Is this so-called city lord not as scary as we thought?

"Everyone, get up! In my hometown, there is an old saying called Westinghouse...ah bah, it's called a wise man who has a thousand worries or a mistake."

Lin Qiongxu raised his right hand and said sincerely: "No matter how smart a person is, he can't take care of all aspects, so if you have better ideas and suggestions, please actively propose them!"

"No no!"

"Don't dare!"

"That's it!"

The crowd below hurriedly waved their hands, for fear that if their movements were slow, others would suspect them—do you really think something, kid?I remember you!

"Hey, it seems that everyone still doesn't trust me."

Lin Qiong sighed in disappointment. He waved his hand and said, "Well, let's stop here for today's meeting. If you have any ideas, you can come to me secretly after the meeting is over!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong stood up and left the lobby on the first floor amidst the flickering eyes of the crowd in the Northern Continent.




Lin Qiong sat down on the sofa, then picked up the cheese cake on the table, took a bite, and said, "I don't know how long those people can endure it."

"Haha, Lord Qiong thinks too highly of them."

Lan Ran poured a cup of cappuccino and handed it to Lin Qiong with a gentle face, and said, "If there is no accident, at the latest tonight, someone will come to test it."

"Good guy, can't you bear it all day?"

Lin Qiong swallowed the cake, then took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat, and said in surprise: "With such patience, how did they become kings and councilors?"

"Because they worry that if they slow down, they will fall behind other people."

Aizen lowered his eyelids, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, "They are just a bunch of trash relying on the shadow of their ancestors."


Lin Qiong picked up a piece of blueberry cake again and bit down more than half of it. "To be honest, I am somewhat looking forward to seeing what kind of opinions those guys will come to me."

"Hehe, please wait for the night to come, Lord Qiong! I will let those who come to visit you see a 'stupid Qiongjun'."

The corners of Lan Ran's mouth raised slightly, he touched his eyes with his fingers, and said, "In this way, they will expose their short-sighted eyes and dirty hearts."

"Fortunately, there is Ah Lan's mirror, otherwise I would have to play a fool myself."

Lin Qiong took a sip of coffee, smacked his lips and said, "Hey, it's really difficult for a smart and witty genius like me to play a fool, right?"

Aizen: "..."

He closed his eyes, nodded his head with difficulty, and said, "Qiong, Lord Qiong is right."

As expected of King Qiong, you just asked me to answer a question, and it actually made me feel the pressure of facing the King of Souls!


"Where is my Miss Know-it-all? Is she with Irene again?"

Lin Qiong looked around, but did not see Ms. Wanshitong in the living room of the laboratory, so he asked strangely, "What are they busy with researching recently? Why is there no one around all day long?"

"Uh, sorry, Qiongjun! I don't know what they are studying."

Aizen pushed his glasses, and said helplessly, "Because of this experiment, I didn't personally participate in it."

I just browsed through the text data of that experiment and made some suggestions, which is really not considered to be personally involved.

"Hi! You didn't participate?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Lan Ran in surprise, and then said teasingly: "You boy, you must be excluded, right? Hoho!"

Aizen: "..."

"Qianjun, don't say such exaggerated words."

Lan Ran sighed, looked at Lin Qiong with some grievances, and said, "I will be sad."

Lin Qiong: "Hey!"

He jumped up from the sofa, then reached out and rubbed his arms, and said hastily: "Then what, I forgot that the instant noodles I just cooked haven't been put into the pot yet, so I'll go back and collect my clothes first!"

Looking at the back of Lin Qiong leaving in a hurry, Lan Ran pushed his glasses silently, and sighed: "Ms. Know-it-all, Miss Irene, I have made too many comebacks!"



Late that night.

Forest dome room.

"Yes three!"

Lin Qiong played a one-on-three, and then looked expectantly at the next player.

Feng Dynasty nodded towards him and said: "Four twos!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

A question mark rose on his head, then he stretched out his hand to grab Feng Wang, and said, "Damn it, we are all farmers, I play one pair three, you play four twos to beat me? Are you sick?"

"Ji Jie Jie! I don't care about peasants and landlords, all I know is that I will crush you to death!"

Even though he was held in Lin Qiong's palm, Feng Wang still flapped his wings arrogantly, "I'm only four and two, do you want it, do you want it~"


I'm so angry!

Lin Qiong threw Feng Dynasty out of the window, and said cursingly: "I want a hammer, and I'm not right, don't!"


Feng Wang flapped his wings to stabilize his body, then flew back to the table in shock, turned his head to look at Lan Ran, and asked, "What about you, do you want it?"

"Then I'll take care of it."

Aizen smiled slightly, put the playing cards in his hand on the table, and said, "To the king."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Phoenix King: "..."

"Neither of them? Then, a straight from 5 to K."

Looking at the nine cards, Lin Qiong and Feng Wang continued to remain silent.

"Not yet? Then three Aces with a pair of 3s."

Looking at these five cards, one person and one bird continued to be silent

"Don't you want that too? Those three 4's bring a 5."

Looking at the last card on the table, Lin Qiong grabbed Feng Wang angrily, and said, "Let your grandma beat me, won't you lose?"

"Please, even if I don't suppress you, we will lose if he blows up a king, okay?"

King Feng rolled his eyes, and then said with a smug look on his face: "Besides, what if you lose? I'll crush you, eh~~"

grass!What a bird thing!

"I fucking—"

Lin Qiong's fist was hard at that moment.

Just when he was about to raise his casserole-sized fist, Bang Bang, to give Feng Wang two circles, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Lin, Master Lin Qiong—"

From outside the door came a voice with nervousness in guilty conscience, apprehension in nervousness, uneasiness in apprehension, and guilty conscience in anxiety, "I... small one, can small one come in?"

Lin Qiong winked at Lan Ran, and then said to the door: "Of course, come in!"

"Good good!"

The old man with a white beard outside the door hurriedly opened the door and said, "Master, I..."

"Break it, Jinghua Shuiyue!"


"Master, I am the first member of the Magic Council—"

A bald, white-bearded, upright little old man who looked to be over 60 years old was standing in front of the table with a flattering smile, nodding to "Lin Qiong" in front of him and said, "My name is Sha Bi, you Just call me Xiaosha."

"After all, you are an elder, and courtesy cannot be discarded."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and asked kindly: "Mr. Shabi, I don't know what's the matter with you coming to see me at this time?"

"Ahem, it's like this! During the day, the young master said that if we have any suggestions, we can come to you?"

Shabi coughed dryly, and then tried to put on a compassionate look, and said: "After listening to what the young master said, I went back to my room and thought hard for a day, and I have countless ideas that I want to discuss with the young master, I don't know... "


There was a light knock on the door, which happened to interrupt Shabi's speech.

"Master, I am the president of the Chunbi Guild, answering that Chunbi—"

There was an apprehensive voice outside the door, "Then, that, young master, I have some suggestions that I would like to share with young master. Do you have time, young master?"

Sabi: "..."

Damn Da Chunbi, you actually ruined my good deed! !Damn you! !


After about 15 minutes.

Magic Council · First Member · Sabi;

Chunbi Guild·Guild Master Dachunbi;

Kingdom of Debi · King Stabi;

……and many more.

At least [-]% of the high-class people from the Northern Continent who came to Sky City with Selene gathered in this bedroom.

It's just...well...the atmosphere between them may not be so wonderful, everyone is looking at others with condemning eyes——

"Tieba, didn't you say you wouldn't come when the show was over just now?" '

'Do you still have the nerve to look at me?In the end who said [who goes who dies]? '

'You bastards, spoil my good deeds! '

"It really surprised me."

When these people's eyes met, Lin Qiong showed a joyful expression, looked at the crowd standing opposite happily, and said: "When I asked for feedback in the hall, everyone ignored me. I thought none of you were willing to communicate with me!"

"No, no, no! How could it be?"

"The young master is so kind, we must know everything and say everything!"

"Hello everyone, it's really good!"


"Okay, okay, I already know the minds of the seniors—"

Seeing these people's various opinions, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smile and nodded, and said: "Then let's get started without further delay? I can't wait to hear the high-end management experience of our seniors!"

Chapter 0602

late at night.

Linqiong bedroom.

In the brightly lit room, more than a dozen upper-class people with good identities in the Northern Continent are talking to the air in front of them with blushing faces. It can be seen from the little saliva sprayed from their mouths How excited they are.

"Tsk tsk-"

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