally ask questions such as——

"Please tell me where there is a super valuable treasure!"

"I want to learn super powerful magic!"

"How can I become Yakumo Zi's dog?"

——A question that normal people would ask?

Even if it’s a bit outrageous, what you should ask is——

"How can I become a soft and cute little white silk loli?"

"How can I lick Kasumigaoka Shiwa's black silk?"

"Please tell me how to turn into Yukinoshita Yukino knee-high socks!"

——Some kind of strange question, right?

But look, look!

What questions did this person (referring to Lin Qiong) ask?Isn't this deliberately making things difficult for the dragon! ?

"It's boring. Lian"

Falong turned around, turned his back to Lin Qiong, and uttered a faint voice in an unlovable tone.

"Anyway, an old man like me who can't answer questions is useless."

"Anyway, if you lose your heart, you won't be able to live long. Why don't you just die alone like this?"

"Anyway, this old man is a daba dragon that even his friends can't protect."

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