At this time, Gajiru, who didn't know how to talk to Tie Long because he hadn't seen him for a long time, put his arms around Rogge's neck with a smile on his face, and said with a smile on his face, "Boy, do you want to have a fight now? Let our dragons see who is stronger!"



Rogge hesitated for half a second, but when he sensed the Shadow Dragon's gaze, he immediately cheered up and said, "Then let's have a showdown, Gajerusan!"

"Hee hee!"

Gajiro gave a weird laugh, then turned his head to look at Tielong, and said with high spirits: "Medalikana, just watch my progress!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

There was a slight smile in the corner of Tielong's eyes. In fact, Tielong, who has been living in Gajiru's body all the time, how could he not know about Gajiru's progress?It's just that Tie Long, who is familiar with his own children, understands that Gajiru, who is not good at words, just wants this method to tell his parents something.

"I'm fine now! Great progress! Great!"

It's just like……

Children who work alone in other places, no matter how hard they live, they will tell their parents "I have a good life".


Ignilu: "..."

He looked at Tianlong who was hugging Wendy with his wings and whispering;

He also looked at the three dragons, Iron, White, and Shadow, and their children who were discussing about the upcoming battle in full swing;

Finally, he looked at Natsu who was hugging his thigh and desperately wiping his snot on his dragon scale.


"Stupid son, what's there to cry about?"

Ignilu grinned, and then stretched out his fingers to try to grab Natsu off his body, "I'm fine, and I still appear in front of you?"


Natsu clutched the scales tightly, but couldn't get them off, "I, I, I've been looking for you for many years! I really miss you!"

Ignilu: "..."

He sighed helplessly, then lay down on the ground, closed his eyes and said, "Naz, do you know why I—we—have to hide in your body?"

Natsu sniffed, then shook his head.

"Because dragon slaying magic has side effects—the more you use dragon slaying magic, the more the dragon slayer's body will transform into a dragon under the influence of dragon power."

Ignilu looked at his silly son with gentle eyes, and explained, "In order to suppress this side effect, we will enter your body, use the dragon soul secret method to suppress the dragon species, and make your body develop antibodies against it." .”

"That is to say..."

Naz lowered his head and touched his body, then asked: "Since you have appeared, it means we are fine, right?"

"This one……"

Ignilu moved his eyes away with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, and then said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Actually, the problem of dragon slayers turning into dragons has been solved at Sky City."

To be honest, Ignilu's mood is very complicated.

He has spent a lot of hard work, even at the expense of studying vampires, controlling innocent students to chant magic for himself, and finally practiced the "Golden Dayan Technique", and when he was about to break the shackles on his beloved, he found that ...

Hey, she's fine!

Surprise, not unexpected?

Natsu: "..."

Even Natsu was left speechless by Ignilu's words.

He opened his mouth and said weakly: "So, why did you stay in my body for so long?"


The angry Fire Dragon King glared at his son and said, "This old man is here to test you, to see if you can survive alone after leaving this old man! It's a test, do you understand the test!?"


As soon as the Fire Dragon King finished speaking, Purgatory Dragon's unfriendly laugh came from the edge of the training ground, "Igunilu, I saw you talking hard and lying to children again as soon as I came!"

"What are you bastard talking about? When did I lie to the child?"

The Fire Dragon King glared at Purgatory Dragon, and said angrily, "I should ask you, shouldn't you? When you trained Naz these days, what did you teach him!?"

The Fire Dragon King can see clearly in Naz's body. The special training in Purgatory Dragon's Mouth only improved Naz's physical strength, magic strength and actual combat experience, but did not teach any moves.

"Huh? Come on, I'm the Purgatory Dragon, and he's the Dragon Slayer of Fire—"

Purgatory Dragon looked at the Fire Dragon King confidently, and said in a loud voice: "So shouldn't you, the Fire Dragon King, teach his moves?"

Fire Dragon King: "..."

Wow, how do you feel that what this guy said makes sense! ?If Natsu learned this guy's moves, would he still be a fire dragon slayer! ?

"am I right?"

Seeing that the Fire Dragon King was silent, Purgatory Dragon suddenly jumped up and said: "In the end, it's because you can't bear to come out to meet this little guy, so..."

"Kisama! Shut up!"

The Fire Dragon King spread his wings out of embarrassment, looked at the Purgatory Dragon with fangs and claws, and said with a grinning smile: "My friend, it seems that we haven't practiced against each other for a long time-you don't mind fighting with me, do you!?"

Purgatory Dragon: "!?"

Wow, there is such a good thing! ?I was still worrying about how to bring this matter up to Ignilu, but I didn't expect him to bring it up on his own initiative! ?

Could it be, Grandpa's LuckyTime is coming! ?

"Okay! This is what you said——"

The Purgatory Dragon looked at the Fire Dragon King eagerly, and said, "Don't be beaten and cry at that time, it's because I didn't remind you!"

"Crying? What are you kidding!?"

The Dragon King grinned, and under Naz's adoring eyes, he showed a smile that belonged to the Fire Dragon King and was extremely domineering.Fiery flames overflowed from the corner of his mouth, making the surrounding air a little hotter, "I should be the one who said this - don't let me make you cry!"

"Me? No, no, you're wrong."

Purgatory Dragon shook his head calmly, and then, with the puzzled expression of the Fire Dragon King, he said confidently: "Ignilu, what you have to face is not 'me', but 'us'!"

Fire Dragon King: "?"

Fire Dragon King: "!"

He was puzzled for a few seconds at first, but then he realized something, and his face changed drastically: "Atlas Fram, you don't know..."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The Purgatory Dragon's body changed back into the form of a dragon in the blazing flame vortex, then raised his hands high, and laughed loudly: "Brothers are assembled! The time to fight the Fire Dragon King has come!!"

'Fuck, this grandson...'

The Fire Dragon King cursed secretly, and then roared angrily: "Kisama, don't you dare to challenge me one-on-one!?"

"One-on-one? No problem—"

Purgatory Dragon tilted his head, and then said with a smirk: "It's just that you singled out us as a dragon! Brothers, let's stick together!!"


The next moment, under the collapsed expression of the Fire Dragon King, nearly twenty dragons rushed towards him.



"Yeah, daze—"

Looking at the Fire Dragon King who was being crushed on the ground by the dragons, looking forward to proving the path of "two fists can't be defeated by four hands", Tie Long couldn't help but shook his head, and said a little speechlessly: "What a bunch of idiots, What's the point of this fight..."

Fire Dragon King: "Grantigne, Medalikana, hold back and watch! After beating these guys, I will definitely beat you again!"

With a twist of his head, Tielong rushed towards Jinlinlong, roaring angrily: "My old Mei is here to help you!!!"

Tianlong also left Wendy behind without hesitation, rushed towards the "battlefield", and shouted loudly: "I will be responsible for adding BUFF!"

Immediately afterwards, White Dragon and Shadow Dragon joined the battlefield.

Ignilu: "Fuck, why did you help the other side!!"

Silong: "He who knows current affairs is a hero! I'm sorry, Ignilu!!"

Gajeel & Wendy & Sting & Roger: "..."

As for Naz...

"As expected of Igunilu! Okay, I'm also on fire——"

He waved his fist and rushed towards the other four dragon slayer mages, shouting: "I want to single out a group of you all by myself, let me come here!!"

Gajeel exchanged glances with Sting and Rogge, then rolled up his sleeves and rushed over: "Fuck, kill him!"

Wendy: "..."

Then I will also be responsible for adding status!I'm sorry, Nazuko!

Chapter 0609 What is your magic dragon fighting with me?

"So... what's going on with you?"

When Lin Qiong walked to the side of the training field with a popsicle in his mouth, he was immediately shocked by the "tragic" situation on the scene, "Why do you two have panda eyes on the left and panda eyes on the other?"

"Damn it! They don't respect martial ethics——"

Natsu twitched his eyes, looked angrily at Gajeel who was whistling with his hands on the back of his head, and said, "Sting and Rogge hugged my body, and that fellow Gajeel..."

Grandma, as soon as Natsu recalled the scene just now, there was a phantom pain in the corner of his mouth——


"Hee hee, catch me?"

Gajiro rode on Natsu, then looked at the fire dragon in front of him with a smirk, and said, "This move is a nirvana that I've been thinking about for a long time—if I admit defeat now..."

"Let the horse come here!!"

Naz looked completely unyielding, and shouted: "Igoneru didn't admit defeat after being beaten so badly, I will never admit defeat!!"

Igunilu, who was being beaten by a group of people: "..."

No, it's obviously a very passionate cry, but why do I feel that it sounds so unpleasant? ?

"Then don't blame me -"

A smile flashed across Gajeel's eyes, he put his right fist on Natsu's face, and shouted: "Dragon Slayer Profound Art · Crushing type · 100 million horsepower crushing machine!!"



The next moment, Natsu lost consciousness.



Natsu couldn't help shivering, and then muttered indignantly: "Wait! After I learn new moves from Igniru, I will definitely win back!"

"Hee hee, I'm waiting for you!"

Gajeel, who won one victory, showed a triumphant smile full of a winner, "But don't think that you are the only one who can learn new moves——I will also learn new moves from Medalikana, Become stronger than now!"

"Oh, I'm on fire!"

Natsu is worthy of being a hot-blooded male protagonist. After hearing Gajeel's words, he immediately jumped off the ground with enthusiasm, then stared at Gajeel and said: "After we learn new moves, let's do another one." Let's decide the outcome!"

"Hee hee, I wish I could!"

Gajeel grinned, "However, next time I will win for sure—"

"it's me!"


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