King Feng: "?"

She sat on Lin Qiong's chest unrequitedly, aggrieved like a cuckoo chicken, and murmured: "I'm so stupid, really, I just thought you were shameless and immoral, The lower limit is also low, and you are not a human being, but I never thought that you would be so shameless."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then said with a little embarrassment: "Should I say thank you for the compliment?"

 The whiskers on the feathers all over King Fengfeng's body turned into question marks: "Is there a possibility that I didn't praise you at all?"

Lin Qiong came to Cao Cao waving .gif very confidently, and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! I am a fresh and upright Qiongqiong, how can you not boast?"

"Duplicate words, disgusting!"

Feng Wang flew to the eldest lady's palm with a look of disgust, and then said angrily: "I said Erina, can you take care of your man? Even I can't stand it anymore, so you can imagine how much he is. Shameless!"

"Well, I might not be able to control him—"

The eldest lady pursed her lips into a smile, and said with a hint of pampering and helplessness: "The one who is in charge of our family is Qiong."

"Hmm~ Just because you want to provoke the relationship between me and Erina?"

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at King Feng with a provocative face, and taunted mercilessly: "Don't underestimate our fettered mouth teeth, your shining mouth... Aw! Tieba—"

Lin Qiong sat up from the eldest lady's arms covering his forehead that had been caught, and then grinned at the frightened Feng Wang, and said, "How dare you destroy my handsome face!? Today I must let you know that my uncle Fengshen's legs are amazing!"

"Where did you get the confidence to say that you are handsome?"

The Phoenix King spread his wings, made a golden rooster's independent posture, and said, "Let me show you, Mr. Kono Phoenix King is very good at catching eagles!"

Miss: "..."

You have a fight and a series, right?

Chapter 0597 Rare Leisure Time

"Fengshen Legs!"

"Eagle Claw Technique!"

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

"Eagle Claw Technique!"

"Sky Frost Fist!"

"Eagle Claw Technique!"

"Three points return to vitality!"

"Eagle Claw Technique!"

"Three yuan to one!"

"Eagle Claw... wait a minute!"

Feng Wang suddenly called to stop, then hurriedly raised his height, looked at Lin Qiong with a question mark on his face, and said, "No, why do you have a set of names for your moves?"

Old sows don't have as many bras as you!

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Then you can't stop shouting? I didn't tell you not to shout—"

Phoenix King: "..."

His grandma, if I figured it out, why should I stop it?If you think everyone is like you, Zhangkou is here! ?

"Oh~ I see!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang's embarrassment that hesitated to speak, and couldn't help showing a dazed expression, and said, "Could it be that you... can't think of a cool move name?"

"No road race no road race no road race!"

The Phoenix King who became angry suddenly became angry and said arrogantly, "Who, who can't think of it? I can think of a lot of cool move names in minutes!"

"Oh ↗?"

Lin Qiong's tone rose slightly, he looked at Feng Wang teasingly, and said, "Please start your performance!"

"Because, for example..."

Phoenix King hesitated for a few seconds, then stretched his neck, and said loudly: "Dragon Claw Skill, Phoenix Claw Skill, Ice Dragon Claw, Fire Phoenix Claw—do you see, I just randomly use four moves!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but clapped his hands in admiration, and said from the bottom of his heart: "I've never heard of such an exquisite move name! As expected of the legendary God of Life, Master Feng Wang who has mastered the authority of resurrection, it's amazing! ,sharp!"

"So-so! After all, it's me—"

If it was the previous Phoenix King, she would probably be so shy that she would die at this time, but at this time, Feng Wang is already an old oily person who has gotten acquainted with Lin Qiong, so she insisted, "Don't worship me, I'm just a Legendary Pokémon!"

Lin Qiong: "Hiss—"

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and murmured: "It's strange, what made the pure and good Phoenix King become what he is now?"

Miss & Secretary & Phoenix King: "..."

So, how long are you going to play this stalk? ?



"Good morning, Lin Qiong--"

"Morning, master!"

"Morning, Mr. Lin Qiong!"

While responding to the greetings from the little guys, Lin Qiong touched his head strangely and said, "Strange, why are these little guys so enthusiastic today? Didn't they look like they didn't know how to get along with me a few days ago?" --"

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong came up with the answer.

"I understand."

He said: "Is this the so-called changeable adolescence?"

King Feng: "?"

She slapped Lin Qiong's head with her wings, and complained: "No matter how you think about it, the answer can't be this, right? What the hell is going on in your mind?"

"Please, what else could it be?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, looked at Feng Wang speechlessly, and said, "Could it be that before I knew it, a kind big brother ran out suddenly, took them and the little devils to drink tea, and then persuaded them to accept My plan to conquer the world? Do you think it's possible?"


Feng Wang pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head and said, "It really seems impossible!"

"Right? Since external factors are ruled out, it means that the cause can only come from themselves!"

Lin Qiong saw that King Feng recognized him, snapped his fingers immediately, and said, "But with the IQ of Naz and the others, it is absolutely impossible to convince myself, so no matter how I think about it, the only possibility is that it may be a changeable puberty!"

Phoenix King: "!!"

She landed on Lin Qiong's palm with a look of shock, and murmured, "Your analysis doesn't seem to be wrong?"



At this moment, Lin Qiong and Feng Wang reached a consensus, the two reconciled, and then happily walked to the backyard, ready to find Sangouzi who was having fun over there.

Not far away, the secretary passed by holding the ingredients: "..."

She now has some doubts, the price for the young master's influence on Feng Wang's integrity, is the price of being affected by Feng Wang's IQ?


"Wahhaha, Xiao Honghong, Xiao Lanlan, Xiao Huanghuang, come and catch me—"

Nicole was like Tarzan of the Ape, leaping recklessly on the branches, and behind her, a fire eb, a water eb, and a ray eb were jumping with the same vigorous body.

"Come on Nicole! Come on Honghong! Come on Lanlan! Come on Huanghuang!"

Because she is not good at sports, Zoe, who was eliminated first, floated cross-legged in mid-air, cheering for the other four, "Everyone, cheer up!"

"Zoe, you actually helped them cheer—"

Nicole grabbed a branch, turned over and jumped on it, then jumped towards the tree trunk beside her, dodging Emperor Yan's pounce, and said angrily: "Aren't we the best sisters?"

"Of course it is! But I think that evenly matched battles are the most interesting!"

Zoe clenched her fists with both hands, and said wakuwaku, "Only when the strengths of the two sides are similar, can there be that kind of intense and exciting competition!"

"Hmm... Nicole thinks you're right!"

Nicole squatted on the branch, thought for a few seconds with her fingers in her mouth, and said, "So, Nicole wants to make Bisha more interesting!"

As soon as the words fell, Nicole transformed into Immortal Ibrahimovic of Lin Qiong's family, and then gracefully shook the ribbon on her body.

"Oh oh oh!"

Zooey patted her belly in surprise and said, "Neko is so cute!"

San Gouzi behind him: "..."

But, damn it!Nicole, you are too baby!Become a goddess, how can we start?

"Hey, how is it swollen? Isn't Nicole's fried chicken cute!"

Nicole jumped happily on the spot twice, then looked down at her posture at this time, raised her head proudly, and said, "Hmph, you can start to praise Nicole!"

Three Dogs: "..."

Ah, the goddess has become a female nerve, I feel...

Damn, I feel like a goddess like this is so cute!

"Neko is cute!"

"Zoe is cute too!"

“Nicole Fried Chicken is cute!”

"Zoe Superverse is cute!"

"Neko is the ultimate invincible cuteness!"


Nicole opened her mouth, then wrinkled her little face and thought for a while, before stammering, "Zoe is the cutest in the world..."

"Hey, Neeko lost!"

Zoe giggled, and said teasingly, "No. [-] in the world is four words!"

"Wow! Really—"

Nicole exclaimed, and then fell down on the tree trunk dejectedly: "Woohoo, Nicole loses!"

"It's okay, Nicole, a small loss is not a loss!"

Zooey encouraged, "Besides, you just lost to me, you haven't lost to the three of them—"


Nicole cheered up immediately, then wagged her tail, looked at the very gentleman Sangouzi who didn't take advantage of her conversation with Zoe to attack, and said, "Come on! Nicole is ready to provoke! "


The next moment, the four Eevee took off again in the woods, and Zoe was...

"Hee hee, slip away—"

Zoe covered her mouth with a snicker, and then quietly floated towards the edge of the woods, whispering to herself, "Can't blame Zoe? It's the fault that Nicole didn't realize! Hmm!"


"Young master~"

Accompanied by a voice like a daughter acting like a father, Zoe's figure flashed behind Lin Qiong, and then hugged him like a koala, "Master, Master! Zoe is here to play with you~"

"Good morning, Zoe—"

Lin Qiong patted Zoe's arm holding him with a smile, and said, "Where's Nicole?"

"She's playing ghost hunting with Honghong, Huanghuang, and Lanlan—"

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