Nie Yuli interrupted Ah Jin's speech, then looked at his deputy director gloomily, and said, "It's time for 'that' to return in the near future—it's normal that the instrument can't detect the upper limit of his spiritual pressure."

He is, after all, an out-and-out monster.


"Hey, old man Shan, long time no see."

Lin Qiong waved to Captain Yamamoto, and said enthusiastically, "Have you eaten yet?"

Yamamoto, who had never seen this kind of greeting before, was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a low voice, "Would Master Lin Qiong want some of the salt-baked saury, miso soup and pickled radish that I just ate this morning?"

"I've already eaten, so I won't bother you."

Lin Qiong politely declined Old Man Shan's invitation, then looked at the sky and said, "I don't know when the members of Team Zero will come over."

"Don't worry, King Ling should already know the news of your return through omniscience."

The know-it-all cat squatted on Lin Qiong's left shoulder, squinted at the increasingly larger black dots in the sky, and said, "Look, isn't this coming?"

After the voice fell, the huge Tianzhu chariot fell to the nearby ground, shaking the surrounding ground and stirring up dust all over the sky.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that after a year, we would come back to Seireitei—"

Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, the monk with a wide body and a fat body but a small mind came out of the Tianzhu chariot, then looked at Lin Qiong standing opposite the old man Shan, suddenly showed a surprised expression, and said: "Oh Oh! Your Excellency is Lord Lin Qiong!"

"It's down."

Lin Qiong nodded towards the monk, and said with a smile, "Thank you for making a trip."

"Hahaha, working for Lord Spirit King, what's not hard work?"

The monk jumped down from the Tianzhu chariot with a smile, and then came to Lin Qiong with brisk steps that were completely out of proportion to his body. He said enthusiastically: "I am the captain of the Zero Squadron, Ichibei of the Military Chief Division. ! Lord Lin Qiong, just call me monk."


Lin Qiong showed a gentle smile, and asked kindly: "Mr. Monk, shall we rest for a while before setting off, or act directly?"

"Haha, it depends on Master Lin Qiong's opinion."

The monk stroked his beard, and said cheerfully, "Lord Ling Wang has specially told me that everything is based on Lord Lin Qiong's will."

As soon as he heard this order, the monk understood a truth - Lin Qiong deserves a good benefit.

Chapter 0621 spirit...... that king?

In the impression of the monk, Lord Ling Wang is a very good-tempered person—otherwise he would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice himself in order to stabilize the future of the Three Realms, and let the nobles of the Soul Realm "kill" him and make him into a A wedge that stabilizes the Three Realms.

However, just before he set off, the very good-tempered and unbelievably nice Lord Ling Wang actually told him with a serious face: "All actions must be obeyed by A Qiong's instructions—his instructions are the second highest priority after I."

This is incredible, isn't it?The monk's eyes turned white with fright when he heard this - doesn't this mean that if Master Lin Qiong wants Yamamoto Genryuzhai to perform the loach dance, he will have to bite the bullet and use "the Spirit King's order" as an excuse to do this. Instructions passed on? ?

What made the monk even more unbelievable was that Lord Ling Wang nodded and said, "You are right, that's it."

As expected of the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord Spirit King, you can easily see through my heart... No, now is not the time to admire this! !

Who is that lord?


'Who is this lord? '

The monk followed Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, observing his every move—to be honest, it was unbelievable, very unbelievable.

He could wink with Jingle Chunshui of the [-]th team familiarly, and then the two huddled together in the corner holding a small yellow book and yelled, and quarreled over the question of "should the dead reservoir water be matched with white silk or black silk" get flushed;

He can cheerfully say hello to Saraki Kenpachi of the [-]th team, take out snacks and feed Yaqianliu, and then have a big fight with Saraki Kenpachi, replacing the bell on the opponent's hairstyle with a screaming chicken;

He can gossipy in front of Unohanaretsu from the [-]th team, and ask how the relationship between the [-]th team's Matsumoto Rangiku and the [-]rd team's Ichimaru Gin is going, and if there are any melons to eat;

He can kick open the gate of the sixth team, and then swaggeringly ask Kuchiki Byakuya to make him tea, and bluntly say that this is to vent his anger on Bailegang, and leave a sentence: "This Kuchiki Patriarch, you don't want to I called your wife back to Xuquan to sweep the streets of Xuye Palace, right?"

'He seems to be able to chat with anyone...'

The monk silently touched his beard and thought: 'Could he be the legendary She Niu? '

If Lin Qiong knew what the monk was thinking, he might not have laughed on the spot.

When he first got the world-transmitting gate, Lin Qiong was still a "contemporary netizen character" who would be at a loss when facing strangers, but would be particularly mad when facing acquaintances.

Later, after being guided by the eldest lady and the secretary, and having the experience of being a king in the world of the bone king, Lin Qiong gradually got rid of the shadow of social terror.

Lin Qiong's social fear mainly comes from lack of self-confidence. He is afraid that he will make mistakes, that he will be laughed at if he is embarrassed, and that he will be blamed if he messes up - but after his strength improved, he no longer Troubled by this aspect.

laugh at me?Try laughing again?Believe it or not, Laozi Bangbang will give you two punches!



After wandering around the world of corpses and souls, and saying hello to acquaintances, Lin Qiong and his party came to the outskirts of the Lingwang Palace.

"The concentration of spiritual particles (magic power) here has risen again."

After the omnipotent cat felt the magic around him, he said: "It seems that the Spirit King has gained a lot during this time."

"Well, the magic power has already turned into mist—"

The secretary slid his fingers in the air a few times, feeling the magic in the air, and sighed: "Living in this environment, even if you don't practice at all, you can still reach the captain level by just eating and waiting to die, right?"

"This is true in theory, but it is unrealistic - even the captain of the Thirteenth Division comes to the Spirit King's Palace and will lose the ability to move due to the high concentration of spirit children."

The monk shook his head and explained, "If it is replaced by a weaker Death God, I am afraid that it will not be long before he loses his life."

In the original book, even Kurosaki Ichigo, who is far superior to the ordinary captain, went to the monk's palace, but lost the ability to move because of the high concentration of spiritual particles.

"It's impossible for an ordinary god of death to come here, right?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's go find the Spirit King quickly! Don't let people wait too long -"

"Young Master, who the hell just walked around the Seiring Court for hours?"

The secretary made a sharp complaint, "You are the real culprit who kept the Soul King waiting for so long, right?"


Lin Qiong glared at the secretary, and said, "Secretary An dare to poke the young master's mouth?"

"Master, this is too much for you!"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and complained, "This is an act of authority dog! I protest!"


Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "Who in the hall is suing me?"

Secretary: "..."

"Puff haha——"

The eldest lady at the side laughed out loud, she leaned on the secretary, and teased: "Fei Shazi, give up! In terms of unscrupulousness, you are no match for Qiong."

"No, what you said..."

A question mark popped up in Lin Qiong's head. He looked at the eldest lady who couldn't help laughing, and said, "Why do I feel that you are praising me on the surface, but actually hurting me?"

This wave, this wave is called overt praise and covert derogation?

The eldest lady blinked her eyes and said, "Congratulations, you are right!"

"Fuck (Chinese-Japanese bilingual!"

Lin Qiong pointed at the eldest lady with a fierce face, squinted his eyes and said, "You wait for Ao, I will have your good juice tonight!"

Miss: "..."

She pondered for a moment, then glanced at the secretary next to her, and thought: "The Paradise Project, there is no delay!" '

She didn't want to stage something like "nakiri died of dehydration before the cooking was half done"-if this method of death was recorded in the novel, it would definitely become a dark history that will never be erased for 99 generations!



Lingwang Palace, the main hall.

"Mr. Lin Qiong——"

Looking at the Hall of the True Spirit King in front of him, the monk showed a solemn expression, and said to Lin Qiong beside him, "Don't be surprised to see His Majesty the Spirit King later."

Lin Qiong: "Ang? Why are you surprised?"

"This, it's hard for me to say -"

The monk touched his bald head in distress, and said, "Anyway, you'll know after you've seen it."

Lin Qiong nodded in a daze, then exchanged glances with the eldest lady beside him, and then slowly stepped up the stairs of the Lingwang Hall under the gaze of the monk.

"I'm a little curious - what happened to King Ling, the monk deliberately told me not to be surprised when I saw him."

Lin Qiong put his hand on the door of the Spirit King's Palace, smiled and said to the eldest lady beside him: "Did the Spirit King see that Brother Hunchback is very popular, so he became Brother Samo?"

Miss: "..."

She had no choice but to lightly poke Lin Qiong's waist, and complained, "Aren't you afraid that King Ling will strike you with lightning after you say such things?"

"Tch, with my current physical strength, it's no problem for me to resist a Positronic city-breaking cannon."

Lin Qiong boasted casually, then pushed open the door and said: "Brother Spirit King, I'm back!!"

"Thanks for your hard work--"

An ethereal voice with a hint of hoarseness, as if a clear spring was flowing through the heart to bring healing to people, sounded from the hall: "Aqiong, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Qiong & Missy & Secretary & Yoyo: "?????"



The monk under His Royal Highness: "..."

Hey, I said it all, don't be surprised!

However, Lord Ling Wang is really powerful, he easily did things that we couldn't do.



"No, no no no no no..."

Lin Qiong shook his head like Ah Wei who was about to be slapped by Brother Jie, "Ling, Ling King? Is he the Ling King? Yes!? Am I right? I haven't been in the mirror either?! "


The other party nodded, put his right hand on his chest, and said seriously: "The one standing in front of you is the undoubted Spirit King!"


Lin Qiong raised his hands and grabbed his scalp—Frightened Feng Wang hurriedly jumped on the young lady's head—then looked at the young lady and the secretary, and said, "Which of you can understand the current situation? To be honest, My brain, I'm overloaded I-"

It's all a bit incoherent.

The eldest lady rubbed her forehead and said: "Although I can understand the current situation, I can't understand why it has become like this—"

The secretary nodded blankly: "Me too."

At this moment, the King Ling standing in front of Lin Qiong was a woman in palace attire about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a phoenix crown and a scarf—she had long black hair that was as black as ink and fell like a waterfall. Under the slender willow-leaf eyebrows, the pair of red phoenix eyes that can overflow with water are looking at Lin Qiong with eyes full of tenderness and doting.

She is a "big" sister who has the power of "motherhood" and "healing" to her fullest extent. She is really big, bigger than Kurumi's head.

"Because I...I feel—"

King Ling glanced at Lin Qiong (the know-it-all cat on his shoulder), then withdrew his gaze, and said, "If you get along with you in this posture, it will make you more relaxed and happier."

"One thing to say, it's true——"

Lin Qiong nodded blankly and said, "Who can refuse such a long and straight black sister? Secretary, can you?"

The secretary shook his head: "I can't."

"Erina, can you?"

The eldest lady shook her head: "I can't either."

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