Pure polarity.

"The main reason is that after I joined Sky City, it seems that it will be very difficult to fall in love, so I thought about saying—"

Irene raised her hand and scratched her face, smiled wryly, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, fall in love, or fall in love, it doesn't matter even if you don't enter the marriage hall with him, it doesn't matter even if you don't marry him—at least , at least I can have a baby that belongs to me...my baby."

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Irene, what you said made me feel guilty."

He raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said with a painful expression: "Really, I feel very sorry for you."

Wo Chao, a young girl who yearns for a love affair, actually gave up all love affairs because she followed her, and used genetic technology to create a baby for herself to comfort herself—won’t she have to get up in the middle of the night and give herself a slap in the face? Then curse: "What a birth I am!"

"Master, don't say that—"

When Irene heard Lin Qiong's words, she hurriedly waved her right hand and said, "I didn't mean to make you feel guilty, I just, just wanted to tell you the reason why I did this."

Lin Qiong still looked sorry, and said, "But..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it here—"

Miss Wan Shitong waved her hand and interrupted Lin Qiong's words, saying, "She has already made her choice. It's pointless for you to dwell on it, right? Just be nicer to the two of them in the future."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Although, although what Miss Passionate said is reasonable, why do I feel that something is not right?

Why is there a kind of——

Erin and I had a drunken relationship and when I woke up I didn't want to be responsible.And Erin, who left sadly, found that she had won the bid, gritted her teeth and decided to give birth to the child.A few years later, Erin and I met again and learned all this.

- Such a feeling! ?


After confirming that Lin Qiong had left the laboratory, Irene couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her originally tense body couldn't help but relax.

"You look like a guilty conscience, you know that?"

Miss Know-It-All poked Irene's head angrily with her finger and said, "I told you, that fool will never find out the truth."

"I understand everything you said, but I just feel guilty——"

Irene shrank her neck, and said with a guilty face: "After all, my behavior is somewhat sorry for the young master and miss."

"Don't worry, I don't think it will be long... Forget it, you just wait anyway."

Miss Know-It-All was going to tell Irene about the "paradise plan" of the eldest lady, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it-telling Irene the news now is just to make her feel hopeful, "Anyway, now Ai Lu Sha has already registered in Sky City, so you can rest assured to raise her."


Irene nodded gently, then lowered her head, looked at Erza in her arms tenderly, and murmured: "I will take good care of her."

Looking at the motherly Irene, Miss Know-it-All shrugged her shoulders, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Dear Mr. Host, did I lie to you?

Erza is indeed the newborn child born from the genetic union between me and Irene, but have you forgotten one thing?My current body is made of your magic power~




"Long wait~"

The know-it-all cat jumped into the room from the windowsill, landed on the carpet, and said, "Your lovely know-it-all cat is back~"

"Welcome back, my lovely cat,"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and hugged the know-it-all cat into his arms, then walked to the small sofa and sat down, asking, "What is it that cannot be said in front of Irene?"

"It's nothing special, I just want to tell you——Actually, Erin is holding Erin in Erin's arms, is the Erin you know?"

The know-it-all cat nodded, and then said with a smile: "Otherwise, why do you think I named her Erza? Is it just for fun?"


Question marks popped up in Lin Qiong's head one after another: "No, isn't Elusa the child conceived by the marriage between Irene and that general?"

Now compared with the original book, the only condition that is the same is that one of the mother bodies is Irene, so how did the same Elusa as the original book be born! ?

"It's very simple, I intercepted the fate of 'Irene gave birth to Erza Shukaleto', and implanted it into the embryo!"

The know-it-all cat showed a proud smile and said: "To explain it in an easy-to-understand way, you can understand that I manually created the 'correction of fate'!"

"You can do this kind of thing!?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but open his mouth wide and murmured: "As expected of a know-it-all cat, he can easily do things that I can't do."

"If you want to learn, I can teach you."

The know-it-all cat said in a tone as if he was discussing what to eat tonight, "Learning the laws of fate is also good for you, and you can prevent others from influencing you through similar means."

Lin Qiong: "..."

What else can he say?This is a skill that many people dream of mastering.

"Learn! Learn the fuck!"

Lin Qiong gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, and said cursingly: "Isn't it the law of fate? I don't believe that if I use the energy of the college entrance examination, I can still learn it!!!"

Chapter 0617 The End of the Fairy Tail World

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her face, she was wearing a white shirt and a black hip-wrapping skirt. Through the tight position of the 80D pantyhose, one could see the faintly visible whiteness under the black...

This is how Miss Know-it-All is dressed at this time.

Miss Know Everything (Ver. female teacher) lightly tapped the words on the blackboard with the pointer in her hand, and said.

"Speaking of fate, there are two seemingly contradictory statements——"

"First, the world line ends."

"It means that fate will correct itself and develop towards the same result."

"The second is the butterfly effect."

"It means that fate will be biased by seemingly small changes."

"Then the question is, which of these two statements is correct?"

"Student Lin Qiong, please answer."

Lin Qiong (Ver. Idiot Student) scratched his scalp in distress and said, "Teacher Wan Shitong, I'm asking for help from the sidelines - Ah Feng, please save Ah Feng!"

Feng Wang (Ver. idiot student) stared, and couldn't help but said: "No, is it appropriate for you to ask me this question? I'm not a super-type Pokémon!"

"Speaking of super powers."

Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression, and murmured: "Then I have to mention a certain super/flying..."

Feng Wang was alert: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong continued: "...Rolling bats! Small, round, so cute! Right?"

Phoenix King raised his head and said: "Hmph, my evaluation is not as good as Rocket Sparrow!"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Ah, yes, yes, yes!"

Anyway, fire/flying is number one in the world, right?


Miss Wanshitong tapped the blackboard with the pointer with a blank face, and said, "Both students, please don't chat during class!"

"Oh—" x2

Lin Qiong and Feng Wang immediately looked downcast.

"Answer the question quickly!"

Miss Know-It-All crossed her arms, pointed her arms with her fingers, and asked, "Which of the two statements I just said is correct?"

Lin Qiong and Feng Wang glanced at each other, and the good brothers immediately understood each other.

Lin Qiong: "I think it's the first one."

Feng Wang: "I think it's the second type."

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She walked forward, dumbfounded, and tapped the heads of one person and one bird lightly with sophistry, and said, "Are you two stuck with me here?"

There are only two options, one for each person to invest separately, right?You have really implemented "Don't put eggs in one basket" to death!

"Ahem, mainly because I think these two statements are reasonable..."

Lin Qiong showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "But I can't choose either, right? That would be somewhat impolite."

"Aqiong, actually..."

Miss Wanshitong couldn't help but looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "The correct answer is really both."

Lin Qiong & Feng Wang: "Huh?"

What, what's the situation? ?

"There is a threshold for the fluctuation of fate. If it is lower than this threshold, a 'self-correction of fate' will occur."

Miss Know-It-All raised her finger and said, "If it exceeds this threshold, a 'butterfly effect' will occur."

For example, when Shanks rescued Luffy, no matter whether it was the left hand or the right hand that was bitten off, or the king of the near sea was killed by mistake, it would not have much impact on the subsequent plot-but if Shanks When saving people, his leg cramp caused Luffy to be paralyzed, and the correction power of fate was dumbfounded.

Fuck, the body is cold, and this is a bug that should be fixed?Moisturized.

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, and then said: "In other words, the changes that have happened to Irene so far are all within the threshold of self-correction?"

"How is it possible? How can destiny's self-healing power be so strong?"

Miss Know-It-All poked Lin Qiong's head with her finger, and said, "Did you forget that I told you? The reason why Elusa is still Elusa is because I intercepted 'Irene gave birth to Elusa' This period of destiny—that is, taking the initiative to interfere with destiny.”

To put it simply, when Shanks's legs were cramping, you took the initiative to rush over and grab him by the collar, and then threw him to the King of the Sea with a trick of "throwing you Shanks".

——So, fate returned to the original point.

"Then, the most basic things have been covered."

Seeing the stunned expressions on the faces of Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, Miss Wanshitong showed a malicious expression on her lips - she held the pointer in her right hand and gently tapped the palm of her left hand, and said: "Next, Let’s explain it in more depth~”



After an hour and a half.

"Abba, abba aba—"

Lin Qiongsheng was lying on the sofa lovelessly, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes.

"Abba, abba aba—"

Feng Wangsheng was lying on Lin Qiong's stomach without love, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes.

"One thing to say, I feel like my PUA has been burned."

After waiting for a while, Lin Qiong said with a dazed expression, "This is more difficult than the geometry question at the end of my high school math paper!"

What?You ask the university?

Sorry, after high school, students are left with a kind of clear stupidity.


Feng Wang let out a weak sneer, mockingly said: "You are really useless."

"Oh? Do you understand?"


"Then what are you barking at?"

"You are wrong, my name is Feng Ming."

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