Lin Qiong placed his hands in the shape of calyxes by his side, and said in a Chiton tone: "I let you steal the carrots planted by my second grandma, and die for me!!"

Destructive jet of white light!

There is no technical content, just a light cannon formed purely by compressing magic power, ejected from Lin Qiong's palm, and attacked the dragon.


Seeing the incoming attack, the demon dragon instinctively opened its mouth, swallowed the magic power exuding an incomparably delicious atmosphere into its throat, and then felt the power in its body begin to expand.

"Oh, power, power is coming out!!"

Magic Yangtian let out a roar, and then made a crazy voice: "I feel like I have returned to the peak power when I killed the dragon, hahahaha!"

"See? Let me just say that I have a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of enemy with a bad brain, right?"

Lin Qiong looked at the stunned Sanlong behind him, and said triumphantly: "I can tell at a glance that this guy's brain is a single-threaded structure—so you only need to force him to enter the combat stage, and he doesn't have the heart to think about other things. thing."

"Also, is there such an operation?"

Looking at Lin Qiong's operation, King Feng couldn't help opening his mouth, and said, "How did you manage to do this kind of operation?"

"Uh, in short, it is some experience accumulated before."

Lin Qiong scratched his face in embarrassment, and then changed the subject: "Okay, okay! Hurry up! Kyurem, it's your turn!"

He thought to himself: 'I can't tell you bluntly that these experiences come from you, can I? '

After all, Ah Feng is also a single-threaded brain.

"give it to me--"

Kyurem sneered, then looked at the roaring and maddening dragon with a fierce face, twisted his neck, and said, "I will let him know that the 'Worst, Evil, and Strongest Dragon in History' The name is not groundless!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Kyurem's retreating back and couldn't help but turn his head and said to Yi Feng and Er Long: "No, has she seen something strange recently??"

Reshiram thought for a while, and said, "Looking forward to your shame?"

Palkia also thought about it, and said, "Drunk and hungry network administrator?"

Feng Wang asked blankly: "What what? What are you talking about?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Why not have a different style of painting?

He covered his forehead and said, "Well, I probably know what Kyurem is all about."

Good guy, so Kyurem has awakened his second soul, right?


"I want to kill the dragon, I want to bathe in dragon blood—"

The magic dragon, which was spreading its wings and roaring madly, launched an attack the moment Kyurem approached, "Ray of Immortality!!"

Dozens of balls of light appeared behind him, and then quickly turned into light cannons and attacked Kyurem from all directions. With the size of Kyurem, facing this amount of attacks, he was somewhat powerless.

But, it doesn't matter.

she will win.

"Frozen World!"

Kyurem opened his mouth and exhaled the cold air of looking at him.When these cold airs came into contact with the magic dragon's immortal rays, they actually froze these beams in the air, "Hmph, you only need to freeze the magic power together, and you can easily block this kind of attack——"

Next, it's my turn!

Battle Cry!

Dragon Dance!

Move at high speed!

Dragon Claw!


As Kyurem's sharp claws slashed across the dragon's body, dragon scales and blood flew into the air along with visible scars.

One hit hurts!

"Not yet, it's not over!"

Kyurem turned around quickly, and then rushed towards the dragon again, grinning and said: "Swallow the magic power? Heh! I just need to hurt you before you absorb the magic power—"



Steel wings!

Shadow Claw!

Dragon Claw!

Iron head!

Kyurem left scars one after another on the Demon Dragon's body by relying on the extraordinary speed under the addition of Doragon Dangsi - in just a few minutes, the Demon Dragon lost five points One of the dragon scales.


"Wow, so cruel——"

Lin Qiong looked at the demon dragon who was fighting back in vain with hideous wounds all over his body, and smacked his tongue: "Good guy, this is a scene that minors can't watch!"

"It looks like our Hezhong region is sure to win."

Seeing Kyurem's movement, Reshiram couldn't help but cast a provocative glance at Palkia, and said, "Dragon of Sinnoh, why didn't you speak? Aren't you very arrogant just now?"


Palkia was very angry. She glared at Reshiram and said, "It's not you who surpassed me, what are you so proud of!? The little dragon is successful!"

"Then I don't care!"

Reshiram raised his head and said with a straight face: "Anyway, the Hezhong region won the victory, and I am the Dragon God of the Hezhong region. I should enjoy the same treatment as the champion!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He was going to say something, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

If she wants to be proud, let her be proud, anyway, it's not my face that she dances...

You say yes, Palkia?


The dragon fell down again.

The reason was shock caused by severe injuries and excessive blood loss.

"The duration of the battle is nine minutes and 20 seconds."

Lin Qiong put down the timer in his hand, and then solemnly handed the medal in his hand—pointing to a pack of Wangwang Snow Cakes—to Kyurem, and said solemnly: “As a good buddy of the hunchback, I announce that the first In a Sinnoh vs. Hezhong Dragon God battle, the winner is Kyurem from the Hezhong region!"

"Hmph! Let me give you back what I just said—"

Kyurem stretched out his short hand to take the Wangwang Snow Cake, then looked at Palkia with a very arrogant expression (referring to the female imp), and said, "Miscellaneous fish! Miscellaneous fish god Aolong! Miscellaneous fish space dragon ! Miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish~"

Palkia: "Ouch!!"

She is very angry, very angry, so angry that she is about to evolve from Palkia to Palkia Pufferfish!But she could only run to the unconscious dragon in a powerless rage, kicked him hard, and cursed: "Fuck, why are you so useless! Wouldn't it be better to hold on for a few more minutes?"

If the magic dragon was still conscious, he probably would have scolded: "Are you sick?"

Grandma, a group of dragon gods bullying me, a child who is only four hundred years old?Don't talk about Wude!No conscience!There is no bottom line!

It's dirty!

"Okay, okay, calm down, and win it back next time, okay?"

Lin Qiong comforted Palkia, looked at the magic dragon with a smile after accommodating it, and said eagerly, "You three have already beaten it, and then... it's my turn, right?"

Chapter 0614 Doesn’t this make it difficult for me?

3 minutes.

"Ho... woo?"

Accompanied by a roar that stopped abruptly, the dragon's body suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then looked at the three dragons in front of him with suspicious eyes.

What happened to this memory that suddenly appeared in my brain?

Visceral bleeding from a liver punch?

Getting dizzy from being hit by the iron head magic skill?

Being slashed to the brim with blood?

'Am I dreaming?Or……'

The demon dragon looked in the direction of Lin Qiong. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Human, what have you done to me?"

"Did you find out? Yes, I am your long-lost father."

Lin Qiong sighed with a face full of vicissitudes of life, then looked at the magic dragon seriously and said, "So are you going to have a game of Summoning the Seven Saints, or a game of Gwent?"

Demon Dragon: "?"

Although he couldn't understand what Lin Qiong was saying in the second half of the sentence, he could hear the first half clearly.

"Small, hateful humans..."

The expression of the magic dragon gradually became ferocious: "Are you fooling a dragon?"

"No, I'm fooling a fool."

Lin Qiong dug out his ears, then lightly patted Millerton's head, jumped off her body, and said, "Let's stop talking nonsense and get into the process quickly."

Demon Dragon: "?"

Just as he was about to ask something, he saw a light cannon coming towards him.He opened his mouth instinctively, and swallowed the food that Lin Qiong fed into his stomach in one gulp.


With a loud belch, Demon Dragon felt a burning sensation rise from his stomach and quickly spread throughout his body.

"Power, power is back!"

The magic dragon immediately turned into Uchiha Akua, and let out a shocking laugh: "Huhahaha! I seem to have returned to the time when I was slaying dragons 400 years ago——"

This feeling of power really makes me sink...huh?

and many more.

Why did I also have a strong sense of déjà vu in this scene?It's as if I have regained my strength three times! ?Is it an illusion?It's an illusion... right?

"Hey, you didn't go berserk?"

Lin Qiong looked at the roar of the dragon as if it had stopped, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, and muttered: "Is it because the brain is used to it because of the many times?"

Demon Dragon: "?"

He asked subconsciously: "What do you mean..."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand very boldly, and said, "Demon Dragon Akunologia! Keep your mouth shut, don't bite your teeth!!"

Swallow solution!

Star God White Night King!

"I'm tired, third uncle!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his left hand, opened his position one after the other, grinned and said, "Say, let's count your crimes in detail!"


Castle in the Sky.


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