The feeling of Demon Dragon is like Yasuo's W, which just blocks ez's power. Jinx's power is as cool as Ice's power!

'Sure enough, will the off-body magic attack be absorbed? '

Palkia calmly analyzed the current situation of the dragon, and sneered: "Eat my magic power? Spit out as much as you eat!!"


Palkia twisted his body, and then forcefully slammed his left hand wrapped in light blue energy on the dragon's right abdomen.

Frozen Fist!


Palkia absorbed the rest of the previous punch with a swing, and then blasted the right fist wrapped in light red energy on the dragon's left belly.

Fire fist!


Swing, absorb, punch!

Thunder Fist!


Swing and punch!

A million-ton punch!


"Wo nest, nest, nest nest——"

Lin Qiong looked at Palkia who was beating the demon dragon crazily, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide, and said: "Wheel-style liver combo!? Are you a fucking Ichiban Makunouuchi?"


Lin Qiong could swear that he had never been so shocked when he first saw the First Divine Fist - after all, Makunouchi Ippo was still a mortal, but now in front of Lin Qiong, it was the Dragon God who was continuously attacking the mouth and teeth!

Frozen Fist, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Megaton Fist, Sonic Fist, True Qi Fist, Comet Fist, Shadow Fist, Bullet Fist...

In the game settings, moves that Palkia could not have learned were used one after another from her hands, but Ho-oh, Reshiram and Kyurem all looked accustomed to it.

In the game, there are restrictions on Pokémon learning skills in order to control its attack surface and make the battle more balanced, but there is no such problem in reality - not to mention that Palkia is still a dragon god, how can he be subject to such ridiculous skill learning? limit?

"Ola Ola Ola Ola——!!"

"Bang bang bang bang-"

Accompanied by Palkia's roar, her fists landed on the dragon's body one after another, and the impact force visible to the naked eye penetrated through Magic's body and scattered all the clouds behind him.

How terrible!

"Hiss, it looks like the magic dragon's elbow just now really hurt her——"

King Feng looked at this scene and couldn't help shrinking his head, "Isn't this too annoying? If we continue to fight like this, the dragon's waist will be in trouble."

"It's not about the waist anymore, Feng!!"

Lin Qiong looked at the magic dragon that was already bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and complained, "This shit, your life is gone, so what about your waist?"

The technique Palkia used just now, if used as a metaphor using game data, would probably look like this——

Wheel pendulum combo: use the swing of the ∞ trajectory to bring the inertia generated by the previous attack into the next attack!

Skill effect: Each time a combo is successful, the damage caused increases by 5% until the combo is interrupted or the user's physical limit is reached.

"Here! Me! Die!"

The next moment, Palkia hit the demon dragon in the face with a million-ton punch, sending the demon dragon flying hard, spinning like a mosquito that was swatted to death, and fell to the unmanned person below. island.


Palkia clenched his hands into fists and let out a hearty roar: "It's been a long time since I've encountered such a convenient target! A yuppie who is not strong but has a lot of meat is so cool!!"

In the game, this kind of "pile monster" who is fleshy, has low damage, and doesn't like to run around will always be loved by nuclear explosion players-hey, good brother, I'm here to test/bruise the damage again!

"You won't be beaten to death by him, will you?"

Lin Qiong rode Milton and flew to Palkia's side. He looked at the dragon that fell into the uninhabited island with some worry and said, "There are still three people lining up behind, waiting to get rid of him. Don't do that." Die for fun!"

Why three?

Lin Qiong: Me!And me!

Palkia: "..."

"Oops, this sandbag feels a bit good, I accidentally hit it on the head!"

She reacted, then lowered her head and said in a panic: "That little brat should be fine..."


A light cannon broke through the dust on the ground and shot straight towards Lin Qiong and Palkia, and then...


The golden light of destruction and death shot out from Palkia's mouth, easily overpowering the dragon's roar.

'be cheated--'

Looking at this scene, Palkia not only did not taunt, but instead narrowed his eyes, 'The power of the roar is too weak——'

The power of this roar is probably only 9% of the dragon's full strength. In other words...

"Chick, chick, chick—"

Accompanied by the sound of greedy swallowing, the golden destructive death light was swallowed into the mouth by the magic power of the raised head in Palkia's eyes of "as expected".

"Huh! Eat the magic power, and the power will surge up!"

The demon dragon exhaled slowly, then flapped its wings and returned to the air, grinning grinningly: "Dragon, your attack just now was indeed terrifying, but the winner will only be me!!"

"So that's it, can minor injuries be healed by absorbing magic power?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the scar on the abdomen that the magic dragon began to repair quickly after eating the destructive death light, nodded immediately, and said, "Since it's fine, I don't worry—you continue to beat him, I'll go there first .”

"Ang, okay!"

Palkia slapped his chest and said domineeringly: "I promise to beat him until he doesn't even recognize him."

"Dragon, don't speak arrogantly——"

The demon dragon opened his mouth, and traces of white mist overflowed from the corners of his mouth, making his expression even more ferocious. "I was careless just now and didn't dodge, but next time..."

Ultimate Shock·Cute Stars Fly!sky!Collide!

The next moment, Palkia's body pulled out a series of afterimages in the air, and then hit the dragon...

... Crashed crooked!The dragon is out of the way!

"As I said, I was careless just now—"

The demon dragon turned sideways and said with a ferocious and domineering look: "Next, your attacks will no longer be able to hit... Guwu——"

Before he could finish his words, Palkia's body passed through the crack in the space and bumped into his waist.

"Not very strong, talks a lot!"

Palkia waved his fist furiously, and said, "The next combo will be five times as much as just now—you must hold on!"

"Ola Ora Ora Ora—"

Among other works, at least five and a half pages of Crazy Euler hit the devil dragon again, causing him to vomit blood and doubt his life.

Why, why is this happening?For the first time, he regained the strength of his peak period.For the first time, I encountered a new dragon after 400 years.The overlapping of two joys should produce even greater happiness, but...

"Ouch... vomit... vomit..."

The saliva and gastric juice spit out from the dragon's mouth as if he didn't want money, and he even had the illusion that his stomach and even his intestines would be spit out together.

It hurts, it hurts! !

What makes the dragon collapse even more is that Palkia's attack is not a pure magic attack, but a compound attack-whenever he is about to absorb the magic power in Palkia's attack, the physical properties that follow it Any impact (referring to the liver blow) will interrupt his movements.

'Damn it ah ah ah...'

Demon Dragon Akua, in a state of incompetence and rage——

Chapter 0612 is forced to enter the combat stage

Dragon, down.

Under Palkia's violent combos, he spit out a mouthful of old blood mixed with internal organs fragments, rolled his eyes and fell on the uninhabited island. His last thought before falling into coma was: 'But, Hateful dragon...'

"Hmm, wasted a lot of time—"

Lin Qiong looked at the timer on his phone and couldn't help but touch his chin and said, "Are you addicted to playing and have you forgotten the time for a while?"

"Almost so."

Palkia moved his shoulders, then grinned and said, "Of course, it also has something to do with the pain from his beating - the turtle grandson was so cruel, he probably turned red!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the demon dragon, who had blood at the corner of his mouth, and who had probably been beaten to the point where his internal organs were bleeding, and then looked at Palkia, who was unscathed and whose back was probably a little red...


What can he say?

Don't mess with women, don't mess with women!

"Ahem, anyway, your time is 17 minutes and [-] seconds——"

Lin Qiong looked at the watch in his hand, then looked at the magic dragon lying on the ground, and said: "Then... wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across Lin Qiong's mind, causing him to snap his fingers and say, "Oh! I have a very interesting idea!!"

As he spoke, he raised his head and called Brother Wuzi from the Kingdom of God...



After about 3 minutes.


There was only a thundering dragon roar, and a huge, dark, ferocious demonic dragon with blue patterns was galloping towards the city in the sky.


Along with a gust of wind, the demon dragon's body suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then looked at Lin Qiong and the three-headed dragon god behind him with a confused look.

wait, wait...

Why does this picture look so familiar to me? ?

In the next moment, images flashed through Demon Dragon's mind——

He roared, he was beaten, he was arrogant, he was beaten, he was rampant, he was beaten...

Wait, why are all the memories of being beaten?

'At the end of the memory, my internal organs were ruptured after being beaten, and I lay dying on the ground? '

Demon Dragon frowned, then touched his body with some doubts, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" '

He came at that time with Cao Cao waving.gif

Please, he has neither recovered his peak strength, nor been seriously injured, nor has any pain left. How could the things in his memory happen?

There's no way someone could beat him up and then use a huge amount of force to turn back time, right?How boring would that be!

"Insignificant human being, was it your magic just now? You actually tried to use memory magic to modify my memory and make me timid before fighting?"

The magic dragon turned to look at Lin Qiong, showing a ferocious smile, and said, "Unfortunately, I have already seen through your scheme! Hahahaha, three-headed dragon, three-headed dragon—"

Great, there are three-headed dragons that I can kill!

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hiss, this guy’s brain is really crazy!

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