"Yeah, I almost forgot—"

Feng Wang also reacted. She squatted on the coffee table, looked at Lin Qiong curiously, and said, "Tell me, what is the antonym?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then coughed dryly and said, "It's Hui Gen."

Aizen: "?"

King Feng: "?"

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the two, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his chin triumphantly, and said, "Similarly, the antonym of a fool is a think tank!"

Aizen: "??"

Phoenix King: "??"

Every person and every bird showed extremely bewildered expressions—who can explain to them how these words became antonyms?



"What about those people?"

Lin Qiong walked into the restaurant and found that the members of Jiudun were eating breakfast in the corner, but the members of the stupid group from the Northern Continent were nowhere to be seen. Is there a cold wind blowing below the castle in the sky?"

Secretary: "..."

She said dumbfoundedly: "Master, if you have this demand, I will ask Miss Selene to hang them up."

"Never mind."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, frowned slightly in disgust, and said, "With the guts of those guys, if they were really hanging under the Sky City, they might be so scared that they would pour out feces and urine and pollute the environment."

The eldest lady raised her right hand with black lines all over her face, poked Lin Qiong's waist fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "This is in the restaurant, can you stop talking about these topics."


Lin Qiong raised his right hand, zipped his mouth innocently, and said, "Stop talking, let's eat!"


She couldn't help but whispered: "Qioni sauce is amazing, the topic just ended can be seamlessly connected


"My lord, don't you go to find the young master?"

Juggernaut Dragon glanced at the backs of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady walking up to the second floor, and asked Yuelong who was sitting on the seat with a plate of steak, "Now is a good time to report on work."

"My stupid son! Now is the time for the young master and young lady to love each other, understand? If you disturb them at this time, you will be kicked to death by a million horses."

Yuelong looked at his stupid son with a look of resentment, then put the dinner plate in front of him, and said angrily: "Cut the steak for me."

Sword Saint Dragon: "..."

He looked at the steaming black pepper steak on the plate, and after being silent for half a second, he frowned slightly and said, "My lord, my sword skills..."

Moon Dragon: "Huh?"

"...I practiced it just to cut steak for my mother."

Juggernaut Dragon changed the subject, then held a knife in his hand and cut the steak on the plate into neat small pieces, "Mother, please taste it."

This is bloodline suppression. I really can't blame Sword Saint Dragon for being spineless, you believe him.

Yuelong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You boy, that's all you need."

Sword Saint Dragon: "My lord, I am the Sword Saint Dragon next to me. I will cut everything, nothing..."

Yuelong: "You were killed by Georg, who I slapped to death with one paw."

Sword Saint Dragon: "..., I can cut out in a second..."

Yuelong: "You were killed by Georg."

Sword Saint Dragon: "..., my blade can cut through steel..."

Yuelong: "You were killed."

Sword Saint Dragon shed tears of sorrow.

Mother, you are really my real mother! !


After breakfast, to the training ground.

"Roar of the Sword Saint Dragon——" x2

Accompanied by the low roars of the two, two purple-black whirlwinds mixed with sword energy collided in mid-air, stirring up a violent storm.

"Sword Saint Dragon's Hell Sword——" x2

The moment the roar dissipated, the two figures collided together, the sharp blades in their hands collided crazily, and there was a "clinking" sound of iron striking-the sparks splashing between the two were like a summer night Like a lit fairy wand.

"Every time these two fight against each other, I feel like I'm looking at a mirror image—"

Lin Qiong held a large Northeastern board in his mouth, and said to Yuelong beside him, "By the way, I seem to have heard rumors that you adopted Suzaku as your godson?"

"Master, please allow me to explain."

Yuelong smiled reservedly and said, "That's not a rumor."

"I heard Erina say goo, the knife for cutting meat and the knife for cutting fruit should be separated—"

Lin Qiong gave her a thumbs up and said, "Exactly, let Suzaku cut the fruit for you, and let Kurnuji cut the meat for you."

Moon Dragon: "!"

She nodded with admiration and said, "As expected of the young master!"

Her application to her two sons was still limited to the simple "cut a steak for me", but the young master had already thought of a deeper application!


Sword Saint Dragon and Suzaku who were fighting but overheard the off-field conversation: "..."

The two brothers looked at each other, and then stopped their movements a little speechlessly.

Suzaku thought for a few seconds and said, "Are you sure about the question?"

Sword Saint Long looked up to the sky and sighed, and replied: "The answer is true."

Suzaku patted Sword Saint Dragon on the shoulder, and was just about to comfort his good brother who had become a meat cleaver, when he thought that he was about to be reduced to a fruit knife, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Juggernaut Dragon looked at the lost Suzaku, and was just about to comfort his good brother who was about to become a fruit knife, when he realized that he was already a meat cleaver, and couldn't help feeling sad.

The two couldn't help crying with their heads in each other's arms. The crying really made the listener sad, and the one who heard it shed tears.

"They must be thinking that they will be able to cut vegetables and meat for me in the future and be so happy that they will cry?"

Looking at the two crying, Yuelong couldn't help but raised his fingers to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with emotion: "They are all good children! Mom, I am very happy!"

Kang Linqiong: "..."

He squinted at Yuelong who seemed to be moved to tears, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Do you really think so?"

"Of course not—"

Yuelong blinked at Lin Qiong, then resumed the expression that was moved to tears just now, and whispered: "I just want to see the troubled expressions of those two children, woohoo, so happy——"

Lin Qiong turned away his head with a wrinkled face, thinking: "This woman is really wicked!"Fortunately, my Miss Know-It-All is a considerate girl! '

People who have been threatened and taught by Miss Know-It-All: “She’s the one you’d better say!”

"Let's get down to business."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and asked, "Where are those people from the Northern Continent?"

"Of course it was thrown into the prison area."

Yuelong flicked his hair, and said as a matter of course: "Could it be possible to leave them outside and continue to harass you?"

"Wouldn't this be a little bad?"

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds and said, "I mean, the things on them seem to be quite valuable. Wouldn't it be a waste of resources not to recycle them?"

Moon Dragon: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She was silent for a few seconds, and then said with emotion: "Sure enough, if I want to live as a 'human', I still have a lot to learn!"

Phoenix King: "..."

She thought: "Is there a possibility that you may not be human, but Aqiong is a real dog?" '



"I always feel like I've forgotten something very important..."

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, furrowed his brows in distress, and said, "But it doesn't seem to be that important! Well, what's going on?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong suspiciously, and said, "Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?"

"I'm serious!"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs, drew a circle around his head with his hands as if resting, and thought hard: "There is a feeling of 'ah, I seem to have forgotten something', do you understand? But I don't know what I am. What the hell did you forget!"

"Ah, I feel that way sometimes!"

The secretary hammered his palm, and suddenly said: "For example, what I was about to say to others, I suddenly forgot the next second, and then I couldn't remember anything."


Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "That's the feeling!"

The eldest lady supported her chin, and said quietly: "Qiong, Fei Shazi, your behavior is the prelude to dementia."

Lin Qiong & Secretary: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"Hey, hey! Don't be like this—"

The eldest lady looked helplessly at Lin Qiong and the secretary who suddenly fell into emo, and hurriedly explained: "I, I was joking! Just kidding! This is not dementia, no!"

Lin Qiong said faintly: "My young heart has been traumatized indelibly."

The secretary nodded (1 second): "Me too."

Lin Qiong said sadly: "If Erina doesn't compensate me, this trauma may remain for a lifetime."

The secretary nodded (2 second): "Me too."

The eldest lady hesitated: "You, what compensation do you want?"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up: "I want to see Erina in a shrine maiden costume!"

The secretary nodded (1 times per second): "Me too!!"

"Piay is actually used to changing clothes, and it's not impossible to promise, but..."

The eldest lady raised her hand to cover the corner of her malicious mouth, and said, "It is possible, but I have one condition!"

Lin Qiong & Secretary (clenching fists violently): "In order to get the new skin of Erina (Missy), we can kill even the devil!"

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just a small thing—"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes, then pointed at the secretary with a smile, and said, "Fei Shazi, I want you to wear the underarm maiden costume with me."

Secretary: "Huh?"

Secretary: "Huh?"

Secretary: "Huh???"

Chapter 0604 Thick-skinned guy

The secretary was very shaken.

Very shaken.

She was so shaken that she was squatting in the communication room of the training ground, ravaging the flower in her hand.

"Wear them together..."

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