Lin Qiong: "?"

He had reason to have this old thing in his arms deliberately arousing his sympathy, trying to get him to return his heart by means of moral kidnapping.

But it's not a big problem.

'As long as I have no morals, then I won't be kidnapped--'

Lin Qiong clenched his fists with determination, then turned around without hesitation, strode towards the door, and said: "In that case, then I will make my heart into a dragon crystal and cultivate new people." My Dharma Dragon Slayer is ready..."

Falon: "!?!?"

'How come young people nowadays don't respect the old and love the young at all? ? '

Falong hurriedly turned his head, then swooped and hugged Lin Qiong's right leg, and said, "Hey, don't go, don't go! If you have something to say—"

Lin Qiong ignored him and dragged him towards the door expressionlessly.

"Wow, wow, I'm wrong!"

Seeing the door getting closer and closer, Falong shouted hurriedly: "I shouldn't brag, nor should I rely on my old age to show off!"

Lin Qiong stopped his steps, then turned his head and squinted at Falong who was originally hugging his thigh, but now he was lying on the ground, holding his ankle with both hands, and said, "So, you What price can I pay in exchange for your heart?"

Falong got up, then sat cross-legged on the ground, scratched his head with his hands in distress, and said, "To be honest, for a while, I really don't know what price I can afford. .”

The thing he is most proud of is the wisdom brought by the power of the Falong, but this pride was destroyed by Lin Qiong's strange problem.

What kind of questions are those (beating chest and stamping feet).

"In other words, you don't know what you can pay, do you?"

Lin Qiong squatted in front of Falong, raised his finger with a smile, and said, "Then, why don't you make the condition on my side, what do you think?"

"Ha, do I have the right to refuse?"

Falong couldn't help but sigh, then looked at Lin Qiong helplessly and said, "You had this idea from the beginning, right?"

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have deliberately made things difficult for me, an old man who is over 100 years old, with questions that at first glance seem to be causing trouble!There is really no martial ethics.

"That's pretty much it, right?"

"Actually admitted!"

"The conditions I gave you are the same as the conditions I gave to the Vulcan Dragon Igunya."

Lin Qiong ignored Falong who was playing tricks, and said to himself: "Choose—whether to join Sky City and become my dragon; or just hide from the world and live in seclusion."

Faron: "..."

He silently raised his hand and scratched his hair, sighed: "Even if the old man played tricks for a long time just now, you haven't changed your mind, have you?"

"No way! Who told my lady know-it-all to want me to conquer the world?"

Lin Qiong smiled at Falong, and said helplessly, "So I can only eliminate the possible danger in advance."

"Dangerous or something, you think highly of the old man, don't you?"

Falong smiled bitterly. He stood up from the ground, bent down and patted the dust on his robe, and said helplessly: "I am not confident that I can defeat a twenty-headed dragon."

"I'm a timid person, there's nothing I can do."

Lin Qiong looked at Falong innocently, blinked his eyes innocently, and said, "What if your bestiality suddenly comes out and you murder a 70-year-old lady? The impact will be very bad."

Faron: "..."

"Who would kill a 70-year-old lady!"

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then silently clenched his fists, and said through gritted teeth: "This old man's taste is not that bad! At least sixteen or seventeen years old, a beautiful young lady who is protruding and backwards, this old man will..."

"In other words, there is such a possibility, right?"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then pointed at Falong in front of him, squinted his eyes and said, "I knew you were dishonest!"

"That's just a metaphor, a metaphor!"

Falong hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "How can this old man be so attractive to women? Women will only affect..."


Falong turned his head so fast that his neck made a "click" sound, looked in the direction Lin Qiong pointed, and said, "Where is it? Where is it!?"

Lin Qiong:_

He didn't speak, he just looked at the Faron like this.

Faron: "..."

He turned around, touched his nose in embarrassment, and said, "If the old man said it was an accident, would you believe it?"

"I'll wait for you for three days. If you don't come, I will assume that you chose to live in seclusion."

Lin Qiong stood up expressionlessly, then put the magic crystal in his hand on the table, and said, "I will keep the heart here, in case someone shouts 'the heart is going to escape' or something."

Faron: "..."

He stood there silently, watching Lin Qiong's back gradually disappear from his sight, then sighed heavily, and slowly sat on the chair behind him.

"Guys, what should I do?"

He looked at the heart on the table, showed a complicated expression, and said, "Will he be the savior who brings a new order, or the devil who will bring the world to its end?"

Chapter 0595 Alan is very good at fooling people

City in the sky, back garden.

"Master, Master—"

The noisy voice rang in Lin Qiong's ears, he opened his eyes in a daze, looked at Natsu who was squatting on the edge of the chair, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master, is what they said true?"

Natsu's eyes widened and he asked hurriedly: "They said the young master is planning to conquer the world or something!"

"You ask this?"

Lin Qiong yawned and said, "Oh, yes, I have this plan, what's wrong?"

"The young master is obviously a good person, why did you do this?"

Naz stood up, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Why do you want to conquer the world!"

Lin Qiong lay on his side, supported his head with his left hand, and asked, "Well, Natsu, you must have experienced the Dark Guild, right?"

"Dark Guild? There are some!"

Natsu clapped his fingers and said, "Did we encounter four or five?"

"Then you should know the dangers of these dark guilds, right?"

Lin Qiong took out two lollipops from his arms, handed one to Naz, put the other in his mouth, and counted with his fingers: "Murder for money, child kidnapping, human body Experiment... It can be said that most of the members of the Dark Guild are scum with no bottom line."

Natsu fell silent.

"You can ask Brandish and ask her if this kind of thing happened in the Western Continent—she will tell you 'no', and she will tell you that 'the Dark Guild no longer exists in the Western Continent'."

Lin Qiong bit the lollipop in his mouth, then threw the plastic stick in his hand onto the table next to him, and said, "Why is there 'no'? Why is there 'not existing'? Because the Western Continent is a whole, a All mages obey the emperor's order."

"Yes, but—"

Natsu felt that his tongue was a little knotted, "This, if you do this, it will cause Fairy Tail to disband..."

"Will not disband~"

Lin Qiong shook his finger and said, "I will ensure the independence of each guild and strengthen the competition between guilds—after all, only healthy competition can guarantee the progress of magic."

As the magic progresses, Miss Know-it-All can get more magic.

Natsu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Any more questions, Natsu."

Lin Qiong looked at Naz who was already speechless, stood up from his seat, patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "You should focus on training—don't forget, you and Igunya still has a three-year contract."



Training Course.

"Damn it—"

Natsu slammed his fist wrapped in flames on Yami's body again and again, "Fire Dragon's Super Iron Fist!!"

"Too light, idiot."

Yami raised his finger indifferently, plucked his ear with his little finger, then looked down at Natsu who was panting, and said, "Did you not eat? You don't even have the energy to punch, and you still want to defeat that salamander?"

Natsu: "Hoo...hoo..."

He supported his knees with both hands, gasped for breath, looked at his bruised fist unwillingly, and said, "Damn it, why is it so hard?"

"What's going on with you kid today?"

Yami sat on the ground with a sullen look on his face, then looked at Natsu in front of him and said, "Why do you feel that you are not in a good mood?"

"It's not the young master—"

Naz sat down like Yami, and said angrily, "I asked him why he wanted to conquer the world, but he almost convinced him!"

Yami: "..."

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "Your boy is incompetent and furious, isn't he?"

Natsu: "..."

Well, it seems that he is really incompetent and furious?

"Damn! It's not incompetent and furious!"

Natsu retorted bluntly, and muttered: "I just don't understand why the young master insists on conquering the world or something—"

He has long regarded Lin Qiong as his elder, and now the elder has done something he doesn't understand, which has caused his originally not-so-advanced CPU to be almost overloaded—the key is that he can't beat Lin Qiong, otherwise he would use Friendship Poyan Fist came to exchange.

"I'm not good at persuasion, tsk, there's no way—"

Yami scratched his head speechlessly, then put his fingers on his temples with a displeased face, and muttered: "I can only find that guy! Brat, the fried chicken in your meal tonight must belong to me -"


After a few minutes.

"It's so strange—"

Wearing the mythical equipment [Researcher's Soul (white coat)] Aizen walked over with a smile, glanced at Yami with his eyes behind the plain mirror, then put his gaze on Natsu, and asked, "You actually Contact me specifically to enlighten others?"

"Tch, don't make a mistake!"

Yami glared at Aizen and said with a very bad attitude: "I am doing this for the young master! It is for the young master, you understand? I don't want the young master's plan to be hindered!"

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Aizen put his hands together, showed a good-natured smile, and said, "It's just...Yami, I have to remind you that it's not pleasing to the eye for a man—especially a strong man like you—to be arrogant."


Yami was furious at the time.


Yami roared, and the crimson armor covered his body, making his appearance extremely cool, "Scarlet Master, Tyrannical Wrathful Beast!"

The next moment, Yami, who turned into an afterimage, rushed in front of Lan Ran, and then suddenly raised his right hand——accompanied by the flames from the nozzle of the elbow, Yami's right fist moved towards the blue sky with the momentum of thunder. Aizen's head hit him.

Fairy Tails on the training ground: "!!"

One is counted as the other. After seeing such a picture, they showed expressions of astonishment at that time. It seemed that they had never expected or understood why Yami would be so deadly against his companion who was still friendly and communicating with him just a second ago.


The next moment, Yami's right fist slammed into Lan Ran's head... a thin layer of hexagonal shield ten centimeters away broke open a layer of law system thickness, one millimeter crack.

"Oh? It's beyond my expectation—"

Seeing this scene, Lan Ran couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise, and said, "Ya Mi, I'm really gratified to see that you can make such progress."

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