"I'm right!"

"it is me--"

The next moment, the fire and iron duo suddenly put their foreheads against their foreheads, and started a quarrel like elementary school students, which made the iron dragon and the fire dragon king beside them shake their heads and sigh.

Damn, two stupid sons who are only three seconds handsome.

"But... I have made good friends, Gajeel..."

Tie Long's eyes showed a gentleness that didn't match his attributes, "I was still worried that your face-seeking and unsociable character, coupled with your fierce eyes, might lead you to be alone for the rest of your life~"

"Well, I understand why Natsu got hurt..."

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then looked at the Fire Dragon King, and said, "What about you? Why did you fight right after resurrection? Like a problem child—"

"It's not the old man's fault!"

The Fire Dragon King's teeth were about to be gritted, he gritted his teeth and said: "That bastard, knowing that he is not my opponent, actually used this method to deal with me..."

You are too baby hot!Purgatory Dragon!

"Ahem, I can't help it! New dragons have to accept the baptism of a group of gang fights when they join the team. This is the tradition of Sky City (probably)."

After Lin Qiong explained, he leaned into Fire Dragon King's ear and whispered, "But this kind of tradition is only once, so in the future...you understand what I mean?"


An exclamation mark popped out of Fire Dragon King's head.

He glanced at the side where he was bragging with other giant dragons... Oh, since it is a giant dragon, it should be the purgatory dragon that blows the dragon, and a smirk could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Wait!Sooner or later, I will hammer you to the ground! !Bet on the reputation of the Fire Dragon King——! !


"Okay, okay! All handsome dragons and beautiful dragons, take a look and come over—"

Seeing that the other dragons were almost chatting, Lin Qiong clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention, "Hey, I believe everyone knows that there is still the last dragon called 'ultimate evil' in this world." biology."

Hearing this sentence, the dragons who were talking and laughing a second ago suddenly showed serious expressions-they seemed to recall the nightmarish episode 400 years ago...

Oh no, not long after the Black Dragon was born, we were recruited by Sky City?

That's fine.

"Black Dragon Akunologia."

A serious expression appeared on the face of the Fire Dragon King, he gritted his teeth, and said as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "No, to be precise, he should be a 'Demon Dragon'——Dragon Slayer of Demons !"

Natsu couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Father, what does the dragon mean?"

What the fire dragon eats is fire, what the iron dragon eats is iron, so what does the magic dragon eat?Momo?

"The touch of the magic dragon is the magic of magic—"

Tianlong brought his head closer, and said with a gentle face, "Akunologia can swallow all the magic and magic power, and is the strongest dragon in the true sense."

"is that a lie……"

Lucy on the side was dumbfounded when she heard the news, "Dragon devouring magic!? Isn't this too foul!?"

This world is a world full of magic, and Akunologia, who can devour magic, can directly be equated with invincibility? ?

"If it can devour magic, it means that all methods related to magic power cannot work on it..."

Gerald rubbed his head with both hands, and said with a wry smile: "In this way, I can't think of any way to defeat it."

"After all, almost everything in this world operates on magic power..."

Milaj rubbed his temples with both hands, and said in extreme distress: "Let's strengthen... No, strengthening magic is also a kind of magic! Ahhh..."

Painful, so painful!

Can't imagine a way to break it.

"No, I said what's going on with you?"

At this time, Lin Qiong waved his hands speechlessly, and said dumbfoundedly: "Is this something you need to worry about? Don't you think that I will leave the crusade mission of Akunologia to you? "

Everyone: "..."

Well, it seems like this?

"Wait, in that case, does Qiong Nisang have a way to deal with the dragon?"

At this time, Lucy, who reacted, hammered her palm, and then swished to Lin Qiong's back. She helped him press his shoulders with dog legs, and said flatteringly: "Nissan, tell me! How to deal with the demons?" What is the method of the dragon?"

"That's right! Young master, just reveal a little bit—"

Naz also rushed over, and in the eyes of the Fire Dragon King, skillfully pinched Lin Qiong's legs, and said, "Otherwise we will not be able to sleep tonight!"

"Me too!"

Jiajilu also joined the ranks of the dog legs, graciously hammering Lin Qiong's other leg, and said, "What methods do we need to use to defeat that kind of monster?"

"Hmm, this is..."

Lin Qiong cleared his throat, and was about to explain when he saw Milaj appearing beside him with a plate of fruit, and said, "Master, eat fruit to moisten your throat!"

"No, no, drink juice, iced—"

Under the distressed eyes of Yin and Wulu, Gray appeared on the other side of Lin Qiong holding a glass of well-chilled fruit juice, "It not only moisturizes the throat, but also supplements vitamin C!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He tugged at the corners of his lips and said in a confused tone: "So, you really want to know how I plan to deal with that dragon?"

nod xN

Not only the little ones, but the surrounding dragons, as well as the Twelve Shields beside him, and even Zeref nodded and looked at him curiously.

"Honestly, master—"

Jeff pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Even if I were to make a move, the only way I can think of is to use Xeon's magic power to turn the time back and kill the dragon before it was born..."

What?Marvel says this approach won't work?Bah, does Marvel understand time or do I, Jeff?

"This method is not impossible, but it is too troublesome——"

Lin Qiong threw a creamy strawberry into his stomach, then waved his hands and said, "Actually, the method I prepared to defeat the dragon is a very simple and unpretentious method."

"Huh?" xN

Tidy heads tilted.

"Can't he eat magic and magic power?"

Lin Qiong raised his finger with a smile, and said, "I'm kind-hearted, and I don't want others to be hungry, so he likes to eat, so I'll let him eat as much as he wants."

Everyone: "..."

After a while of silence, Mebis twitched his lips and said, "Master, if I understand correctly, your plan is... to use magic power to support the dragon to death?"

"Oh, as expected of an elf soldier—"

Lin Qiong gave Mebis a thumbs up and said, "How is it? Is it an unpretentious, untechnical, but absolutely effective method?"

It was a Li Dazhuan flying with no technical content.

"Rather than saying it's absolutely effective, it's better to say that this method can only be used by the young master..."

Jeff covered his forehead and said, "Using magic power to support the dragon to death? I can't even think about this method-how much magic power is needed to make the dragon unable to eat it??"

"I'm also curious about this question, so I'm going to satisfy my curiosity this time!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fists fiercely, and said, "Doesn't he like to eat magic power? Then I'll let him eat enough—if he can't eat enough, he has to continue to eat!"

"Master, have you ever thought about..."

Mebis looked at Lin Qiong with some concern, and said, "If—I mean if—your magic power is not enough to support the dragon to death, what should you do?"

"Then why don't you go to Brother An Zi?"

Lin Qiong gave her a strange look and said, "I wonder how awesome the magic dragon can be compared to him?"

Everyone: '...'

Yes, yes!Speaking of which, the young master seems to have a good relationship with God Anxelam! ! !

"He's good at beating dragons? Can he be a fart—"

Lin Qiong's expression was like "You, Lord Qiong, are infinitely rampant", "Come out and talk about the background!"

My left hand specially recruits Brother An Zi, and my right hand specially recruits Brother Wu Zi, what do you use to fight me?

Don't fan!

Chapter 0610 The Demon Dragon Comes

Two days later.

It is located on the sea between the North, West and East continents.

"Master, do you really need our help?"

The Purgatory Dragon looked worriedly at Lin Qiong who was ready to go, and said, "Although we can't defeat the Demon Dragon, we can still contribute a little magic power."

"Even if you really want to support, it's not your turn—"

Lin Qiong pointed to the eldest lady, secretary and Yoyo next to them, as well as the guardians standing behind them, and Lan Ran and Yami on the side, and said: "You dragons should line up slowly ~ hahaha !"

Long Qun: "..."

There is one thing to say, after being a dragon for so long, it is the first time that I have a feeling of "why the dragon clan is so dragged".


"Although there is a 90.00% certainty, there is still a [-]% chance of an accident—the magic dragon is also the final boss of this world. If the seed explodes suddenly, you must not be brave!"

The eldest lady came forward, helped Lin Qiong tidy up the collar of the windbreaker, and said in a low voice, "When you need help, ask for help. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

"Okay, okay, I see—"

Lin Qiong held the young lady's face in both hands, kissed her on the lips, and said with a light smile, "It's just a dragon, why make it so serious?"

"Aqiong is right——"

Feng Wang, who was squatting on his head, raised his head confidently, and said, "Besides, if the dragon wants to attack A Qiong, it has to pass our level first!"

Yes, the "we" level.

Behind Lin Qiong——

Void Dragon Kyurem

Dragon of Truth Reshiram

Space Dragon Palkia

——The three-headed dragon is showing a uniform, wicked smile of all the members.

"That's right."

The young lady breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at King Feng, blinked and said, "Then please, my lords, protect Qiong——after the matter is resolved, I will make a big meal for you!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He turned his head and looked at the three people behind him who were exuding a strong sense of vindictiveness—are you three performing "In order to eat the big meal that the young lady goes all out for, we might even defeat Arceus"?


Feng Wang, standing on Lin Qiong's head, started to chirp even more: "Ah Qiong, why are you still in a daze? Hurry up! Duck, Duck, Duck!!"

Lin Qiong seems to be able to imagine the scene where this guy is wearing a tie on his head, holding a fan with the words "Life hangs in the air" in his left hand, and a fan with "I love delicious food" in his right hand, and then cheering there.

"Okay, let's go—"

Lin Qiong straddled the cybercat Millerton with a ">v<" expression on his face, then moved his right hand forward for a while, and said, "Let's go!!"



In Lin Qiong's original plan, he was indeed going to use magic power to force the dragon to death—mainly because he recently watched Dragon Ball again, and then Kakarot used his anger to forcefully fight against Majin Buu in the chapter. I can't forget the scene where I killed the breath-absorbing monster.

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