
Yami withdrew his right fist with a displeased face, then leaned in front of the shield, looked at the tiny crack on it, and cursed: "Fuck, are you actually mocking me?"

"No, I'm serious?"

Lanran dissipated the shield in front of him with a serious face, and said calmly: "With the help of Ms. Know-it-all, I optimized my 'Million Shield' into a brand new move, and its defense is far better than a million shield, but you could still break it through a crack, which surprised me."

Yami: "..."

His mood was a bit complicated, mainly because he didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed for a while.

"Oh, what an awesome look!"

Sting looked at the shield in front of Aizen with bright eyes, and murmured: "If I can learn it too..."

He seems to have figured out that he is under the protection of the shield, with his hands behind his back, leisurely passing through the siege of Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy and others, and then sat down to drink a cup of tea lightly scene.

Wow, it's so handsome!

Lucy on the side: "..."

She wanted to tell Sting that he couldn't break through Yami's defense with all his strength, and Yami couldn't break through Aizen's defense with a full blow, so even if he learned Aizen's shield, he definitely didn't have such an exaggerated defense.

and many more……

Lucy suddenly noticed a small detail, she looked at Aizen strangely, and muttered: "Strange, Mr. Aizen didn't seem to name the new move? Didn't he name it yet?"

"Do not……"

Aizen was silent for a second, then said, "It already has a name."

"What is what?"

Sting hurriedly approached Aizen, and said with a look of admiration: "Ten million shields? Hundreds of millions shields? Or the ultimate invincible star terminator shield?"

Aizen was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a very small voice: "Cat Claw Shield."

Everyone: "Huh?"

Wait, wait!What did they hear?The name of Mr. Aizen's shield is... Cat's Claw Shield! ?

"Pfft ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha——"

Yami fell to the ground laughing so hard at the time, then desperately hammered the floor under him with his fists, and said angrily, "Cat, cat claw shield, haha, hahahaha! You, how could you take such a name!? Are you trying to laugh me to death?"

"Ms. Know-it-All."

Lanran quietly retreated the glasses on the bridge of her nose, looked at her petrified teeth after hearing this sentence, and said: "As the price for asking Ms. Know-it-All to help me optimize the shield, she has the name of this move. Quan—so, you were just mocking the taste of the lady know-it-all."

Yami: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then folded his hands on his chest, nodded seriously, and said, "Cat's Claw Shield? What a good name, as expected of a lady who knows everything, with taste!"

other people:"……"

"Ya Mi, I still like your rebellious look just now."

With a wave of his hand, Aizen released his shield, then gracefully walked in front of Naz, and said with a smile, "Little friend, let's have a good chat."

Natsu: "Uh, ok, ok."

To be honest, he was already intimidated by the strength Lan Ran showed just now - what kind of monster do you have to be to take Uncle Yami's fist without injury? ?

"There are others—"

Lan Ran turned to look at the members of Fairy Tail and Sword Tiger, and said with a smile, "You guys should come along too. It will save time by explaining clearly at once, what do you think?"

We... can we have an opinion?

So, the 12 people followed Aizen obediently towards Aizen's dormitory.

Chapter 0596 Do you fight and play a series?

"Have some tea."

Lan Ranwen poured a cup of tea for each little guest, and said: "Considering that you may not be used to drinking green tea, I prepared black tea."

By the way, I used ○ton black tea bags.

The twelve little guys picked up the teacups in front of them in unison, and then took a sip—not to mention whether you want to drink, but just asking if you want to give Lan Da a face, right?

Lan Ran looked at the twelve little lambs in front of him, and asked gently: "Don't you all understand why Lord Qiong wants to conquer the world?"

Naz nodded vigorously, and said angrily and confusedly, "Uncle Qiong is obviously a good person, but why does he have to conquer the world?"

'It turns out that in their hearts, 'conquer' and 'evil' are equated. '

Really young.

Aizen showed a smile, and he said softly, "Do you think Jeff is a bad guy?"


Everyone recalled the young man with short black hair, with a gentle smile on his face, who would give a hot towel to the tired people after training.

shake head x12

Besides, Jeff is the lover of the first generation, how could he be a bad guy?

"But, Zeref has conquered the Western Continent?"


"Jerf is a good guy who conquered the Western Continent, but the young master is a bad guy who conquered the world?"


Within a few words, these little guys were confused by Aizen's question - in terms of vision and knowledge, why should they break up with Aizen who has lived for thousands of years?

"You just subconsciously think that 'conquer' is a bad thing, and you associate 'conquer' with 'force', 'oppression' with 'coercion'."

There was a smile on the corner of Aizen's mouth, and he said: "But in fact, the rule of Qiongjun will allow the residents of various regions to live a better and safer life than before - for example, there is no need to worry about the darkness. Guild threat."

"Black, the Dark Guild..."

Hearing these four words, everyone more or less fell into a brief silence.

"Everyone, you may not know, my past experience, right? When I was young, the town I lived in was attacked by members of the Dark Guild. They killed most of the residents and then separated and took away the rest .”

Gerald propped his elbows on his knees, lowered his head, and said with a slightly gloomy face: "When I was young, they put heavy shackles on me, and I built a tower of paradise for them day and night—if it wasn't The president saved me, I'm afraid you won't see me anymore."

Due to the change of the world line, the Tower of Paradise chapter did not appear in the original book, so the members of Fairy Tail heard his dark past from Gerald for the first time.

"Even now, members of the Dark Guild are still raging on the continent of Ishgar—"

Aizen stretched out his hands, held up the teacup in front of him, blew lightly, then took a small breath, and said: "If Lord Qiong becomes the ruler of Ishgar Continent, these dark guilds will surely Get crushed like yard vermin."

"if it is like this--"

Gerald took a deep breath, then looked at Aizen sharply, and said, "I will support him."



The companions looked at Gerald, who usually looked like a big brother, in astonishment, as if they didn't expect him to be so radical in this matter.

"Sorry, everyone—"

Gerald lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I hope from the bottom of my heart that the Dark Guild can disappear from this world."

"Yes, but—"

Lucy stammered and said, "Even if you don't rule the world, can't Brother Lin Qiong clean up those dark guilds?"

"Well, indeed!"

Aizen gently put down the teacup, then looked at Lucy, and said, "But why?"

Lucy: "Huh?"

"Under the circumstances of no relatives, why did King Qiong go to such lengths to clean up those dark guilds? They didn't provoke Sky City, did they?"

Aizen propped his chin with his right hand, and the eyes behind the lens showed a hint of bewilderment, "But if King Qiong conquers the world, then the situation will be different—as a king, let the people under his command live and work in peace and contentment." Life is a duty."

Everyone: "..."

What, what should I do?They feel on the verge of being convinced.

'What a simple child!It seems that convincing them is not a difficult task, especially...'

Aizen smiled and picked up a piece of chocolate and put it into his mouth, feeling the silky indulgence blooming on the tip of his tongue, then glanced at Gerald who was sitting by the side, and thought: "Especially, there is a chocolate in their camp." different voices. '

To be honest, if Lin Qiong didn't think that Lin Qiong cared more about these little guys, Yami and Lanran would waste their energy to be such caring little brothers.


At this time, Lin Qiong didn't know that the caring A Lan was helping him persuade the little guys from Fairy Tail, but was lying on the eldest lady's sensual lap, fighting with Feng Wang standing on his chest with his fingers.


Lin Qiong screamed, and the index finger and middle finger of his right hand "kicked" Phoenix King one after another, saying: "Wind God's chain kick! Swish, swish -"


The bird's head of the Phoenix King shook, and then it flapped its wings and flew up. The two bird claws kicked towards Lin Qiong's fingers one after another, and shouted loudly: "Phoenix Claw Magic! Ta-ta-ta-ta-"

'How do you dub your attack?Childish or not—'

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, thinking: "Besides, what are Fengshen legs and chicken claw skills?"If it were me, I would definitely have to use the Ruyi Excalibur. '

Let me state in advance that the eldest lady is definitely not naive, she just wants to prove that her taste is better than Lin Qiong and Feng Wanghao, nothing more!You believe her!


Finally, Lin Qiong's "right-hand man" lost to the "Phoenix King Bird", and was slapped on his chest with a claw. He fell on Lin Qiong's chest with a "scream", and then struggled forward and stretched out his left hand (pointing to the thumb).

"kibo no hana——"

After Lin Qiong sang the lyrics affectionately, he cheered for his right hand: "Don't stop, right! You still have to protect Xinyi and Hepingji's love!"

King Feng: "?"

As she gazed with question marks on her face, Lin Qiong stood up trembling with her right hand, and shouted: "Burn, my little universe! For the glory of the goddess Listade! Puchi, 歘歘歘——"

Accompanied by Lin Qiong's dubbing, golden flame-like battle energy gushed out from Lin Qiong's right hand, and then launched an attack like the Phoenix King again.

"No, no no no no—"

King Feng stuttered and said, "Isn't this the right situation? Why do you still bring resurrection and explosive seeds?"

"As the protagonist, isn't it a matter of course to master the skills of explosive seeds?"

Lin Qiong justified his cheating behavior confidently: "Look at Kakarot, Seiya, and Naz, which one doesn't cheat?"

Hanging out is a part of passionate romance, don't play if you are unhappy.

"No! Why are you the protagonist?"

Feng Wang was not convinced anymore, she stared at Lin Qiong, and said: "I am a majestic Feng Wang, the god of life, and I have mastered the authority of resurrection, so I am not worthy to be the protagonist?"

"Indeed, your situation is quite suitable to be the protagonist..."

Lin Qiong frowned, showing a hesitant expression, and said, "How about we rock-paper-scissors and whoever wins will be the protagonist?"

King Feng: "?"

She lowered her head to look at her wings, then raised her head to look at Lin Qiong's sincere eyes, and couldn't help cursing: "Can you fucking be a human being? If you play rock-paper-scissors with me, your conscience won't Will there be such a slight pain?"

"Have you forgotten? My family has a wind speed dog."

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng and said sincerely: "In my hometown, there is an old saying that dogs eat conscience, so..."

"Stop! It is forbidden to let the wind speed dog take the blame!"

Feng Wang interrupted Lin Qiong's chanting, and said: "She is the Pokémon who inherited my sacred fire, rounding it up, she is also considered the Great Yan Emperor!"

A question appeared on Lin Qiong's head: "What is Emperor Yan?"

Feng Wang said without thinking: "Little Fengsu dog."

"Okay, as expected of you!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to King Feng, and said with admiration: "By the way, I recorded that passage just now! I'll find a chance to play it to Emperor Yan later!"

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