Lin Qiong threw the key in his hand back into the chairman's arms, then took a step back to the throne, supported his cheek with his right hand, looked down at the old man who was breathing heavily, and said: "Go ahead. ! Like a clown, put on your last show."

Yes, damn it!

Looking at the eyes of Lin Qiong, the eyes of the eldest lady, the secretary, and Youyou standing beside Lin Qiong, and the eyes of the surrounding dragons, the chairman of the congress felt more and more ridiculous like a clown.

'Wait, you wait! '

The Clown King ran towards the basement with a twisted look on his face, using his amazing hand speed, he accurately inserted the keys into the grooves of the console, "When Faith starts it, you will definitely regret it!" !By then, even the dragon will be just a stronger beast! ! '

The gloomy, crazy, cold, twisted laughter echoed in the dark basement.

Only the progress bar moving on the screen witnessed the collapse of a person who was unwilling to give up his rights.


"Not yet?"

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, with a lemon-flavored lollipop in his mouth, and muttered indistinctly: "It's so slow, even slower than the download speed of Baidu disk without members."

The secretary asked: "Master, why do you look like you have a deep understanding?"

"Because I have experienced it myself, right? When I downloaded HoneySelect integrated by Xuanji before, the download speed was only 23K."

Lin Qiong clenched his fists unwillingly, and said, "I couldn't resist becoming a member, and the download speed has skyrocketed from 23k to 87M, is this reasonable?"

The secretary thought for a while, but still couldn't resist asking what kind of game HoneySelect was.


Just when everyone was getting impatient, a purple-black light shot down from the depths of the council, and all the mages present squatted on the ground with their hands on their chests.

"Sir, master—"

Jeff held his chest, as if he was out of breath, and said, "Oh, the concentration of magic power in the atmosphere is dropping rapidly. It seems that Fez has activated."


Hearing Zeref's words, Lin Qiong let out a soft snort, then stood up from his seat, moved his shoulders leisurely, and said, "Originally, I decided to let the city of the sky lock Fez all over the world." position, and then let the dragons attack and completely destroy them, but..."

Visible to the naked eye, strong enough to appear liquid magic power emerged from Lin Qiong's body, and a phantom like a demon god from the abyss of the magic way emerged behind him, shocking and terrified the onlookers. He knelt down on the ground in admiration.

"However, people like me who have been in the house for a long time want to move their bodies, don't they?"

Lin Qiong grinned, then put his right fist on his chest and said softly, "By the way, I also want to let you see my power - Swastika Star God White Night King!"


The group of dragons standing around the Sky City let out a muffled groan and fell to the ground one after another. They looked at the figure floating in the air and wrapped in white armor with eyes that were so shocked that they couldn't believe it - this What a terrifying strength! ?Just the magic power leaking out made us tremble and unable to maintain our flying posture.

"It's been a long time since I transformed into this look, I really miss—"

Lin Qiong's voice that seemed to have added reverberation and electronic sounds sounded inside the helmet, he clenched his right fist vigorously, and said, "Violet, help me locate Fez all over the world—— I'm going to finish them all in one go!"


Violet's calm voice rang in Lin Qiong's ear, "Master, the location data of Fez has been transmitted."

"Oh, as expected of the intelligence master I am proud of—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then put his right hand into a fist on his waist, made a gesture of punching, and said in a low voice: "It's just Fez, this arbitrary punch, can you take it!? "

StarBuster (StarBuster)! !

punch?Ten punches?Or a hundred punches?Or a thousand punches! ?

Kneeling on the ground, as if looking up to the mysterious magicians;

Jeref, Mebis and the dragons who fell on the ground;

Sensing Lin Qiong's movement, he walked to Aizen in the corridor of the laboratory.

They all stared at Lin Qiong's figure at the same time, trying to see his movements clearly, but...

Can't see clearly!

Can't see at all!

"Oh, Lord Qiong, you are truly a monster—"

Lan Ran raised her hand, pushed the slipped glasses with her fingers with a little emotion, and murmured, "Have you become stronger again without me noticing it at all? This really makes people... blood boil!"

Aizen, who has been out of tune with the people around him because of his excessive talent since birth, experienced the feeling of "chasing" for the first time - this novel experience gave him a feeling of excitement.

Qiongjun, you are really great!


Like a goddess scattering flowers, countless white-gold beams of light spread out from in front of Lin Qiong, and then turned into meteors and disappeared into the sky.


Lin Qiong slowly withdrew his fist.


Lin Qiong lifted the swastika.


Lin Qiong sat back on the throne.


The next moment, the mages who felt uncomfortable because of Fez's activation all felt that feeling of being out of breath... disappeared!

"The strange feeling is gone."

Jeff helped Mebis to stand up straight, then looked at Lin Qiong with a complicated face that couldn't be counted on the fan-shaped statistical chart, and said, "Young master's strength is really unexpected time and time again. I expected."

From his perspective, he could probably see that Lin Qiong's attack just now was just a show off - as if to show his strength, he lifted a heavy truck and used the brush on its bumper to hit the ground. I wrote an article about a Chinese teenager saying the same thing.

Although it's a waste of power, the deterrence is definitely top-notch—didn't you see that the mages on the ground have already started to kowtow and shout for the ancestors?

"Generally average, the third in the world."

Lin Qiong waved his hands modestly, then glanced at the Xingling King standing behind him with his mouth wide open, and asked, "How is it, Ah Bi? Did you look handsome just now—"

"I've said it all, don't call me Abi!"

Uncle Nose Hair retorted angrily, then folded his hands on his chest and muttered: "If I use the power of the stars, it's not impossible for me to unleash thousands of attacks at the same time, but..."

However, the meanings of "thousands of rays are emitted at the same time" and "thousands of punches in one second, each punching a ray" are completely different.

"You are such a monster!"

The Xingling King commented extremely depressed.

"Thank you for your compliment~"

Lin Qiong grinned, then pointed to the headquarters of the council below, and said, "Well, Olgast, can I trouble you to help me bring that fat old man here?"

The eight-year-old boy Ogast nodded slightly and said in a mature tone that was completely inconsistent with his appearance: "Please feel free to leave the task to me, young master."

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the air.



The sweaty congressman fell down on the ground in embarrassment, looked at the prompt [FaceSingalLost] that appeared on the projection screen with horrified eyes, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Impossible, this is impossible! This, this is All over the world, the number is as high as..."

"There is nothing impossible for the young master."

A childish voice appeared behind the chairperson, it was Ougast, "Mr. chairperson, it looks like you lost."

"Yes, who is it!?"

Like a new player who heard the tyrant's footsteps, the chairman looked behind him in horror...

'Nothing at all? '

The chairman of the congress froze for a moment, then lowered his head subconsciously, saw Olgast who was wearing a simple short-sleeved T-shirt with the word [Brother] printed on the chest, and said with a distorted expression: "Little, kid!? "

"Master let me take you up."

Olgast showed an extremely harmless smile as if he was an ignorant child, and said, "Please hold your hands..."

"Hahahahaha! Hahahaha! God help me too!"

The chairman of the council rushed towards Ougaste with a frenzied expression, and said: "That guy is careless! He actually asked a child to catch me—isn't this a hostage sent to my door? Jie Jie Jie, this is my escape route clatter!"

"Oh! This appearance is really easy to be underestimated."

Seeing the chairman of the assembly getting closer, Olgast tipped his toes lightly, showing a slightly malicious smile: "Facing your active attack, it should be reasonable for me to fight back a little bit, yes Bar?"

The next moment, the council leader saw the abyss of the devil.

Chapter 0607 Can you be more shameless?

In the perception of all the mages, a magical power that was not as good as Lin Qiong's but still terrifying flashed past in the basement of the council headquarters.

Ten seconds later, Olgast walked out from among the councilors with a pure face dragging the chairperson who looked like a dead dog.

"Master, I have brought him out."

Ougaste appeared in front of Lin Qiong, bowed slightly and said: "He seems to be a little frightened, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

"it is good."

Lin Qiong nodded, then took out a bag of potato chips from his arms, handed it to Ougaste, and said, "Here, take it and share it with your brother."

"Thank you sir."

Ogast took the potato chips with a smile, then trotted over to Lacade who looked expectantly, and shared them with him - seeing Mavis behind them holding her fingers in her mouth with a greedy look on her face, Then he took away a third of the portion.

Mavis: This is mother's privilege, huh ヽ(Д)ノ.

Zeref: I really can’t help it~

Olgast: I can't help it~

Racked: I can't help it~

It seems that a family of four and three men are pampering Mavis~


"Okay, Mr. Speaker——"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs, looked at the chairman of the congress who was limp on the ground, and said, "Excuse me, do you have any cards that you haven't shown? Super Fez? The second part of Super Fez? The second part of Fez God? Super God of Fez? Well, no matter what it is, if there is one, just bring it out!"

'Why, how could there be such a thing! '

The chairman of the congress held his head with his hands, showing a desperate and painful expression: "It's over, it's all over!"I worked so hard to get the position of chairman of the council, but the good times were all fucked up within a few days! ! '

"Oh? There's no answer."

Lin Qiong supported his side face with his right fist, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "It seems that the chairman of the council is completely unclear about the situation at this time."

Lin Qiong raised his left hand, stretched out his index finger, and waved it twice in front of him like a conductor.

[Six Wars of Light Prison].

The six wings of light restrained the chairman's body and made it float in front of Lin Qiong.

"Whoa, whoa—"

Looking at Lin Qiong so close at hand, the congressman was so frightened that his teeth began to chatter.

"Mr. Chairman, if you spend more than three seconds thinking about the next question and answer, then this attack..."

Lin Qiong raised his left hand and fired a magic cannon the size of a finger. Under the terrified eyes of the chairperson, the roof of the councilors was blown away, " will fall on you—Mr. chairperson, you I don’t want you to become a cripple, do you?”

No, of course not!

"I, I, I, I know!"

The chairman of the council quickly nodded, and said: "I, I, I promise to know everything and say everything!!"

"very good."

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and said, "Back to the question just now—Mr. Chairman, do you have any cards left?"


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