"Rashiram, wait a minute, I'll act."

Lin Qiong glanced at the little white dragon beside him, then cleared his throat, and rushed towards the magic dragon while sitting on the cyber cat, and said in a voice comparable to that of the national match New Ozden: "Ah, you Damn the dragon, I want to avenge the ladybug on the dogtail grass raised by my second dog!! Turtle Pai Qigong—"

Although it is called Kamepai Qigong, it is true that a white light cannon shoots out from Lin Qiong's palm and shoots towards the head of the magic dragon.

"Huhahaha, stupid!"

The magic dragon opened its mouth, and swallowed the light cannon fired by Lin Qiong in one gulp!The next moment, there was a sense of swelling in his body, which made him grunt.

"Power, back! Hahaha! It's been a long, long time since I've experienced this feeling of full power!"

The magic dragon roared up to the sky and said excitedly: "Very good, very good! I want to kill all the dragons!!"

If it was a dragon with a normal mind, doubts would probably arise at this time - the attack unleashed by an ordinary human could actually restore his strength to its peak?It's not science and it's not magic!This must be a fraud!

However, Akua is not a dragon with a normal mind, but a dragon whose brain is filled with madness, anger, and killing intent, and is abnormal to the extreme. In addition, his time has just been reversed once, and his thinking is even more chaotic. so……

He didn't doubt it.


The demon dragon opened its mouth, and a destructive jet light cannon was ejected from his mouth, directly covering Lin Qiong in front of him and the three divine dragons behind him - do you understand what the confidence of the Dragon King is?Four moves per second, understand?


Reshiram moved in front of Lin Qiong at a high speed, and then took a deep breath: "Qingyan!"

The cyan flame spat out from the mouth of the real dragon, collided with the breath of the magic dragon, and stalemate in mid-air.

"Hey, I'm not the same as Palkia's big fool—"

Reshiram's heart was shining brightly, 'How could I give you the chance to absorb magic power when I know you can gain strength and heal injuries by devouring it? '

The magic dragon can indeed devour magic and magic power, but only if the magic power and magic are within the scope of his devouring - now Reshiram is only using the blue flame to contend with his roar, so he has no chance to swallow the blue flame.

"Damn it, Dragon!"

The dragon gave up and continued the stalemate, but turned into a dark phantom and attacked Reshiram, "I want to kill all the dragons, and you will be the first!!"

The claws of the dragon! !

Looking at the magic dragon rushing towards him, Reshiram muttered a little irritably: "This kind of opponent who doesn't work with special attacks is really annoying!"

Palkia's melee combat skills are much better than Reshiram's——

The former is one of the well-known street sneakers in the Pokémon world. He stays in the space gap all day long and has enough time to ponder his skills;

The latter either turned into Xiangxiang sleeping in a bright stone, or followed the real brave man, thinking about what posture he would use to beat the black dragon.

So, does this compare?Can this be compared (Boom!

If you hate it, you hate it, but you still have to fight.

She raised her right hand, which turned into a sharp blade and collided with the dragon's claws.


A violent storm spread from between the two, pressing out the sea surface below into a small vortex like Wendy's chest.

"Dragon! Dragon!!! Dragon!!!"

After coming into contact with Palkia and smelling her dragon scent at close range, the demon dragon was like a fifth-level blood-wrathed Noshou who saw five residual blood and immediately donated his IQ to "Care for the Stone Man Protection Association", "I want to kill the dragon, I want to destroy the dragon!!"

"Wow, this guy..."

Reshiram turned around, and the big engine-like tail shining with white light behind him slammed on the dragon's body, sending him flying backwards, "Why did this guy fight Palkia? I didn’t go crazy when I was there, but I started going crazy when it was my turn??”

[Steel Tail]!

"Tell me, is there a possibility - I mean possibility!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "The reason why he didn't go crazy with Palkia is because he was being beaten when he was in close contact with Palkia, so he didn't have the heart to go crazy?"

Reshiram: "..."

She briefly recalled it, and found that Lin Qiong's guess seemed to be all right—the magic dragon and Palkia collided when they met, and then the magic dragon was beaten in a 10-minute nightmare.

'Hiss, in that case, am I at a disadvantage? '

Reshiram was anxious at that time. She flashed her wings without hesitation and rushed towards the demon dragon who stabilized her body and charged again.

'Flash... no! '

Just as Reshiram was about to subconsciously charge with flashing flames, he realized that the essence of this move was the flames covering his whole body—then he wasn't delivering food to the dragon?

That won't work!You have to change your approach!

Ultimate Shock Akagi's White Comet! !

"call out--"

The next moment, the two black and white figures collided together, and the resulting wind pressure directly pressed the sea below into a vortex as large as Lucy's.


"She won, but she lost."

Palkia looked at Reshiram who was colliding with the dragon, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "She can't completely suppress the dragon like me, so she can only adopt a head-on plan."

If you want to ask whether Reshiram can defeat the dragon Akua, there is no doubt about it, but if you want to ask whether her time consumption can be lower than that of Palkia, then...

You know everything.

"When I saw Rashiram crying in a chair, I thought, if it's my turn, I'm going to win everything."

Kyurem watched Reshiram, who was colliding with the magic dragon again and again, smashing the opponent's head, and said in a deep voice: "It is our duty to recast the glory of the three dragons!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the demon dragon who had been beaten unconscious by Reshiram, coughed dryly, and said, "Akua is probably dying. I'll prepare for his next reincarnation."

Kyurem, are you kidding me?

The dragon of truth, Reshiram, took 14 minutes and [-] seconds.


"This time I can't go back and show badly, I have to train hard."

Reshiram returned to Kyurem's side with a look of reluctance, and muttered: "Theoretically, my combat ability should be almost the same as that of Palkia! How angry——"

Indeed, from the perspective of the distribution of race values, except for HP and speed, there is no difference in the other four values ​​of the two dragons, so the reason why Reshiram is slower than Palkia is the difference in combat experience.

"It's okay, I'll do it."

Kyurem stepped forward slowly, glanced at Reshiram beside him, and said in a deep voice: "It is our duty to recast the glory of the union!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

So how much do you like this line?

Chapter 0613 Female Imp Dragon God

"Hey, give up, in terms of strength, you can't beat me—"

When Palkia heard Kyurem's words, he immediately showed a mocking expression, and said, "Miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish fire dragon, miscellaneous fish ice dragon, miscellaneous fish and all dragons~"

Lin Qiong: "Fuck!"

Fuck, what a bitch Palkia!

Fist hard!


Reshiram gritted his teeth in anger, "Palkia, baa, don't go too far!"

"So what if I go too far? You lost—"

Palkia showed a proud and sarcastic expression, and said: "The loser dog! The miscellaneous fish is the loser dog!"


Reshiram was so angry that he jumped on the spot several times, then looked at Kyurem as if he had made some great sacrifice, and said, "Kurem! Merge with me—although I don't want to be with you Fit together, but for the glory of the union, I, I will go all out!"

"Fit, I'm so scared—"

Palkia is still outputting, and she is still mocking, "Fit together, you two!"

Reshiram was so angry that he blew up: "What's your name? Don't call it! When we fit together, we must..."

"No, I won't fit."

Kyurem calmly rejected Reshiram's proposal, and added: "It will definitely not fit."

Reshiram: "?"

She looked at Kyurem in disbelief, and said, "No, I'm going all out, you actually..."

Kyurem glanced at Reshiram and said, "It would be okay if it was Zekrom, but forget it."

"No, what do you mean!?"

Reshiram felt that he was about to evolve into a fiery dragon, "Speak clearly, speak clearly!!"

"Are you stupid? The combination of me and Zekrom will greatly enhance my physical strength and slightly weaken my magic strength, but you are just the opposite—how can I face enemies whose special attacks don't work?" Maybe enter the flame white mode?"

Kyurem glared at the not-so-intelligent Reshiram, and said bitterly: "Palkia deliberately provoked us because he knew this, and we were fooled when we fit together!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hiss, Kyurem seems to be right? ?

From the point of view of race value, the original Kyurem's double attack is 130, while the Diablo has a physical attack of 170 and a special attack of 120, and the flame white has a physical attack of 120 and a special attack of 170-entering the flame white mode can certainly make Kyurem's race The value has risen, but it is not easy to face opponents like dragons who can devour magic.


Lin Qiong squinted at Palkia next to him, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

Fuck, I thought you really turned into a female brat at first, but I didn’t expect it to be for the purpose of provoking generals? ?

Hey, you guys who play tactics have a dirty heart! !


After about 3 minutes.


All I could hear was a sky-shattering dragon roar...

Demon Dragon: "..."

He stopped with a dazed face, then lowered his head, looked at his hands with puzzled eyes, and murmured: "Oh, what's going on with me?"


Two memories are being integrated into his brain.

The first memory is that he was hit by Palkia's serial liver attack and couldn't take care of himself;

The second memory is the memory of him being dizzy and bloody from being hit by Reshiram's head iron.

'Are these two memories really false? '

He showed a thoughtful expression.


"It's broken, this child is beginning to doubt life!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong slapped his thigh suddenly, and said, "Sure enough, even Akua will doubt his life if he is beaten twice in a row!"

Of course, Akua would, but Akua wouldn't, because she was really stupid.

Feng Wang asked: "What's the matter?"

"Don't worry, I have a way—"

Lin Qiong patted himself on the chest confidently, and said, "I am very experienced in dealing with this kind of enemy who is not very smart!"

So, under the watchful eyes of King Feng and Sanlong, Lin Qiong drove the cyber cat and flew towards the magic dragon who stopped in place with question marks on his head.

"Hey, Akunologia——"

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