The disappointed eldest lady quit the melon-eating mode, brushed the hair hanging on the side of her face behind her ears with her hands, and then resumed her lunch.

"Master! Don't avoid the important and take the light, okay?"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong dissatisfied, and said, "I'm not angry because of this reason! It's the more extreme thing!"

Missy: "?!!"

The eldest lady who had just exited the melon-eating mode hastily turned on the melon-eating magic stone again, and then stared her eyes like copper bells, scanning Lin Qiong and the secretary back and forth with expectant eyes: "So the more excessive thing What is it! ?Come on, I'm so anxious-"

hurry hurry!

At this time, the eldest lady suddenly transformed into the king of Jiji.

Chapter 0599 Miss: Where is the gourmet devil?save

The eldest lady was sitting on her seat, staring at Lin Qiong and the secretary with bright eyes, expecting that they would release something shocking.

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary dumbfounded, and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, right? I shouldn't have said that to you."

Urgent Miss: 'What did you say? '

"Master, you must never say such things to girls in the future!"

The secretary puffed his mouth and said, "This kind of behavior is too disrespectful, and it is very disrespectful in every sense!"

Very urgent Miss: "So, what did you say?" '

"Yes, yes, I know!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands and said helplessly, "Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for your kind reminder. I promise I won't say that kind of thing to girls again!"

Very urgent Miss: 'So say it!What the hell did you say! '

"Hey, it's good that the young master can listen to it."

The secretary chuckled, then took a piece of fried chicken and put it in Lin Qiong's bowl, and said, "Reward the good young master who corrects his mistakes!"

"Then I'm welcome~"

Lin Qiong picked up the chicken nuggets and ate it with a smile on his face, then picked up the bowl and ate it in big gulps, "Hurry up and finish, and continue playing games with Zoe later."

"Master, it's fine to play games, but remember to do business!"

The secretary raised his fingers and played his role as a "secretary" seriously, saying, "Young master, don't forget that you are the master of Sky City, and only you can make many decisions."

"Okay, okay, I see~"

Lin Qiong nodded, dumbfounded, and said, "When the dragons come back, I'll get down to business, okay?"

"Yeah! Come on, young master——"

The secretary nodded and cheered Lin Qiong up: "The young master is the best!"

Missy: "??!!"

Why did the atmosphere suddenly become harmonious? !Why are you melons not ripe at all! ?

Jiji King and Miss: 'So say it! !What the hell did Qiong say to Fei Shazi—”

The tacit understanding between Lin Qiong and the secretary: After all, we are eating, so it is not suitable to say that sentence directly, right?


Shifting positions · bedroom!

Wind Speed ​​Dog lay on his stomach in the living room, yawned lazily, and then shook his mouth.

Lin Qiong was still leaning on her abdomen, playing the game "Alive" with Zoe beside her, and Feng Wang and San Gouzi also surrounded the two of them, paying close attention to the follow-up plot.

——This should have been a very complete, comfortable and warm afternoon for leisure time.



The eldest lady was lying on the sofa, staring at the back of Lin Qiong's head with mournful eyes.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He moved his head to the right side calmly, but found that the burning feeling still lingered in the back of his head.


This made him somewhat Mi Liu's Chelsea scratching her head in confusion, then turned her head to look at the eldest lady, and couldn't help but ask, "Erina, why are you staring at me?"

The eldest lady said quietly: "Is there something you and Fei Shazi are hiding from me?"

"My secretary and I? Hiding it from you?"

A question mark bigger than Feng Wang popped up on Lin Qiong's head, he thought hard and said: "No, right? Why don't I have any impression??"

"Then what were you and her talking about during the meal just now!"

The eldest lady patted the sofa angrily, and said angrily: "I've been playing riddles all the time, and I'm so anxious to hear it!!"

Others eat melons only for the pulp, but you guys, let me eat the vines! ?Is this in the river?It's not in the river at all!

"Oh, you said that—"

Lin Qiong reacted, he lay on Fengsugou's body dumbfounded, and while ruaing her fluffy and soft hair, he said, "It's like this, when the secretary asked me to eat..."

Lin Qiong recounted what happened in the woods before, and then managed to make the young lady break down.

"That's it, that's it?"

The eldest lady let out a scream of "ahhhhh", then kicked her feet back and forth, saying, "What the hell am I expecting!!"

She felt like she had gnawed on the vines for a long time, and finally waited for the time to eat the melon - but when the melon was opened, the flesh inside was not as big as Akua's brain.

Hi, so angry!My anticipation was in vain!

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the eldest lady who was tossing and crying, and asked, "No, what are you expecting? Can't the secretary and I get along peacefully?"

"It's not all because you talked to the secretary like a riddle during the meal, which aroused my curiosity—"

The eldest lady lay on the sofa weakly, moaned and shook her head, and complained: "It's a pity that I have struggled for so long, and the result is so plain!"

"It's good to be plain, right?"

Lin Qiong said with a speechless face: "You have to have something happen to me and the secretary to make you happy? Believe it or not, I asked her to come in and help us push our butts!"


The eldest lady coughed several times quickly, then wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, looked at Lin Qiong delicately, and said, "Ah Qiong, have you already had this idea?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He put down the game console, then stood up under Zooey's gaze, unbuttoned his cuffs, and walked towards the eldest lady.

The eldest lady: "!"

She hurriedly sat up from the sofa, then moved back twice, and stammered: "You, you, you, are you going to do...ah!"

Before the eldest lady finished speaking, Lin Qiong turned her legs and hugged her in her arms.


Lin Qiong dropped two words, and then walked towards the bedroom with the eldest lady who had become peas-eyed, "Feng Wang, take them out to play for a while, after three hours Come back."

Feng Wang, who knew it well: "Yes yes yes—"

Missy: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She watched Lin Qiong close the door with his feet, opened the barrier, and threw her on the bed.

"Some people are just in a hurry, so they think about some strange things."

Lin Qiong took off his shirt, revealing a muscular upper body full of streamlined muscles. He squinted his eyes and said, "To deal with this kind of person, you just need to make her lose the energy to think about other things."

"Eh... eh—?"

The eldest lady swallowed nervously, and said, "Then, that, Qiong, you look a little scary right now? You... wait, wait, you won't really prepare for three hours... ah!!"

Then have a blast.


Afternoon, bedroom.

Miss: "..."

She lay naked on the bed, staring blankly at the sky outside the window, with the appearance of a wise man.


At this time, the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and Lin Qiong, who was wearing a towel around his waist, came out of it while wiping his hair with the towel, and said to the eldest lady who was still lying on her stomach, "Aren't you going to take a bath?"


The eldest lady made a muffled voice: “Go and play with Zoe and the others first.”


Lin Qiong nodded lightly, and after sitting on the edge of the bed and putting on his clothes, he lightly patted the young lady's buttocks, and said with a smile, "Then I'll go?"

The eldest lady didn't say anything, but raised her right hand and gently waved it out, signaling that Lin Qiong had nothing to do and quickly retreated.

'Don't understand, I don't understand!From the training in the disciple world, to the blessings in the Suqing world, to the strengthening in the Bone King world, then to the experience in the Earth Encounter world, and finally to the cells in the gourmet world...'

Listening to Lin Qiong's footsteps gradually going away, the eldest lady opened and closed her mouth like a fish on the shore: "Obviously I and A Qiong have exactly the same world, and I am still [land], how could I almost be [ Cattle] damaged by the plow?I don't understand, I really don't understand! '

The more I think about it, the more I don't understand!

'No, I have to ask Nakiri——'

The eldest lady sniffed, and then concentrated her mind in the sea of ​​souls, 'Ask her if she knows what's going on! '


Soul at sea.

After the eldest lady's consciousness condensed into a human form, she opened her eyes and said, "Nakiri, you..."

She was stunned.

Wait, she, she saw something! ?

In a dimly lit room, a TV is playing the 400th episode of "Foreign Daughter-in-Law Local Lang".

In her memory, Nakiri, who was always dressed like a war otome, was lying on the floor sideways in a red tracksuit, with his left hand supporting his head, and his right hand holding a senbei and stuffing it into his mouth.

After hearing the movement, Nakiri turned his head subconsciously, and then met the eyes of the eldest lady who kept a 0o0 expression.

"Puff cough wow..."

After an indescribable embarrassing sound, the mental scenery in the soul sea turned into a wide plain in an instant, and Nakiri was dressed as a Valkyrie, leaning on a sharp knife in a heroic manner, with his back to the big plain. Miss stood there.


Under her gaze, Nakiri turned around and said calmly, "Are you here?"

"Because of embarrassment, why don't you go out of your way to be a cool girl?"

The eldest lady looked at Nakiri blankly, and complained: "Besides, is it useful for you to pretend these now? Jimei, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to others!"

Nakiri: "..."

She threw the helmet on the ground angrily, and said, "Since you see it, don't say it! This will embarrass me, embarrassing, you know?"


The eldest lady showed a mocking smile, and said: "When you laughed at me before, you never thought that today would happen, right? Oh, I really didn't expect that the majestic gourmet devil would wear a tracksuit and pick his feet while eating senbei what~~"


Nakiri showed an expression as if she had been violently attacked. She clutched her chest and took two steps back in embarrassment, then fell to the ground with a "boom", and said angrily, "You kill me!"

Chapter 0600 What did you do to them?

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