After experiencing screaming, twisting, darkly crawling, twisting, splashing, splitting, darkly wriggling, and rolling, Nakiri saw this cruel world clearly and chose...

Put badly.

"Phew, it's still so comfortable—"

After switching the heart view from the plain back to the room, Nakiri changed into the rustic sportswear again, then sat down on the side of the coffee table and asked, "So you came to me suddenly, what's the matter?"

"To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to imagine that you would become what you are today."

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at Nakiri, who seemed to be squatting in a nit in an older family, and said, "Can you tell me what you have experienced? I think you haven't experienced any huge setbacks and blows, right?" ?”

How did a good food devil become what he is now?

"You don't understand! You don't understand at all! You don't know what kind of life I lived before—"

Nakiri climbed to the small refrigerator nearby and took out a can of cold beer. Under the eldest lady's sad eyes, he skillfully pulled the tab and drank half of the can, leaving it still stained on his upper lip. In the case of bubbles, he said with a happy face: "Puha—this is this, this is this, this is life!"

Miss: "..."

She clutched her forehead and said, "Nakiri, it's really sad for you to be like this."

"Just regret it as much as you regret it! I don't care anymore, it's all gone!"

Nakiri put the remaining half can of beer back on the tea table, then picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, and said: "The previous, that was really boring, every day except fighting is preparing for fighting, eat it Pause for a moment! What about now? Beautiful, beautiful!"

What?You say I'm not free now?

My old lady eats popular food and drinks here, and there are endless TV series and movies, endless anime, and endless games. How comfortable am I?free?Because of your mother's size!

No one will change, I tell you!

"I... Forget it, as long as you are happy."

What else can Missy say?She sat helplessly in front of Nakiri, and said, "The purpose of my coming here this time is to ask you to answer a question."


Nakiri chewed the squid whiskers in his mouth, looked at the eldest lady with a puzzled face, "What question? Tell me—"

"Cough, that's it."

The eldest lady coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "I found that there is a huge gap in physical fitness between me and Qiong, and I want to ask you if you know what's going on - in theory, the exercises I have experienced and his experience should be similar That's right."

Even if there is a gap, it’s not like the land was almost destroyed by cattle plows, right?This cow is so awesome.

"Uh, if I'm not mistaken..."

Nakiri scratched the back of his head, showing an embarrassed expression, and said, "The reason is probably..."


"I didn't expect that the reason actually came from you?"

The eldest lady sighed helplessly, and mournfully said: "Miss Wanshitong, why are you so good?"

According to Nakiri's analysis, the main culprit for the difference in physical fitness between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady is the gap between the gourmet demon——Miss Know-It-All, as the gourmet demon at the top of the pyramid, brings strength to the host that Nakiri can't match anyway .

"No, no! We have to find a way -"

The eldest lady climbed up from the bed, covering her old waist, looking at the wrinkled sheets with a complicated expression, and murmured: "If you continue like this, unless you take medicated meals with every meal and drink the panacea every day, sooner or later you will have to die." Kidney deficiency."

Don't think that girls don't have kidney deficiency and mouth teeth ヽ(Д)ノ.


Suddenly, a sentence that Lin Qiong said in the previous chapter flashed in the mind of the young lady.

"Fei Shazi, we are best sisters, so..."

'So get ready to push my ass! '


A few days later, Zeref and Olgast returned to Sky City with the Twelve Shields (remnant soldiers) of the Western Continent.

"Young Master, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Jeff knelt on the ground on one knee, clasped his fists in both hands, and said with a serious face: "Now, Alakidasia is officially under the management of Sky City."

"Good job, Jeff."

Lin Qiong slightly raised his right hand to signal Jeff to get up, then glanced at the members of the Twelve Shields who were still kneeling on the ground behind him, and said, "It seems that the remaining members of the Twelve Shields are all here? "

"Yes—" x9

After Olgast, Lakaide, and Brandish left, only nine members of the Twelve Shields remained and said in unison.

"Although Jeff has already reported it, I still confirm it out of the spirit of freedom and equality—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands gently in front of him and said with a smile: "Do you have any opinions on surrendering to the City in the Sky? If you do, just say it~"

"No——" x9

Very uniform sound.

'Only an idiot would object to this, right? '

'reject?Is the refusal to seek a draw? '

'Aside from other things, Lord Oghast alone can flatten the Alvarez Empire, right? '

"The young master is the emperor's boss, and the emperor is our boss. Rounding up, the young master is our boss. It's okay, right?" '

'Such thick golden thighs, will anyone really refuse? '

Having said that, the remaining Jiuduns all felt clear in their hearts.

"It's such a shame, I thought there would be objections."

Lin Qiong sighed in disappointment, and said to himself: "I have prepared a package of [-] dragon gang fights, but now I can't use it, so worry!"

Nine Shields: "..."

On the surface, they are as stable as old dogs, but in fact they panicked a lot.

"Twenty dragons fighting in groups, what kind of torture is this?" '

'Heaven and earth conscience, fortunately did not refuse. '

'Scare skrrr people! '

"Master, don't bully them."

Jeff on the side couldn't help laughing, and said, "If this continues, they might cry."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds and said, "If I told you that I suddenly expected them to cry, would you think I was a devil?"

Jeff showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "Probably not."

High EQ: Probably not

Low EQ: High probability

"Forget it, don't bully them."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then leaned lazily on the back of his chair, and said, "Because other continents are still being conquered, so I would like to trouble you to live in Sky City for a few days, is that okay?"

"No problem!" x9

What?you have a problem?

If there is a problem, hold it back for me!


in the laboratory.

"Why don't you look refreshed?"

Miss Wanshitong sat on the chair, raised her right foot and gently lifted Lin Qiong's calf, and said, "You are the Lord of the Western Continent now? Shouldn't you be happier?"

"How should I put it? Now I feel like I have modifiers turned on when playing an RTS game."

Lin Qiong lazily leaned on the back of the sofa, and said with a dull expression: "Others have just started mining and building barracks, and I have all the strongest troops here, just push it without thinking."

"Dear Mr. Host, without cheating, you can't even do 1v3 simple computer, but Li Xiaofeng can already 1v11 crazy computer."

Miss Know-It-All sighed, then patted Lin Qiong's shoulder with her hand, and said, "This is enough to prove that you are not suitable for playing RTS games, so you should honestly crush them with units and push them mindlessly. "

Lin Qiong: "Gu!"

He let out a mournful cry, then tilted his head to the side, stuck out his tongue and said, "I was stunned by Lafite the dog!"


Miss Know-It-All shook her fingers, and said with a smile: "I'm not a dog, but a cat! So you should say—being stunned by the cat Lafite—that's right."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He suddenly sat up from the sofa, then grabbed the snacks on the coffee table and stuffed them into his mouth, muttering: "I ate them all, I won't leave a piece for you! Hmph——"

'Like a child. '

Miss Wanshitong pursed her lips and smiled, and under Lin Qiong's dumbfounded gaze, she took out another box of snacks from the cabinet and said, "Then eat slowly, there are more here if you don't have enough!"

"I, you..."

Lin Qiong looked blankly at the snack plate in front of him, then at the box in Miss Passer's hand, twitched a few times and then lay back on the sofa again, "I was stunned by Rafi the cat!!"

Today's victory -

Lin Qiong's defeat.

Being pinched hard by Miss Know-It-All~



After the Western Continent chose to surrender, the Northern Continent joined the big family not to be outdone—under the watchful eyes of Lin Qiong and the Guardian Twelve Shields, Yuelong walked into the In the main hall.

"Master, the task has been completed—"

Yuelong knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and said, "The Northern Continent is already in the young master's pocket."

"Nice job, Selene."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then looked at the people behind Selene—some of them were councilors, some were the president of the famous Magisters Guild in the Northern Continent, and some were kings of native countries in the Northern Continent— Said: "The same as when dealing with the Western Continent, in the spirit of freedom and equality, let me confirm—do you have any opinions on surrendering the city of the sky? If you have any, just say it~"

The councilors, president, and kings all looked at each other, and then carefully glanced at Yuelong who was kneeling in front of him.

"How many of you..."

Yuelong turned her head, the scarlet light flickered in her eyes: "Are you deaf? Can't you hear the young master asking you?"

The next moment, the group of people knelt down on the ground in a hurry, pressed their foreheads tightly to the floor, and shouted loudly——

"no comment!!"

"The little one has been a member of Sky Castle since birth!!"

"Long live the city of the sky, long live the young master!"

——It seems as if he is afraid that if his voice is just a little bit softer, it will cause Yuelong's displeasure.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Miss Selene, what on earth did you do to them to scare them like this?

Chapter 0601 Fishing Law Enforcement

'This moon dragon is really a threat to the leader——'

Lin Qiong glanced at Yuelong Selene, and then turned his gaze back to the people in the North Continent who were kneeling on the ground and kowtowed, and comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone, our Sky City is a city that focuses on humanistic care. Group, so if you have any ideas, please feel free to speak up.”


After hearing what Lin Qiong said, the crowd who were kowtowing to express their opinions froze, then quietly raised their heads and glanced at Lin Qiong who was full of smiles.

It seems, as if, probably, maybe...

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