Lin Qiong put the know-it-all cat on its head, then stretched out his hands and rubbed the dog's head angrily, and said, "Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) , Bao Xinxin!"

After listening to the San Zi Jing, Feng Su Gou called Sai Abe elated—she limp on the ground on the spot, then stuck out her tongue, and spread her limbs to expose her stomach.

'Fawning, dog minions! '

The know-it-all cat immediately showed a contemptuous expression, then jumped off Lin Qiong with a soft snort, squatted beside the wind speed dog, and yelled: "Meow!"

(Lin Qiong who is enjoying the dog stroke) Lin Qiong & (the one who is enjoying being stroked) Wind Speed ​​Dog: "?"

Under the gaze of one person and one dog, the know-it-all cat gracefully lay on its side on the ground, then rolled over and stretched its limbs, humming: "You can also rua me!"

Lin Qiong: Σ(Д)! ?

Wind Speed ​​Dog: ? ? ?

Now, who is the dog!

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the cat and dog waiting in front of him, and couldn't help but fell into a short thought, and then...

"Oh, children make choices!"

Lin Qiong slowly clenched his fists and grinned, "And I want them all!"

Left dog right cat, there is no match in the world!

The eldest lady and secretary beside the bed: "..."

Miss Know-it-all, Miss Know-it-all, what are you doing, Miss Know-it-all!


"Huh, I'm tired."

After enjoying a wave of cat and dog (and obedient and clingy) happiness, Lin Qiong lazily leaned on the belly of the wind speed dog, and then put the know-it-all cat on his belly, feeling very happy Said: "There are cats and dogs, there is nothing more to ask for!"

Fairy Ibrahimovic who just landed on the window sill and was about to jump into the bedroom: "..."

Meow meow meow! ?Man, what did they hear! ?With cats and dogs, look no further! ?

She couldn't help but let out Lady Cao's voice: "Booy!"

what about me!

Lin Qiong: "Hey!? Yi, Ibrahimovic!? When did you come back!"

Ibrahimovic: "_——"

She stared at Lin Qiong in front of her with unkind eyes—quite badly—then stepped on her feet and rushed towards him, "Boy!!"

The ultimate shock! !

"Hi! The little guy has a big temper—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and gently embraced it, and after removing the impact of Fairy Ibrahimovic, he hugged him into his arms and said, "Of course Fairy Ibrahimovic is important too!"





Is it really true! ?

"Really true!"

Lin Qiong rubbed Ibrahimovic's face, and said solemnly: "Actually, what I want to say is that there are cats, dogs and Ibrahimovic, so there is nothing left to ask for!"

"Boo, Booy!"

If so, then forgive you!

"So cute~"

Lin Qiong touched Ibrahimovic's head with a smile, then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking: "Fortunately, Steel Armored Crow and Geng Gui are not by my side, otherwise this day may not be able to pass—"

Steel Armored Crow is currently following Master Abei to protect the safety of her family.

Gengar hides in the shadow of Nakiri's house, protecting the safety of Nakiri's family.

So, be safe!



The eldest lady sat on the chair of the small table beside the bed, looked at Lin Qiong who was immersed in the boundless happiness of life with cats, dogs, and Ibrahimovic, and asked, "Ah Qiong, how is the touch of Fei Shazi's hand?" ?”

"Puff cough cough cough—"

Lin Qiong didn't catch his breath, and coughed hard several times before recovering, "You, cough, you, what do you mean?"

"Hahaha, don't act like this, I'm not interrogating you—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's nervous expression, the eldest lady couldn't help laughing, "I'm just curious about your feelings—tell me quickly, when Fei Shazi was rubbing the hand cream on you, what were you? idea?"

"I, what can I think?"

Lin Qiong said that even if he died, his mouth would still be stiff, "To be honest, it feels normal!"

"Boo boo—"

The eldest lady wrinkled her nose, looked at Lin Qiong dissatisfied, and said, "Ah Qiong, do you think I will believe your statement?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Well, he didn't believe it himself.

"No, what's your question—"

Lin Qiong's face was almost wrinkled into an old chrysanthemum, "You are asking a death question, okay? How do you want to answer it?"

"Why don't you just tell the truth?!"

The eldest lady was lying on the ground, her jade feet exposed to the air moved lightly, as if there was an indescribable ease, "I'm not an unreasonable person!"

This is a lie. All the actions of the eldest lady now are just to induce Lin Qiong to give the answer she wants.

Prosthetic eyes are really good, she is a bad woman.

"Then, did I really say that?"

After hearing what the eldest lady said, Lin Qiong couldn't help hesitating for a few seconds, and then asked tentatively: "Then I really said it?"

The eldest lady urged: "Say it!"

"Ahem, then I really said—"

Lin Qiong confirmed it again. After seeing the young lady nodding to signal him to hurry up, he couldn't help but blush, then leaned into the young lady's ear and said, "To be honest, my heart is beating so fast! I feel like I'm about to be teased—Oh my god, if I'm still single, I'll definitely be taken down at that moment!"

"Oh, is it so--"

The eldest lady narrowed her eyes immediately, then elongated her voice, and said, "Hey—yes! This! Like! Ah!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He immediately leaned back and looked at the young lady in front of him with unbelievable eyes, as if he had never expected her to say such a thing, "No, no, no, no, no! Didn't you just say that you are not an unreasonable person?" ?"

The eldest lady nodded: "Yes, that's what I said."

Lin Qiong: "Then why are you angry!?"

The eldest lady said confidently: "I did say that I am not an unreasonable person, but I didn't say that I am not angry?"

Lin Qiong: "?!"

Ok?Ok? ?

An unimaginable routine! ?

"No! I, Lin Qiong, have been cautious all my life, but I didn't expect to be planted here!"

Lin Qiong clasped his head in his hands and groaned, and then he turned his attention to the cat and cat who was lying on the back of the wind speed dog and watching the show, and said, "Miss Know-it-all, why don't you promote me? Aww-"

"Eh? Is this actually a reminder?"

Knowing everything, Mao Mao pretended to be confused, pretending to be confused, and said with a puzzled face: "I thought you understood—how could you tell your girlfriend that you were so moved by other girls?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Bean-sized drops of sweat slid down his forehead——Xi, Xima Da!Because the external brain (referring to the know-it-all cat) is by my side, I am completely immersed in a comfortable atmosphere!

"Backstab, this iron backstab!"

Lin Qiong gritted his teeth and looked at Maomao, and said, "You must be..."


The lady's faint voice came from the side, making Lin Qiong's next words stuck in his throat, "Don't try to distract me by playing tricks, okay?"

"Sorry I was wrong."

Lin Qiong's eyes are on the nose, the nose is on the heart, and his main focus is an attitude of admitting mistakes (primary school review experience), "I repent, I'm guilty, I shouldn't..."

"My dear Dome, if an apology is of any use, what are the police to do?"

The eldest lady smiled and stretched out her hands to caress Lin Qiong's cheeks, and said softly: "If you do something wrong, you need to make up for it. Am I right?"

Lin Qiong nodded stiffly: "Indeed, indeed—"

"Then, I want you to promise me one thing!"

The eldest lady approached Lin Qiong's ear with a smile, and whispered, "I hope..."

When the young lady's words reached Lin Qiong's ears, his pupils trembled slightly, his pupils trembled slightly, his pupils trembled violently, and his pupils trembled enormously, "This, this, this, this kind of PIay, is it really a man?"

The eldest lady squinted her eyes and asked, "Just say whether you agree or not!"


Lin Qiong showed an expression that was so entangled that his brain was shocked, and then he struggled for more than a minute before nodding his head with difficulty, and said, "Just, just once!"

The eldest lady nodded in satisfaction and said, "One time is enough!"

Hmph, Fei Shazi, just come here and help me push my butt, and then share the manure of this cow! !

Chapter 0625

"Don't you think it's strange?"

During the interval between training, Lin Qiong held a Snickers bar in his mouth, and said to Feng Wang who was squatting on his finger: "How do I feel the impact of that thing (pointing to the hand cream) on the secretary?" , has a greater impact than me??"

Logically speaking, Lin Qiong, who had been tricked by the eldest lady and agreed to some subtle requests, didn't know how to face the secretary, right?But why...


Once again, the familiar eyes came, and Lin Qiong paused while he was eating snacks, and then turned his head twitching at the corner of his mouth - just in time to see the movement of a certain secretary retracting into the door.

Lin Qiong turned around speechlessly, and said, "Did you see that? Since that day, the secretary has been in this state!"

Why do you have a bigger reaction than me? Hey!

"I'm not very good at answering this question for you."

Feng Wang crossed his wings and folded his chest, made a pensive expression, and said, "Because I'm just a sparrow!"

"You're a hammer sparrow—"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who was dying speechlessly, and said, "Please, what you are sealed by Brother Tuozi is strength, it is Pava, not IQ!"

"Is there a possibility..."

Feng Wang pondered for a few seconds, then made an empty-headed expression, and said baba baba: "I'm a fool, baba baba——wait a minute, Tie Baa, what are you doing!"

"It's nothing, just look at the news."

Lin Qiong silently stopped the recording, then opened the photo album at the speed of light, selected the video just now, and hid it, "If you don't believe me, look, there is nothing in the photo album."

"Red bean puree?"

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