Lin Qiong squatted on the ground, sighed with a look of lovelessness, and said: "Naively, I thought that I only need to throw [MOD] into the folder to play the game happily, but I didn't know until I opened the game. , it turns out that MODs and MODs will conflict with each other-so, in order to find out which two or more MODs are conflicting, I have been busy all night."

Phoenix King: "..."

She twitched the corner of her mouth and asked, "Then did you play to the end?"

"No, I give up."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang expressionlessly, and said, "From 07:30 in the evening to [-]:[-] in the morning, the enthusiasm finally faded, and I deleted the game in one go."

"You can't fix it for me right now."

Feng Wang lightly landed on Lin Qiong's hand and said, "I don't know what to say right now."

"Hey, it's been so long, I don't care anymore!"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and said with a smile, "Let's continue to look at the souvenirs I brought to Brother Tuozi."

"Oh? Something new?"

The alpaca showed a flattered expression. He lowered his head and approached Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Let me see what other gifts you have prepared for me."

"Don't worry about my work, I guarantee you will like this gift!"

Lin Qiong winked at the alpaca, and said happily: "This second gift is a video full of hope."

"Video? Let me guess—"

The alpaca's eyes bent, and he said gently, "Did you see some beautiful scenery, and took a picture of it, hoping that I would reproduce it in Aincrad?"

"No, no, no! You guessed wrong!"

Lin Qiong took out a tablet from his pocket, and while turning on the screen, he firmly grasped Feng Wang in his hand, and said, "The content of the video is this—"

The next moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the video——

"Oh, I understand! Do you want the Seed of God to copy a large number of Rogia and then play mowing? Hahaha!"

"Huh? What are you thinking? Of course I'm going to brainstorm Arceus! Come on, mowing the grass, Arceus, isn't this so fucking cool!?"

After the simple conversation was over, everyone saw the Phoenix King on the screen rushing out, and then said "Jie Jie Jie! Stupid Arceus, let's run away under the sacred fire of Lord Feng Wang! The thief hahahaha——" Laughing loudly, burning one Arceus after another to ashes with the holy fire.

Arceus: "?"

How dare you?

Three Dragons: "..."

How dare you? !

Three dogs: "..."

How dare you? ! ? !

"Lin Qiong, Tie Baa!!"

Feng Wang let out an *unspeakable bird scream*, stared at Lin Qiong with bloodshot eyes, and said, "Soul light! You stab me in the back!!!!"

"You answer me a question first."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang solemnly, and said, "Just that time in the video, did you ask me to keep it secret for you?"

"Well, it seems not?"

Feng Wang was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and said angrily: "Tieba! Don't tell me I won't let you keep it a secret, so you won't keep it for me?"

"But this matter involves brother hunchback, and he and I are close buddies - as long as you don't let me keep it a secret, of course I have to tell him about it!"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng, and said righteously: "Or do you want me to hide it from him? To hide it from this hunchback who treats me like a brother, cares about me, and cares about me?"

Phoenix King: "..."

"Don't talk about it, I think what you said makes sense-what a fart!"

Feng Wang overturned the Neon Continent angrily, then glared at Lin Qiong, and chirped: "Do you think I can't see it!? It's because I reminded you of the dark history just now, so you deliberately took revenge on me!" ah--"

"Ah Feng—"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who was held in his hand but did not resist (Arzeus: stare—), and sighed: "Since you already know why I took revenge on you, why are you talking so much?"

Phoenix King: "..."

Fuck, this dude actually admits it shamelessly! ?

Damn, I underestimated the thickness of his skin!

Chapter 0619

"Feng'er, stop here and look at me with condemning eyes, okay?"

Lin Qiong looked down at the Phoenix King he was holding in his hand, and then stretched out his right hand to pinch its head, making it turn to look at Arceus behind him, and said, "You should think about how the hunchback brother will punish you. .”

Feng Wang: "Ji Gu!"

She let out an indescribable female knight's mournful cry, then looked at Arceus with pitiful eyes, choked up and said, "I, I can explain it, listen to me..."

Arceus nodded lightly and said, "Okay, then explain."

Feng Wang: ""

Arceus' answer, if she can't fix it, it's yes--one thing to say, she thought that Arceus would directly sanction the gravel and greet him, but she didn't expect to really give her a... chance to explain! ?

Fuck, I haven't figured out my lines yet!

"This, this..."

At this moment, Feng Wang's brain started to work crazily. She was quick to think, wise and courageous, concentrated and poured into her soul: "That, that, listen to my explanation, I, my that..."

Lin Qiong whispered to the side: "I didn't mean to—"

King Feng was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "I didn't mean it..."

Lin Qiong continued, "I did it on purpose."

Feng Wang continued without thinking: "I did it on purpose...Huh!?"

"Huo ↗?"

Arceus raised his voice slightly, squinted his eyes and looked at the sweaty Feng Wang, who was about to change from fire/fly to water/fly, and said: "Feng Wang, it seems that you have no intention of repenting at all. "

"That's it! It's too much!"

Lin Qiong condemned strongly from the side: "Damn Feng Wang! Brother Tuozi is so gentle to give you a chance to explain, but you actually say such things, it's too annoying!"

Phoenix King: "Iron Baa!!"

It's hard, it's hard, Feng Wang's fist is hard -- if she has it.

She really wanted Bang Bang to give Shang Lin Qiong two punches - if she had it.

It would be better to end him with a flaming fist - if she had it.

Arceus said softly: "Feng Wang——"

King Feng: "!"

She was like a student who made a mistake in class and was called out by the teacher. She was so excited that she couldn't care less about condemning Lin Qiong's shamelessness, and hurriedly replied nervously, "I'm here!"

"Because of your behavior, I decided to give you a punishment."

There was a hint of a smile in Arceus' eyes, and he said softly: "The content of the punishment is..."


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, who was squatting on his palm and shrunk into a ball, and said gloatingly, "Feng'er, you are really a little arrow now~"

Feng Wang glanced at Lin Qiong sadly, and said, "Pinch it, I really want Bangbang to give you two punches!"

The content of the punishment Arceus gave her was very simple - he sealed all the power of the Phoenix King.

In the next ten years, the once mighty god of life, Feng Wang, will turn into a powerless little arrow sparrow to experience life (alpaca language).

"Don't worry! The key to unseal is in my hand—"

Lin Qiong tore off his collar, took out the iridescent feather-shaped pendant hanging from his neck, and said, "I will release the seal regularly, so you can let it go."

"Oh, I still have to thank you, right?"

Feng Wang cursed and pecked at Lin Qiong's palm with his beak, and complained: "Now the pecking people are gone, sad—"

"Actually, if you think about it from another angle..."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, and then said to Feng Wang: "This is not a reward."

King Feng: "?"

She tilted her head and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Are you all right? Are you all right!? Are you all right!! You can eat yomei if you're all right!"

"Listen to me—"

Lin Qiong didn't mind Feng Wang's rebellion at all.

"First of all, only I can use the key to unlock the seal, so do you have to follow me?"


"Secondly, you were sealed by Brother Tuozi, so I can't borrow your power anymore?"


"Then, are you equivalent to being able to eat and die by my side as a waste?"


"Finally, this kind of life where you wake up, play, eat, get tired, sleep, and don't need to worry about being squeezed by me, is it a reward?"

"Makes sense!"

After being fooled by Lin Qiong, Feng Wang seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and the whole bird was refreshed, "As long as I accept my bad performance, then I will be invincible!"

Fuck, this kind of life of eating and waiting to die is too cool, isn't it?

It is recommended to seal it for a few more years, thank you Eggplant!

Arceus: "..."

After witnessing the whole process of Lin Qiong limping Feng Wang, the alpaca had a complicated emotion in his heart.

'Did I forget to add IQ to her when I created Phoenix King?How do you feel about her not-so-intelligent Yazi? '

The alpaca looked at Feng Wang, who was bouncing heartlessly on Lin Qiong's palm, with an expression of subway old man's mobile phone.jpg, and shook his head with a smile, thinking: "However, it's good to be like this!"At least he won't stay at home sadly for decades after being betrayed by humans like before. '

Arceus looked at Lin Qiong who was teasing King Feng with the beans in his hand, and asked, "Speaking of which, are you going to the realm world soon?"

Lin Qiong threw the beans in his hand to King Feng, then pushed it on his head, and said, "Yes, I will practice with King Ling for a while."

"pretty good."

Arceus nodded insincerely - if he were in human form at this time, he would hold his head in regretful hands, then roll back and forth on the floor, and finally bump into a strong man without checking, covering his nose and shouting in defeat. The wail of a dog.

'I hate it, I hate myself for being a veterinarian! '

'If the Pokémon I created back then were not in animal form but in human form...huh? '

'The trainer captures a humanoid Pokémon?Fuck, what R18 world is this! ? '

Arceus shook his head vigorously, put those messy thoughts behind him, and then told Lin Qiong: "Then work hard and train hard, and strive to graduate as soon as possible."

"Okay! Don't worry!"

Lin Qiong gave Arceus a thumbs up, and said: "Miss Master of Everything will study with me, with her here, don't worry!"

"That's good."

The alpaca breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Since the external brain is also with you, it should be fine."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Why do I feel like I've been scolded?



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