Lin Qiong, with his legs crossed, sat on the sofa on the other side, looked at the group of "upper people" with disdain, and said disdainfully: "This group of guys is really more incompetent than the other. The ultimate in rice buckets."

"indeed so!"

Aizen nodded, he took a sip of coffee, and said gracefully: "Although I gave them a slight hint, these people can't find any abnormalities at all, they are really useless."

The abnormality in Lan Ran's mouth refers to the fact that in the phantom he set up, Lin Qiong's performance is comparable to that of the little king of the empire in "Sister Killing", he simply put the words "I am a puppet" on his head-but in Under Aizen's suggestion, these fools were completely unaware of this problem.

Please, why don't they use their brains and think about it carefully: If Lin Qiong is really a top idiot, why should he make Yuelong obedient?

Besides, if there is really room for manipulating Lin Qiong as a puppet, where would it be their turn to be a bunch of trash?Is it true that Yuelong is a fox dog that sleeps after eating?

"so boring--"

Feng Wang sat on Lin Qiong's head, tidying the hair on top of Lin Qiong's head with his bird's beak in boredom, and said, "When will these guys finish expressing their opinions?"

"I see it hard."

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said with a speechless expression: "These guys have completely ignored the existence of 'I', and fell into the vicious circle of internal fighting."

Don't look at this group of people who have been arguing for half an hour, but there is only one central idea they expressed——

Kiruti is a vast area, and the young master must not have the energy to fully manage it!How about dividing Kirutina into multiple regions, assigning a person in charge for each region, and setting up a "Northern Continent Alliance" to govern these persons in charge?

Um?Why can such a simple central idea be noisy for half an hour?very simple -

"Master, I am honest and honest, hardworking, hardworking and frugal, and I am a good candidate to be the leader of the "Northern Continent Alliance"!"

The person who said this was a rich man with a fat head and big ears, a shiny face, and wearing gold and silver.

"Young Master, I am strong, hands-on, and energetic. I am a good candidate to be the leader of the Northern Continent Alliance!"

The person who said this was a skinny, consumptive ghost with a face full of vanity and dark circles around his eyes.

"Young master, I am upright, strong and righteous, and I am a good candidate to be the leader of the "Northern Continent Alliance"!"

The one who said these words was a weakling with sinister features and a wretched appearance who was the first to kneel down.

"You fart! I'm the best-"

"I'm the!"

"I am the king!"

"I'm an MP!"

"I'm rich!"

"I am the president!"

Then, they completely forgot about Lin Qiong's existence and quarreled for half an hour.


Lin Qiong couldn't help but plucked his ears, and said with a speechless expression: "Mr. Ogaster is in charge of the Western Continent, and the Magic Council of the Eastern Continent is working anyway. What about the Northern Continent..."

It’s so fucking awesome, why are they all a bunch of idiots?

Could it be that when God created the world, he used the Northern Continent as a recycling bin?

"Perhaps, it's because of Selene and the others—"

Lan Ran showed thoughtful eyes, and analyzed: "Because there are a lot of dragons living in this land, it's why these people are a bit... bad!"

Ordinary people lie flat, high-level people are rotten, this is the true portrayal of the North Continent.

"Okay, I probably understand."

Lin Qiong exhaled, rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said, "I was thinking, did Selenet bring these people in front of me so that I could clearly see how many people there are in the Northern Continent?" rotten?"

"Maybe it is possible."

The corners of Lanran's mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile: "After all, with the character of Qiongjun, if you witness the death of these people with your own eyes, you will make up your mind to give up on them, right?"

"Huh? You underestimate me too much!"

Lin Qiong gave Lan Ran a dissatisfied look, and said, "It's reasonable, I'm also very hard-hearted sometimes, okay? I'm sure I won't keep any dregs like this kind of corpse, and I'll send all of them to Siberia to grow potatoes. !"

Feng Wang asked puzzledly: "Why do you want a egg?"

"Because after being fucked, it can prevent them from thinking about women, and it can also prevent them from thinking about men. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers proudly, and said: "The so-called no woman in heart, God of nature who grows beans - in a few years, Siberia will become Ubisoft's largest server supplier. It's really gratifying, gratifying. Congratulations!"

King Feng: "?"

She raised her bird paw and lightly stepped on Lin Qiong's head, and said, "Why do I (probably) understand every word you said, but after they are combined together, I don't recognize (all of them)?"

Lin Qiong replied: "Because you are a fool."

Feng Wang was furious: "You are the fool!"

Lin Qiong calmly ate a piece of mung bean cake and said, "Then I will ask you a question. If you answer it correctly, I will admit that you are a smart Pokémon."

Feng Wang's tail feathers flicked, and he said energetically, "Come on! Just ask!"

Lin Qiong swallowed the mung bean cake, then licked the residue on his fingers, and said, "What is the opposite of silly B?"

Feng Wang was stunned for a while, and then said tentatively: "Uh, a wise man?"






"Fuck, are you going to say the wrong thing no matter what I say?"

"I can write the answer down and put it on the table."


Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, and then squatted on Lin Qiong's head with a sad face like a hen hatching an egg, and began to think hard.

Aizen: "..."

He thought for a few seconds and then sent Lin Qiong a text message: 'Qiongjun, is the answer a genius? '

Lin Qiong glanced at Lan Ran with a hint of surprise, then replied with a smile: 'No. '


Aizen frowned, then held his chin: 'None of the above answers are correct, so it seems that this is a question with a logical trap...'

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Aizen who was lost in thought with a strange look, and thought: "You have lived a long life!"How could Ah Lan show such an expression of interest in such a meaningless question? '

That's weird!Use your brain to think!

What Lin Qiong didn't know was that Aizen's purpose was very clear: 'Answer the question, and then build a good relationship with Lord Qiong—'



Four 10 minutes, five 10 minutes, one hour...

Lin Qiong felt like he was about to fall asleep. These losers from the Northern Continent were still arguing non-stop. Aizen was continuing to think, while Feng Wang had given up thinking and squatted in the dining room. Then he pecked at the pastries on the table.


Lin Qiong couldn't help but yawned, and said, "It's so fucking boring! I'd rather watch Indian TV dramas than hear them continue arguing."

Indian TV dramas can at least look forward to the strange editing screens where their third-rate editors use all the editing special effects, but it is really boring to listen to these people arguing—in order to maintain their lofty image in Lin Qiong’s heart, they even Don't dare to expose black history to each other! !

Damn, let Lin Qiong's desire to eat melons come to naught, is this something a human can do?

"Quickly end, hurry up—"

Feng Wang glanced at the noisy scumbags with disgust, and complained: "These guys are noisier than Popping Monsters, and more annoying than Flaming Monkeys!"

"Indeed, this group has been arguing pointlessly for an hour—"

Aizen also shook his head lightly, and said with a hint of contempt: "And judging by their appearance, I'm afraid they can quarrel all night."

"Then let Selene come and drive these idiots away."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Yuelong's number: "Wow, Selene is in mua? Come here and take these idiots away! They are really stupid."

"Okay, I'm coming to—"

On the other side, Selene, who was curled up on the sofa watching a TV series, stood up and said: "Please wait a minute, master."


Sword Saint Dragon ate the Miao Crispy horns worn on five fingers into his mouth in one go, and then said to Yuelong while chewing: "Master's phone number?"

"Let me deal with those idiots from the Northern Continent."

Accompanied by a burst of silvery white moonlight, Selene's clothes changed from pajamas to a uniform with a white background and embroidered gold patterns, and said, "I'll come back as soon as I go, you don't allow yourself to peek."

"My lord, you have misunderstood."

Sword Master Long looked at Yue Long seriously: "To be honest, I have no interest at all in this TV series with no name or quality."

Moon Dragon: "?"

She glanced at her cub with disdain, then walked towards the door, muttering: "What are you pretending to be with your mother? Do you think I don't know that you are secretly making up the previous plot these days?"

Sword Saint Dragon: Σ( ° △ °|||)

West Malaysia University has been discovered!


After Yuelong came out of Lin Qiong's room through the portal, he immediately heard the quarrel coming from inside.

"I am the most suitable!"

"I'm the--"

"You fart!"

"You're the one who farts!"

Hearing this meaningless quarrel, Yuelong couldn't help showing a trace of deep disdain, and murmured: "What a bunch of filthy idiots."

After taking a deep breath, she raised her right hand and gently knocked on the door, saying: "Master, I heard that some people who are not sober came to visit you without authorization, and came here to 'recycle' them, please open Click the door."

The next second, the quarrel inside the door stopped abruptly.

Chapter 0603 Did You Forget Something?


Lin Qiong looked at Yuelong who was leading the dejected idiots away, rubbed his chin involuntarily, and said thoughtfully: "There is a sense of déjà vu that the director of teaching took away the thorns who came to the dormitory to make trouble."

Feng Wang lowered his head and asked, "So we are the one being bullied?"

"Do not."

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said with a smirk: "We are the party that enforces fishing laws."

Aizen: "..."

You can say that Qiongjun is smart, he thinks about problems relying on external thinking circuits.

You say that Lord Qiong is stupid, he can give you the operation of fishing law enforcement.

' So overall, not smart, but bad? '

Lan Ran recalled the scene when Lin Qiong pretended to be a rookie in the Realm World and coaxed him around, and couldn't help but nodded earnestly, "Jun Qiong's conscience has been greatly damaged. '

"All right--"

After seeing that everyone had left, Lin Qiong yawned boredly, and said, "Sleep, sleep! I'm almost dizzy from the anger of these dogs."

"Then I'll take my leave."

Aizen stood up and walked towards the door, but when he was about to step out of the room, he suddenly came back to his senses and said with a little curiosity: "Speaking of it, Lord Qiong, the answer to your question just now, what exactly is it?"

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