"Although I think it may not be good to say this sentence, but..."

Lucy stuffed the potato chips in her mouth into her mouth, and said vaguely, "Do I suddenly feel sorry for Akunologia?"

other people:"……"

It's the same for me.

Other dragons: "..."

Little girl, you are not the only one who feels this way, even we feel this way too.

who made...

Did this group of people witness with their own eyes the scene where a certain magic dragon was severely beaten for more than half an hour in this square?It was really sad for those who saw it and shed tears for those who saw it—especially when he was beaten to the brink of death every time, and then turned back in time under the mighty power of the God of Time, and then repeated the previous reincarnation...

Too bad, really too bad!

It was so miserable that Long couldn't bear to eat another big bag of potato chips, and...

"Miss Chocolate, please have another bowl of pork chop rice!"

To the cat girl maid.

"Sister Lulu, I want an eel rice here!"

To the giraffe mother maid.

"Sister Li, I want tonkotsu ramen here!"

To the sheep girl maid.

Dinner, too much dinner!


"Lushan Rising Dragon Patriarch!"

A punch was drawn on the dragon's chin.

"Finishing technique is coming!"

Hugging the dragon's tail, he fell to the ground with it.

"Hero debut——[Gaojin] Married Wife Aさんと思子のFriend Nくん!"

It reached a high altitude, and then fell heavily on the dragon's body.


The magic dragon's eyes bulged suddenly, and then let out a scream mixed with vomiting, and finally rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and completely passed out on the ground.

"Hey, is this the magic dragon? It's not good, old wet!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands, showed a pity expression, and said: "I am also planning to directly use my magic power to blow him up when I am helpless - it seems that this trick is no longer needed. .”

"He's probably the worst villain in history, right?"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed on Lin Qiong's head, tilted his head and said, "One second ago, he appeared domineering, and then he was beaten four times."

"It's just a few beatings, what a hammer—"

Lin Qiong squatted on the ground and drew a reply on the wings of the magic dragon with a water-based pen—and kindly drew a few patterns of smells around—then said, “In these years, there is no black, deep and incomplete background. I'm sorry to call myself a villain, okay?"

Feng Wang widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "No, are villains so curvy now?"

is not that right?According to the current trend of villain competition, such things as "the whole family was killed", "the lover was wheeled", "the body was abused", etc., can only be regarded as "silver entries"-not one or two colored entries are not It's a shame to call yourself a villain.

"Hey, it's not easy to mix in society now—"

Lin Qiong shook his head and sighed, and said, "No matter what industry you are in, there are people involved in it, so you can either be bad or become the king of the crime."

But the question is, can the villain be bad?Believe it or not, the protagonist is the first one to come and attack you?

Just fucking your name is Akunologia?

"Okay, let's take him back first and see if he can be saved."

Lin Qiong looked at the unconscious Akunologia, scratched his head involuntarily, and said, "If there is still salvation, let him stay and work as a handyman."

If there is no hope...

Isn't it good to use a wave of waste to train the next generation of demon dragon slayer mages?


"Hope he's calm down."

Lin Qiong looked at the magic dragon tied up like a crab in a gift box in the cell, smacked his lips, and then looked at the shivering Northern Continent fool group in other cells, and said friendlyly: "I hope you can get along with me." Does it get along well?"

Get along with! ?

No, are you speaking human words! ?

Such a delirious and vicious dragon, you put it here and let us get along with him! ?

Why don't you go to heaven...

Oh, you can fly, that's all right.

Looking pitiful on the surface, but full of resentment in the eyes of the idiot group, Lin Qiong waved to them with a smile, and then left the prison area.


"Huh, the main mission has been completed!"

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the sofa, stretched his whole body, and said, "Hmm~~~~!! The next step is to unify the whole world and collect all the magic."

"Thank you, Lord Qiong."

Blue Ran poured Lin Qiong a cup of black tea made from tea leaves very thoughtfully, and said, "Do you need me to massage you? I have learned about this recently."

Lin Qiong: "???"

"It's hard for me to imagine that Ah Lan, who opened the prelude to the rebound with hairspray hands on Bipolar Hill, and then frightened the virtual circle with absolute force, now makes me tea with a gentle face, and even wants to give me a cup of tea." massage……"

Lin Qiong looked at Aizen who was moving his fingers, and said with a complicated face: "Can you not suddenly switch from the boss mode to the good wife and mother mode? You are not the right gender!"

"If Lord Qiong needs it, he can lower his resistance to illusion."

Aizen showed a gentle smile to Lin Qiong and said, "I can customize a new skin for myself according to Qiongjun's request."

"I blanch, I blanch!"

Lin Qiong jumped onto the sofa in fright, then looked at Lan Ran in front of him with an uneasy expression, and said, "Don't scare me! I have no interest in stepping into that world at all!"

"Qianjun, you misunderstood, and I have no interest in that."

Aizen smiled and pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, explaining: "It's just that if I forge a layer of 'skin' to make Lord Qiong feel happy, I will be happier."

"No, no, no!"

Lin Qiong shook his head vigorously, and said, "I think your image is very good now! You don't need to engage in those flirty operations!"

One thing to say, the operation A Lan just proposed reminded Lin Qiong of a manga he had read called "Tianjiao Baimei Ergouzi (Boss and Second Child)"-the general content was about a gangster named Yinci , Let a subordinate named Ergou hypnotize himself, so that his image in his eyes becomes an "ideal woman".

In short, it is a cartoon that is too early for people on earth-but there is one thing to say, the style of the heroine (?) is very good in a sense.

"Since Qiongjun said so, then forget it."

Aizen smiled slightly, and couldn't see it at all. He sat on the single sofa and said softly: "After the affairs of this world are over, Lord Qiong is going to return to the realm world, right?"

"It's like this, I have to go back to accept the guidance of Mr. Lingwang."

Lin Qiong nodded in pain, then fell down on the sofa, and said weakly: "Ahhh, when I think about learning the power of the rule system that makes my head a few hundred times bigger, I feel how big my head is. Hundred circles."

Lan Ran smiled slightly at Lin Qiong, and said, "With the assistance of Ms. Wanshitong, Lord Qiong should not encounter too many difficulties."

"Haha, I hope so."

Lin Qiong smiled, then picked up a piece of cake from the coffee table, took a small bite, and asked with a strange expression: "By the way, where is my Miss Know-It-All? Why does it feel like I haven't seen her for the past day. "

"Ms. Know-it-all? I don't know too well, maybe I'm busy with something?"

Lan Ran glanced at the door inside the laboratory, then lowered her eyelids, took a sip of black tea, and said, "Just ask her when I see her next time? With the relationship between the two of you, she will definitely not hide it." looking at you, isn't it?"

"Well, you're right--well, I'll slip away first."

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then sucked his fingers, stood up from the sofa, and said, "I still have to discuss with Jeff and the others how to govern this world."

"Then, be careful on the road."

Lan Ran stood up like a virtuous wife, and after sending Lin Qiong out of the door, she exhaled slightly, and said with some distress: "So, Ms. Know everything, what are you doing without telling Qiongjun?"

Doesn't this make it difficult for me--

Chapter 0615 what, call him meow, surprise!

If there is any advantage in the mysterious world, it is probably that when a person's force value reaches a certain limit, everything in this world will become extraordinarily easy.

Just like...

Rule the world.

Ishgar Continent——

After the council group was destroyed (partially dead, partly dispersed), the last bit of Ishgar Continent—as if the girlfriend’s "then you can just dawdle"—the rebellion dissipated immediately Two clean.

Alakida West Asia Continent——

The emperor who unified the continent took the lead in jumping back with his twelve shields. What can other residents say?They could only join the road to welcome His Majesty Lin Qiong to his loyal Alvarez Empire.

Kirutina Continent——

With the group of fools as the core, Lin Qiong implemented the action policy of pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud. In just three days, 90.00% of the moths on the land were wiped out, and the common people were restored to a blue sky.


"Tsk, this progress is a bit fast--"

Lin Qiong propped his chin, looked at the document in his hand, scratched his head and said, "I even suspect that I'm playing games at double speed... No, maybe it's quadruple speed?"

Damn it, the world has been initially unified in three days, can you believe it?

"After all, when personal strength is above everything else, everything will become much easier."

Sitting on the deputy's seat, Jeff replied while arranging the documents in front of him, "What's more, even if the young master doesn't take action, Sky City has enough power to suppress all opposing voices in this world."

What?I heard that you have objections to Sky City dominating the world, right?

Come on, look at the twenty-headed dragon behind me and voice your objections!

"Although you are telling the truth, why do I feel the smell of Duchai in it?"

Lin Qiong tidied up the documents, then stretched his waist against the back of the chair, and said, "Phew, the preparatory work is over, and the next step is to collect magic."

"The order to collect magic has been issued."

With a confident smile on his face, Jeff said, "Two days at the fastest and four days at the slowest. Most of the magic in this world should gather in the library of Sky City."

"It's almost enough to collect most of them."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then instructed: "Compared with cleaning magic that can be seen everywhere, magic that changes the color of clothes, etc., it is better to focus on collecting rarer magic—such as lost magic."

Jeff nodded and said, "I know, master."

In fact, the Zeref family - Jeref, Mebis, Olghast, and Racked - has a large part of magic (including magic), but their plan is to collect it first, Wait until the collection is almost complete before checking for omissions and filling in vacancies.

'With so much magic, if we had to rely on just a few of us to write it down silently, people would die. '

Jeff wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and then thought with twitching corners of his mouth: "Even if there is word magic, it won't work, absolutely not!" '

The black magician Zeref also wants to fish-fishing battle of the strong-



"With the security of force, the mission of collecting magic went particularly smoothly——"

Looking at the magic list on the projection screen, the secretary couldn't help but click his tongue and said, "There are so many magics, just looking at them makes my scalp numb."

How would you describe the mood of the secretary at this time?

Probably your good buddy gave you a NAS consisting of 4 18T mechanical hard drives. When you go home and connect to the computer, you find that there are a lot of resources in it, but all of them are in an unorganized state.

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