"Don't wear..."

"Wear them together..."

"Don't wear..."

"Together...to wear!?"

Looking at the last petal in his hand, the expression on the secretary's face froze.

"Ah, we are wearing them together."

Lin Qiong said.

"Well, they are worn together."

The eldest lady nodded.


The secretary wailed, then held his head with both hands, "Why, how could this happen?"

The eldest lady smiled and hugged the secretary from behind, and then said with a charming face: "Fei Shazi, I am really looking forward to wearing the same style of clothing as you~"


The secretary let out a lovely cry, and found that she couldn't refuse the eldest lady's request at all, so she could only nod her head pitifully, and said in a word: "I, I know!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm starting to look forward to it as soon as I talk about it."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said seriously: "But since two people are wearing it together, it is better to use different colors? For example, how about the red and blue colors of the attractions?"

"The red witch and the blue witch? I think so."

The eldest lady crossed her arms, nodded with approval, and said, "Where is Fei Shazi?"

The secretary who had completely turned into a little ostrich and a little daughter-in-law nodded obediently, and said, "I listen to the eldest lady."


Lin Qiong clapped his hands happily, then showed an expectant expression, and said, "I'll see the shaman soon, look forward to desu!"

"Well, although it wouldn't be nice to interrupt you in the mood--"

At this time, Feng Wang patted Lin Qiong's head with his wings and reminded: "But, Aqiong, have you forgotten? You have forgotten something."

Lin Qiong: "?"

After spending half a second to clarify what Feng Wang meant by this sentence, Lin Qiong hammered his palm with a "Ah--" sound and said, "That's right, were we just discussing what I am?" Forgot something?"

The eldest lady & secretary: "Ah——"

They also remembered.

So, the three stood on the ground and looked at each other: "So, what did you forget?"



Castle in the Sky.

Confinement area.

In the world of Bone King, the prison area where Warrior King and Funny Girl were once imprisoned. After many worlds, it finally came into use again.

"Protest! I protest! You're abusive—"

"Let me go! Let me out—"

"Damn woman, I will kill you when I go out!"

"Soul lightness——"

The members of the Idiot Group who were thrown into the prison area by Moon Dragon were angrily beating the metal railings in front of them - probably because Sky City gently provided three meals a day to the people in the prison area, so they were so energetic ?

It's just that these idiots don't know that a layer of sound-proof enchantment is tightly enclosing the entrance restricted area, causing their shouts to be unable to reach the outside at all except for causing mental pollution to each other.

"Da da da--"

Just when they were about to greet the Moon Dragon Ancestor, a burst of sudden and rapid footsteps sounded from the entrance to the restricted area. In the idiot group's expectant and surprised gazes, Lin Qiong's expression full of urgency appeared. in their sight.

At this moment, at this moment, here...

The idiots in the prison looked at Lin Qiong who looked anxious, and a thought flashed through their minds——

'He must have learned that I was being held here, so he rushed over to rescue me! '

"Master, I'm here—"

"Master, are you here to save me?"

"Master, it was that hateful woman behind you who locked me up!"

"Master, you have to make the decision for me!"

As if he had found the backbone, the middle-aged and elderly men of the idiot group quickly stretched out their right hands in the direction of Lin Qiong, and then tried their best to make a pitiful appearance, crying with snot and tears.


"It's noisy."

Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression, then snapped his fingers roughly, and said, "You're disturbing my eyes and ears!"


In the stunned eyes of the idiot group, a dark barrier rose around each compartment, forming independent small dark rooms, sealing them inside.


After heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Qiong walked to the innermost compartment of the prison area, the only compartment that had not been turned into a small dark room, and matched the time with the old man squatting inside.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Erefselia: "..."

After ten seconds of awkward silence, Lin Qiong coughed dryly and said, "If I said this was an accident, would you believe it?"

Falong looked at Lin Qiong resentfully, and asked, "Can I say I don't believe it?"

What can he do?He is also very desperate!

After absorbing the heart, Erefsalia was about to go to the Sky City to report, but just as he flew out of the town, he bumped into the Moon Dragon.

Moon Dragon: "Erefsalia, is that you?"

Falon: "Uh, this..."

Yuelong: "Why are you here? Are you planning to escape?"

Faron: "No, I..."

Yuelong: "Erefsalia, you are too strong, you will pose a threat to the young master's notice!"

Falon: "??"

Then he was beaten up by Yuelong, and then he put on the magic lock and threw him into the prison area.

"I feel wronged! She didn't even listen to my explanation, okay?"

Faron’s tone of voice made one hear it sad and the listener shed tears, “And what did you say ‘you are too strong, you will pose a threat’!? Have you ever seen someone say you are too strong while pressing you to the ground and beating you? ?”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He thought to himself that he had really seen it before. Wasn't this the first generation fighting the Kyuubi?Absolutely.

"This is really an accident, please listen to my explanation!"

Lin Qiong opened the door lock of the prison area and explained: "Selene didn't know that you had decided to join the Sky City. She thought you were going to run away, so she took it upon herself to arrest you."

After all, she was appointed by Lin Qiong as the "Pioneer of Conquering the Northern Continent". If she found a threatening creature, she must be dealt with. In Yuelong's mind, the free-moving Falong, who has no worries, is indeed a treasure for ordinary people. Great threat.

"Anyway, the old man wants her to apologize!"

Falong stood at the door of the prison area, confidently, looked at Yuelong righteously, glared at her and said: "Of course she didn't know that I had chosen to join, but she didn't give me a chance to explain - she actually just wanted to Beat me up?"

"Huh? You're slandering me!"

Yuelong crossed his arms and looked like a delinquent who was provoking an enemy, "I'm not that kind of person!"

She added mentally: 'But I am this kind of dragon. '

Don't underestimate the vengeance of women!She has been holding grudges for a long time about being rewarded by a certain Falong for 100 years!

"Lie! You must be lying!"

Falong looked at Yuelong and said excitedly: "The old man clearly sees the pride in your eyes!!"

I don’t know why, but this picture seemed to appear in Lin Qiong’s mind——

Falong (looking at Yuelong): When you beat me up, was it accidental or intentional?

Yuelong (satisfied a little): It was...intentional!

'Fuck, what the hell am I thinking? '

Lin Qiong shook his head, shook the image in his mind out of his head, and then hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Don't make noise, don't make noise, you'll be colleagues from now on, so keep your heads down and see you when you look up!"

"That's right! Mr. Eref, Ms. Selene, you all calm down."

The secretary also assisted in persuading, "If Mr. Eref is really angry, how about this? Let's ask Ms. Selene to apologize, can I?"


Eref was stunned for a moment, and then said with joy: "I not only want her to apologize, I also want..."

"Mr. Eref!"

The secretary hurried forward, grabbed Eref's clothes and dragged him into the corner of the cubicle, and said, "You'd better take it as soon as you see it! We can protect you for a while, but there is no way to protect you." You have lived forever!"

Castle in the Sky will definitely leave the Fairy Tail world, and among the current staff, it is estimated that only Irene, who is Miss Know-It-All’s assistant, will leave together - in other words, if Falun takes advantage of it, after Castle in the Sky leaves , there is no guarantee that Yuelong will not come to settle the scores.

Faron: "..."

The trace of desire that had just arisen, but in the face of the tragic reality, it disappeared. He quickly calmed down, then walked towards Yuelong with a serious face and said, "I want you to say sorry!"


Yuelong crossed his arms and said with an attitude as if saying "I forgive you", "I'm sorry!"

Lin Qiong & Miss & Secretary: "..."

What a frivolous apology... No, this is not so much an apology as a provocation! ?Is this really okay?


Falon twitched the corners of his eyes, then took a deep breath, clenched his fists to comfort himself and said, "No, no matter what, it's still an apology! Let her apologize, which is considered a victory!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help pinching his thigh, using the pain to prevent himself from laughing... from crying.

Really crying, you believe him.

"Well, now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, let's get out of here quickly—it's all due to this group of mentally handicapped people, which makes me feel that the air here is full of mentally handicapped elements. If we stay for a long time, we will be designated as Big Baga."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, covering up his smile...crying, then looked at Faron, and said, "Go to the restaurant for a meal, then take a shower, and finally sleep, and talk about your employment tomorrow." How is it going?"

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Falong bowed towards Lin Qiong, and said with emotion: "Young master is still kind! How can I look like some female tyrannosaurs, ouch, a 100-year-old old dragon who sneaked up on me when she met, she doesn't talk about martial arts!! "

Yuelong glanced at him and said, "I have lived in the Northern Continent for 400 years."

Faron: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds, and said: "It's not like some female tyrannosaurs, ouch, a young dragon over 100 years old who sneaked up on me when she met, she doesn't talk about martial arts!"

Everyone: "..."

I can't hold back any longer, where on earth did you come from with your face claiming to be that of a baby dragon! ?

Prosthetic eye thimble, identified as pure thick-skinned.

Chapter 0605 Are you really stupid or fake?

Good news, good news!

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