For a while, you don't know whether you should be happy that you have obtained so many resources, or worry about whether you will die if you read them all, or worry about how long it will take to sort them out...

"Don't worry, it's not our turn to worry about these things."

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary dumbfounded, and said, "Leave this kind of thing to Miss Wanshitong."

"Well, it's really her specialty—"

The secretary nodded, and then asked a little strangely: "Speaking of which, why didn't you see Miss Wanshitong? According to her personality, shouldn't she become a cat at this time, jumping happily on your shoulder? "

"Hey, you know Miss Know-It-All pretty well?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary in surprise, then spread his hands, and said, "To be honest, I haven't seen her in the past few days, so I don't know what she's up to."

"Master, when you said this, there was a feeling of sadness in it—"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong teasingly, and joked: "It's like the kind of beautiful wife who stays alone in her boudoir and wears sexy underwear, complaining that her husband only knows about work all day long!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at the secretary and joked: "Huo, so you know a lot about it?"

"Ahem, I know a thing or two, I know a thing or two."

The secretary coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "It's all taught by girl comics!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He widened his eyes: "Ah? No, girl manga still teach these things?? Is it so wild??"

There is a saying, the last time Lin Qiong saw such a wild person, it was a few wild histories about the Three Kingdoms period——

First of all, after Zhou Yu's death, she married Zhuge Liang under the pseudonym Huang Yueying;

Secondly, Zhuge Liang faked his death and buried a magnet under his own tomb. Sima Yi wore iron armor to visit the tomb, but he knelt down with a plop and was frightened to death.

In the end, after Sima Yi was scared to death, Zhuge Liang disguised himself as Sima Yi and lurked beside Cao Cao, taking his country.

Don't worry about whether it's right or not, just say it's wild or not, right?

"Oh, there is something to teach! There are so many shojo manga—"

The old secretary blushed, and quickly changed the subject after accommodating, "However, the young master is not going to ask Miss Wan Shi Tong, what is she doing?"

"What's the point of asking? If she's going to tell me, she'll tell me when she's done."

Lin Qiong picked up the egg yolk pie on the table and took a bite, then continued: "If she is not going to tell me, then it is something I don't need to know, and I am too lazy to ask."

Of course, if Lin Qiong became curious and took the initiative to ask, Miss Wan Shitong would never hide it from him.

Secretary: "..."

"Master, you really trust Miss Know-It-All—"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong with a strange expression, and said, "Many couples don't have this level of trust, do they?"

"I don't trust her alone—"

While flipping through the notes in his hand, Lin Qiong ate the snack in his hand, and said casually, "I still trust you, Yoyo and Erina."


The secretary coughed a little uncomfortably, and said coyly, "Master, master, your answer just now scored very high in my opinion?"

"Oh, by the way, where are you from Komachi?"

Lin Qiong laughed. Just as he was about to continue teasing the secretary, he heard a white shadow jump onto the desk with a "swoosh", and then squatted in front of him.

"Hey! Let's get out of seclusion!"

The know-it-all cat shook its tail, and said with a smile: "! Dear Mr. Host, do you miss me?"

"Oh! Miss Know-It-All—"

Lin Qiong and the secretary looked at the little cat squatting on the table in surprise, and said, "You figured it out! I miss you to death!"

"Hey! Actually, we miss you too, don't we?"

The know-it-all cat jumped onto Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said with a smile, "It's just because I'm stabilizing the 'container', so I won't be able to spare any time for a while."

Lin Qiong & Secretary: "?"

The two couldn't help but looked at each other: "The case has been solved, and it turns out that Miss Wanshitong has been busy with this matter recently." '

"Well, Miss Know-It-All, can I ask what 'container' you have prepared?"

The secretary looked at Miss Know-It-All in front of him, and asked cautiously: "Of course, if it's something you can't say, then just pretend I didn't..."

"Haha, what can't you ask?"

Miss Wan Shitong nodded her head and said with a smile: "It would be better to say that the purpose of my visit this time is to tell A Qiong about this matter."

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, pointed at his face in surprise, and said, "Oh, is this a topic I can listen to?"

"Hmm, if you comb my hair well and give me a massage, then it will be a topic that can be listened to~"

The know-it-all cat lay down on the table, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Hmph, shit shoveler, act quickly!"

"Okay! Let's start to act!"

Lin Qiong saluted solemnly, then took out a dragon-horn comb from his arms, moved it to the side of the know-it-all cat, and said, "Master cat, are you satisfied with my service?"


Know-it-all Maomao nodded in satisfaction, and said with a bit of reserve: "It's not bad! Among the people who serve me, you can barely rank among the top three."

"Oh, then I'm really amazing!"

"That's right! The amazing Lin Qiongqiong!"

"neta The Great Gatsby?"

"That's right!"

The secretary on the side: "..."

You guys really know how to play!

What does it mean to "be barely in the top three"?Miss Know-It-All, haven’t you ever had anyone serve you except the young master? ?




"Hmm! Don't be surprised when you see the next 'thing'?"

Miss Wanshitong put her hands on her hips when she regained her human form, and said, "This is the brainchild of us and Irene Sauce!"

"The whole look is mysterious——"

Lin Qiong looked at the door inside the laboratory with some curiosity, and said, "So what exactly is your 'brain crystal'?"

"the answer is--"

Miss Know-It-All smiled and opened the door, revealing Irene who was holding something in her arms, with an uncomfortable expression on her face, and said, "Qing, qiang! It's this one!"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Chapter 0616 This, his meow, is called a surprise!


Lin Qiong tilted his head.


Lin Qiong scratched his head.


Lin Qiong raised his head.

"I Zhuo, what did you do behind my back!?"

Lin Qiong held his head in both hands, and looked at the little thing in Irene's arms with a shocked expression, "How long has it been, how come you even have a baby!?"

Yes baby!

In Irene's arms, she was holding a baby with wrinkled skin that looked like a little monkey.

"Master, do you still remember that you once told us about your experience in the magic cannon world?"

Erin lowered her head nervously and said, "After hearing the story of 'Fit', I came up with the idea of ​​creating Erza."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Shocked Lin Qiong for a whole year.

He raised his hands and grabbed his hair, and asked blankly: "By the way, Fite's body is Alicia's, what about Erza's body?"

He didn't wonder why the child was called Erza—Miss Know-it-all had his memory, so it wasn't surprising to play a joke.

"This, this..."

Irene said with flickering eyes: "Ai, Erza is, yes..."

"Eluza is not a simple clone, but a child born from the combination of my genes and Irene's."

Miss Know-It-All put her hands on her hips, and interjected, "From an ethical point of view, she can be regarded as the child of Irene and me."

Erin nodded hurriedly: "Yes, that's, that's it!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Good guy, I call him good guy—"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, looked at the child in Irene's arms, and murmured, "You two are making big news behind my back!"

"How is it? Surprised or surprised?"

Miss Wanshitong sat on Lin Qiong's lap very naturally, then put her arms around his neck, and said with a proud face: "By the way, the current Irene has won the ultra-rare 'virgin and mother' attribute, okay? Do you feel excited just thinking about it?"

"I'm not Prime Minister Cao!"

Lin Qiong pinched Miss Passport's waist in protest, then looked at Irene who was sitting on the sofa on the other side, and said, "Okay! Irene, don't act like a wronged little wife! Since Miss Passport I also participated in this experiment, so I won’t say anything—but it’s just this time, don’t make me an enhanced company!”

"Don't worry! Just this time, I promise—"

Miss Know-It-All gave Irene a look of "I'm right?", then pinched Lin Qiong's ear with her hands, and said, "Even if I want to do it in the future, I won't be able to make a second 'Elusha' gone."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Miss Know-It-All with a strange face, and blinked in doubt: "Is it my illusion?"Why do you feel that Miss Passenger has something in her words? '

Sensing Lin Qiong's gaze, Miss Wanshitong "said" to him in words: "I'll explain to you in the evening." '

'OK. '

Lin Qiong replied, then looked at Irene who was hugging Erza, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why would Irene want to do this? There must be a reason?"

Even if ordinary people hear the story of Feite, they will never have the idea of ​​"I am super, there are several cool ones, and I want to clone a child", okay?In other words, Irene herself has the idea of ​​"wanting a child", and Feite's story is just a spark that ignites the fuse.

Irene bit her lip and said, "Well, what I said, the young master is not allowed to laugh at me—"

"Don't worry, I've been trained professionally, no matter how funny it is, I won't laugh!"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene with a serious face, and added solemnly: "Unless you can't help it."

Erin: "..."

Master, if you say this, I'm very worried, right?

"Actually, I've always been looking forward to getting married."

Erin lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered in a longing voice: "Meet, fall in love with, and fall in love with your lover, then put on a pure white wedding dress and enter the palace of marriage, and finally marry... , have a baby that belongs to us..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help but think of Erza in the original work, who seemed to be looking forward to getting married—good guy, it turns out this gene comes from you! ?

"No, according to what you said, then you should actively find a boyfriend to marry and have children, right?"

A big question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head, and he couldn't help asking: "You just skipped all the previous stages and fast-forwarded to 'having a baby', okay!?"

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