"Oh, cockcrow?"

"Fuck you-"

After bickering for a while, the two NBA-overloaded idiots fell silent again, and then continued to look at the ceiling unrequitedly—as if they could see the bunny girl-senpai from above.

"By the way, we just overused our brains, right?"

After a while, Lin Qiong hummed and said: "According to scientific research, when you use your brain too much, you need to supplement with appropriate sugar."

"I personally say that this scientific research must be correct."

King Feng sat up and urged: "So what are you waiting for? Hurry up, GOGOGO!"

"You're such an idiot."

Lin Qiong complained, then sat up, rubbed his eyes and walked towards the door, "What can you do, eat No. 1."

"You fart."

The phoenix king turned into a fierce tiger king, "If you are not active in cooking, you have a problem with being a human being!"

Lin Qiong: Fuck, why do you feel like if this continues, I can't beat Feng Wang?

A sense of crisis arises.



In this way, in the uneventful daily life, the journey to the world of Fairy Tail is gradually coming to an end.

A small number of dragons travel to various parts of the world to find a suitable living environment;

Fairy Tail returned to Ishgar to continue their adventures;

Jeref and Mebis became the leaders of the Grand Magic Alliance, responsible for leading all matters in the world of Fairy Tail;

as well as……

"[Guardian Shield·Magic Squad] has become the highest honor for mages, and only the strongest mages can be elected!?"

Lin Qiong looked at the report in his hand delicately, and said, "It's outrageous! Who is lying about the military situation?"

Although strength is one of the conditions for selecting the Holy Shield, what Lin Qiong values ​​​​more is his character - such as Joseph Pola, the president of the "Ghost Ruler", who has no strength and poor character. , no matter how strong he is, he cannot be selected into the Holy Shield.

"Report the young master!"

Mebis frowned, and said with a painful expression: "I think I probably guessed who spread the news..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was silent for a while, thought for a while, then put his head in his hands and said, "Fuck, it can't be Natsu and the others?"

Mebis nodded sadly, and said: "Naz and the others started to publicize after they returned to the guild..."

-Scene reconstruction-

"Wow ha ha ha, my uncle is back!!"

Natsu pushed open the door of Fairy Tail, and swaggered: "Gildas, let's have a showdown! I'm strong now!"


The next moment, the members of the guild all set their sights on Natsu.

"Natsu, Gray, Gerald! You have been training in Sky Castle, right?"


"Then have you heard of the most mysterious unit in Sky City, the 'Holy Shield'?"


"It is said that it is the ultimate unit that can only be entered if you have the strength to defeat the 'Dragon', is it true?"


Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel looked at each other, then crossed their arms and tilted their heads, trying to remember the current members of the Guardian Shield——

The strongest black mage in history, Jeref;

Founder of the guild, goblin strategist Mebis;

Irene, Mother of Dragon Slayers;

Sorcerer King Oghast Eight Sauce.

The following is omitted.

'It feels like it's right? '

The three looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

Natsu: "That's right! The members of the Guardian Shield, every one of them is so strong!"

Gray: "For example, the chairman of the first generation is one of them!"

Gajeel: "According to what the first generation said, even Gildarts has not yet reached the standard to enter the Holy Shield!"

"What!? Even Gildas—" xN

The members of Fairy Tail suddenly showed expressions that shocked me for a whole year, followed by more intense discussions.

—End of reproduction—

"All in all, that's what it is."

Mebis covered her face with her hands, and mournfully said, "Young master, I'm sorry, woo woo woo, Fairy Tail has caused trouble again!"

Fairy Tail, the first generation, deeply felt an inexplicable pressure falling on his shoulders - ah, he missed the days when he died before, at least Fairy Tail's blame would not fall on his head!


"Ahem, it's okay! Actually, I'm already used to Fairy Tail's ability to cause trouble."

Lin Qiong comforted Mebis, who was exuding sadness, and said, "Actually, this is pretty good. It can give the mages of this world a new goal, and we can also recruit better mages, WinWin da !"

"Really, really?"

Mebis looked at Lin Qiong with teary eyes, and said, "Didn't the young master say that to comfort me?"

"Don't worry, it's not true!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then pointed to the documents on the table and said, "Okay! Let's quickly hand over the rest of the affairs - after we leave, this world will be handed over to you."

Mebis looked at the document in his hand, nodded vigorously, and said with a serious face: "Master, I will definitely make everyone in the world happy!!"

Chapter 0618 The possibility of Long Yibu——

Elven world.


"Oh oh oh!"

The Golden Scale Dragon leaned on the city wall, staring at the giant floating city below (it is not a bad idea to call it a floating kingdom), and said, "Is that where I will live in the future?" ? Awesome—”

The golden-scaled dragon has already begun to picture himself swimming in a large pit filled with gems, 1000 meters long, 500 meters wide, and 100 meters deep - come on, it's great to think about this kind of thing, right?

She even had the urge to drill her temples with her fingers, and then yell "Segony, iron duck".

"However, isn't this area too exaggerated?"

Looking at this huge monster, the storm dragon couldn't help but click its tongue, "How does such an exaggerated area float in the air?"

"You have to ask Brother Tuozi about this question—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then clapped his hands, and said to the dragon group members who were leaving: "Okay, okay! Dragon men and dragon women, look over here -"

Hearing Lin Qiong's call, the dragons couldn't help turning their attention away from Aincrad and looking at the only speaker.

"First of all, we have successfully arrived in the new world, everyone has worked hard!"

"Secondly, I believe you have also seen Aincrad floating there—yes, that giant floating city is where you will live in the future!"

"As for which floor you live on, please communicate with Mr. Xiz by yourself."

"Then, let me briefly introduce this world..."

Lin Qiong briefly introduced the background of the elf world to the dragons, and then continued.

"... If you are interested in Pokémon, you can wait until the matter comes to an end, and go to the Pokémon Doctors in various regions to get your own initial Pokémon and illustrated book - of course, speaking of the above, since we are here When you enter this world, you must abide by the rules of this world, do you understand?"


"Very good, disband!"



"Brother Hunchback, I'm back!"

Lin Qiong walked out of the portal opened by Palkia, waved to the alpaca standing at the door, and said, "Hey, long time no see, do you miss me?"


The alpaca brought its head closer, rubbed its chin lightly on the top of Lin Qiong's head, checked his body, then felt relieved, and said, "It seems that you are having a good time in another world. "

Not only did his body not suffer any injuries, but he was still entwined with the aura of the two gods—tsk, this kid has gone out to flirt with gods again.

Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile, "It was really fun."

"Just be happy, that's the most important thing."

Arceus nodded, then looked at the Pokémon who returned with Lin Qiong - Palkia, Reshiram, Kyurem, Fengwang and Sangouzi, and said: "It's hard work for you to protect him gone."

"It's nothing hard. With his strength, there is no danger at all in that world."

Kyurem shook his head slightly, and said frankly: "As for the rules you are worried about... well... I don't think there is any need to worry about it."

To be honest, if it wasn't for short hands, Kyurem really wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

A god above the rules?Heh, don't think that Lin Qiong only has An Zige and Wu Zige behind him, so you think he only has An Zige and Wu Zige. The lower realm of the gods helped him beat Akunologia in groups.

Demon Dragon: "?"

Heh, what can I do?

"Wow! Arceus, you don't know how respectable this guy is in that world!"

Phoenix King flapped his wings and flew in front of Arceus, chirping: "More than 20 dragons are following him and hitting him wherever he goes, and there are two gods from another world who are always paying attention to him - this guy doesn't need you at all. You’re worried!”

Old scumbag!

"Aqiong lived a very prosperous life in other worlds, that's his ability."

Arceus smiled slightly and said softly: "It doesn't affect my worrying about him."

Ning Linqiong: "!"

Brother hunchback really, I cried to death!

"Okay, let's not talk about these irrelevant things! Come and see what souvenirs I brought back for you—"

Lin Qiong quickly interrupted the topic, and then took out a few crystals from his arms with a proud face, and said, "Qiang Qiang! The dragon crystal from another world!"

"Oh? These crystals contain a very strong aura of 'dragon'..."

Arceus moved his eyes to Lin Qiong with a little curiosity, looked at these crystals, and murmured: "If you study these crystals carefully, maybe you can put the dragon that has been put on hold for a long time. Ibrahimovic developed it."

"My super, Long Yibo, is it true or not?"

Lin Qiong showed a curious expression with a hint of excitement, and said: "Speaking of which, I have always heard a hypothesis, that is, you planned to design eighteen evolutionary types for Ibrahimovic, is it true or false? of?"

"It's true, I did have this idea at the beginning! But in the process of creating Ibrahimovic, I realized how naive my original idea was."

Arceus sighed, and said with some helplessness: "If you want Eevee to evolve into different attributes, you must have the reaction genes of different attributes in its body, but in this way, its gene chain is very easy to collapse— —At the beginning, I racked my brains and only thought of a way to make the three reaction genes of water, fire, and thunder coexist, and then I gradually perfected it to what it is today."

Lin Qiong showed a sympathetic expression, and said, "Wow, just listening to you, I feel like my scalp is numb."

Feng Wang complained: "It's as if you have experienced this feeling before."

"I really experienced it!! When I was playing [The Elder Scrolls] and [My World], in order to increase the game experience, I stepped into the abyss called [MOD]—"

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