'I often say a word, back then, Kadaozi could support that monster with his breath, but it is not a problem for my master Qiong to support the dragon with his magic power! '

Just when Lin Qiong was thinking this, King Feng suddenly patted him on the head and said, "Qiong, I have no objection to your plan, but are you really not going to find something for Palkia and the others to do? ?”

"Find something to do..."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and said, "Are they bored?"

"You still have the nerve to say it? Do you want to think about what you arranged for them to do?"

Feng Wang landed on Lin Qiong's finger and said with a speechless face: "The three of them stay in the backyard and only eat and sleep. I'm afraid they will grow belly... Ahem, no problem, no problem!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at King Feng who suddenly raised his voice a bit at the end, and couldn't help but twitch his lips - Feng'er, if you are threatened, just blink your eyes, I promise to only laugh at you and never save you. .

Seemingly seeing Lin Qiong's schadenfreude eyes, Feng Wang glared at him, and tweeted, "Tie Baa, did you hear what I said?"

"I heard it, I heard it, don't bark!"

Lin Qiong scratched his head speechlessly, and said, "Okay, okay, then hand the magic dragon to the three of them, okay?"


"No, I'll just think about it, the three of you are dispatched, so is there any business for me?"

Lin Qiong rested his elbows on Millerton's head, looked helplessly at the three-headed dragon gods who were warming up around him, and said, "I still came up with that handsome battle plan~~ !"

Battle plan: Use your fingertips to make big bricks fly.

When Kyurem saw this, he couldn't help but moved his head and said, "Don't worry, we won't use our full strength on a junior."

Reshiram also nodded his head and said, "We will only use 60.00% of our power, and we will not use divine power."

Palkia grinned and said, "You still need to use 60.00% to deal with a cub? Are you so stretched, you real dragon? I only need 50.00% of my effort."

Lin Qiong: "?"

No, do you want to roll too?

Reshiram: "?"

She laughed out loud and said: "I am worried that you are not strong enough, do you understand? If it were me, I would only need 40.00% of my efforts!"

Palkia: "?"

She rolled up her sleeves and said, "40.00%? Hezhong's dragon is crotch pulling! I'm 30.00%——"

Kyurem: "?"

She looked over and said in a deep voice: "I can't pretend I didn't hear this sentence—what's the name of Sinnoh's dragon? I only need 20.00%!"

"I'm ten percent!"

"I'm 5.00%!"

"I'll give him another hand at 5.00%!"

"I let him have one arm and one leg!"


"Stop stop stop!!"

Lin Qiong stopped the three dragons' quarrel with black lines all over his face, and then said dumbfoundedly: "Are you children? You actually got into a fight because of this kind of thing!?"

Kyurem: "This is no small matter!"

Rashiram: "It's a symbol of our dignity!"

Palkia: "It's also a regional dispute!"

"Stop! Shut up! Let me stop—"

Seeing that the three of them started to quarrel again, Lin Qiong quickly interrupted Jilong's argument and said, "You can't tell who is better in arguing! You have to use actual combat to prove that you are the strongest!"

The three dragons focused their eyes on Lin Qiong, and said in unison: "Details——"

"Demon Dragon Akuno... the name is too long, let's call it Aku (Noloki) for short!"

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue, and then continued: "Isn't Akua the best target? The three of you will fight against him separately to see who can use the most power under [Fudo Divine Power] and [50.00%] contribution. If you defeat him at a fast speed, then who is the strongest dragon, how about it?"


After hearing Lin Qiong's suggestion, the three-headed dragon gods suddenly showed high-spirited eyes. They nodded their heads vigorously and said in unison: "I think it's okay!"

What?What should you do if you can't defeat the dragon without using divine power and with only 50.00% power?

Sanlong: It’s really shameful to post it, take off your skirt and suffer!



After about 3 minutes.


There was only a thundering dragon roar, and a huge, dark, ferocious demonic dragon with blue patterns was galloping towards the city in the sky.

"I saw it, I smelled it..."

Accompanied by a gust of wind, the dragon's body suddenly stagnated in mid-air, and then glanced at the three-headed dragon behind Lin Qiong with eyes full of madness, and said in an ecstatic tone: "Three-headed dragon? Three-headed dragon !Ha ha ha ha--"

You can continue hunting dragons again!Yada thief!

"Not to mention anything else, but in terms of appearance, this magic dragon is still a bit handsome."

Lin Qiong sized up the magic dragon in front of him, then took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos, muttering, "It's a pity that my mind is a bit shaky, and I'm not sober."

Who is a good person who is full of thoughts about killing dragons, and is ready to destroy the world after killing dragons?


The next moment, the magic dragon suddenly opened its jaws and spit out a word that made the audience sitting in the garden of Sky City, eating snacks and watching the live broadcast on the big screen exclaimed "oh oh oh" roar.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand indifferently, and the repulsive force erupted from his palm, firmly blocking the dragon's roar.

"Akuya, don't be impatient! The three-headed dragons here are all yours—"

Lin Qiong withdrew his right hand, and then patted Millerton's head under him. The cyber cat changed its position obediently, and flew Lin Qiong to the front of the magic dragon, "Also, if I don't If you read it wrong, your current state should be much worse than before, right?"

In the original plot, the fire dragon king Ignilu, who was temporarily revived from Natsu's body, bit off the left arm of the dragon with his life in exchange for injuries—if it was Akua at his peak, he would never be affected by this kind of injury. degree of injury.

What responded to Lin Qiong was the top-to-bottom claw strike of the magic dragon—the sharp claws tore through the air, and slapped Lin Qiong with a force enough to crush the mountains.

However, it was blocked by a shiny white arc-shaped shield.

"Hey, be careful, Demon Dragon! My Millerton can't stand your attack."

Lin Qiong touched the head of Cybercat, then raised his head to look at the magic dragon, and asked, "Can you calm down and communicate with me? If not..."

Since it doesn't make sense, don't blame me for using physics!

Demon Dragon: "..."

After realizing that Lin Qiong was not a soft persimmon, he looked at the little human in front of him for the first time, and said in a dull voice: "Human, don't stop me from slaying the dragon, otherwise..."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to stop you—rather, I'm here to help you."

Lin Qiong calmly raised his right hand, and a mass of pure white magic power condensed into a liquid floated out of his palm, "Demon Dragon! Eat this magic power, and then... return to the peak!"

The magic dragon looked at the magic power that was so thick that it became liquid that floated to his mouth, and swallowed it without hesitation—with a muffled grunt, his body swelled up visibly with the naked eye.

"Huhahahahaha! That's great, it's really great!"

Feeling the magic power in his body, the magic dragon let out a crazy laugh: "This feeling of full power has not been experienced for hundreds of years! Today, I have returned to the peak—"

"Have you returned to the top? Then I can rest assured—"

Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze, then looked at the three dragons who had been waiting behind him for a long time, and asked, "Then, which one of you will beat him first?"

Chapter 0611 Makino Palkia

'Hit, beat me? '

The magic dragon, who was immersed in the pleasure of recovering his strength, suddenly heard this sentence, and couldn't help but froze, "What nonsense is this person talking about?" '

In Molong's heart, the goodwill (0 → 1) that had arisen because Lin Qiong helped him recover his strength suddenly dissipated, and there was a little more anger (1 → -50).

"Hit me? Hahahaha——"

The demonic dragon spread its wings that covered the sky, stared at the forest in front of it with its eyes full of madness and chaos, and said with a grin: "Insignificant human being, do you know what you are talking about! ?”

You pissed me off! !

Roar of the dragon! !

The jet of purple light that destroys everything spits out from the mouth of the magic dragon, and envelops towards Lin Qiong.

"It's all said-"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and said, "Your opponent is not me!"

Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Using the reaction force generated by the repulsive force, Lin Qiong and Millerton under his crotch retreated smoothly behind the three dragons, then pouted and said, "I'll leave it to you—give me a face and strike ruthlessly." a little."

"Ha, wrap it on me!"

Palkia moved his shoulders, and a violent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Although I can only contribute 50.00%, but... it is enough for me to make a big fuss!!"


The faintly visible thunder light wrapped around Palkia's body, and after she charged a little, she turned into a missile and rushed towards the dragon.

Ultimate Shock·Cute Star...



Palkia, who turned into a comet, slammed into his abdomen against the roar of the dragon.


The dragon's body was folded in half like cooked shrimp, and his protruding eyes could even be seen from Lin Qiong's perspective...


Lin Qiong took a deep breath, and while taking pictures, he muttered, "Tuigui, didn't the marshal's eyeballs protrude because he was hit by Joan like this?"

Otherwise, the protruding angles of your two eyeballs, why are they so similar?

Starting today, Demon Dragon Akuya has been given the nickname of Marshal Fairy Tail, congratulations!

Phoenix King & Ice Dragon & Fire Dragon: "..."

Is now the time to pay attention to these! ?



The demon dragon, which was directly hit by Palkia's ultimate impact, let out a muffled groan, and gastric juice spurted out of his mouth along with saliva, spilling into the sea water below him.

"Yes, hateful dragon!!"

After all, the magic dragon is a magic dragon. He resisted the pain in his abdomen and raised his hands high.

The dragon's elbow! !


Two elbows hit Palkia's back in no particular order, but this pain not only failed to make Palkia retreat, but aroused his fierceness.

Dragon Wave!

"Stupid dragon! All magical attacks won't work on me!!"

A smirk appeared on the corner of the dragon's mouth, and a deep black light emerged from his body, sucking the wave of the dragon that fell on him into his body, "Goooh! What a strong dragon power, and hahahaha!"

Cool, so cool!

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