"So, what is the magic you master?"

"Super, super ancient clerical magic."

"What is your purpose of becoming the chairman of the assembly?"

"Yes Yes……"


"It's collecting money! Collecting money wantonly! Earn enough money to spend the rest of your life at will!!"



After hundreds of years of interrogation (for the chairperson), Lin Qiong has completely confirmed one thing - this scumbag chairperson is really lucky.

He really is a piece of shit luck.

In the plot of the original book, because of the Tower of Paradise incident, the entire Magic Council was disintegrated and reorganized, and our chairman, Mr. Zhang, naturally became an unemployed person. Later, he was unwilling to cooperate with the demon at the gate of Hades, and tried to become a member again. long, but was eventually killed for losing its value.

In the current world line, because the Tower of Paradise incident did not happen, and the gate of Hades was also destroyed, the chairman of the congress has survived without incident until now—couldn’t this kind of luck be called shit luck? ?

"You really are a scum—"

Lin Qiong frowned, looked at the chairperson in front of him with contempt, waved his hands impatiently, and said, "Jerff, throw this guy into the prison area for me, and let him and Bei Dalu The group of idiots in the company."

"I see."

Zeref nodded slightly, then grabbed the struggling Congressman's ankle and walked towards the interior of the Sky City - the poor Congressman was forcefully dragged to the prison area.


Lin Qiong put his eyes on the other council members, and said with a smile: "Everyone, your choice is..."


Well!Kneel down!


Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Mebis behind him, and said, "It seems that your next work should become very easy."

Mavis: "..."

Well, it does seem to be the case!

Is this the legendary [all schemes are useless in the face of absolute power]?

Bricks fly with great force, so terrifying.


"Huh, it's cool, it's cool."

Lin Qiong sat down on the recliner in the backyard, took a sip of the iced juice brought by the chocolate, and said, "Hey, I really need to move a little bit, or my bones will be rusted!"

"Compared to this..."

The purgatory dragon on the side looked at Lin Qiong sadly, and said, "It was clearly agreed to let us show our talents, but the young master did it himself."

"Hahaha, sorry sorry!"

Lin Qiong apologized without sincerity, and said: "Didn't you hold back by accident? Hey! Don't worry, you will be there soon—you, you, you, and you, you—to take the shot chance!"

Lin Qiong's fingers touched the dragons in the backyard one by one, and immediately made the dragons, who were a little sad and depressed, lively.

"Oh oh oh! Can you make a move? Who is the enemy?"

"Group fight or one-on-one?"

"You still have to ask? If the young master is the commander, then it must be a group fight!"

"Yes! A righteous Ultra gang fight!"

"Fucking gang fight!"

Looking at the fighting dragons in front of him, Lin Qiong nodded in relief, and said, "Since you are all so enthusiastic, the next enemy - Akunologia - will be left to you! "


The next moment, the dragons, who were originally full of fighting spirit and excitement, made a ridiculous sound like a big white duck whose throat was locked.

What, what, what, what! ?Black Dragon Akunologia! ?

"Young master, are you driving, driving, are you kidding?"

Too much fright caused Purgatory Dragon to stutter, "Let, let's fight Akunologia or something..."

"No, it's true?!"

Lin Qiong glanced at Purgatory Dragon strangely, and then said solemnly: "Think about it, what creatures in this world are hostile to us, and can even threaten us?"

Jeff's demon?

If Zeref's demon still exists in this world, then it may become the strengthening material for the demon medal in Mirajane's pocket.

Wild Warcraft?

This is the first time for everyone to see such kind ingredients that are automatically delivered to your door, and you can hold a barbecue meeting again, happy!

A magician without eyes?

Uh, that, uh, Sikuni Ichini (admire)!

After thinking about it for a while, Purgatory Dragon hugged his head with a bitter face, and screamed: "The teeth are white, very white! After thinking about it, it seems that this is really the only enemy left?"

"It seems...is it really like this?"

Storm Dragon pulled the corners of his mouth with a stern face, then looked at Lin Qiong as if asking for help, and said, "Master! Let your strongest intelligence personnel in the world search for it, is there no such thing in this world? Is there any dragon other than the black dragon?"

"Well, besides everyone and the black dragon, the only dragons that are still alive in this world are..."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds and said, "There are five dragons in Naz's body."

Fire Dragon, Iron Dragon, Sky Dragon, White Dragon and Shadow Dragon.

"That's it, that's it!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, most of the dragons in the dragon crowd (except ice dragons, sea dragons and other unsociable ones) gathered around Lin Qiong, looking at him eagerly.

"Master, wake up Igunilu and the others quickly!"

Purgatory Dragon's face showed undisguised malice, anticipation, smirk and gloating, "He must, must, will be very happy to see me!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He covered his face, and complained: "I think, you are very happy to beat Ignilu, right?"

"Hahaha, it's all the same, it's all the same!"

The Purgatory Dragon laughed loudly and waved his hands, "Good brothers must fight with fists for heart, mouth and teeth!"

Lin Qiong squinted at him: "Then how about I let you and Ignilu go head-to-head?"

"That won't work!"

Purgatory Dragon shook his head resolutely, and said confidently: "I'm not the only brother of Ignilu--right everyone?"


"I'm also Ignilu's good brother!"

"Me too!"

"The first time a good brother is resurrected, he must give him a friendship!"

Seeing the excited and ready-made looks of these dragons, Lin Qiong couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

Damn it, which bastard taught these simple dragons to be addicted to gang fights?

It's really bad!To use a limousine to create—


the other side.

Dragon space.

"So, what do you think?"

Lin Qiong sat on Ignilu's head, looked at the four dragons surrounding him, and said with a smile, "Is it resurrection? Or is it resurrection? Or is it resurrection?"

Tianlong: "You don't give us a choice at all, do you?"

Tie Long: "Is there only one option to resurrect?"

"You can also choose not to be resurrected! I will never force you!"

Lin Qiong spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "But I am a person who pays attention to the right to know, so I will tell your adopted son/adopted daughter the real situation of you, and then send their spirits into this space. See you one last time."

Five-headed dragon: "..."

Damn, can you be more shameless?

Chapter 0608

The back garden of Sky City today is noisier than usual.

Probably because of the five-headed dragon who was squatting helplessly in the square at this time, and Natsu who was holding Igniru and crying with his nose and tears—yes, only Natsu.

Jiajilu obviously misses Tielong very much, but his mouth is extremely stubborn, and he made an expression of "I don't care at all";

Although Wendy was also very pleasantly surprised by the reunion, she was only sobbing softly, not as bold and unrestrained as Natsu;

As for Sting and Rogge, they looked at the radiant White Dragon and Shadow Dragon with bewildered faces, doubting their lives.

Sting: "It's strange, didn't I kill Bailong?"

Roger: "Strange, didn't I kill the Shadow Dragon?"

Seeing this, Bai Long and Ying Long looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"You don't have any wariness against us, so it's too easy to modify your memory."

Bielong... Ah bah, Bailong touched the beard on his chin with his hand, and said with a smile: "Although Ignilu didn't suggest us to do it, this guy (Finger Dragon) and I decided to let you bear the burden of 'killing'." Dead Dragon's glory."

(Note: At this time, Natsu is crying while hugging Igniru.)

"After all, you two idiots are too unconfident, so we are trying to use this method to encourage you..."

Shadow Dragon approached the somewhat shy Rogge, and joked with a smile: "It's just that I didn't expect that you still lost so badly after being ahead for seven years."

(Note: Natsu is crying.)

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Bai Long laughed loudly at the side: "I can't help but want to laugh when I think of you all playing confidently, and then being beaten up by the children of Ignilu and Medalikana."

Explosive killing belongs to yes.

"Yeah, damn it!!"

Sting's face turned red with anger, he gritted his teeth and looked at Bailong: "Boslogia, just watch carefully! I will definitely defeat Nazgo again!!"

(Note: Na crying.)

"Oh? It's very imposing——"

Bai Long looked at his son cheerfully and said, "Then you have to work hard! I look forward to that day!"

"Just watch it!"

Sting raised his fist confidently, and said aggressively, "Because I'm your child!"

"Me too--"

Although Rogge was a little shy, he showed the same determination in his eyes as Sting, and said, "I will also challenge Lord Gajeel again, and then...defeat him!"


Shadow Dragon's eyes curled up, and then he encouraged: "Like Boslogia, I look forward to your efforts."

"Hee hee, I heard it—"

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