Lin Qiong raised his hands and rubbed his face, and said: "But when you come here, the difficulty is directly raised from ten to one thousand—I think you are making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger."

"It's not as exaggerated as reaching a thousand."

Mio blinked her eyes, showed a faint smile, and said, "It's about a hundred at most?"

After all, this move only has a single space rule, and there is no more complex two-in-one, three-in-one or even multi-in-one compound defense.

Already show mercy!

Lin Qiong: "..."

Swastika: Star God White Night King!

After turning on the swastika state, Lin Qiong pressed his hands in front of him, concentrating the magic power in his palms, then pushed his hands forward in the shape of a calyx, and shouted: "The stars spread and explode!"

In the world of Fairy Tail, in order to destroy Fez all over the world, Lin Qiong once used this move, but once in order to show off his skills, he changed the method of launching the move to "swing thousands of punches in an instant, Every punch shoots a shooting star."

Although handsome, there is no such thing as Uzuki.


Accompanied by the sound of friction between the magic power and the atmosphere, thousands of white arc-shaped rays shot forward from Lin Qiong's palm, and then surrounded Mio without any dead ends, but...

However, a strange scene appeared

All the rays suddenly stopped in mid-air when they were about five meters away from Mio—even though they were still dragging the swaying tail flames, they could only be like fixed maps in the air, unable to move forward even one centimeter.

Next, Lin Qiong will maintain the attack while using the law of space to break through Mio's defense.


"Elongate the space of one millimeter to exceed the distance of the opponent's attack, and then connect this space end to end—"

The know-it-all cat lay on Irene's shoulder, looked at the sweet and sweet Elusa who was sleeping in her arms, and explained: "This is the formation of a defense circle that can make ordinary people despair."

Lin Qiong's diffuse explosion is tens of meters long, so Mio set the length of the buffer space to 100 meters—in other words, the rays of Lin Qiong's diffuse explosion will endlessly loop over the distance of 100 meters.

"Exquisite spatial utilization and control—"

Irene couldn't help but let out a sigh after listening to Maomao's explanation, "The young master is really amazing, to accept this level of assessment."

"Did you do something wrong?"

Know-it-all Maomao turned her head to look at Irene, and said, "For her, this level of space utilization is just an entry in the beginning?"

Erin: "Huh?"

"Her last test used only one space application, and this time she used two space applications."

The jack-of-all-trades cat looked at Irene sideways, and said, "But whether it's one or two, it's just a very superficial application—with yesterday's foundation, it should take Aqiong to break through this layer of shield." In less than an hour."

"It only takes an hour?"

Irene couldn't help but leaned back, and muttered: "Master, it took a long time to break through the first level yesterday? Why did the difficulty increase but the time decrease?"

"Because before this, Aqiong would only use his strength according to the planks I set up for him in advance."

The know-it-all cat jumped off Irene's body, landed lightly on the ground, and said, "Now, he is analyzing and transforming those forces into his own shape."

simply put--

In the past, Lin Qiong only used the software that Ms. Know-it-all prepared for him in advance - IDM for downloading web links, 115 for downloading magnetic links, boobar for listening to local music, edge for browsing the web, etc.

Now Lin Qiong has started to learn programming by himself, and then edited the most suitable software according to his own needs-from this step, Lin Qiong has truly embarked on the road of the strong.

"There's a mixed feeling."

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong who was thinking about how to break through Mio's shield, and couldn't help smacking her lips, and said, "There is both the satisfaction of watching him grow, and the reluctance to see him become independent."

"Relax, Miss Know-It-All—"

Irene chuckled and said, "No matter how strong the young master becomes, he will still rely on you."

After all, you are the young master's external brain!

"Hmph, this sentence scores very high here, doesn't it?"

Miss Know-It-All waggled her tail happily, then lay down on the soft cushion and said lazily: "That's right! According to my observation, the eldest lady's side should have already started to take action - I'm afraid it won't be long. , you can get your wish.”

Hearing what Ms. Know-it-all said, Irene was stunned for a moment, and then various images involuntarily appeared in her mind, which immediately made her blushed and lowered her head.

"Tsk tsk, what a simple and easy-to-understand little girl—"

Miss Know-It-All shook her head, then shook her tail lightly, thinking: "However, Miss, once the city gate is opened, it will not be so easy to close it again—"


"It is indeed not an easy task——"

The eldest lady put the fried chicken in the bowl into Lin Qiong's bowl, and said with a smile: "However, Ah Qiong did it, didn't he? It's really amazing."

"Hmph, it's okay to praise me more, okay?"

Lin Qiong raised his chin slightly, showing a smug smile, and said, "Hmph, I'm the man who broke Mio's shield in 37 minutes!"

"Yeah! The young master is the most handsome, the young master is the best, the young master is the most amazing—"

The secretary also clapped her hands very proudly and said, "Master, do you still need to continue to praise me? In order to cheer me up, I have recently watched a lot of videos on the Internet and learned a lot of praise quotes. !”

"Qua, Kua Kua Quotations?"

"That's right! For example, I can't describe the young master's handsomeness with all the words I have; for example, young master, a little handsome is fine, and it doesn't have to be so handsome; for example, stardust is the cloak of the universe, and You are the center of the universe..."

"Stop! stop! stop!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his right hand to stop the secretary's boastful talk, and complained: "You boastful quotations, why do you have a feeling of earthy love in it?"

The eldest lady propped her chin up when she heard the words, looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, and said, "Ah Qiong, do you think these words are silly?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He thought for a while and asked, "Isn't it earthy?"

"Fei Shazi, go—"

The eldest lady patted the secretary on the back lightly, then smiled and whispered in her ear: "Let Ah Qing see the power of earthy love words!"

"Eh, eh, eh? Me, am I coming!?"

The secretary suddenly looked at the eldest lady in a panic, and stammered: "This, this, shouldn't the eldest lady come here in this situation?"

"Oh? But isn't Fei Shazi the one responsible for boasting?"

The eldest lady blinked her eyes, and said with a righteous face: "So of course this kind of thing must be carried out by Fei Shazi himself!"

Secretary: "..."

She opened her mouth: If I remember correctly, the one who arranged this boast job for me seems to be you, Missy, right?

Could it be that this is also the eldest lady's conspiracy! ?No no no, impossible, absolutely impossible!How could Missy do such a thing?

'Fei Shazi, how can you doubt the eldest lady! '

The secretary raised his hands and patted his face, then looked at Lin Qiong with eyes as if he was about to go to the battlefield, and said, "Come on, young master, I'm ready!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Why do you look like I'm going to beat you up, but you can't fight back?"

He looked at the secretary speechlessly, and said, "Besides, even if we really need to prepare, it should be on my side, right?"

'Well, does it seem to be the case? '

The secretary sneered, and then changed the subject pretending to be serious: "Cough, cough! Anyway, anyway, young master, please stretch out your hand!"


Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand palm upwards, and said, "Let me Kangkang, what are you going to do!"

"Young master, please wait a moment!"

The secretary opened the small bag he was carrying with him, and then, with Lin Qiong's question mark on his face and the young lady's childish expression on his face, he took out a tube of hand cream, squeezed some out of his palm, and then looked at it again. Lin Qiong said, "Master, I'm going to fuck?"

Lin Qiong was naturally not afraid: "Come on!"

"Then, Fei Shazi, dispatched—"

The secretary took a deep breath, spread the hand cream gently with the palm of his hand, then held Lin Qiong's right hand with a distressed face, and carefully applied the hand cream to every inch of his skin, He said in his mouth: "Today's training has been hard, and the hands have become rough! But the young master during the training is really handsome? I can't even look away..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Duan, the rank is so high! !

Forest Vault, sunk.

Secretary: "..."

Well, so shy! !

Secretary's number, sinking.

Today's victory (barely counted) as the secretary's victory——

Even if it's a rustic love story, it can accurately penetrate the defense if spoken out in this situation!

Chapter 0624 It's all calculations

in the bedroom.

"I was careless, there was no flash."

Like a frightened cat, Lin Qiong looked at the secretary who was sitting by the window and happily chatting with the eldest lady with vigilant eyes, and said to the know-it-all cat lying on his lap: "I It’s just that I didn’t expect that Cricket, a secretary, would have such a high rank in Zhannan!”

Know-it-all cat: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong in shock at this moment, as if she couldn't understand why such a person had the confidence to say such a thing.

What does the secretary do?

She just wrapped Lin Qiong's right hand with those slender, white and tender catkins, and then applied the hand cream bit by bit, carefully and evenly.

Just put on a hand cream, huh?Just like this! ?

'Is there a possibility...'

The know-it-all cat glanced at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and thought: "It's not that her rank is too high, but your rank is too low?" '

It's like a rookie player who just entered the pit and is still fighting with a simple man-machine, is suddenly brutalized by a player with a brass four, and can't help shouting "I'm Zhuo, God!".

"What's your look like?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the know-it-all cat, and couldn't help but said: "Why do I see [why this person insists on saying that other people are high-ranking] from your eyes!?"

Know-it-all cat: "?"

Why are you so keen on this kind of thing! ?Is it the intuition of a fool?No, this guy isn't stupid, he's just too lazy to use his brain...

"Hmph, did I tell you right?"

Lin Qiong pinched the face of Maomao of all things with his hands, then gently pulled it to the sides, and said, "Maomao of all things is really bad! He actually said bad things about me behind my back——"


Know-it-all Maomao blinked her eyes innocently, and said, "What are you talking about? Maomao doesn't understand! What bad intentions can Maomao have?"

"Huh, Mao Mao has a lot of bad thoughts—"

Lin Qiong held the armpits of Know-it-all Mao Mao with both hands, raised it above his head, then fell on the carpet behind him, and said, "But Mao Mao is too cute, so I let you go!"

Wind Speed ​​Dog: Σ(Д)! ?

She got up from the ground in a hurry, then ran to Lin Qiong shaking her head, and let out a dissatisfied cry: "Wow! Whoa, whoa!"

Wind Speed ​​Dog: Hmph, do you like cats more?So love will disappear right!

"No no no no! Absolutely not, I swear!"

Lin Qiong hastily raised his right hand pretending to be serious, and said solemnly: "I love cats and dogs equally! Whether it is a know-it-all cat or a wind speed dog, they are all my good babies!"

Wind Speed ​​Dog tilted his head back: "Wow?"

Wind Speed ​​Dog: Really? Master!

"That must! When have I lied to you?"

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