Today's dinner was eaten in Pokémon World.

The materials used are divided into two types-

The first is the members from the world of Fairy Tail. The food they eat is the strange animals and plants transferred from the gourmet world to Aincrad by Lin Qiong;

Then there are other members of the non-Fairy Tail world. The food they eat is the magic dragon Akunologia who was judged by Miss Know-it-all as "unsalvable".

"Don't you say—"

While pecking at the fried dragon steak in front of her, Xiao Jianfeng said with a happy face: "This guy's brain is not very good, but the taste is really good."

"One thing to say, bird food——"

Lin Qiong played a pun indifferently, and commented: "Maybe the brain is not well developed because all the nutrition goes to the body?"

"The first reason is that before you started the battle, you used magic power to restore him to its peak, which is equivalent to rejuvenating his body."

The eldest lady relieved the chopsticks in her hand, then wiped the sauce from the corner of her mouth, and continued: "Secondly, during the battle, you once beat his whole body with just the right force, which is equivalent to doing a very effective whole body blow for him. massage."

Lin Qiong & Feng Wang: "..."

Also, there is such a saying?

"Of course, the most important thing is of course Missy's cooking skills!"

The secretary was extremely serious and said piously: "Even if the quality of the ingredients is excellent, if you don't have the cooking skills of the eldest lady, you still can't make such delicious dishes!"

"Indeed! I, Erina, are the best cooks in the world!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said proudly: "Looking at the whole world, there is no one who can stand against me!"

"What you two said is too exaggerated!"

The eldest lady hurriedly waved her hands and said: "There are many people whose cooking skills are better than mine. How dare I claim to be the best in the world?"

Leaving aside chefs of the older generation like Chef Abei, among the roles of the same generation, Xiao Song, Liu Maoxing, Ren and Lan Feihong are all her competitors.

"Miss, is the young master not exaggerating?"

The secretary could not help but look at the eldest lady, and said, "We are in the world of elves now, so it is true that the eldest lady is the strongest in the world!"

Miss: "..."

She opened her mouth, and then said with a subtle expression: "Is there such a thing?"

"Hahaha, why don't you count?"

Lin Qiong laughed. He winked at the young lady and said, "The number one in the elf world is also the number one in the world!"

"Then it's really easy to be the first in the world."

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing, and then joked: "So, if you go to the world of Misakiji Temple masters and theirs now, they will be the strongest in the world, right?"

"Who said no?"

Lin Qiong showed a smug expression, and said happily, "With my current strength, it's no problem to suppress the entire YOMI with one hand, right?"

"No problem, of course no problem -"

The eldest lady smiled and put the vegetables on the plate into Lin Qiong's bowl, and said with a smile: "Then pre-book the world's strongest Mr. Lin Qiong, and I will trouble you to kill these vegetables!"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Lin Qiong, who is a carnivore, poked the vegetables in front of him with his chopsticks in pain, showing an expression as if he was looking at his lifelong enemy: "But, hate the vegetables! I didn't expect that I, the number one expert in the world, would break in front of you—”

"Qiong, come on~"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong's painful expression and couldn't help but show a hint of joy, "You can't become the strongest in the world if you're afraid of vegetables, right?"


Although Lin Qiong really wanted to say, "You actually want to eat vegetables? It's not appropriate to be the strongest in the world", but looking at the young lady next to him with a teasing face, he not only stuck his neck but said: "I am the most powerful person in the world, How can you be afraid of a mere plate of vegetables? Plate it!"

Lin Qiong who is chewing vegetables: Woohoo, the meat is really delicious (';ω;`)

Chapter 0620 back to the realm of the world

Realm world.

virtual circle.

"Hueco Mundo——"

Lin Qiong stepped on the wall of the Sky City with one foot, opened his hands, and said with great pride: "Your king is back!!"

Phoenix King: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong who was going mad with a slight disdain, and said, "Ah Qiong, you really look like a second grader."

"Master Feng Wang, this statement is slightly wrong. The so-called Secondary School refers to ordinary people's fantasy that they are different from other people and have powers beyond ordinary people."

Lan Ran who was standing on the side pushed his glasses, and said softly: "For example, wearing colored contact lenses and claiming to be the 'Evil King's True Eye', wearing a bandage on his arm and claiming to have sealed the 'Black Flame Dragon', or thinking that he has surpassed 500-year-old magician and more..."

King Feng: "?"

I always feel that a certain trio on another set is screaming—by the way, Aizen, what did you watch in Laputa in the Sky! ?

"However, Lord Qiong is not an ordinary person, but a powerful man with real power!"

Lan Ran showed a gentle smile towards King Feng, and said, "Of course, more importantly, he is indeed the king of Xuquan."

Sen-sama held the crystal ball and muttered the spell, but nothing happened—this is called the Second Second;

Harry Potter holds a staff and sends Avada to eat a big melon to send Dumbledore to heaven-this is called magic.

"Exactly! The virtual circle is indeed my territory, so I call myself the king of the virtual circle. Is there a problem?"

Lin Qiong turned around abruptly, then looked at the upright Feng Wang with a frightened face, and said, "Besides, my identity as the king of the virtual circle is easy to admit by the King of Ling? You have to If you have any opinions, you can go to the Ling King for feedback!"

Of course, the premise is that you have to create Wang Jian first, then break into Sei Ling Ting and defeat the thirteen captains, and then turn over Team Zero before finally coming to the Ling King.

How about it? Is it very simple?

Feng Wang rolled his eyes, then flapped his short wings and flew towards the backyard, saying: "It's time for morning tea, I'm going to have some snacks!"

"You're a fat bird, aren't you afraid of dying of obesity?"

Lin Qiong counted with his fingers speechlessly, and said: "Breakfast, after-dinner fruit, morning tea, lunch, after-dinner fruit, afternoon tea, dinner, after-dinner fruit, and a supper - I didn't count wrong?"

The secretary added: "There are also snacks that I almost never leave my hand."

The eldest lady continued to add: "And the occasional autumn wind from other people's bowls."

Youyou showed a shocked face: "Master Feng Wang is so edible? She, she, how can she pretend?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Maybe, this is what the world calls 'girls have two stomachs'?"

The secretary complained: "Master, let alone two stomachs, even if you have twenty stomachs, you can't stand eating like this!"

Nine meals a day, hiccups every day, but the teacher is not so violent.

Lin Qiong shook his finger and said, "No, no, no, you only need to have two British stomachs."

Secretary: "Fuck!"

Chinese and Japanese bilingual!



Void Night Palace.

"Hmph, is the old king back?"

Holding a palm inlaid with jewels in both hands, Bailegang, who was dressed like a middle-aged gentleman, was looking up at the sky city that was getting closer and closer in the sky, and said with a serious expression: "It seems that the old rule , it's over."

"King Balegon—"

Abirama, who was kneeling behind him on one knee, showed a pained expression, as if the master had humiliated his subject to death, "In our hearts, King Balegon will always be the king we follow!"

"Exactly!" ""

The subordinate officers of Balegang said in unison.

Bai Legang nodded in satisfaction, he waved his hand and said, "Get up."


The subordinate officers stood up obediently, and the expression on their faces that was so sad that they wanted to commit seppuku on the spot was put back within [-] seconds.

It's not shabby to coax the boss.


The next moment, accompanied by a white shadow, Lin Qiong wearing a white windbreaker descended from the sky, then squatted on the city wall and waved towards Bailegang, saying: "Hey! I haven't seen you for a year, have you eaten?"

"Just finished lunch."

Bai Legang looked at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "The leek box and spicy soup that I ate—do you want some, too, Master?"

"No, no, we didn't come here until we finished eating."

Lin Qiong declined Bailegang's invitation, then stood up, glanced at the virtual circle that was in full swing, and said: "Wow, I thought you would turn the virtual circle into a large arena, but I didn't expect it to be true. Are you building?"

"Hmph! The old man has played so many business simulation games, it's not for nothing!"

Bailegang showed a proud expression, and proudly puffed up his chest, saying: "I have prepared a development plan for the virtual circle for the next 200 years, and strive to let all employees enter a well-off society!"

"I'm super, you're such a mess—"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then said to Aizen beside him: "Alan! If I remember correctly, when you first visited Balegang, he seemed to be implementing the 'Blood Hueco Mundo' system Bar?"

Simply and rudely divide the Daxu under his control into two camps and then fight each other. The side that survives is considered the winner - the winner?No, no, no, even if you survive, there will be another time, and the next time!

Aizen smiled and nodded, and said, "That's true! The scene of hundreds of Daxu fighting each other is really fresh in my memory."

"Hmph! Don't mention the past again! The old man admits that the old man was too short-sighted back then!"

Bailegang showed an expression similar to that of Yagami Yue's "Plan", and clenched his fists hard, saying: "Now, I am determined to develop Hueco Mundo into the most prosperous empire in the three realms - let the Soul Society Those bastards are rolling on the floor in envy!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He secretly looked at the subordinate officer of Bailegang, and said in a low voice: "While we were away, did someone come from the Soul Realm?"

"Back to the young master, several captains from the soul world have come to hand over the documents."

Fendor nodded politely and embarrassedly, and said in a low voice: "Well, that, among the captains who came at that time, there was the one from the sixth team..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He seemed to have figured out that Bai Zai, the dead wood, came to Xuquan, and after seeing the slightly desolate Xuye Palace under the rule of Bailegang, he let out a "hum" through his nose with a poker face but a little haughty scene.

It can be said that the irony is full.

'The key to being ridiculed by Byakuya Kuchiki is that I can't refute it, so I can only break my teeth and swallow it...'

Lin Qiong glanced at Bailegang with pity, and couldn't help but draw a sign of the cross on his chest, "Old Bai of Qianlue Heaven, thank you for your hard work." '

"Okay, okay, you're suffocating too."

Lin Qiong comforted the cursing Bailegang and said: "Since you have this idea, then Hueco Mundo will be left to you to manage - let me see what you can develop it into."

Bai Legang suddenly raised his head and asked, "Is it true?"

"When did the young master lie to you? Well, I have to go to the Spiritual Palace to report -"

Lin Qiong patted him on the shoulder, then turned around coolly, and said, "Alan, I will leave the rest of the matter to you."

"I understand! Be careful on the road, Lord Qiong."

Lan Ran smiled and watched Lin Qiong leave, then turned to look at Bailegang, and said, "Let's go! Let me see the 200-year plan you wrote—"



Jingling Ting.

"Check, a high-energy reaction was detected——"

Looking at the alarm on the screen, Ah Jin, with horns growing on his head, shouted in disbelief: "The measurement limit of the instrument has been exceeded, how can this be..."

"Ajin, you idiot! Is that thing on your neck just to make you look taller?"

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