Zooey showed a secretly delighted expression, and said, "Hehehe, but Zooey discovered the young master's aura in advance, so she secretly came to provoke you...cough cough, I'm looking for you!"

Heck, it's all Nicole's fault!Skew my accent too!

"You little wit-"

Lin Qiong laughed. He glanced at Zoe who rested his chin on his shoulder, and said, "You little girl, don't you worry that Nicole will bite you angrily after she finds out?"

"It doesn't matter, I will run away!"

Zoe said with a lively look on her face: “Zoe can flash, no one can catch her!”

"But isn't Nicole able to transform?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, scratched his head and said, "Is there a possibility that after she becomes you, she can also use flicker?"

Zoe: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She was stunned for a few seconds, then she came to her senses, and said with a sudden change of expression: "Xi, Xima! Zoe failed so badly, she actually forgot such an important thing!"

Neeko's abilities are exactly the same as those of the Divers in the Pokémon world. They can be copied into the opponent's appearance and master the opponent's skills-that is to say, if Neeko becomes Zoe, she can use Zoe Yi's flashing ability.


At this moment, with a super fierce (cute) roar, an angry Immortal Yibo jumped down from the side tree trunk, rushed towards Zoe, and shouted: "Zoe, you I found out that the young master didn't tell me, it's too cunning!"

"Hey, I've been found!"

Zoe disappeared from behind Lin Qiong in a flash, then sat on a tree trunk nearby and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, aren't you here?"


Niyb squatted on Lin Qiong's shoulder, staring angrily at Zoe who was swinging her feet, and said, "Get angry! Zoe sneaked away, cunning!"

"Oh, I was wrong~"

Zoe floated in front of Nicole with a flattering look on her face, used her little paws to help her take care of her hair, and said, "How about I give you the pudding at night?"

Nicole thought for a while, and added a condition: "Neko will also share the afternoon snack!"

Zooey nodded without hesitation and said, "Okay!"

So, under Lin Qiong's dumbfounded gaze, the two little ones became good friends again.

Chapter 0598: I can’t eat the melon, I’m so anxious

In the early morning forest, sunlight passes through the leaves, and under the action of the Tyndall effect, it turns into individual rays of light that scatter on the forest dome leaning on the belly of the wind speed dog.

“Whoosh, whoosh—”

Above his head, Niyibu was playing a game of ghosts with Yanyibu and Shuibraibu - the people caught by the ghosts became puppets, and they needed to help the ghosts catch the remaining people.

In other words, this is a game that will change from one to catch three to three to catch one, which is exciting and can make the boat of friendship capsize at a moment's notice.

- "Okay, I've made a deal, I'm absolutely not allowed to catch me if I become a gangster!"

-"Ok, no problem!"

- "Jie Jie, you are the one who got caught!"

"Aren't you going?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Zoe who was leaning on his stomach and playing with the handheld, and said, "I remember you like to join in the fun, don't you?"

"It's no fun playing this!"

Zoe pursed her lips, and said with a dissatisfied face: "I can't catch anyone without my ability, and no one can catch me with my ability. How can I play?"

"Indeed, it's too embarrassing for you to play this kind of game with them as a mage."

Lin Qiong squeezed Zoe's face and said, "Okay, let the young master play games with you now! You can choose what you want to play—"

"Oh! The young master is the best—"

Zooey cheered, and said impatiently, "Then play "Alive!"

This is a game with the doomsday as the background. The general plot is that the player wakes up after a party and finds that 90.00% of the human beings in the world have turned into zombies, and they have to work together to survive on this land. .

"Wow, this game—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "It will probably take a long time to play."

This game is a very hard-core doomsday survival game—players can not only experience the building and equipment system with a degree of freedom comparable to Minecraft, but also need to always pay attention to the character's health/hunger/stamina and other values, and even have to worry about interacting with NPC forces relationship, often opening a new archive can play for several months.

"Hey, hey, this way I can play more games with the young master!"

Zooey turned her head, showed Lin Qiong a smile full of vitality, and said, "Zoe is so smart!"

Faced with such a small request, what else can Lin Qiong say?

Forced to talk less, get on the number.jpg

"Zoe, you are responsible for sealing the doors and windows on the first floor and destroying all the climbing objects. I will go to the nearby supermarket to collect resources—"

After the game started, Lin Qiong gave instructions skillfully, "If the progress is faster, search for resources in and around the yard."


Zooey raised her right hand cutely to salute, and then quickly followed Lin Qiong's instructions to act, while Lin Qiong manipulated the character to put on quieter sneakers and walked out of the room.

In the early stage of the game, zombies can only rely on hearing to catch targets, so you only need to control the character to move slowly and not make any noise, and you don't need to care about the zombies that are close at hand.

"Aqiong, there are zombies behind the supermarket counter, what should I do?"

Feng Wang squatted on Lin Qiong's head, nervous—she substituting it into "yes" fiercely—looking at the screen of the handheld, and asked: "The sound made by taking the goods will definitely alarm them!"

"That's it? Can you see how I operate?"

Lin Qiong curled his lips, then poked his chest with his thumb, and said, "Let you watch a wave of top search for top players!"

In the first step, Lin Qiong opened the supermarket's glass door and blocked it with a brick;

In the second step, Lin Qiong removed the infrared sensor beyond the door to avoid the automatic welcome broadcast from attracting the attention of zombies;

In the third step, Lin Qiong supported the glass door with his hands, then picked up the bricks on the ground, and gently knocked on the metal shelf;

In the fourth step, Lin Qiong threw the brick towards the car on the side of the road after the zombies in the supermarket walked to the door.


"Di woo di woo di woo—"

"Look, there are no zombies in the supermarket now—"

Lin Qiong looked at the dozen or so zombies around him all pounced on the car, then looked at Feng Wang beside him with a proud face, and said, "Next, as long as you close the glass door, you don't have to worry about being attacked by zombies when searching for supplies." .”

The hearing of primary zombies is not sensitive, and the sound made by plastic packaging bags can no longer attract their attention after passing through the glass door.

Phoenix King: "..."

"Damn, there is such an operation!?"

She opened her mouth wide in surprise, and said in disbelief: "This is the operation you thought of? Are you afraid that you have read the strategy?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang speechlessly, and said, "So what if I read the strategy? This game has a lot of meaty elements. I can only refer to the ideas, and there is no copying the answers."

It's like playing Isaac's Binding. Maybe someone else has brimstone fire and cat sets on the third floor, but yours doesn't even have the key to open the item room on the second floor.

"Okay, okay, you're amazing, you're amazing—"

Feng Wang, who was immersed in the game, was not in the mood to argue with Lin Qiong, she couldn't wait to pat Lin Qiong's head with her wings, and urged: "Play quickly, let me watch the follow-up."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He felt that if King Feng could transform into a human form, he might become addicted to games and become a new generation of home girls.



When the secretary came over to call Lin Qiong for dinner, what she saw was this picture——

Under the sun, Zoe was lying on Lin Qiong's stomach, and Lin Qiong was leaning against Feng Speed ​​Dog's arms. His head was squatting on Feng Wang, and four small heads protruded from the side of his head—— There is no doubt that it is the three-dog son Gani Yibu squatting on the wind speed dog.

This peaceful scene made the secretary hurriedly shut his mouth, then carefully walked to Lin Qiong's side and looked at the screen of his handheld device.

'It turns out it's this game. No wonder the young master spent the whole morning playing it...'

After seeing the running game, the secretary suddenly showed a dazed expression, then leaned into Lin Qiong's ear with a smirk on his face, and said, "Master, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Lin Qiong, who was addicted to the game, said without raising his head: "I don't want to, I don't feel it."


The secretary squatted beside Lin Qiong, and said with a smile, "Do you really have no desire to go to the bathroom at all?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He stopped and was silent for a few seconds, then turned to look at the smiling secretary beside him, stretched out his hands and pinched her face.

"Why are you so hurt? I didn't want to go to the toilet, but you asked me to pee!"

Lin Qiong gritted his teeth and began to ravage the secretary's face, "Watch the trick: Tianshan's face-rubbing hand!"


The secretary let out a pitiful cry, but the hard-hearted Lin Qiong still rubbed her face red before letting go, "Hey, my face hurts..."

"Hmph, this is your wicked revenge!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointed at the secretary and said, "Be careful, you will fart in the future, and there will be no paper in your shit!"

"This curse is too much! How can you say such a curse to a girl?"

The secretary healed his face with magic, and complained: "Besides, the young master obviously forgot the time while playing games, so I came to ask you to eat!"

"Time? Damn, it's already eleven forty!?"

After Lin Qiong glanced at the time on his phone, he hurriedly urged the others: "Hurry, hurry up! It's time to eat, it's time to eat! If the food gets cold, Erina will definitely lose her temper!!"


Hearing these words, Zoe jumped up from the ground in a hurry, then floated in the air and made a running motion, saying: "Quick, quick, quick, young master, let's go over quickly! It would be bad to make the eldest lady angry—— "

One bird, three people and five dogs hurried towards the restaurant.




While eating lunch from the bowl, the secretary looked at Lin Qiong, who was sitting diagonally opposite, with sad eyes, and muttered: "Ghost beast, not human, devil, hanging street lamp..."

"Ahem, secretary, can you stop looking at me like this?"

Lin Qiong raised his head helplessly, looked at the secretary who kept a [_] expression, and said, "I'll give you all my fried pork chops and fried chicken nuggets, okay?"

"No! Yes! Young master, you have done such an unreasonable thing to me!"

The secretary puffed up his mouth, angrily poked the rice in the bowl with a spoon, and said, "How could I forgive you so easily? I'm not Lord Fengwang!"

Feng Wang who was eating fried chicken nuggets: "?"

Am I being subtly despised?

The eldest lady on the side: "?!"

She raised her head, and looked at the secretary and Lin Qiong with shock mixed with anger——

'Hey, hey, hey!Did something happen between these two people? '

"[Such an excessive thing] or something, could it be that Lin Qiong is to Fei Shazi..."

By the way, the reason why the eldest lady was angry was not "what happened to Lin Qiong and the secretary", but "you two have something to hide from me"-in fact, when the eldest lady promised Lin Qiong to confess , I have already made the mental preparation that "Lin Qiong may not have only one girlfriend".

Rather, it was the fact that Lin Qiong had not cheated on her for so many years that surprised her even more - after all, the absolute core of the world-crossing gate was Lin Qiong.As long as he has the idea of ​​​​opening a harem, there will definitely be a lot of people rushing to give him women.

The eldest lady had just entered the melon-eating mode when Lin Qiong said helplessly: "I just rubbed your face a few times, isn't it?"

Miss: "..."

'whispering sound!Was it just a pinch of the face? '

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